#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2018 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license # that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source # tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found # in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may # be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. import json import logging import os.path import subprocess import sys import re def CheckThirdPartyDirectory(input_api, output_api): # We have to put something in black_list here that won't blacklist # third_party/* because otherwise default black list will be used. Default # list contains third_party, so source set will become empty. third_party_sources = lambda x: ( input_api.FilterSourceFile(x, white_list=(r'^third_party[\\\/].+',), black_list=(r'^_',))) webrtc_owned_deps_list_path = input_api.os_path.join( input_api.PresubmitLocalPath(), 'THIRD_PARTY_WEBRTC_DEPS.json') chromium_owned_deps_list_path = input_api.os_path.join( input_api.PresubmitLocalPath(), 'THIRD_PARTY_CHROMIUM_DEPS.json') webrtc_owned_deps = _LoadDepsList(webrtc_owned_deps_list_path) chromium_owned_deps = _LoadDepsList(chromium_owned_deps_list_path) chromium_added_deps = GetChromiumOwnedAddedDeps(input_api) results = [] results.extend(CheckNoNotOwned3ppDeps(input_api, output_api, webrtc_owned_deps, chromium_owned_deps)) results.extend(CheckNoBothOwned3ppDeps(output_api, webrtc_owned_deps, chromium_owned_deps)) results.extend(CheckNoChangesInAutoImportedDeps(input_api, output_api, webrtc_owned_deps, chromium_owned_deps, chromium_added_deps, third_party_sources)) return results def GetChromiumOwnedAddedDeps(input_api): """Return list of deps that were added into chromium owned deps list.""" chromium_owned_deps_list_source = lambda x: ( input_api.FilterSourceFile(x, white_list=('THIRD_PARTY_CHROMIUM_DEPS.json',), black_list=(r'^_',))) chromium_owned_deps_list = input_api.AffectedFiles( file_filter=chromium_owned_deps_list_source) modified_deps_file = next(iter(chromium_owned_deps_list), None) if not modified_deps_file: return [] if modified_deps_file.Action() != 'M': return [] prev_json = json.loads('\n'.join(modified_deps_file.OldContents())) new_json = json.loads('\n'.join(modified_deps_file.NewContents())) prev_deps_set = set(prev_json.get('dependencies', [])) new_deps_set = set(new_json.get('dependencies', [])) return list(new_deps_set.difference(prev_deps_set)) def CheckNoNotOwned3ppDeps(input_api, output_api, webrtc_owned_deps, chromium_owned_deps): """Checks that there are no any not owned third_party deps.""" error_msg = ('Third party dependency [{}] have to be specified either in ' 'THIRD_PARTY_WEBRTC_DEPS.json or in ' 'THIRD_PARTY_CHROMIUM_DEPS.json.\n' 'If you want to add chromium-specific' 'dependency you can run this command (better in separate CL): \n' './tools_webrtc/autoroller/checkin_chromium_dep.py -d {}\n' 'If you want to add WebRTC-specific dependency just add it into ' 'THIRD_PARTY_WEBRTC_DEPS.json manually') third_party_dir = os.path.join(input_api.PresubmitLocalPath(), 'third_party') os.listdir(third_party_dir) stdout, _ = _RunCommand(['git', 'ls-tree', '--name-only', 'HEAD'], working_dir=third_party_dir) not_owned_deps = set() results = [] for dep_name in stdout.split('\n'): dep_name = dep_name.strip() if len(dep_name) == 0: continue if dep_name == '.gitignore': continue if (dep_name not in webrtc_owned_deps and dep_name not in chromium_owned_deps): results.append( output_api.PresubmitError(error_msg.format(dep_name, dep_name))) not_owned_deps.add(dep_name) return results def CheckNoBothOwned3ppDeps(output_api, webrtc_owned_deps, chromium_owned_deps): """Checks that there are no any not owned third_party deps.""" error_msg = ('Third party dependencies {} can\'t be a WebRTC- and ' 'Chromium-specific dependency at the same time. ' 'Remove them from one of these files: ' 'THIRD_PARTY_WEBRTC_DEPS.json or THIRD_PARTY_CHROMIUM_DEPS.json') both_owned_deps = set(chromium_owned_deps).intersection( set(webrtc_owned_deps)) results = [] if both_owned_deps: results.append(output_api.PresubmitError(error_msg.format( json.dumps(list(both_owned_deps))))) return results def CheckNoChangesInAutoImportedDeps(input_api, output_api, webrtc_owned_deps, chromium_owned_deps, chromium_added_deps, third_party_sources): """Checks that there are no changes in deps imported by autoroller.""" tag = input_api.change.NO_AUTOIMPORT_DEPS_CHECK if tag is not None and tag.lower() == 'true': # If there is a tag NO_AUTOIMPORT_DEPS_CHECK in the commit message, then # permit any changes in chromium's specific deps. return [] error_msg = ('Changes in [{}] will be overridden during chromium third_party ' 'autoroll. If you really want to change this code you have to ' 'do it upstream in Chromium\'s third_party.') results = [] for f in input_api.AffectedFiles(file_filter=third_party_sources): file_path = f.LocalPath() split = re.split(r'[\\\/]', file_path) dep_name = split[1] if (dep_name not in webrtc_owned_deps and dep_name in chromium_owned_deps and dep_name not in chromium_added_deps): results.append(output_api.PresubmitError(error_msg.format(file_path))) return results def _LoadDepsList(file_name): with open(file_name, 'rb') as f: content = json.load(f) return content.get('dependencies', []) def _RunCommand(command, working_dir): """Runs a command and returns the output from that command. If the command fails (exit code != 0), the function will exit the process. Returns: A tuple containing the stdout and stderr outputs as strings. """ env = os.environ.copy() p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env, cwd=working_dir, universal_newlines=True) std_output, err_output = p.communicate() p.stdout.close() p.stderr.close() if p.returncode != 0: logging.error('Command failed: %s\n' 'stdout:\n%s\n' 'stderr:\n%s\n', ' '.join(command), std_output, err_output) sys.exit(p.returncode) return std_output, err_output