AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2024-04-08Update documentation to reflect new repository location.upstream-masterCharles Lee
2024-03-26README: mention new community maintenanceFilippo Valsorda
2024-03-15Merge pull request #102 from Gusted:patch-1Copybara-Service
PiperOrigin-RevId: 616253146
2024-03-15Update types.mdckl
COPYBARA_INTEGRATE_REVIEW=https://github.com/google/wycheproof/pull/95 from 0o001:0o001-patch-1 080532d0b11cbda66679e699379fed47165bebac PiperOrigin-RevId: 616242185
2024-03-15Merge pull request #94 from jeanpaulgalea:fix-rfcCopybara-Service
PiperOrigin-RevId: 616234753
2024-03-15Merge pull request #91 from criadoperez:patch-1Copybara-Service
PiperOrigin-RevId: 616210032
2024-03-15Merge pull request #104 from chuckx:update-docsCopybara-Service
PiperOrigin-RevId: 616171757
2024-03-14Fix XChaCha-Poly1305 entry.Charles Lee
2024-03-13Updated test vector coverage on the front pageckl
PiperOrigin-RevId: 615447588
2024-01-30Correct type annotations to improve type checking.Wycheproof Team
PiperOrigin-RevId: 602941791
2024-01-06Fix computed tag in Ascon-80pqGusted
Resolves #101.
2023-11-03Migrate off unsupported internal JDK APIs.Wycheproof Team
PiperOrigin-RevId: 579244139
2023-10-28Import of https://bitbucket.org/b_c/jose4j.git.mdusina
`$ copybara third_party/java_src/jose4j/copy.bara.sky default --force --piper-description-behavior OVERWRITE -- jose4j-0.9.3` This CL drops the Google-internal patch for `RSA1_5` padding oracle mitigations. It also gets us to the most recent version (finally!). After this, we should register this project for copybara as a service so updates happen monthly (when available). #MIGRATION_3P_JAVA_SRC_JOSE4J__DEFAULT - aabcf0bdde392a6d7ef1fd5a12549f1a3fcbe319 [maven-release-plugin] prepare release jose4j-0.9.2 by Brian Campbell <brian.d.campbell@gmail.com> - dad416151f06bcffb8ffc1a2c31b1fe741c29256 [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development itera... by Brian Campbell <brian.d.campbell@gmail.com> - 1929fe30cfa769bf4deba89928653da028cb72e5 PBES2 - disallow iteration count < 1000 (Issue #203) and ... by Brian Campbell <brian.d.campbell@gmail.com> - 14e62a8dee9decb4ff6e0625aedc5724601bfdb6 Addtional controls around RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5 including addi... by Brian Campbell <brian.d.campbell@gmail.com> - 63b86581e7bfcc2d9d04ee15caea4b5bfb911f59 Additional controls around RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5 including add... by Brian Campbell <brian.d.campbell@gmail.com> - 0aad8fc75d599a049bba2b3a75f5bcba1009cfaf [maven-release-plugin] prepare release jose4j-0.9.3 by Brian Campbell <brian.d.campbell@gmail.com> NOKEYCHECK=True PiperOrigin-RevId: 577462443
2023-10-10Import of https://bitbucket.org/b_c/jose4j.git.mdusina
`$ copybara third_party/java_src/jose4j/copy.bara.sky default --force --piper-description-behavior OVERWRITE -- jose4j-0.8.0` Kept security patch in org/jose4j/jwe/WrappingKeyManagementAlgorithm.java for padding oracle. That's fixed at 0.9.3 (but we can't go past 0.8.0 due to missing Java language features). Unsuppressed a Wycheproof test that was testing for bad EC validation behavior which is now fixed. #MIGRATION_3P_JAVA_SRC_JOSE4J__DEFAULT - ff6d6c2ee7b94ca5e1ee9c17b4647938110bd07d two ampersands are better than one fixes Issue #190 by Brian Campbell <brian.d.campbell@gmail.com> - f8738d73a5c8337b61aa7cfa08f006b87342fcb8 JsonWebSignature's payload and encoded payload could get ... by Brian Campbell <brian.d.campbell@gmail.com> - 68a50429f9285e079749956ff2ff4fff8f9d7d7e fix typo in javadoc by Brian Campbell <brian.d.campbell@gmail.com> - 4c73787c94e8f77f9ed1dec61eb6df20f7cd29fc Disable http servers/proxies cache when calling JWKS by Khaled Hamlaoui <khaled.hamlaoui@renault.com> - 2e32fa33633a0687282c2581b9a93c7802164ca5 Remove the option: disable server side cache using randon... by Khaled Hamlaoui <khaled.hamlaoui@renault.com> - fa31af5ebfd7c81ebce79d4a635726ac1303b3d0 Restore imports by Khaled Hamlaoui <khaled.hamlaoui@renault.com> - af33380bf566f72c6054622ae9b8e62a90f5989e Remove the cache support of servers using http 1.0 by Khaled Hamlaoui <khaled.hamlaoui@renault.com> - d68c33cab8e9480d01391f51e7e5e51a7d950848 get the javadoc errors to stop by Brian Campbell <brian.d.campbell@gmail.com> - 5eaa19a3e773e5eb32cf2186e01e12b9ddf4920c Add JWK Thumbprint URI support by David Waite <dwaite@pingidentity.com> - 5172d65378a4e270428ee439900e6b22c3c9afed Reject messages that contain private keys in JOSE headers... by Brian Campbell <brian.d.campbell@gmail.com> - 37957685cb27d71f55b13695572b3ea0a4a04013 ugh, forgot there was getJwkHeaderValue too by Brian Campbell <brian.d.campbell@gmail.com> - 0f60487b67587bd3f9ecc9f1c8cea61fb205566a Do some pre-checks before calling the crypto provider to ... by Brian Campbell <brian.d.campbell@gmail.com> - c350a58942bb29e019097a6ab455918ca5b8beb4 Throw a checked exception from new EllipticCurveJsonWebKe... by Brian Campbell <brian.d.campbell@gmail.com> - 93c585f1f3807eee76c114fce601ec614d8c4242 Tidy up the JsonWebKeySet debug logging when an individua... by Brian Campbell <brian.d.campbell@gmail.com> - 1b933223c4976158a74711eb8c20343b8af6a7ad add some better context and fix some spelling in logging by Brian Campbell <brian.d.campbell@gmail.com> - 135cd1b9530fe93b59d3f5298e3561e91c15b1d7 InvalidKeyException rather than JoseException for ECDH in... by Brian Campbell <brian.d.campbell@gmail.com> - 6436f76f5a667c88e1aea9225084f1135deeed9d add support for the ES256K JWS alg (ECDSA using secp256k1... by Brian Campbell <brian.d.campbell@gmail.com> NOKEYCHECK=True PiperOrigin-RevId: 572422528
2023-09-26Add tests to verify provider registration utility functions.ckl
For reference, here's the initial set of providers: ``` [SUN, SunRsaSign, SunEC, SunJSSE, SunJCE, SunJGSS, SunSASL, XMLDSig, SunPCSC, JdkLDAP, JdkSASL, SunPKCS11] ``` Versus the list after executing `installOnlyOpenJDKProviders()`: ``` [SUN, SunJCE, SunRsaSign, SunEC] ``` Note that the OpenJDK providers are initially present but in a different order, which is used convey provider preference. NOKEYCHECK=True PiperOrigin-RevId: 568645228
2023-09-14Explicitly provide an AlgorithmParameterSpec for cipher initializationWycheproof Team
Bouncy Castle 1.73 and later no longer allows null IES algorithm parameters: https://github.com/bcgit/bc-java/commit/5f7b6e7588737bcfb8f1dac85c03d761dc39f42c http://sponge2/9c4945bf-871a-4131-ac6e-81353a8599d0 (ok) http://sponge2/d7ab9ab6-c9b6-4939-b967-36a58ffcb269 (failed) NOKEYCHECK=True PiperOrigin-RevId: 565414128
2023-08-09x25519,x448: fix typo'd RFC referenceJean Paul Galea
- Should refer to: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7748#section-5 not: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7749#section-5
2023-08-07Adjusting Wycheproof tests for DH to account for safe primes. Technically ↵Wycheproof Team
the NIST standard only recommends short exponents in the case of named primes, so this CL is a bit weaker than NIST. See http://b/261217218#comment20 NOKEYCHECK=True PiperOrigin-RevId: 554499257
2023-07-16Add a better error message to the DhTest.Wycheproof Team
A typical error message with the new JDK looks like this: java.lang.AssertionError: X expected to have bit length 1504, but has value 92958950218418996462987643843877938499735925222249647906188789799246291415800, which has bit length 256 NOKEYCHECK=True PiperOrigin-RevId: 548591594
2023-07-03fix patchAlejandro
2023-07-03Update ecdsa_secp256k1_sha256_bitcoin_test.jsonAlejandro Criado-Pérez
2023-05-22Correct "Twist" flag on four X25519 test vectors.Wycheproof Team
For 93, 95, and 101, the public keys are on the twist but they don't have the "Twist" flag. For 94, the public key is on Curve25519 but has the "Twist" flag. To determine whether a public key is on Curve25519, I use the following procedure: 1. Mask the msb of the public key according to RFC 7748, get masked public key `u` 2. Compute `vv = u^3 + A*u^2 + u` 3. If `vv` is a square, then it's on Curve25519, otherwise it's on the twist. (Use Euler's criterion or golang's `(*big.Int).ModSqrt(x, p *Int)` to determine whether `vv` is a square.) NOKEYCHECK=True PiperOrigin-RevId: 534098023
2023-03-13Documenting the character conversion issue with PBE.bleichen
NOKEYCHECK=True PiperOrigin-RevId: 516220120
2023-03-13Adding test vectors for PBE with BMPStrings.bleichen
RFC 7292 uses BMPStrings to encode passwords. This encoding uses UTF-16 encoded strings with big-endian ordering and a NULL terminator. Adding a few more test vectors with invalid UTF-8 encoding. NOKEYCHECK=True PiperOrigin-RevId: 516194647
2023-03-10Adding a test for PBE.bleichen
So far the test only supports PBES2. PBES1 is outdatated and uses ciphers such as 3DES and RC2. Results: The SUN provider pass the tests with passwords that contain printable ASCII characters. BouncyCastle skips everything. This provider implements algorithms such as PBEWITHSHAAND128BITAES-CBC-BC. These algorithms use PKCS #12 encodings for the password, hence give different results. Conscrypt relies on other providers for a SecretKeyFactory. Hence all tests are skipped. NOKEYCHECK=True PiperOrigin-RevId: 515616908
2023-03-09Adding basic test vectors for PBES2.bleichen
This is based on RFC 2898. The files are incompletes since I don't have code for test vector generation yet. PBES2 generates a random key from a password and salt. Then uses this key and additional parameters (in this case an IV) to encrypt. RFC 2898 only defines PBES2 with unauthenticated encryption. In particular it uses CBC mode with PKCS #5 padding. The test vectors have flags depending on the password: "printable": The password consists of printable ASCII characters. These are test vectors that can be verified by the SUN provider. "Ascii": The password consists of ASCII characters. "Utf8": The password is a valid UTF-8 encoding. These are passwords for which the SUN provider can compute the underlying PBKDF function correctly. "NonUtf8": passwords that are not valid UTF-8 encodings. PBES2 is defined for these values, but it is not clear yet if there is a provider that supports these passwords. NOKEYCHECK=True PiperOrigin-RevId: 515365503
2023-03-07Adding tests for PBKDF2.bleichen
PBKDF2 is used for PBES2 in JWE. NOKEYCHECK=True PiperOrigin-RevId: 514744065
2023-03-07Adding test vectors for PBKDF2 defined in RFC 2898,bleichen
PBKDF2 is a function that takes as input a password, a salt, an interation count and a key length. password and salt are byte arrays. Some implementations have restrictions. E.g., JCE uses UTF-8 encodings of a char[]. These implementations cannot verify all test vectors. Because of these restrictions there are different types of test vectors that are marked with the flags: "Printable": password contains printable ASCII characters "Ascii": password contains ASCII characters "Utf8": password is a valid Utf8 encoding "NonUtf8": password is not a valid Utf8 encoding NOKEYCHECK=True PiperOrigin-RevId: 514702127
2023-03-03Adding a test for timing differences in Nimbus-Jose.bleichen
NOKEYCHECK=True PiperOrigin-RevId: 513822210
2023-03-01Adding test vectors for malformed ECDSA signatures and psychic ECDSAbleichen
signatures. Both Nimbus-Jose and jose4j do not check the size of ECDSA signatures. The effect is signature malleability. Sometimes standards are a bit fuzzy about accepting alternative encodings. Here, RFC 7518, section 3.4 requires that ES256 signatures are exactly 64 bytes long. NOKEYCHECK=True PiperOrigin-RevId: 513222124
2023-02-27Adding JWS tests for Nimbus-Jose.bleichen
NOKEYCHECK=True PiperOrigin-RevId: 512057528
2023-02-27Adding JWK tests for Nimubus-Josebleichen
NOKEYCHECK=True PiperOrigin-RevId: 512037229
2023-02-27Adding more test vectors for JWK.bleichen
There are a few more cases where jose4j does not check the algorithm of the key. It is for example possible to abuse an AES key as an HMAC key. NOKEYCHECK=True PiperOrigin-RevId: 512019595
2023-02-27Adding JWE tests for Nimbus-Jose.bleichen
Nimbus-Jose doesn't check whether the algorithm in the key is the same as the algorithm in the header of the ciphertext. It is currently unclear if this can be exploited. Maybe there is a timing attack that can exploit this. NOKEYCHECK=True PiperOrigin-RevId: 511722407
2023-02-27Adding test vectors for the AES_CBC_HMAC variant used in JWE.bleichen
This encryption moded is defined in RFC 7518. It is based on McGrew, D., Foley, J., and K. Paterson, "Authenticated Encryption with AES-CBC and HMAC-SHA", draft-mcgrew-aead-aes-cbc-hmac-sha2-05, July 2014. The algorithms are AEAD. All inputs are byte arrays and hence have the same format as test vectors for other AEADs. JWE encodes IV, ciphertext and tag using base64. This encoding is not part of the test and test vectors. NOKEYCHECK=True PiperOrigin-RevId: 511430026
2023-02-27Simplifying the JSON schemas.bleichen
All test vectors currently use only compact serialization. Other serializations were previously allowed. NOKEYCHECK=True PiperOrigin-RevId: 511429694
2023-02-27Removing the option to add test vectors with JSON serialization.bleichen
Currently all test vectors use the compact form for the "jws" field. If we ever add tests where the jws uses another format then these tests would be in a different test vector file. NOKEYCHECK=True PiperOrigin-RevId: 511207630
2023-02-27Replacing test vector with JSON serialization.bleichen
All other test vectors use compact form. For testing libraries that accepts forms other than the compact form we would add new test vector files. This simplifies the tests using these test vectors. NOKEYCHECK=True PiperOrigin-RevId: 511000783
2023-02-27Replacing test case with JSON serialization.bleichen
All other test vectors use a flattened representation. (i.e. three base64 encoded strings separated with '.') The libraries tested so far only accept flattened representations. Other representations allow additional options. Hence testing such representations will be done with new test vector files. NOKEYCHECK=True PiperOrigin-RevId: 510999148
2023-02-27Fixing the format of some test vectors.bleichen
NOKEYCHECK=True PiperOrigin-RevId: 510365449
2023-02-27Simplifying JsonWebSignatureTest.javableichen
The original tests covered more than just tests for JW signatures. This included tests with keysets. No keysets are necessary to test signature verification. Hence the test here can be simplified. NOKEYCHECK=True PiperOrigin-RevId: 510121455
2023-02-27Adding test vectors for malformed base64 encodings.bleichen
RFC 7515 specifies in Section 2 additional characters such as spaces and line breaks are not allowed. Base64 decoders are frequently not strict about their inputs. For example base64 in python explicitely allows white space and ignores it. In other cases the decoders use lookuptables in such a way that invalid characters have a value of 0 or -1. The new test vectors contain invalid encoded Hmacs. They have been constructed so that they may fail if base64 decoding is not strict. NOKEYCHECK=True PiperOrigin-RevId: 509757096
2023-02-27Test vectors for PKCS #5 paddingsbleichen
NOKEYCHECK=True PiperOrigin-RevId: 509198084
2023-02-27Adding test vectors using key_ops and incorrect use fields.bleichen
There are a few more failing test vectors: jose4j verifies signatures with keys only meant for encryption. Possibly this has been fixed upstream with https://bitbucket.org/b_c/jose4j/wiki/commits/72e156aa68def409bca97f4dff9f63ec5a7c24c1 NOKEYCHECK=True PiperOrigin-RevId: 509168926
2023-02-27Copy edit the project readme.ckl
NOKEYCHECK=True PiperOrigin-RevId: 508858149
2023-02-27Updating json_web_crypto.mdbleichen
Describing the purpose of test vectors that were recently added. NOKEYCHECK=True PiperOrigin-RevId: 508600619
2023-02-27Documenting bib.mdbleichen
NOKEYCHECK=True PiperOrigin-RevId: 508600612
2023-02-27Catching exceptions thrown during tests for bias.bleichen
Some provider appear to generate keys, but throw exceptions while signing a message. Such a behavior currently fails the test. It should be skipped. NOKEYCHECK=True PiperOrigin-RevId: 508369913
2023-02-27Adding a few more tests for biased ECDSA generation,bleichen
since the jdk provider has flaws. (b/268108666) Detecting the bias in the bug above requires 10^12 signatures. Hence it is not feasible to check for such biases. The test only checks for large biases. Hopefully, the checks cover those cases that are exploitable. NOKEYCHECK=True PiperOrigin-RevId: 508076711
2023-02-27Add Kokoro script for running all Wycheproof tests.ckl
This will be configured to run as a scheduled/manually-triggered job, as opposed to the smaller scope of the tests currently being run during presubmit/postsubmit (kokoro/run_continuous_tests.sh). NOKEYCHECK=True PiperOrigin-RevId: 507602263