/* * Copyright (c) 2017 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include "call/rtp_config.h" #include #include "absl/algorithm/container.h" #include "api/array_view.h" #include "rtc_base/checks.h" #include "rtc_base/strings/string_builder.h" namespace webrtc { namespace { uint32_t FindAssociatedSsrc(uint32_t ssrc, const std::vector& ssrcs, const std::vector& associated_ssrcs) { RTC_DCHECK_EQ(ssrcs.size(), associated_ssrcs.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < ssrcs.size(); ++i) { if (ssrcs[i] == ssrc) return associated_ssrcs[i]; } RTC_NOTREACHED(); return 0; } } // namespace std::string LntfConfig::ToString() const { return enabled ? "{enabled: true}" : "{enabled: false}"; } std::string NackConfig::ToString() const { char buf[1024]; rtc::SimpleStringBuilder ss(buf); ss << "{rtp_history_ms: " << rtp_history_ms; ss << '}'; return ss.str(); } std::string UlpfecConfig::ToString() const { char buf[1024]; rtc::SimpleStringBuilder ss(buf); ss << "{ulpfec_payload_type: " << ulpfec_payload_type; ss << ", red_payload_type: " << red_payload_type; ss << ", red_rtx_payload_type: " << red_rtx_payload_type; ss << '}'; return ss.str(); } bool UlpfecConfig::operator==(const UlpfecConfig& other) const { return ulpfec_payload_type == other.ulpfec_payload_type && red_payload_type == other.red_payload_type && red_rtx_payload_type == other.red_rtx_payload_type; } RtpConfig::RtpConfig() = default; RtpConfig::RtpConfig(const RtpConfig&) = default; RtpConfig::~RtpConfig() = default; RtpConfig::Flexfec::Flexfec() = default; RtpConfig::Flexfec::Flexfec(const Flexfec&) = default; RtpConfig::Flexfec::~Flexfec() = default; std::string RtpConfig::ToString() const { char buf[2 * 1024]; rtc::SimpleStringBuilder ss(buf); ss << "{ssrcs: ["; for (size_t i = 0; i < ssrcs.size(); ++i) { ss << ssrcs[i]; if (i != ssrcs.size() - 1) ss << ", "; } ss << "], rids: ["; for (size_t i = 0; i < rids.size(); ++i) { ss << rids[i]; if (i != rids.size() - 1) ss << ", "; } ss << "], mid: '" << mid << "'"; ss << ", rtcp_mode: " << (rtcp_mode == RtcpMode::kCompound ? "RtcpMode::kCompound" : "RtcpMode::kReducedSize"); ss << ", max_packet_size: " << max_packet_size; ss << ", extmap-allow-mixed: " << (extmap_allow_mixed ? "true" : "false"); ss << ", extensions: ["; for (size_t i = 0; i < extensions.size(); ++i) { ss << extensions[i].ToString(); if (i != extensions.size() - 1) ss << ", "; } ss << ']'; ss << ", lntf: " << lntf.ToString(); ss << ", nack: {rtp_history_ms: " << nack.rtp_history_ms << '}'; ss << ", ulpfec: " << ulpfec.ToString(); ss << ", payload_name: " << payload_name; ss << ", payload_type: " << payload_type; ss << ", raw_payload: " << (raw_payload ? "true" : "false"); ss << ", flexfec: {payload_type: " << flexfec.payload_type; ss << ", ssrc: " << flexfec.ssrc; ss << ", protected_media_ssrcs: ["; for (size_t i = 0; i < flexfec.protected_media_ssrcs.size(); ++i) { ss << flexfec.protected_media_ssrcs[i]; if (i != flexfec.protected_media_ssrcs.size() - 1) ss << ", "; } ss << "]}"; ss << ", rtx: " << rtx.ToString(); ss << ", c_name: " << c_name; ss << '}'; return ss.str(); } RtpConfig::Rtx::Rtx() = default; RtpConfig::Rtx::Rtx(const Rtx&) = default; RtpConfig::Rtx::~Rtx() = default; std::string RtpConfig::Rtx::ToString() const { char buf[1024]; rtc::SimpleStringBuilder ss(buf); ss << "{ssrcs: ["; for (size_t i = 0; i < ssrcs.size(); ++i) { ss << ssrcs[i]; if (i != ssrcs.size() - 1) ss << ", "; } ss << ']'; ss << ", payload_type: " << payload_type; ss << '}'; return ss.str(); } bool RtpConfig::IsMediaSsrc(uint32_t ssrc) const { return absl::c_linear_search(ssrcs, ssrc); } bool RtpConfig::IsRtxSsrc(uint32_t ssrc) const { return absl::c_linear_search(rtx.ssrcs, ssrc); } bool RtpConfig::IsFlexfecSsrc(uint32_t ssrc) const { return flexfec.payload_type != -1 && ssrc == flexfec.ssrc; } absl::optional RtpConfig::GetRtxSsrcAssociatedWithMediaSsrc( uint32_t media_ssrc) const { RTC_DCHECK(IsMediaSsrc(media_ssrc)); // If we don't use RTX there is no association. if (rtx.ssrcs.empty()) return absl::nullopt; // If we use RTX there MUST be an association ssrcs[i] <-> rtx.ssrcs[i]. RTC_DCHECK_EQ(ssrcs.size(), rtx.ssrcs.size()); return FindAssociatedSsrc(media_ssrc, ssrcs, rtx.ssrcs); } uint32_t RtpConfig::GetMediaSsrcAssociatedWithRtxSsrc(uint32_t rtx_ssrc) const { RTC_DCHECK(IsRtxSsrc(rtx_ssrc)); // If we use RTX there MUST be an association ssrcs[i] <-> rtx.ssrcs[i]. RTC_DCHECK_EQ(ssrcs.size(), rtx.ssrcs.size()); return FindAssociatedSsrc(rtx_ssrc, rtx.ssrcs, ssrcs); } uint32_t RtpConfig::GetMediaSsrcAssociatedWithFlexfecSsrc( uint32_t flexfec_ssrc) const { RTC_DCHECK(IsFlexfecSsrc(flexfec_ssrc)); // If we use FlexFEC there MUST be an associated media ssrc. // // TODO(brandtr/hbos): The current implementation only supports an association // with a single media ssrc. If multiple ssrcs are to be supported in the // future, in order not to break GetStats()'s packet and byte counters, we // must be able to tell how many packets and bytes have contributed to which // SSRC. RTC_DCHECK_EQ(1u, flexfec.protected_media_ssrcs.size()); uint32_t media_ssrc = flexfec.protected_media_ssrcs[0]; RTC_DCHECK(IsMediaSsrc(media_ssrc)); return media_ssrc; } absl::optional RtpConfig::GetRidForSsrc(uint32_t ssrc) const { auto it = std::find(ssrcs.begin(), ssrcs.end(), ssrc); if (it != ssrcs.end()) { size_t ssrc_index = std::distance(ssrcs.begin(), it); if (ssrc_index < rids.size()) { return rids[ssrc_index]; } } return absl::nullopt; } } // namespace webrtc