/* * Copyright 2015 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include "pc/rtpsender.h" #include #include #include "api/mediastreaminterface.h" #include "pc/localaudiosource.h" #include "pc/statscollector.h" #include "rtc_base/checks.h" #include "rtc_base/helpers.h" #include "rtc_base/trace_event.h" namespace webrtc { namespace { // This function is only expected to be called on the signalling thread. int GenerateUniqueId() { static int g_unique_id = 0; return ++g_unique_id; } // Returns an true if any RtpEncodingParameters member that isn't implemented // contains a value. bool UnimplementedRtpEncodingParameterHasValue( const RtpEncodingParameters& encoding_params) { if (encoding_params.codec_payload_type.has_value() || encoding_params.fec.has_value() || encoding_params.rtx.has_value() || encoding_params.dtx.has_value() || encoding_params.ptime.has_value() || encoding_params.max_framerate.has_value() || !encoding_params.rid.empty() || encoding_params.scale_resolution_down_by.has_value() || encoding_params.scale_framerate_down_by.has_value() || !encoding_params.dependency_rids.empty()) { return true; } return false; } // Returns true if a "per-sender" encoding parameter contains a value that isn't // its default. Currently max_bitrate_bps and bitrate_priority both are // implemented "per-sender," meaning that these encoding parameters // are used for the RtpSender as a whole, not for a specific encoding layer. // This is done by setting these encoding parameters at index 0 of // RtpParameters.encodings. This function can be used to check if these // parameters are set at any index other than 0 of RtpParameters.encodings, // because they are currently unimplemented to be used for a specific encoding // layer. bool PerSenderRtpEncodingParameterHasValue( const RtpEncodingParameters& encoding_params) { if (encoding_params.bitrate_priority != kDefaultBitratePriority) { return true; } return false; } // Returns true if any RtpParameters member that isn't implemented contains a // value. bool UnimplementedRtpParameterHasValue(const RtpParameters& parameters) { if (!parameters.mid.empty()) { return true; } for (size_t i = 0; i < parameters.encodings.size(); ++i) { if (UnimplementedRtpEncodingParameterHasValue(parameters.encodings[i])) { return true; } // Encoding parameters that are per-sender should only contain value at // index 0. if (i != 0 && PerSenderRtpEncodingParameterHasValue(parameters.encodings[i])) { return true; } } return false; } } // namespace LocalAudioSinkAdapter::LocalAudioSinkAdapter() : sink_(nullptr) {} LocalAudioSinkAdapter::~LocalAudioSinkAdapter() { rtc::CritScope lock(&lock_); if (sink_) sink_->OnClose(); } void LocalAudioSinkAdapter::OnData(const void* audio_data, int bits_per_sample, int sample_rate, size_t number_of_channels, size_t number_of_frames) { rtc::CritScope lock(&lock_); if (sink_) { sink_->OnData(audio_data, bits_per_sample, sample_rate, number_of_channels, number_of_frames); } } void LocalAudioSinkAdapter::SetSink(cricket::AudioSource::Sink* sink) { rtc::CritScope lock(&lock_); RTC_DCHECK(!sink || !sink_); sink_ = sink; } AudioRtpSender::AudioRtpSender(rtc::Thread* worker_thread, const std::string& id, StatsCollector* stats) : worker_thread_(worker_thread), id_(id), stats_(stats), dtmf_sender_proxy_(DtmfSenderProxy::Create( rtc::Thread::Current(), DtmfSender::Create(rtc::Thread::Current(), this))), sink_adapter_(new LocalAudioSinkAdapter()) { RTC_DCHECK(worker_thread); } AudioRtpSender::~AudioRtpSender() { // For DtmfSender. SignalDestroyed(); Stop(); } bool AudioRtpSender::CanInsertDtmf() { if (!media_channel_) { RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "CanInsertDtmf: No audio channel exists."; return false; } // Check that this RTP sender is active (description has been applied that // matches an SSRC to its ID). if (!ssrc_) { RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "CanInsertDtmf: Sender does not have SSRC."; return false; } return worker_thread_->Invoke( RTC_FROM_HERE, [&] { return media_channel_->CanInsertDtmf(); }); } bool AudioRtpSender::InsertDtmf(int code, int duration) { if (!media_channel_) { RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "InsertDtmf: No audio channel exists."; return false; } if (!ssrc_) { RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "InsertDtmf: Sender does not have SSRC."; return false; } bool success = worker_thread_->Invoke(RTC_FROM_HERE, [&] { return media_channel_->InsertDtmf(ssrc_, code, duration); }); if (!success) { RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to insert DTMF to channel."; } return success; } sigslot::signal0<>* AudioRtpSender::GetOnDestroyedSignal() { return &SignalDestroyed; } void AudioRtpSender::OnChanged() { TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "AudioRtpSender::OnChanged"); RTC_DCHECK(!stopped_); if (cached_track_enabled_ != track_->enabled()) { cached_track_enabled_ = track_->enabled(); if (can_send_track()) { SetAudioSend(); } } } bool AudioRtpSender::SetTrack(MediaStreamTrackInterface* track) { TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "AudioRtpSender::SetTrack"); if (stopped_) { RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "SetTrack can't be called on a stopped RtpSender."; return false; } if (track && track->kind() != MediaStreamTrackInterface::kAudioKind) { RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "SetTrack called on audio RtpSender with " << track->kind() << " track."; return false; } AudioTrackInterface* audio_track = static_cast(track); // Detach from old track. if (track_) { track_->RemoveSink(sink_adapter_.get()); track_->UnregisterObserver(this); } if (can_send_track() && stats_) { stats_->RemoveLocalAudioTrack(track_.get(), ssrc_); } // Attach to new track. bool prev_can_send_track = can_send_track(); // Keep a reference to the old track to keep it alive until we call // SetAudioSend. rtc::scoped_refptr old_track = track_; track_ = audio_track; if (track_) { cached_track_enabled_ = track_->enabled(); track_->RegisterObserver(this); track_->AddSink(sink_adapter_.get()); } // Update audio channel. if (can_send_track()) { SetAudioSend(); if (stats_) { stats_->AddLocalAudioTrack(track_.get(), ssrc_); } } else if (prev_can_send_track) { ClearAudioSend(); } attachment_id_ = (track_ ? GenerateUniqueId() : 0); return true; } RtpParameters AudioRtpSender::GetParameters() { if (!media_channel_ || stopped_) { return RtpParameters(); } return worker_thread_->Invoke(RTC_FROM_HERE, [&] { RtpParameters result = media_channel_->GetRtpSendParameters(ssrc_); last_transaction_id_ = rtc::CreateRandomUuid(); result.transaction_id = last_transaction_id_.value(); return result; }); } RTCError AudioRtpSender::SetParameters(const RtpParameters& parameters) { TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "AudioRtpSender::SetParameters"); if (!media_channel_ || stopped_) { return RTCError(RTCErrorType::INVALID_STATE); } if (!last_transaction_id_) { LOG_AND_RETURN_ERROR( RTCErrorType::INVALID_STATE, "Failed to set parameters since getParameters() has never been called" " on this sender"); } if (last_transaction_id_ != parameters.transaction_id) { LOG_AND_RETURN_ERROR( RTCErrorType::INVALID_MODIFICATION, "Failed to set parameters since the transaction_id doesn't match" " the last value returned from getParameters()"); } if (UnimplementedRtpParameterHasValue(parameters)) { LOG_AND_RETURN_ERROR( RTCErrorType::UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETER, "Attempted to set an unimplemented parameter of RtpParameters."); } return worker_thread_->Invoke(RTC_FROM_HERE, [&] { RTCError result = media_channel_->SetRtpSendParameters(ssrc_, parameters); last_transaction_id_.reset(); return result; }); } rtc::scoped_refptr AudioRtpSender::GetDtmfSender() const { return dtmf_sender_proxy_; } void AudioRtpSender::SetFrameEncryptor( rtc::scoped_refptr frame_encryptor) { frame_encryptor_ = std::move(frame_encryptor); } rtc::scoped_refptr AudioRtpSender::GetFrameEncryptor() const { return frame_encryptor_; } void AudioRtpSender::SetSsrc(uint32_t ssrc) { TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "AudioRtpSender::SetSsrc"); if (stopped_ || ssrc == ssrc_) { return; } // If we are already sending with a particular SSRC, stop sending. if (can_send_track()) { ClearAudioSend(); if (stats_) { stats_->RemoveLocalAudioTrack(track_.get(), ssrc_); } } ssrc_ = ssrc; if (can_send_track()) { SetAudioSend(); if (stats_) { stats_->AddLocalAudioTrack(track_.get(), ssrc_); } } } void AudioRtpSender::Stop() { TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "AudioRtpSender::Stop"); // TODO(deadbeef): Need to do more here to fully stop sending packets. if (stopped_) { return; } if (track_) { track_->RemoveSink(sink_adapter_.get()); track_->UnregisterObserver(this); } if (can_send_track()) { ClearAudioSend(); if (stats_) { stats_->RemoveLocalAudioTrack(track_.get(), ssrc_); } } media_channel_ = nullptr; stopped_ = true; } void AudioRtpSender::SetAudioSend() { RTC_DCHECK(!stopped_); RTC_DCHECK(can_send_track()); if (!media_channel_) { RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "SetAudioSend: No audio channel exists."; return; } cricket::AudioOptions options; #if !defined(WEBRTC_CHROMIUM_BUILD) && !defined(WEBRTC_WEBKIT_BUILD) // TODO(tommi): Remove this hack when we move CreateAudioSource out of // PeerConnection. This is a bit of a strange way to apply local audio // options since it is also applied to all streams/channels, local or remote. if (track_->enabled() && track_->GetSource() && !track_->GetSource()->remote()) { // TODO(xians): Remove this static_cast since we should be able to connect // a remote audio track to a peer connection. options = static_cast(track_->GetSource())->options(); } #endif // |track_->enabled()| hops to the signaling thread, so call it before we hop // to the worker thread or else it will deadlock. bool track_enabled = track_->enabled(); bool success = worker_thread_->Invoke(RTC_FROM_HERE, [&] { return media_channel_->SetAudioSend(ssrc_, track_enabled, &options, sink_adapter_.get()); }); if (!success) { RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "SetAudioSend: ssrc is incorrect: " << ssrc_; } } void AudioRtpSender::ClearAudioSend() { RTC_DCHECK(ssrc_ != 0); RTC_DCHECK(!stopped_); if (!media_channel_) { RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "ClearAudioSend: No audio channel exists."; return; } cricket::AudioOptions options; bool success = worker_thread_->Invoke(RTC_FROM_HERE, [&] { return media_channel_->SetAudioSend(ssrc_, false, &options, nullptr); }); if (!success) { RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "ClearAudioSend: ssrc is incorrect: " << ssrc_; } } VideoRtpSender::VideoRtpSender(rtc::Thread* worker_thread, const std::string& id) : worker_thread_(worker_thread), id_(id) { RTC_DCHECK(worker_thread); } VideoRtpSender::~VideoRtpSender() { Stop(); } void VideoRtpSender::OnChanged() { TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "VideoRtpSender::OnChanged"); RTC_DCHECK(!stopped_); if (cached_track_content_hint_ != track_->content_hint()) { cached_track_content_hint_ = track_->content_hint(); if (can_send_track()) { SetVideoSend(); } } } bool VideoRtpSender::SetTrack(MediaStreamTrackInterface* track) { TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "VideoRtpSender::SetTrack"); if (stopped_) { RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "SetTrack can't be called on a stopped RtpSender."; return false; } if (track && track->kind() != MediaStreamTrackInterface::kVideoKind) { RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "SetTrack called on video RtpSender with " << track->kind() << " track."; return false; } VideoTrackInterface* video_track = static_cast(track); // Detach from old track. if (track_) { track_->UnregisterObserver(this); } // Attach to new track. bool prev_can_send_track = can_send_track(); // Keep a reference to the old track to keep it alive until we call // SetVideoSend. rtc::scoped_refptr old_track = track_; track_ = video_track; if (track_) { cached_track_content_hint_ = track_->content_hint(); track_->RegisterObserver(this); } // Update video channel. if (can_send_track()) { SetVideoSend(); } else if (prev_can_send_track) { ClearVideoSend(); } attachment_id_ = (track_ ? GenerateUniqueId() : 0); return true; } RtpParameters VideoRtpSender::GetParameters() { if (!media_channel_ || stopped_) { return RtpParameters(); } return worker_thread_->Invoke(RTC_FROM_HERE, [&] { RtpParameters result = media_channel_->GetRtpSendParameters(ssrc_); last_transaction_id_ = rtc::CreateRandomUuid(); result.transaction_id = last_transaction_id_.value(); return result; }); } RTCError VideoRtpSender::SetParameters(const RtpParameters& parameters) { TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "VideoRtpSender::SetParameters"); if (!media_channel_ || stopped_) { return RTCError(RTCErrorType::INVALID_STATE); } if (!last_transaction_id_) { LOG_AND_RETURN_ERROR( RTCErrorType::INVALID_STATE, "Failed to set parameters since getParameters() has never been called" " on this sender"); } if (last_transaction_id_ != parameters.transaction_id) { LOG_AND_RETURN_ERROR( RTCErrorType::INVALID_MODIFICATION, "Failed to set parameters since the transaction_id doesn't match" " the last value returned from getParameters()"); } if (UnimplementedRtpParameterHasValue(parameters)) { LOG_AND_RETURN_ERROR( RTCErrorType::UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETER, "Attempted to set an unimplemented parameter of RtpParameters."); } return worker_thread_->Invoke(RTC_FROM_HERE, [&] { RTCError result = media_channel_->SetRtpSendParameters(ssrc_, parameters); last_transaction_id_.reset(); return result; }); } rtc::scoped_refptr VideoRtpSender::GetDtmfSender() const { RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Tried to get DTMF sender from video sender."; return nullptr; } void VideoRtpSender::SetFrameEncryptor( rtc::scoped_refptr frame_encryptor) { frame_encryptor_ = std::move(frame_encryptor); } rtc::scoped_refptr VideoRtpSender::GetFrameEncryptor() const { return frame_encryptor_; } void VideoRtpSender::SetSsrc(uint32_t ssrc) { TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "VideoRtpSender::SetSsrc"); if (stopped_ || ssrc == ssrc_) { return; } // If we are already sending with a particular SSRC, stop sending. if (can_send_track()) { ClearVideoSend(); } ssrc_ = ssrc; if (can_send_track()) { SetVideoSend(); } } void VideoRtpSender::Stop() { TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "VideoRtpSender::Stop"); // TODO(deadbeef): Need to do more here to fully stop sending packets. if (stopped_) { return; } if (track_) { track_->UnregisterObserver(this); } if (can_send_track()) { ClearVideoSend(); } media_channel_ = nullptr; stopped_ = true; } void VideoRtpSender::SetVideoSend() { RTC_DCHECK(!stopped_); RTC_DCHECK(can_send_track()); if (!media_channel_) { RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "SetVideoSend: No video channel exists."; return; } cricket::VideoOptions options; VideoTrackSourceInterface* source = track_->GetSource(); if (source) { options.is_screencast = source->is_screencast(); options.video_noise_reduction = source->needs_denoising(); } switch (cached_track_content_hint_) { case VideoTrackInterface::ContentHint::kNone: break; case VideoTrackInterface::ContentHint::kFluid: options.is_screencast = false; break; case VideoTrackInterface::ContentHint::kDetailed: case VideoTrackInterface::ContentHint::kText: options.is_screencast = true; break; } bool success = worker_thread_->Invoke(RTC_FROM_HERE, [&] { return media_channel_->SetVideoSend(ssrc_, &options, track_); }); RTC_DCHECK(success); } void VideoRtpSender::ClearVideoSend() { RTC_DCHECK(ssrc_ != 0); RTC_DCHECK(!stopped_); if (!media_channel_) { RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "SetVideoSend: No video channel exists."; return; } // Allow SetVideoSend to fail since |enable| is false and |source| is null. // This the normal case when the underlying media channel has already been // deleted. worker_thread_->Invoke(RTC_FROM_HERE, [&] { return media_channel_->SetVideoSend(ssrc_, nullptr, nullptr); }); } } // namespace webrtc