# This file is copied from src/zlib.map and annotated with comments for the NDK # stub library generation script. ZLIB_1.2.0 { global: compressBound; deflateBound; inflateBack; inflateBackEnd; inflateBackInit_; inflateCopy; local: deflate_copyright; # var inflate_copyright; # var inflate_fast; inflate_table; zcalloc; zcfree; z_errmsg; # var gz_error; gz_intmax; _*; }; ZLIB_1.2.0.2 { gzclearerr; gzungetc; zlibCompileFlags; } ZLIB_1.2.0; ZLIB_1.2.0.8 { deflatePrime; } ZLIB_1.2.0.2; ZLIB_1.2.2 { adler32_combine; crc32_combine; deflateSetHeader; inflateGetHeader; } ZLIB_1.2.0.8; ZLIB_1.2.2.3 { deflateTune; gzdirect; } ZLIB_1.2.2; ZLIB_1.2.2.4 { inflatePrime; } ZLIB_1.2.2.3; ZLIB_1.2.3.3 { adler32_combine64; crc32_combine64; gzopen64; gzseek64; gztell64; inflateUndermine; } ZLIB_1.2.2.4; ZLIB_1.2.3.4 { inflateReset2; inflateMark; } ZLIB_1.2.3.3; ZLIB_1.2.3.5 { gzbuffer; gzoffset; gzoffset64; gzclose_r; gzclose_w; } ZLIB_1.2.3.4; ZLIB_1.2.5.1 { deflatePending; } ZLIB_1.2.3.5; ZLIB_1.2.5.2 { deflateResetKeep; gzgetc_; inflateResetKeep; } ZLIB_1.2.5.1; ZLIB_1.2.7.1 { # introduced=18 inflateGetDictionary; gzvprintf; } ZLIB_1.2.5.2; ZLIB_1.2.9 { # introduced=28 inflateCodesUsed; inflateValidate; uncompress2; gzfread; gzfwrite; deflateGetDictionary; adler32_z; crc32_z; } ZLIB_1.2.7.1; # These were all exposed by the old NDK stub library. Unclear if they still # should be, but at least some of them are marked as being exported in zlib.h # and the tree doesn't build without them. ZLIB_NDK { _dist_code; _length_code; _tr_align; _tr_flush_bits; # introduced=21 _tr_flush_block; _tr_init; _tr_stored_block; _tr_tally; adler32; compress2; compress; crc32; deflate; deflateCopy; deflateEnd; deflateInit2_; deflateInit_; deflateParams; deflateReset; deflateSetDictionary; get_crc_table; gzclose; gzdopen; gzeof; gzerror; gzflush; gzgetc; gzgets; gzopen; gzprintf; gzputc; gzputs; gzread; gzrewind; gzseek; gzsetparams; gztell; gzwrite; inflate; inflateEnd; inflateInit2_; inflateInit_; inflateReset; inflateSetDictionary; inflateSync; inflateSyncPoint; uncompress; zError; zlibVersion; };