#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2017 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license # that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source # tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found # in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may # be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. import os import sys import unittest #pylint: disable=relative-import import check_orphan_headers def _GetRootBasedOnPlatform(): if sys.platform.startswith('win'): return 'C:\\' else: return '/' def _GetPath(*path_chunks): return os.path.join(_GetRootBasedOnPlatform(), *path_chunks) class GetBuildGnPathFromFilePathTest(unittest.TestCase): def testGetBuildGnFromSameDirectory(self): file_path = _GetPath('home', 'projects', 'webrtc', 'base', 'foo.h') expected_build_path = _GetPath('home', 'projects', 'webrtc', 'base', 'BUILD.gn') file_exists = lambda p: p == _GetPath('home', 'projects', 'webrtc', 'base', 'BUILD.gn') src_dir_path = _GetPath('home', 'projects', 'webrtc') self.assertEqual( expected_build_path, check_orphan_headers.GetBuildGnPathFromFilePath(file_path, file_exists, src_dir_path)) def testGetBuildPathFromParentDirectory(self): file_path = _GetPath('home', 'projects', 'webrtc', 'base', 'foo.h') expected_build_path = _GetPath('home', 'projects', 'webrtc', 'BUILD.gn') file_exists = lambda p: p == _GetPath('home', 'projects', 'webrtc', 'BUILD.gn') src_dir_path = _GetPath('home', 'projects', 'webrtc') self.assertEqual( expected_build_path, check_orphan_headers.GetBuildGnPathFromFilePath(file_path, file_exists, src_dir_path)) def testExceptionIfNoBuildGnFilesAreFound(self): with self.assertRaises(check_orphan_headers.NoBuildGnFoundError): file_path = _GetPath('home', 'projects', 'webrtc', 'base', 'foo.h') file_exists = lambda p: False src_dir_path = _GetPath('home', 'projects', 'webrtc') check_orphan_headers.GetBuildGnPathFromFilePath(file_path, file_exists, src_dir_path) def testExceptionIfFilePathIsNotAnHeader(self): with self.assertRaises(check_orphan_headers.WrongFileTypeError): file_path = _GetPath('home', 'projects', 'webrtc', 'base', 'foo.cc') file_exists = lambda p: False src_dir_path = _GetPath('home', 'projects', 'webrtc') check_orphan_headers.GetBuildGnPathFromFilePath(file_path, file_exists, src_dir_path) class GetHeadersInBuildGnFileSourcesTest(unittest.TestCase): def testEmptyFileReturnsEmptySet(self): self.assertEqual( set([]), check_orphan_headers.GetHeadersInBuildGnFileSources('', '/a/b')) def testReturnsSetOfHeadersFromFileContent(self): file_content = """ # Some comments if (is_android) { import("//a/b/c.gni") import("//d/e/f.gni") } source_set("foo") { sources = ["foo.h"] deps = [":bar"] } rtc_static_library("bar") { # Public headers should also be included. public = [ "public_foo.h", ] sources = [ "bar.h", "bar.cc", ] deps = [":bar"] } source_set("baz_foo") { sources = ["baz/foo.h"] } """ target_abs_path = _GetPath('a', 'b') self.assertEqual( set([ _GetPath('a', 'b', 'foo.h'), _GetPath('a', 'b', 'bar.h'), _GetPath('a', 'b', 'public_foo.h'), _GetPath('a', 'b', 'baz', 'foo.h'), ]), check_orphan_headers.GetHeadersInBuildGnFileSources(file_content, target_abs_path)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()