{ 'variables': { 'variables': { 'webrtc_root%': '<(DEPTH)/webrtc', # Override the default (10.6) in Chromium's build/common.gypi. # Needed for ARC and libc++. 'mac_deployment_target%': '10.7', # Disable use of sysroot for Linux. It's enabled by default in Chromium, # but it currently lacks the libudev-dev package. # TODO(kjellander): Remove when crbug.com/561584 is fixed. 'use_sysroot': 0, }, 'webrtc_root%': '<(webrtc_root)', 'mac_deployment_target%': '<(mac_deployment_target)', 'use_sysroot%': '<(use_sysroot)', 'build_with_chromium': 0, 'conditions': [ ['OS=="ios"', { # Default to using BoringSSL on iOS. 'use_openssl%': 1, # Set target_subarch for if not already set. This is needed because the # Chromium iOS toolchain relies on target_subarch being set. 'conditions': [ ['target_arch=="arm" or target_arch=="ia32"', { 'target_subarch%': 'arm32', }], ['target_arch=="arm64" or target_arch=="x64"', { 'target_subarch%': 'arm64', }], ], }], ], }, 'target_defaults': { 'target_conditions': [ ['_target_name=="sanitizer_options"', { 'conditions': [ ['lsan==1', { # Replace Chromium's LSan suppressions with our own for WebRTC. 'sources/': [ ['exclude', 'lsan_suppressions.cc'], ], 'sources': [ '<(webrtc_root)/build/sanitizers/lsan_suppressions_webrtc.cc', ], }], ['tsan==1', { # Replace Chromium's TSan v2 suppressions with our own for WebRTC. 'sources/': [ ['exclude', 'tsan_suppressions.cc'], ], 'sources': [ '<(webrtc_root)/build/sanitizers/tsan_suppressions_webrtc.cc', ], }], ], }], ], }, }