# API header files As a user of the WebRTC library, you may use headers and build files in the following directories: API directory | Including subdirectories? --------------|------------------------- `api` | Yes For now, you may also use headers and build files in the following legacy API directories—but see the [disclaimer](#legacy-disclaimer) below. Legacy API directory | Including subdirectories? -------------------------------------------|-------------------------- `common_audio/include` | No `media/base` | No `media/engine` | No `modules/audio_coding/include` | No `modules/audio_device/include` | No `modules/audio_processing/include` | No `modules/congestion_controller/include` | No `modules/include` | No `modules/rtp_rtcp/include` | No `modules/rtp_rtcp/source` | No `modules/utility/include` | No `modules/video_coding/codecs/h264/include` | No `modules/video_coding/codecs/vp8/include` | No `modules/video_coding/codecs/vp9/include` | No `modules/video_coding/include` | No `pc` | No `rtc_base` | No `system_wrappers/include` | No While the files, types, functions, macros, build targets, etc. in the API and legacy API directories will sometimes undergo incompatible changes, such changes will be announced in advance to [discuss-webrtc@googlegroups.com][discuss-webrtc], and a migration path will be provided. [discuss-webrtc]: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/discuss-webrtc In the directories not listed in the tables above, incompatible changes may happen at any time, and are not announced. ## The legacy API directories contain some things you shouldn’t use The legacy API directories, in addition to things that genuinely should be part of the API, also contain things that should *not* be part of the API. We are in the process of moving the good stuff to the `api` directory tree, and will remove directories from the legacy list once they no longer contain anything that should be in the API. In other words, if you find things in the legacy API directories that don’t seem like they belong in the WebRTC native API, don’t grow too attached to them. ## All these worlds are yours—except Europa In the API headers, or in files included by the API headers, there are types, functions, namespaces, etc. that have `impl` or `internal` in their names (in various styles, such as `CamelCaseImpl`, `snake_case_impl`). They are not part of the API, and may change incompatibly at any time; do not use them. # Preprocessor macros The following preprocessor macros are read (but never set) by WebRTC; they allow you to enable or disable parts of WebRTC at compile time. Be sure to set them the same way in all translation units that include WebRTC code. ## `WEBRTC_EXCLUDE_BUILT_IN_SSL_ROOT_CERTS` If you want to ship your own set of SSL certificates and inject them into WebRTC PeerConnections, you will probably want to avoid to compile and ship WebRTC's default set of SSL certificates. You can achieve this by defining the preprocessor macro `WEBRTC_EXCLUDE_BUILT_IN_SSL_ROOT_CERTS`. If you use GN, you can just set the GN argument `rtc_builtin_ssl_root_certificates` to false and GN will define the macro for you. ## `WEBRTC_EXCLUDE_FIELD_TRIAL_DEFAULT` If you want to provide your own implementation of `webrtc::field_trial` functions (more info [here][field_trial_h]) you will have to exclude WebRTC's default implementation. You can achieve this by defining the preprocessor macro `WEBRTC_EXCLUDE_FIELD_TRIAL_DEFAULT`. If you use GN, you can just set the GN argument `rtc_exclude_field_trial_default` to true and GN will define the macro for you. [field_trial_h]: https://webrtc.googlesource.com/src/+/master/system_wrappers/include/field_trial.h ## `WEBRTC_EXCLUDE_METRICS_DEFAULT` If you want to provide your own implementation of `webrtc::metrics` functions (more info [here][metrics_h]) you will have to exclude WebRTC's default implementation. You can achieve this by defining the preprocessor macro `WEBRTC_EXCLUDE_METRICS_DEFAULT`. If you use GN, you can just set the GN argument `rtc_exclude_metrics_default` to true and GN will define the macro for you. [metrics_h]: https://webrtc.googlesource.com/src/+/master/system_wrappers/include/metrics.h ## `WEBRTC_EXCLUDE_TRANSIENT_SUPPRESSOR` The transient suppressor functionality in the audio processing module is not always used. If you wish to exclude it from the build in order to preserve binary size, then define the preprocessor macro `WEBRTC_EXCLUDE_TRANSIENT_SUPPRESSOR`. If you use GN, you can just set the GN argument `rtc_exclude_transient_suppressor` to true and GN will define the macro for you.