/* * Copyright 2004 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include "rtc_base/string_encode.h" #include #include // no-presubmit-check TODO(webrtc:8982) #include "api/array_view.h" #include "test/gtest.h" namespace rtc { class HexEncodeTest : public ::testing::Test { public: HexEncodeTest() : dec_res_(0) { for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(data_); ++i) { data_[i] = (i + 128) & 0xff; } memset(decoded_, 0x7f, sizeof(decoded_)); } char data_[10]; absl::string_view data_view_{data_, sizeof(data_)}; char decoded_[11]; size_t dec_res_; }; // Test that we can convert to/from hex with no delimiter. TEST_F(HexEncodeTest, TestWithNoDelimiter) { std::string encoded = hex_encode(data_view_); EXPECT_EQ("80818283848586878889", encoded); dec_res_ = hex_decode(ArrayView(decoded_), encoded); ASSERT_EQ(sizeof(data_), dec_res_); ASSERT_EQ(0, memcmp(data_, decoded_, dec_res_)); } // Test that we can convert to/from hex with a colon delimiter. TEST_F(HexEncodeTest, TestWithDelimiter) { std::string encoded = hex_encode_with_delimiter(data_view_, ':'); EXPECT_EQ("80:81:82:83:84:85:86:87:88:89", encoded); dec_res_ = hex_decode_with_delimiter(ArrayView(decoded_), encoded, ':'); ASSERT_EQ(sizeof(data_), dec_res_); ASSERT_EQ(0, memcmp(data_, decoded_, dec_res_)); } // Test that encoding with one delimiter and decoding with another fails. TEST_F(HexEncodeTest, TestWithWrongDelimiter) { std::string encoded = hex_encode_with_delimiter(data_view_, ':'); dec_res_ = hex_decode_with_delimiter(ArrayView(decoded_), encoded, '/'); ASSERT_EQ(0U, dec_res_); } // Test that encoding without a delimiter and decoding with one fails. TEST_F(HexEncodeTest, TestExpectedDelimiter) { std::string encoded = hex_encode(data_view_); EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(data_) * 2, encoded.size()); dec_res_ = hex_decode_with_delimiter(ArrayView(decoded_), encoded, ':'); ASSERT_EQ(0U, dec_res_); } // Test that encoding with a delimiter and decoding without one fails. TEST_F(HexEncodeTest, TestExpectedNoDelimiter) { std::string encoded = hex_encode_with_delimiter(data_view_, ':'); EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(data_) * 3 - 1, encoded.size()); dec_res_ = hex_decode(ArrayView(decoded_), encoded); ASSERT_EQ(0U, dec_res_); } // Test that we handle a zero-length buffer with no delimiter. TEST_F(HexEncodeTest, TestZeroLengthNoDelimiter) { std::string encoded = hex_encode(""); EXPECT_TRUE(encoded.empty()); dec_res_ = hex_decode(ArrayView(decoded_), encoded); ASSERT_EQ(0U, dec_res_); } // Test that we handle a zero-length buffer with a delimiter. TEST_F(HexEncodeTest, TestZeroLengthWithDelimiter) { std::string encoded = hex_encode_with_delimiter("", ':'); EXPECT_TRUE(encoded.empty()); dec_res_ = hex_decode_with_delimiter(ArrayView(decoded_), encoded, ':'); ASSERT_EQ(0U, dec_res_); } // Test that decoding into a too-small output buffer fails. TEST_F(HexEncodeTest, TestDecodeTooShort) { dec_res_ = hex_decode_with_delimiter(ArrayView(decoded_, 4), "0123456789", 0); ASSERT_EQ(0U, dec_res_); ASSERT_EQ(0x7f, decoded_[4]); } // Test that decoding non-hex data fails. TEST_F(HexEncodeTest, TestDecodeBogusData) { dec_res_ = hex_decode_with_delimiter(ArrayView(decoded_), "axyz", 0); ASSERT_EQ(0U, dec_res_); } // Test that decoding an odd number of hex characters fails. TEST_F(HexEncodeTest, TestDecodeOddHexDigits) { dec_res_ = hex_decode_with_delimiter(ArrayView(decoded_), "012", 0); ASSERT_EQ(0U, dec_res_); } // Test that decoding a string with too many delimiters fails. TEST_F(HexEncodeTest, TestDecodeWithDelimiterTooManyDelimiters) { dec_res_ = hex_decode_with_delimiter(ArrayView(decoded_, 4), "01::23::45::67", ':'); ASSERT_EQ(0U, dec_res_); } // Test that decoding a string with a leading delimiter fails. TEST_F(HexEncodeTest, TestDecodeWithDelimiterLeadingDelimiter) { dec_res_ = hex_decode_with_delimiter(ArrayView(decoded_, 4), ":01:23:45:67", ':'); ASSERT_EQ(0U, dec_res_); } // Test that decoding a string with a trailing delimiter fails. TEST_F(HexEncodeTest, TestDecodeWithDelimiterTrailingDelimiter) { dec_res_ = hex_decode_with_delimiter(ArrayView(decoded_, 4), "01:23:45:67:", ':'); ASSERT_EQ(0U, dec_res_); } // Tests counting substrings. TEST(TokenizeTest, CountSubstrings) { std::vector fields; EXPECT_EQ(5ul, tokenize("one two three four five", ' ', &fields)); fields.clear(); EXPECT_EQ(1ul, tokenize("one", ' ', &fields)); // Extra spaces should be ignored. fields.clear(); EXPECT_EQ(5ul, tokenize(" one two three four five ", ' ', &fields)); fields.clear(); EXPECT_EQ(1ul, tokenize(" one ", ' ', &fields)); fields.clear(); EXPECT_EQ(0ul, tokenize(" ", ' ', &fields)); } // Tests comparing substrings. TEST(TokenizeTest, CompareSubstrings) { std::vector fields; tokenize("find middle one", ' ', &fields); ASSERT_EQ(3ul, fields.size()); ASSERT_STREQ("middle", fields.at(1).c_str()); fields.clear(); // Extra spaces should be ignored. tokenize(" find middle one ", ' ', &fields); ASSERT_EQ(3ul, fields.size()); ASSERT_STREQ("middle", fields.at(1).c_str()); fields.clear(); tokenize(" ", ' ', &fields); ASSERT_EQ(0ul, fields.size()); } TEST(TokenizeFirstTest, NoLeadingSpaces) { std::string token; std::string rest; ASSERT_TRUE(tokenize_first("A &*${}", ' ', &token, &rest)); ASSERT_STREQ("A", token.c_str()); ASSERT_STREQ("&*${}", rest.c_str()); ASSERT_TRUE(tokenize_first("A B& *${}", ' ', &token, &rest)); ASSERT_STREQ("A", token.c_str()); ASSERT_STREQ("B& *${}", rest.c_str()); ASSERT_TRUE(tokenize_first("A B& *${} ", ' ', &token, &rest)); ASSERT_STREQ("A", token.c_str()); ASSERT_STREQ("B& *${} ", rest.c_str()); } TEST(TokenizeFirstTest, LeadingSpaces) { std::string token; std::string rest; ASSERT_TRUE(tokenize_first(" A B C", ' ', &token, &rest)); ASSERT_STREQ("", token.c_str()); ASSERT_STREQ("A B C", rest.c_str()); ASSERT_TRUE(tokenize_first(" A B C ", ' ', &token, &rest)); ASSERT_STREQ("", token.c_str()); ASSERT_STREQ("A B C ", rest.c_str()); } TEST(TokenizeFirstTest, SingleToken) { std::string token; std::string rest; // In the case where we cannot find delimiter the whole string is a token. ASSERT_FALSE(tokenize_first("ABC", ' ', &token, &rest)); ASSERT_TRUE(tokenize_first("ABC ", ' ', &token, &rest)); ASSERT_STREQ("ABC", token.c_str()); ASSERT_STREQ("", rest.c_str()); ASSERT_TRUE(tokenize_first(" ABC ", ' ', &token, &rest)); ASSERT_STREQ("", token.c_str()); ASSERT_STREQ("ABC ", rest.c_str()); } // Tests counting substrings. TEST(SplitTest, CountSubstrings) { std::vector fields; EXPECT_EQ(5ul, split("one,two,three,four,five", ',', &fields)); fields.clear(); EXPECT_EQ(1ul, split("one", ',', &fields)); // Empty fields between commas count. fields.clear(); EXPECT_EQ(5ul, split("one,,three,four,five", ',', &fields)); fields.clear(); EXPECT_EQ(3ul, split(",three,", ',', &fields)); fields.clear(); EXPECT_EQ(1ul, split("", ',', &fields)); } // Tests comparing substrings. TEST(SplitTest, CompareSubstrings) { std::vector fields; split("find,middle,one", ',', &fields); ASSERT_EQ(3ul, fields.size()); ASSERT_STREQ("middle", fields.at(1).c_str()); fields.clear(); // Empty fields between commas count. split("find,,middle,one", ',', &fields); ASSERT_EQ(4ul, fields.size()); ASSERT_STREQ("middle", fields.at(2).c_str()); fields.clear(); split("", ',', &fields); ASSERT_EQ(1ul, fields.size()); ASSERT_STREQ("", fields.at(0).c_str()); } TEST(SplitTest, EmptyTokens) { std::vector fields; EXPECT_EQ(3ul, split("a.b.c", '.', &fields)); EXPECT_EQ("a", fields[0]); EXPECT_EQ("b", fields[1]); EXPECT_EQ("c", fields[2]); EXPECT_EQ(3ul, split("..c", '.', &fields)); EXPECT_TRUE(fields[0].empty()); EXPECT_TRUE(fields[1].empty()); EXPECT_EQ("c", fields[2]); EXPECT_EQ(1ul, split("", '.', &fields)); EXPECT_TRUE(fields[0].empty()); } TEST(ToString, SanityCheck) { EXPECT_EQ(ToString(true), "true"); EXPECT_EQ(ToString(false), "false"); const char* c = "message"; EXPECT_EQ(ToString(c), c); EXPECT_EQ(ToString(std::string(c)), c); EXPECT_EQ(ToString(short{-123}), "-123"); EXPECT_EQ(ToString((unsigned short)123), "123"); EXPECT_EQ(ToString(int{-123}), "-123"); EXPECT_EQ(ToString((unsigned int)123), "123"); EXPECT_EQ(ToString((long int)-123), "-123"); EXPECT_EQ(ToString((unsigned long int)123), "123"); EXPECT_EQ(ToString((long long int)-123), "-123"); EXPECT_EQ(ToString((unsigned long long int)123), "123"); int i = 10; int* p = &i; std::ostringstream s; // no-presubmit-check TODO(webrtc:8982) s << p; EXPECT_EQ(s.str(), ToString(p)); EXPECT_EQ(ToString(0.5), "0.5"); } template void ParsesTo(std::string s, T t) { T value; EXPECT_TRUE(FromString(s, &value)); EXPECT_EQ(value, t); } TEST(FromString, DecodeValid) { ParsesTo("true", true); ParsesTo("false", false); ParsesTo("105", 105); ParsesTo("0.25", 0.25); } template void FailsToParse(std::string s) { T value; EXPECT_FALSE(FromString(s, &value)) << "[" << s << "]"; } TEST(FromString, DecodeInvalid) { FailsToParse("True"); FailsToParse("0"); FailsToParse("yes"); FailsToParse("0.5"); FailsToParse("XIV"); FailsToParse(""); FailsToParse(" "); FailsToParse("1 2"); } template void RoundTrip(T t) { std::string s = ToString(t); T value; EXPECT_TRUE(FromString(s, &value)); EXPECT_EQ(value, t); } TEST(FromString, RoundTrip) { RoundTrip(123); RoundTrip(false); RoundTrip(true); RoundTrip(0.5); RoundTrip(-15l); } } // namespace rtc