function [Y,U,V] = readYUV420file(filename, width, height) % [Y,U,V] = readYUVfile(filename, width, height) fid = fopen(filename,'rb'); if fid==-1 error(['Cannot open file ' filename]); end % Number of pixels per image nPx=width*height; % nPx bytes luminance, nPx/4 bytes U, nPx/4 bytes V frameSizeBytes = nPx*1.5; % calculate number of frames fseek(fid,0,'eof'); % move to end of file fileLen=ftell(fid); % number of bytes fseek(fid,0,'bof'); % rewind to start % calculate number of frames numFrames = floor(fileLen/frameSizeBytes); Y=uint8(zeros(height,width,numFrames)); U=uint8(zeros(height/2,width/2,numFrames)); V=uint8(zeros(height/2,width/2,numFrames)); [X,nBytes]=fread(fid, frameSizeBytes, 'uchar'); for k=1:numFrames % Store luminance Y(:,:,k)=uint8(reshape(X(1:nPx), width, height).'); % Store U channel U(:,:,k)=uint8(reshape(X(nPx + (1:nPx/4)), width/2, height/2).'); % Store V channel V(:,:,k)=uint8(reshape(X(nPx + nPx/4 + (1:nPx/4)), width/2, height/2).'); % Read next frame [X,nBytes]=fread(fid, frameSizeBytes, 'uchar'); end fclose(fid);