/* * Copyright 2004 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ // Handling of certificates and keypairs for SSLStreamAdapter's peer mode. #if HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif // HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "webrtc/base/sslidentity.h" #include #include "webrtc/base/base64.h" #include "webrtc/base/checks.h" #include "webrtc/base/logging.h" #include "webrtc/base/sslconfig.h" #if SSL_USE_OPENSSL #include "webrtc/base/opensslidentity.h" #endif // SSL_USE_OPENSSL namespace rtc { const char kPemTypeCertificate[] = "CERTIFICATE"; const char kPemTypeRsaPrivateKey[] = "RSA PRIVATE KEY"; const char kPemTypeEcPrivateKey[] = "EC PRIVATE KEY"; KeyParams::KeyParams(KeyType key_type) { if (key_type == KT_ECDSA) { type_ = KT_ECDSA; params_.curve = EC_NIST_P256; } else if (key_type == KT_RSA) { type_ = KT_RSA; params_.rsa.mod_size = kRsaDefaultModSize; params_.rsa.pub_exp = kRsaDefaultExponent; } else { RTC_NOTREACHED(); } } // static KeyParams KeyParams::RSA(int mod_size, int pub_exp) { KeyParams kt(KT_RSA); kt.params_.rsa.mod_size = mod_size; kt.params_.rsa.pub_exp = pub_exp; return kt; } // static KeyParams KeyParams::ECDSA(ECCurve curve) { KeyParams kt(KT_ECDSA); kt.params_.curve = curve; return kt; } bool KeyParams::IsValid() const { if (type_ == KT_RSA) { return (params_.rsa.mod_size >= kRsaMinModSize && params_.rsa.mod_size <= kRsaMaxModSize && params_.rsa.pub_exp > params_.rsa.mod_size); } else if (type_ == KT_ECDSA) { return (params_.curve == EC_NIST_P256); } return false; } RSAParams KeyParams::rsa_params() const { RTC_DCHECK(type_ == KT_RSA); return params_.rsa; } ECCurve KeyParams::ec_curve() const { RTC_DCHECK(type_ == KT_ECDSA); return params_.curve; } KeyType IntKeyTypeFamilyToKeyType(int key_type_family) { return static_cast(key_type_family); } bool SSLIdentity::PemToDer(const std::string& pem_type, const std::string& pem_string, std::string* der) { // Find the inner body. We need this to fulfill the contract of // returning pem_length. size_t header = pem_string.find("-----BEGIN " + pem_type + "-----"); if (header == std::string::npos) return false; size_t body = pem_string.find("\n", header); if (body == std::string::npos) return false; size_t trailer = pem_string.find("-----END " + pem_type + "-----"); if (trailer == std::string::npos) return false; std::string inner = pem_string.substr(body + 1, trailer - (body + 1)); *der = Base64::Decode(inner, Base64::DO_PARSE_WHITE | Base64::DO_PAD_ANY | Base64::DO_TERM_BUFFER); return true; } std::string SSLIdentity::DerToPem(const std::string& pem_type, const unsigned char* data, size_t length) { std::stringstream result; result << "-----BEGIN " << pem_type << "-----\n"; std::string b64_encoded; Base64::EncodeFromArray(data, length, &b64_encoded); // Divide the Base-64 encoded data into 64-character chunks, as per // of RFC 1421. static const size_t kChunkSize = 64; size_t chunks = (b64_encoded.size() + (kChunkSize - 1)) / kChunkSize; for (size_t i = 0, chunk_offset = 0; i < chunks; ++i, chunk_offset += kChunkSize) { result << b64_encoded.substr(chunk_offset, kChunkSize); result << "\n"; } result << "-----END " << pem_type << "-----\n"; return result.str(); } SSLCertChain::SSLCertChain(const std::vector& certs) { ASSERT(!certs.empty()); certs_.resize(certs.size()); std::transform(certs.begin(), certs.end(), certs_.begin(), DupCert); } SSLCertChain::SSLCertChain(const SSLCertificate* cert) { certs_.push_back(cert->GetReference()); } SSLCertChain::~SSLCertChain() { std::for_each(certs_.begin(), certs_.end(), DeleteCert); } #if SSL_USE_OPENSSL SSLCertificate* SSLCertificate::FromPEMString(const std::string& pem_string) { return OpenSSLCertificate::FromPEMString(pem_string); } SSLIdentity* SSLIdentity::Generate(const std::string& common_name, const KeyParams& key_params) { return OpenSSLIdentity::Generate(common_name, key_params); } SSLIdentity* SSLIdentity::GenerateForTest(const SSLIdentityParams& params) { return OpenSSLIdentity::GenerateForTest(params); } SSLIdentity* SSLIdentity::FromPEMStrings(const std::string& private_key, const std::string& certificate) { return OpenSSLIdentity::FromPEMStrings(private_key, certificate); } #else // !SSL_USE_OPENSSL #error "No SSL implementation" #endif // SSL_USE_OPENSSL } // namespace rtc