function H = subfigure(m, n, p) % % H = SUBFIGURE(m, n, p) % % Create a new figure window and adjust position and size such that it will % become the p-th tile in an m-by-n matrix of windows. (The interpretation of % m, n, and p is the same as for SUBPLOT. % % Henrik Lundin, 2009-01-19 % h = figure; [j, i] = ind2sub([n m], p); scrsz = get(0,'ScreenSize'); % get screen size %scrsz = [1, 1, 1600, 1200]; taskbarSize = 58; windowbarSize = 68; windowBorder = 4; scrsz(2) = scrsz(2) + taskbarSize; scrsz(4) = scrsz(4) - taskbarSize; set(h, 'position', [(j-1)/n * scrsz(3) + scrsz(1) + windowBorder,... (m-i)/m * scrsz(4) + scrsz(2) + windowBorder, ... scrsz(3)/n - (windowBorder + windowBorder),... scrsz(4)/m - (windowbarSize + windowBorder + windowBorder)]);