/* * Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #ifndef WEBRTC_TEST_CHANNEL_TRANSPORT_UDP_SOCKET2_MANAGER_WINDOWS_H_ #define WEBRTC_TEST_CHANNEL_TRANSPORT_UDP_SOCKET2_MANAGER_WINDOWS_H_ #include #include #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/atomic32.h" #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/critical_section_wrapper.h" #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/event_wrapper.h" #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/thread_wrapper.h" #include "webrtc/test/channel_transport/udp_socket2_win.h" #include "webrtc/test/channel_transport/udp_socket_manager_wrapper.h" #include "webrtc/test/channel_transport/udp_transport.h" #define MAX_IO_BUFF_SIZE 1600 namespace webrtc { namespace test { enum IO_OPERATION { OP_READ, OP_WRITE }; class UdpSocket2Windows; // Struct used for all socket I/O operations. struct PerIoContext { WSAOVERLAPPED overlapped; char buffer[MAX_IO_BUFF_SIZE]; WSABUF wsabuf; size_t nTotalBytes; int nSentBytes; int bytes; IO_OPERATION ioOperation; SocketAddress from; int fromLen; // Should be set to true if the I/O context was passed to the system by // a thread not controlled by the socket implementation. bool ioInitiatedByThreadWrapper; // TODO (hellner): Not used. Delete it. PerIoContext* pNextFree; }; struct IoContextPoolItem; struct IoContextPoolItemPayload { PerIoContext ioContext; IoContextPoolItem* base; }; struct IoContextPoolItem { // Atomic single linked list entry header. SLIST_ENTRY itemEntry; // Atomic single linked list payload IoContextPoolItemPayload payload; }; class IoContextPool { public: IoContextPool(); virtual ~IoContextPool(); virtual int32_t Init(uint32_t increaseSize = 128); // Re-use an old unused IO context or create a new one. virtual PerIoContext* PopIoContext(); virtual int32_t PushIoContext(PerIoContext* pIoContext); virtual inline int32_t GetSize(uint32_t* inUse = 0) {return _size.Value();} virtual int32_t Free(); private: // Sample code for use of msfts single linked atomic list can be found here: // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms686962(VS.85).aspx // Atomic single linked list head. PSLIST_HEADER _pListHead; bool _init; Atomic32 _size; Atomic32 _inUse; }; class UdpSocket2WorkerWindows { public: UdpSocket2WorkerWindows(HANDLE ioCompletionHandle); virtual ~UdpSocket2WorkerWindows(); virtual bool Start(); virtual bool Stop(); virtual int32_t Init(); protected: static bool Run(void* obj); bool Process(); private: HANDLE _ioCompletionHandle; rtc::scoped_ptr _pThread; static int32_t _numOfWorkers; int32_t _workerNumber; volatile bool _stop; bool _init; }; class UdpSocket2ManagerWindows : public UdpSocketManager { public: UdpSocket2ManagerWindows(); virtual ~UdpSocket2ManagerWindows(); virtual bool Init(int32_t id, uint8_t& numOfWorkThreads); virtual bool Start(); virtual bool Stop(); virtual inline bool AddSocket(UdpSocketWrapper* s) {if(s) return AddSocketPrv(reinterpret_cast(s)); return false;} virtual bool RemoveSocket(UdpSocketWrapper* s) {if(s) return RemoveSocketPrv(reinterpret_cast(s)); return false;} PerIoContext* PopIoContext(void); int32_t PushIoContext(PerIoContext* pIoContext); private: typedef std::list WorkerList; bool StopWorkerThreads(); bool StartWorkerThreads(); bool AddSocketPrv(UdpSocket2Windows* s); bool RemoveSocketPrv(UdpSocket2Windows* s); static uint32_t _numOfActiveManagers; static bool _wsaInit; int32_t _id; CriticalSectionWrapper* _pCrit; int32_t _managerNumber; volatile bool _stopped; bool _init; int32_t _numActiveSockets; WorkerList _workerThreadsList; EventWrapper* _event; HANDLE _ioCompletionHandle; IoContextPool _ioContextPool; }; } // namespace test } // namespace webrtc #endif // WEBRTC_TEST_CHANNEL_TRANSPORT_UDP_SOCKET2_MANAGER_WINDOWS_H_