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+# List of bugs in common algorithms
+* [RSA](rsa.md)
+* [DSA](dsa.md)
+* [ECDH](ecdh.md)
+* [Diffie-Hellman](dh.md)
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+# Diffie-Hellman
+## Subgroup confinement attacks
+The papers by van Oorshot and Wiener [OW96] rsp. Lim and Lee [LL98] show that
+Diffie-Hellman keys can be found much faster if the short exponents are used and
+if the multiplicative group modulo p contains small subgroups. In particular an
+attacker can try to send a public key that is an element of a small subgroup. If
+the receiver does not check for such elements then may be possible to find the
+private key modulo the order of the small subgroup. Several countermeasures
+against such attacks have been proposed: For example IKE uses fields of order p
+where p is a safe prime (i.e. $$q=(p-1)/2),$$ hence the only elements of small
+order are 1 and p-1.
+[NIST SP 800-56A] rev. 2, Section only requires that the size of the
+subgroup generated by the generator g is big enough to prevent the baby-step
+giant-step algorithm. I.e. for 80-bit security p must be at least 1024 bits long
+and the prime q must be at least 160 bits long. A 2048 bit prime p and a 224 bit
+prime q are sufficient for 112 bit security. To avoid subgroup confinment
+attacks NIST requires that public keys are validated, i.e. by checking that a
+public key y satisfies the conditions $$2 \leq y \leq p-2$$ and $$y^q \mod p =
+1$$ (Section Further, after generating the shared secret $$z =
+y_a^{x_b} \mod p$$ each party should check that $$z \neq 1.$$ RFC 2785 contains
+similar recommendations. The public key validation described by NIST requires
+that the order q of the generator g is known to the verifier. Unfortunately, the
+order q is missing in [PKCS #3]. [PKCS #3] describes the Diffie-Hellman
+parameters only by the values p, g and optionally the key size in bits.
+The class DHParameterSpec that defines the Diffie-Hellman parameters in JCE
+contains the same values as [PKCS #3]. In particular, it does not contain the
+order of the subgroup q. Moreover, the SUN provider uses the minimal sizes
+specified by NIST for q. Essentially the provider reuses the parameters for DSA.
+Therefore, there is no guarantee that an implementation of Diffie-Hellman is secure against
+subgroup confinement attacks. Without a key validation it is insecure to use the key-pair
+generation from [NIST SP 800-56A] Section (The key-pair generation there only requires that
+static and ephemeral private keys are randomly chosen in the range \\(1..q-1)\\).
+To avoid big disasters the tests below require that key sizes are not minimal. I.e., currently
+the tests require at least 512 bit keys for 1024 bit fields. We use this lower limit because that
+is what the SUN provider is currently doing.
+TODO(bleichen): Find a reference supporting or disproving that decision.
+## Weak parameters
+The DH parameters must be carefully chosen to avoid security issues. A panel at
+Eurocrypt'92 discussed the possiblity of trapdoors in DL based primitives
+[Eurocrypt92 panel]. A. Lenstra pointed out that the primes chould be chosen
+such that the special number field sieve can be used to compute discrete
+logarithms. Gordon has analyzed methods to generate and detect weak parameters
+[G92]. Section 4 of Gordons paper describes a method that can detect some
+special cases, but no general method was given. Recently Fried et al. showed
+that 1024 bit discrete logarithms with the special number field sieve are
+feasible [FGHT16]. Moreover some libraries use primes that are susceptible to
+this attack [FGHT16].
+TODO(bleichen): So far not test for weak DH parameters has been implemented.
+Possibly we should at least implement a test that detects special cases, so
+that weak primes (such as the one used in libtomcrypt) are detected.
+DH implementations are sometimes misconfigured. Adrian et al. [WeakDh] analyzed
+various implementations and found for example the following problems in the
+parameters: p is sometimes composite, p-1 contains no large prime factor, q is
+used instead of the generator g.
+## References
+[Eurocrypt92 panel]: "The Eurocrypt'92 Controversial Issue Trapdoor Primes and Moduli",
+EUROCRYPT '92, LNCS 658, pp. 194-199.
+[G92]: D. M. Gordon. "Designing and detecting trapdoors for discrete log
+cryptosystems." CRYPTO’92, pp. 66–75.
+\[FGHT16]: J. Fried, P. Gaudry, N. Heininger, E. Thome. "A kilobit hidden SNFS
+discrete logarithm computation". http://eprint.iacr.org/2016/961.pdf
+[OW96]: P. C. van Oorschot, M. J. Wiener, "On Diffie-Hellman key agreement with short exponents",
+Eurocrypt 96, pp 332–343.
+[LL98]: C.H. Lim and P.J. Lee,
+"A key recovery attack on discrete log-based schemes using a prime order subgroup",
+CRYPTO' 98, pp 249–263.
+[WeakDh]: D. Adrian, K. Bhargavan, Z. Durumeric, P. Gaudry, M. Green,
+J. A. Halderman, N. Heninger, D. Springall, E. Thomé, Luke Valenta,
+B. VanderSloot, E. Wustrow, S. Zanella-Béguelink, P. Zimmermann,
+"Imperfect Forward Secrecy: How Diffie-Hellman Fails in Practice"
+[NIST SP 800-56A], revision 2, May 2013
+[PKCS #3]: "Diffie–Hellman Key Agreement",
+[RFC 2785]: R. Zuccherato,
+"Methods for Avoiding 'Small-Subgroup' Attacks on the Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Method for S/MIME",
+March 2000
+## Sources that might be used for additional tests:
+CVE-2015-3193: The Montgomery squaring implementation in crypto/bn/asm/x86_64-mont5.pl
+in OpenSSL 1.0.2 before 1.0.2e on the x86_64 platform, as used by the BN_mod_exp function,
+mishandles carry propagation
+CVE-2016-0739: libssh before 0.7.3 improperly truncates ephemeral secrets generated for the
+(1) diffie-hellman-group1 and (2) diffie-hellman-group14 key exchange methods to 128 bits ...
+CVE-2015-1787 The ssl3_get_client_key_exchange function in s3_srvr.c in OpenSSL 1.0.2 before
+1.0.2a, when client authentication and an ephemeral Diffie-Hellman ciphersuite are enabled,
+allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (daemon crash) via a ClientKeyExchange
+message with a length of zero.
+CVE-2015-0205 The ssl3_get_cert_verify function in s3_srvr.c in OpenSSL 1.0.0 before 1.0.0p
+and 1.0.1 before 1.0.1k accepts client authentication with a Diffie-Hellman (DH) certificate
+without requiring a CertificateVerify message, which allows remote attackers to obtain access
+without knowledge of a private key via crafted TLS Handshake Protocol traffic to a server that
+recognizes a Certification Authority with DH support.
+CVE-2016-0701 The DH_check_pub_key function in crypto/dh/dh_check.c in OpenSSL 1.0.2 before
+1.0.2f does not ensure that prime numbers are appropriate for Diffie-Hellman (DH) key exchange,
+which makes it easier for remote attackers to discover a private DH exponent by making multiple
+handshakes with a peer that chose an inappropriate number, as demonstrated by a number in an
+X9.42 file.
+CVE-2006-1115 nCipher HSM before 2.22.6, when generating a Diffie-Hellman public/private key
+pair without any specified DiscreteLogGroup parameters, chooses random parameters that could
+allow an attacker to crack the private key in significantly less time than a brute force attack.
+CVE-2015-1716 Schannel in Microsoft Windows Server 2003 SP2, Windows Vista SP2, Windows Server
+2008 SP2 and R2 SP1, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 Gold and R2, and
+Windows RT Gold and 8.1 does not properly restrict Diffie-Hellman Ephemeral (DHE) key lengths,
+which makes it easier for remote attackers to defeat cryptographic protection mechanisms via
+unspecified vectors, aka "Schannel Information Disclosure Vulnerability.
+CVE-2015-2419: Random generation of the prime p allows Pohlig-Hellman and probably other
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+# DSA
+The digital signature algorithm (DSA) is one of three signature schemes
+descripted in the digital signature standard [DSS].
+## Key generation
+4.2 Selection of Parameter Sizes and Hash Functions for DSA
+The DSS specifies the following choices for the pair (L,N),
+where L is the size of p in bits and N is the size of q in bits:
+L | N
+1024| 160
+2048| 224
+2048| 256
+3072| 256
+The tests expect the following properties of the parameters used during
+key generation:
+* If only the parameter L is specified by the caller then N should be one
+ of the options proposed in [DSS].
+* If no size is specified then L should be at least 2048. This is the minimal
+ key size recommended by NIST for the period up to the year 2030.
+## Signature generation
+The DSA signature algorithm requires that each signature is computed with a new
+one-time secret k. This secret value should be close to uniformly distributed.
+If that is not the case then DSA signatures can leak the private key that was
+used to generate the signature. Two methods for generating the one-time secrets
+are described in FIPS PUB 186-4, Section B.5.1 or B.5.2 [DSS]. There is also the
+possibility that the use of mismatched implementations for key generation and
+signature generation are leaking the private keys.
+## Signature verification
+A DSA signature is a DER encoded tuple of two integers (r,s). To verify a
+signature the verifier first checks $$0 < r < q$$ and $$0 < s < q$$. The
+verifier then computes:
+w=s^{-1} \bmod q\\
+u1 = w \cdot H(m) \bmod q\\
+u2 = w \cdot r \bmod q\\
+and then verifies that \\(r = (g^{u1}y^{u2} \bmod p) \bmod q\\)
+## Incorrect computations and range checks.
+Some libraries return 0 as the modular inverse of 0 or q.
+This can happen if the library computes the modular
+inverse of s as \\(w=s^{q-2} \mod q\\) (gpg4browsers) of simply
+if the implementations is buggy (pycrypto). if additionally to such
+a bug the range of r,s is not or incorrectly tested then it might
+be feasible to forge signatures with the values (r=1, s=0) or (r=1, s=q).
+In particular, if a library can be forced to compute \\(s^{-1} \mod q = 0\\)
+then the verification would compute \\( w = u1 = u2 = 0 \\) and hence
+\\( (g^{u1}y^{u2} \mod p) \mod q = 1 .\\)
+## Timing attacks
+# Some notable failures of crypto libraries.
+## JDK
+The jdk8 implementation of SHA1withDSA previously checked the key size as follows:
+ protected void checkKey(DSAParams params)
+ throws InvalidKeyException {
+ int valueL = params.getP().bitLength();
+ if (valueL > 1024) {
+ throw new InvalidKeyException("Key is too long for this algorithm");
+ }
+ }
+This check was reasonable, it partially ensures conformance with the NIST
+standard. In most cases would prevent the attack described above.
+However, Oracle released a patch that removed the length verification in DSA in
+jdk9: http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk9/dev/jdk/rev/edd7a67585a5
+The new code is here:
+The change was further backported to jdk8:
+Doing this was a serious mistake. It easily allowed incorrect implementations.
+While generating 2048 bit DSA keys in jdk7 was not yet supported, doing so in
+jdk8 is. To trigger this bug in jdk7 an application had to use a key generated
+by a third party library (e.g. OpenSSL). Now, it is possible to trigger the bug
+just using JCE. Moreover, the excessive use of default values in JCE makes it
+easy to go wrong and rather difficult to spot the errors.
+The bug was for example triggered by the following code snippet:
+ KeyPairGenerator keygen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("DSA");
+ Keygen.initialize(2048);
+ KeyPair keypair = keygen.genKeyPair();
+ Signature s = Signature.getInstance("DSA");
+ s.initSign(keypair.getPrivate());
+The first three lines generate a 2048 bit DSA key. 2048 bits is currently the
+smallest key size recommended by NIST.
+ KeyPairGenerator keygen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("DSA");
+ Keygen.initialize(2048);
+ KeyPair keypair = keygen.genKeyPair();
+The key size specifies the size of p but not the size of q. The NIST standard
+allows either 224 or 256 bits for the size of q. The selection typically depends
+on the library. The Sun provider uses 224. Other libraries e.g. OpenSSL
+generates by default a 256 bit q for 2048 bit DSA keys.
+The next line contains a default in the initialization
+    Signature s = Signature.getInstance("DSA");
+This line is equivalent to
+    Signature s = Signature.getInstance("SHA1withDSA");
+Hence the code above uses SHA1 but with DSA parameters generated for SHA-224
+or SHA-256 hashes. Allowing this combination by itself is already a mistake,
+but a flawed implementaion made the situation even worse.
+The implementation of SHA1withDSA assumeed that the parameter q is 160 bits
+long and used this assumption to generate a random 160-bit k when generating a
+signature instead of choosing it uniformly in the range (1,q-1).
+Hence, k severely biased. Attacks against DSA with biased k are well known.
+Howgrave-Graham and Smart analyzed such a situation [HS99]. Their results
+show that about 4 signatrues leak enough information to determine
+the private key in a few milliseconds.
+Nguyen analyzed a similar flaw in GPG [N04].
+I.e., Section 3.2 of Nguyens paper describes essentially the same attack as
+used here. More generally, attacks based on lattice reduction were developed
+to break a variety of cryptosystems such as the knapsack cryptosystem [O90].
+## Further notes
+The short algorithm name “DSA” is misleading, since it hides the fact that
+`Signature.getInstance(“DSA”)` is equivalent to
+`Signature.getInstance(“SHA1withDSA”)`. To reduce the chance of a
+misunderstanding short algorithm names should be deprecated. In JCE the hash
+algorithm is defined by the algorithm. I.e. depending on the hash algorithm to
+use one would call one of:
+ Signature.getInstance(“SHA1withDSA”);
+ Signature.getInstance(“SHA224withDSA”);
+ Signature.getInstance(“SHA256withDSA”);
+A possible way to push such a change are code analysis tools. "DSA" is in good
+company with other algorithm names “RSA”, “AES”, “DES”, all of which default to
+weak algorithms.
+## References
+[HS99]: N.A. Howgrave-Graham, N.P. Smart,
+ “Lattice Attacks on Digital Signature Schemes”
+ http://www.hpl.hp.com/techreports/1999/HPL-1999-90.pdf
+[N04]: Phong Nguyen, “Can we trust cryptographic software? Cryptographic flaws
+ in Gnu privacy guard 1.2.3”, Eurocrypt 2004,
+ https://www.iacr.org/archive/eurocrypt2004/30270550/ProcEC04.pdf
+[O90]: A. M. Odlyzko, "The rise and fall of knapsack cryptosystems", Cryptology
+ and Computational Number Theory, pp.75-88, 1990
+[DSS]: FIPS PUB 186-4, "Digital Signature Standard (DSS)", National Institute
+ of Standards and Technology, July 2013
+ http://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/FIPS/NIST.FIPS.186-4.pdf
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+##ECDH description:
+See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elliptic_curve_Diffie%E2%80%93Hellman
+Some libraries do not check if the elliptic curve points received from another
+party are points on the curve. Encodings of public keys typically contain the
+curve for the public key point. If such an encoding is used in the key exchange
+then it is important to check that the public and secret key used to compute
+the shared ECDH secret are using the same curve.
+Some libraries fail to do this check.
+**Potential exploits:**
+The damage done depends on the protocol that uses ECDH. E.g. if ECDH is used
+with ephemeral keys then the damage is typically limited. If the EC keys are
+static, i.e. used for multiple key exchanges then a failure to verify a public
+point can disclose the private key used in the same protocol.
+(To do: add papers describing the attack).
+**Sun JCE provider:**
+ECDH does not check if the points are on the curve.
+The implementer must do this.
+The ECDH implementation does not check if the point is on the curve.
+Furthermore, Bouncycastle does not even check if the public and private key are
+on the same curve. It performs a point multiplication \\(x \cdot Y\\) over the
+curve specified by the public key.
+Point verification is done in OpenSSL if the right functions are used.
+Since OpenSSL is not well documented it is a bit tricky to find the right
+(To do: maybe add an example).
+* use point compression. Formats such as X509EncodedKeySpec
+in Java include bits that indicate whether the point is compressed or not.
+Hence an attacker can always choose to use uncompressed points as long as this
+option is incorrectly implemented.
+* check that public and private key use the same curve
+* restrict the protocol to named curves
+* reconstruct the public key explicitly using the parameters of the private
+ key.
+**Further recommendations:**
+If possible I also check if the points are on the curve after point
+multiplications on an elliptic curve in the hope to catch implementation
+and hardware faults.
+## Some notable bugs:
+* ECDHC in bouncy castle could be broken by modifying the order of the public key.
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+# Project Wycheproof
+This page describes the goals and strategies of project Wycheproof. See
+[README](../README.md) for an introduction to the project.
+## Defense in depth
+There are a number of tests where we check for expected behaviour
+rather than exploitability. Examples:
+* default values: we expect that default values are reasonable and correspond
+ to recommendations by current standards. Concretely, in 2016 it is not OK
+ if an RSA key generation uses 1024 bits as default or digital signatures
+ use SHA-1 as default.
+* timing attacks: any timing that relation between keys (or other sensitive)
+ data and the measured time fails the test. However tests are set up
+ such that too much noise during the test can prevent that a relation
+ is detected.
+* wrong exceptions: The JCE interface often specifies the exceptions that
+ should be thrown when the input is invalid. We expect the specified
+ exceptions in the tests.
+* leaking information through exceptions: While it is a good practice to not
+ return detailed logs to a sender, we consider text in exceptions as
+ information that a potential attacker can learn. For example padding
+ failures during decryption should not contain information about the
+ reason why a decryption failed.
+* RSA PKCS #1 signatures: If a signature verification allows signatures
+ with lots of modifications, then RSA signatures can be forged for small
+ public exponents. Tests do not measure how many bytes can be modified.
+ Any accepted modification of the PKCS #1 padding fails the test.
+## Compatibility between providers
+One of the goals of Wycheproof is to test for compatibility issues.
+Switching JCE providers should not introduce vulnerabilities simply because
+the solution was developed by another provider.
+An example for this was the following observation: When using AES-GCM then
+javax.crypto.CipherInputStream worked sort of with JCE and
+org.bouncycastle.jcajce.io.CipherInputStream.java worked with BouncyCastle.
+However, authentication was skipped in some cases when
+javax.crypto.CipherInputStream was used with BouncyCastle.
+## Comparing cryptographic libraries is not a primary goal
+Because of the strategies mentioned above we expect that a comparison of
+cryptographic libraries based on the bugs found would be biased:
+* Libraries used internally in Google get more attention.
+ Serious vulnerabilities in these libraries should be fixed at the time the
+ tests are added to Wycheproof. On the other hand it is also likely that
+ tests find a larger number of bugs in these libraries when old versions are
+ tested.
+* Tests often check for expected behaviour and compatibility.
+ Expected behaviour is often defined by a prominent library.
+ Pointing out such problems can therefore penalize smaller third party
+ libraries.
+* We are working toward covering as many potential vulnerabilities as possible
+ with test vectors, because this simplifies porting the tests to other
+ languages or interfaces. Thus a single test case can cover multiple
+ vulnerabilities.
+We are not trying to remove this bias when this interferes with more important
+goals such as early reporting.
+Hence we are reluctant to publish comparisons.
+## Thoughts on the design of cryptographic libraries
+We should promote robust interfaces with the goal to simplify
+the use of the library, code reviews of applications using the
+library and testing the library.
+* When cryptographic primitives require randomness then the random
+ numbers should be chosen by the library. It shouldn't be possible
+ for a user to provide randomness. If the library itself chooses the
+ randomness then it is possible (at least to some degree) to check
+ that the random number generation is appropriate for the primitive.
+ If the user can provide the randomness then it is not possible to
+ catch this in our tests.
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+# RSA
+## RSA key generation
+**Default size:** If a library supports a key default size for RSA keys then
+this key size should be at least 2048 bits. This limit is based on the minimum
+recommendation of [NIST SP 800-57] part1 revision 4, Table 2, page 53. NIST
+recommends a minimal security strength of 112 bits for keys used until 2030. 112
+bit security strength translates to a minimal key size of 2048 bits. Other
+organizations recommend somewhat different sizes: [Enisa], Section 3.6 also
+suggests that 2048-bit RSA keys provide a security strength of about 112 bits,
+but recommends a security strength of 128 bits for near term systems, hence 3072
+bit RSA keys. [ECRYPT II], Section 13.3 suggests at least 2432 bits for new
+All the references above clearly state that keys smaller than 2048 bits should
+only be used in legacy cases. Therefore, it seems wrong to use a default key
+size smaller than 2048 bits. If a user really wants a small RSA key then such a
+choice should be made by explicitly providing the desired key length during the
+initalization of a key pair generator.
+According to https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/javax/crypto/Cipher.html
+every implementation of the Java platform is required to implement RSA with both
+1024 and 2048 bit key sizes. Hence a 2048 bit default should not lead to
+compatibility problems.
+**Cryptographically strong random numbers:**
+So far the tests check that java.util.Random is not used. This needs to be
+**Other bugs:**
+The public exponent e should be larger than 1 [CVE-1999-1444]
+## RSA PKCS #1 v1.5 encryption
+PKCS #1 v1.5 padding is susceptible to adaptive chosen ciphertext attacks and
+hence should be avoided [B98]. The difficulty of exploiting protocols using
+PKCS #1 v1.5 encryption often depends on the amount of information leaked after
+decrypting corrupt ciphertexts. Implementations frequently leak information
+about the decrypted plaintext in form of error messages. The content of the
+error messages are extremely helpful to potential attackers. Bardou et al.
+[BFKLSST12] analyze the difficult of attacks based on different types of
+information leakage. Smart even describes an attack that only needs about 40
+chosen ciphertexts [S10], though in this case the encryption did not use PKCS #1
+* Bouncycastle throws detailed exceptions:
+ InvalidCipherTextException("unknown block type") or
+ InvalidCipherTextException("block padding incorrect").
+<!-- the SUN provider used to include that block type -->
+**Tests** To test whether an implementation leaks more information than
+necessary a test decrypts some random ciphertexts and catches the exceptions. If
+the exceptions are distinguishable then the test assumes that unnecessary
+information about the padding is leaked.
+Due to the nature of unit tests not every attack can be detected this way. Some
+attacks require a large number of ciphertexts to be detected if random
+ciphertexts are used. For example Klima et al. [KPR03] describe an
+implementation flaw that could not be detected with our test.
+Timing leakages because of differences in parsing the padding can leak
+information (e.g. CVE-2015-7827). Such differences are too small to be reliably
+detectable in unit tests.
+Manger describes an chosen ciphertext attack against RSA in [M01]. There are
+implementations that were susceptible to Mangers attack, e.g. [CVE-2012-5081].
+## RSA PKCS1 signatures
+**Potential problems:**
+* Some libraries parse PKCS#1 padding during signature verification
+ incorrectly.
+* Some libraries determine the hash function from the signature (rather than
+ encoding this in the key) Effect:
+* If the verification is buggy then an attacker might be able to generate
+ signatures for keys with a small (i.e. e=3) public exponent.
+* If the hash algorithm is not determined by in an authentic manner then
+ preimage attacks against weak hashes are possible, even if the hashes are
+ not used by the signer.
+**Countermeasures:** A good way to implement RSA signature verification is
+described in the standard PKCS#1 v.2.2 Section 8.2.2. This standard proposes to
+reconstruct the padding during verification and compare the padded hash to the
+value $$s^e \bmod n$$ obtained from applying a public key exponentiation to the
+signature s. Since this is a recurring bug it makes also a lot of sense to avoid
+small public exponents and prefer for example e=65537 .
+**List of broken implementations**
+This is a large list.
+## References
+\[B98]: D. Bleichenbacher, "Chosen ciphertext attacks against protocols based on
+the RSA encryption standard PKCS# 1" Crypto 98
+\[M01]: J. Manger, "A chosen ciphertext attack on RSA optimal asymmetric
+encryption padding (OAEP) as standardized in PKCS# 1 v2.0", Crypto 2001 This
+paper shows that OAEP is susceptible to a chosen ciphertext attack if error
+messages distinguish between different failure condidtions. [S10]: N. Smart,
+"Errors matter: Breaking RSA-based PIN encryption with thirty ciphertext
+validity queries" RSA conference, 2010 This paper shows that padding oracle
+attacks can be successful with even a small number of queries.
+\[KPR03]: V. Klima, O. Pokorny, and T. Rosa, "Attacking RSA-based Sessions in
+SSL/TLS" https://eprint.iacr.org/2003/052/
+\[BFKLSST12]: "Efficient padding oracle attacks on cryptographic hardware" R.
+Bardou, R. Focardi, Y. Kawamoto, L. Simionato, G. Steel, J.K. Tsay, Crypto 2012
+\[NIST SP 800-57]:
+\[Enisa]: "Algorithms, key size and parameters report – 2014"
+\[ECRYPT II]: Yearly Report on Algorithms and Keysizes (2011-2012),
+\[CVE-1999-1444]: Alibaba 2.0 generated RSA key pairs with an exponent 1
+\[CVE-2012-5081]: Java JSSE provider leaked information through exceptions and
+timing. Both the PKCS #1 padding and the OAEP padding were broken: