/* * Copyright (c) 2015 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #ifndef CALL_RTP_VIDEO_SENDER_H_ #define CALL_RTP_VIDEO_SENDER_H_ #include #include #include #include #include "absl/types/optional.h" #include "api/array_view.h" #include "api/call/transport.h" #include "api/fec_controller.h" #include "api/fec_controller_override.h" #include "api/rtc_event_log/rtc_event_log.h" #include "api/transport/field_trial_based_config.h" #include "api/video_codecs/video_encoder.h" #include "call/rtp_config.h" #include "call/rtp_payload_params.h" #include "call/rtp_transport_controller_send_interface.h" #include "call/rtp_video_sender_interface.h" #include "modules/rtp_rtcp/include/flexfec_sender.h" #include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtp_sender.h" #include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtp_sender_video.h" #include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtp_sequence_number_map.h" #include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtp_video_header.h" #include "modules/utility/include/process_thread.h" #include "rtc_base/constructor_magic.h" #include "rtc_base/critical_section.h" #include "rtc_base/rate_limiter.h" #include "rtc_base/thread_annotations.h" #include "rtc_base/thread_checker.h" namespace webrtc { class FrameEncryptorInterface; class RTPFragmentationHeader; class RtpRtcp; class RtpTransportControllerSendInterface; namespace webrtc_internal_rtp_video_sender { // RTP state for a single simulcast stream. Internal to the implementation of // RtpVideoSender. struct RtpStreamSender { RtpStreamSender(std::unique_ptr rtp_rtcp, std::unique_ptr sender_video, std::unique_ptr fec_generator); ~RtpStreamSender(); RtpStreamSender(RtpStreamSender&&) = default; RtpStreamSender& operator=(RtpStreamSender&&) = default; // Note: Needs pointer stability. std::unique_ptr rtp_rtcp; std::unique_ptr sender_video; std::unique_ptr fec_generator; }; } // namespace webrtc_internal_rtp_video_sender // RtpVideoSender routes outgoing data to the correct sending RTP module, based // on the simulcast layer in RTPVideoHeader. class RtpVideoSender : public RtpVideoSenderInterface, public VCMProtectionCallback, public StreamFeedbackObserver { public: // Rtp modules are assumed to be sorted in simulcast index order. RtpVideoSender( Clock* clock, std::map suspended_ssrcs, const std::map& states, const RtpConfig& rtp_config, int rtcp_report_interval_ms, Transport* send_transport, const RtpSenderObservers& observers, RtpTransportControllerSendInterface* transport, RtcEventLog* event_log, RateLimiter* retransmission_limiter, // move inside RtpTransport std::unique_ptr fec_controller, FrameEncryptorInterface* frame_encryptor, const CryptoOptions& crypto_options, // move inside RtpTransport rtc::scoped_refptr frame_transformer); ~RtpVideoSender() override; // RegisterProcessThread register |module_process_thread| with those objects // that use it. Registration has to happen on the thread were // |module_process_thread| was created (libjingle's worker thread). // TODO(perkj): Replace the use of |module_process_thread| with a TaskQueue, // maybe |worker_queue|. void RegisterProcessThread(ProcessThread* module_process_thread) RTC_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(crit_) override; void DeRegisterProcessThread() RTC_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(crit_) override; // RtpVideoSender will only route packets if being active, all packets will be // dropped otherwise. void SetActive(bool active) RTC_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(crit_) override; // Sets the sending status of the rtp modules and appropriately sets the // payload router to active if any rtp modules are active. void SetActiveModules(const std::vector active_modules) RTC_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(crit_) override; bool IsActive() RTC_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(crit_) override; void OnNetworkAvailability(bool network_available) RTC_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(crit_) override; std::map GetRtpStates() const RTC_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(crit_) override; std::map GetRtpPayloadStates() const RTC_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(crit_) override; void DeliverRtcp(const uint8_t* packet, size_t length) RTC_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(crit_) override; // Implements webrtc::VCMProtectionCallback. int ProtectionRequest(const FecProtectionParams* delta_params, const FecProtectionParams* key_params, uint32_t* sent_video_rate_bps, uint32_t* sent_nack_rate_bps, uint32_t* sent_fec_rate_bps) RTC_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(crit_) override; // Implements FecControllerOverride. void SetFecAllowed(bool fec_allowed) RTC_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(crit_) override; // Implements EncodedImageCallback. // Returns 0 if the packet was routed / sent, -1 otherwise. EncodedImageCallback::Result OnEncodedImage( const EncodedImage& encoded_image, const CodecSpecificInfo* codec_specific_info, const RTPFragmentationHeader* fragmentation) RTC_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(crit_) override; void OnBitrateAllocationUpdated(const VideoBitrateAllocation& bitrate) RTC_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(crit_) override; void OnTransportOverheadChanged(size_t transport_overhead_bytes_per_packet) RTC_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(crit_) override; void OnBitrateUpdated(BitrateAllocationUpdate update, int framerate) RTC_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(crit_) override; uint32_t GetPayloadBitrateBps() const RTC_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(crit_) override; uint32_t GetProtectionBitrateBps() const RTC_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(crit_) override; void SetEncodingData(size_t width, size_t height, size_t num_temporal_layers) RTC_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(crit_) override; std::vector GetSentRtpPacketInfos( uint32_t ssrc, rtc::ArrayView sequence_numbers) const RTC_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(crit_) override; // From StreamFeedbackObserver. void OnPacketFeedbackVector( std::vector packet_feedback_vector) RTC_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(crit_) override; private: bool IsActiveLocked() RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(crit_); void SetActiveModulesLocked(const std::vector active_modules) RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(crit_); void UpdateModuleSendingState() RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(crit_); void ConfigureProtection(); void ConfigureSsrcs(); void ConfigureRids(); bool NackEnabled() const; uint32_t GetPacketizationOverheadRate() const; const FieldTrialBasedConfig field_trials_; const bool send_side_bwe_with_overhead_; const bool account_for_packetization_overhead_; const bool use_early_loss_detection_; const bool has_packet_feedback_; // TODO(holmer): Remove crit_ once RtpVideoSender runs on the // transport task queue. rtc::CriticalSection crit_; bool active_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(crit_); ProcessThread* module_process_thread_; rtc::ThreadChecker module_process_thread_checker_; std::map suspended_ssrcs_; const std::unique_ptr fec_controller_; bool fec_allowed_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(crit_); // Rtp modules are assumed to be sorted in simulcast index order. const std::vector rtp_streams_; const RtpConfig rtp_config_; const absl::optional codec_type_; RtpTransportControllerSendInterface* const transport_; // When using the generic descriptor we want all simulcast streams to share // one frame id space (so that the SFU can switch stream without having to // rewrite the frame id), therefore |shared_frame_id| has to live in a place // where we are aware of all the different streams. int64_t shared_frame_id_ = 0; std::vector params_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(crit_); size_t transport_overhead_bytes_per_packet_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(crit_); uint32_t protection_bitrate_bps_; uint32_t encoder_target_rate_bps_; std::vector loss_mask_vector_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(crit_); std::vector frame_counts_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(crit_); FrameCountObserver* const frame_count_observer_; // Effectively const map from SSRC to RtpRtcp, for all media SSRCs. // This map is set at construction time and never changed, but it's // non-trivial to make it properly const. std::map ssrc_to_rtp_module_; RTC_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(RtpVideoSender); }; } // namespace webrtc #endif // CALL_RTP_VIDEO_SENDER_H_