/* * Copyright 2004 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include "webrtc/base/winfirewall.h" #include "webrtc/base/win32.h" #include #include #define RELEASE(lpUnk) do { \ if ((lpUnk) != NULL) { \ (lpUnk)->Release(); \ (lpUnk) = NULL; \ } \ } while (0) namespace rtc { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WinFirewall ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// WinFirewall::WinFirewall() : mgr_(NULL), policy_(NULL), profile_(NULL) { } WinFirewall::~WinFirewall() { Shutdown(); } bool WinFirewall::Initialize(HRESULT* result) { if (mgr_) { if (result) { *result = S_OK; } return true; } HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(NetFwMgr), 0, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, __uuidof(INetFwMgr), reinterpret_cast(&mgr_)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (mgr_ != NULL)) hr = mgr_->get_LocalPolicy(&policy_); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (policy_ != NULL)) hr = policy_->get_CurrentProfile(&profile_); if (result) *result = hr; return SUCCEEDED(hr) && (profile_ != NULL); } void WinFirewall::Shutdown() { RELEASE(profile_); RELEASE(policy_); RELEASE(mgr_); } bool WinFirewall::Enabled() const { if (!profile_) return false; VARIANT_BOOL fwEnabled = VARIANT_FALSE; profile_->get_FirewallEnabled(&fwEnabled); return (fwEnabled != VARIANT_FALSE); } bool WinFirewall::QueryAuthorized(const char* filename, bool* authorized) const { return QueryAuthorizedW(ToUtf16(filename).c_str(), authorized); } bool WinFirewall::QueryAuthorizedW(const wchar_t* filename, bool* authorized) const { *authorized = false; bool success = false; if (!profile_) return false; _bstr_t bfilename = filename; INetFwAuthorizedApplications* apps = NULL; HRESULT hr = profile_->get_AuthorizedApplications(&apps); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (apps != NULL)) { INetFwAuthorizedApplication* app = NULL; hr = apps->Item(bfilename, &app); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (app != NULL)) { VARIANT_BOOL fwEnabled = VARIANT_FALSE; hr = app->get_Enabled(&fwEnabled); app->Release(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { success = true; *authorized = (fwEnabled != VARIANT_FALSE); } } else if (hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)) { // No entry in list of authorized apps success = true; } else { // Unexpected error } apps->Release(); } return success; } bool WinFirewall::AddApplication(const char* filename, const char* friendly_name, bool authorized, HRESULT* result) { return AddApplicationW(ToUtf16(filename).c_str(), ToUtf16(friendly_name).c_str(), authorized, result); } bool WinFirewall::AddApplicationW(const wchar_t* filename, const wchar_t* friendly_name, bool authorized, HRESULT* result) { INetFwAuthorizedApplications* apps = NULL; HRESULT hr = profile_->get_AuthorizedApplications(&apps); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (apps != NULL)) { INetFwAuthorizedApplication* app = NULL; hr = CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(NetFwAuthorizedApplication), 0, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, __uuidof(INetFwAuthorizedApplication), reinterpret_cast(&app)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (app != NULL)) { _bstr_t bstr = filename; hr = app->put_ProcessImageFileName(bstr); bstr = friendly_name; if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = app->put_Name(bstr); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = app->put_Enabled(authorized ? VARIANT_TRUE : VARIANT_FALSE); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = apps->Add(app); app->Release(); } apps->Release(); } if (result) *result = hr; return SUCCEEDED(hr); } } // namespace rtc