diff options
7 files changed, 1335 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/BUILD.gn b/BUILD.gn
index af16559..05769fc 100644
--- a/BUILD.gn
+++ b/BUILD.gn
@@ -12,9 +12,13 @@ buildflag_header("buildflags") {
# Disable DEX on Windows Official Builds.
_enable_dex = !(is_win && is_official_build)
_enable_win = true
+ # Disable ZTF (Zucchini Text Format) on official builds it is for testing only.
+ _enable_ztf = !is_official_build
flags = [
+ "ENABLE_ZTF=$_enable_ztf",
@@ -42,6 +46,8 @@ static_library("zucchini_lib") {
+ "disassembler_ztf.cc",
+ "disassembler_ztf.h",
@@ -150,6 +156,7 @@ test("zucchini_unittests") {
+ "disassembler_ztf_unittest.cc",
diff --git a/disassembler_ztf.cc b/disassembler_ztf.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f938d42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/disassembler_ztf.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,647 @@
+// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "components/zucchini/disassembler_ztf.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <numeric>
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "base/macros.h"
+#include "base/numerics/checked_math.h"
+#include "components/zucchini/algorithm.h"
+#include "components/zucchini/buffer_source.h"
+#include "components/zucchini/buffer_view.h"
+#include "components/zucchini/io_utils.h"
+namespace zucchini {
+namespace {
+constexpr uint8_t kDelimiter = ',';
+constexpr int kHeaderMagicSize = 4;
+constexpr int kFooterMagicSize = 5;
+constexpr int kTotalMagicSize = kHeaderMagicSize + kFooterMagicSize;
+// Number of characters that aren't digits in each type of reference.
+constexpr int kNumConstCharInAbs = 3;
+constexpr int kNumConstCharInRel = 5;
+/******** ZtfConfig ********/
+// For passing around metadata about the type of reference to match.
+// - |digits_per_dim| is the length of the offset in lines/cols of a
+// reference.
+// - |open_char| is an ASCII character representing the opening char.
+// - |close_char| is an ASCII character representing the closing char.
+struct ZtfConfig {
+ uint8_t digits_per_dim;
+ uint8_t open_char;
+ uint8_t close_char;
+ constexpr uint8_t abs_width() const {
+ return digits_per_dim * 2 + kNumConstCharInAbs;
+ }
+ constexpr uint8_t rel_width() const {
+ return digits_per_dim * 2 + kNumConstCharInRel;
+ }
+ uint8_t Width(ztf::LineCol /* lc */) const { return abs_width(); }
+ uint8_t Width(ztf::DeltaLineCol /* dlc */) const { return rel_width(); }
+// Creates a ZtfConfig for parsing or writing based on the desired |digits| and
+// |pool|.
+template <DisassemblerZtf::ReferencePool pool>
+constexpr ZtfConfig MakeZtfConfig(uint8_t digits) {
+ switch (pool) {
+ case DisassemblerZtf::kAngles:
+ return ZtfConfig{digits, '<', '>'};
+ case DisassemblerZtf::kBraces:
+ return ZtfConfig{digits, '{', '}'};
+ case DisassemblerZtf::kBrackets:
+ return ZtfConfig{digits, '[', ']'};
+ case DisassemblerZtf::kParentheses:
+ break; // Handled below.
+ }
+ return ZtfConfig{digits, '(', ')'};
+/******** ZtfParser ********/
+// ZtfParser is used to extract (absolute) LineCol and (relative) DeltaLineCol
+// from a ZTF file, and contains various helpers for character, digits, and sign
+// matching.
+class ZtfParser {
+ public:
+ ZtfParser(offset_t hi, ConstBufferView image, ZtfConfig config)
+ : image_(image), hi_(hi), config_(config) {
+ DCHECK_LE(static_cast<size_t>(std::pow(10U, config_.digits_per_dim)),
+ ztf::kMaxDimValue);
+ }
+ // Attempts to match an absolute reference at |offset|. If successful then
+ // assigns the result to |abs_lc| and returns true. Otherwise returns false.
+ // An absolute reference takes the form:
+ // <open><digits><delimiter><digits><close>
+ bool MatchAtOffset(offset_t offset, ztf::LineCol* abs_lc) {
+ if (hi_ < config_.abs_width() || offset > hi_ - config_.abs_width())
+ return false;
+ offset_ = offset;
+ return MatchChar(config_.open_char) && MatchDigits(+1, &abs_lc->line) &&
+ MatchChar(kDelimiter) && MatchDigits(+1, &abs_lc->col) &&
+ MatchChar(config_.close_char);
+ }
+ // Attempts to match an absolute reference at |offset|. If successful then
+ // assigns the result to |rel_lc| and returns true. Otherwise returns false. A
+ // relative reference takes the form:
+ // <open><sign><digits><delimiter><sign><digits><close>
+ bool MatchAtOffset(offset_t offset, ztf::DeltaLineCol* rel_dlc) {
+ if (hi_ < config_.rel_width() || offset > hi_ - config_.rel_width())
+ return false;
+ offset_ = offset;
+ ztf::dim_t line_sign;
+ ztf::dim_t col_sign;
+ return MatchChar(config_.open_char) && MatchSign(&line_sign) &&
+ MatchDigits(line_sign, &rel_dlc->line) && MatchChar(kDelimiter) &&
+ MatchSign(&col_sign) && MatchDigits(col_sign, &rel_dlc->col) &&
+ MatchChar(config_.close_char);
+ }
+ private:
+ // The Match*() functions below can advance |offset_|, and return a bool to
+ // indicate success to allow chaining using &&.
+ // Returns true if |character| is at location |offset_| in |image_| and
+ // increments |offset_|.
+ bool MatchChar(uint8_t character) {
+ return character == image_.read<uint8_t>(offset_++);
+ }
+ // Looks for '+' or '-' at |offset_|. If found, stores +1 or -1 in |sign| and
+ // returns true. Otherwise returns false.
+ bool MatchSign(ztf::dim_t* sign) {
+ uint8_t val = image_.read<uint8_t>(offset_++);
+ if (val == static_cast<uint8_t>(ztf::SignChar::kMinus)) {
+ *sign = -1;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (val == static_cast<uint8_t>(ztf::SignChar::kPlus)) {
+ *sign = 1;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Attempts to extract a number with the number of base 10 digits equal to
+ // |config_.digits_per_dim| from |image_| starting from |offset_|. Returns
+ // true and assigns the integer value to |value| if successful.
+ bool MatchDigits(ztf::dim_t sign, ztf::dim_t* value) {
+ ztf::dim_t output = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < config_.digits_per_dim; ++i) {
+ auto digit = image_.read<uint8_t>(offset_++);
+ if (digit >= '0' && digit < '0' + 10)
+ output = output * 10 + digit - '0';
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!output && sign < 0) // Disallow "-0", "-00", etc.
+ return false;
+ *value = sign * output;
+ return true;
+ }
+ ConstBufferView image_;
+ const offset_t hi_;
+ const ZtfConfig config_;
+ offset_t offset_ = 0;
+/******** ZtfWriter ********/
+// ZtfWriter is used to write references to an image. This includes writing
+// the enclosing characters around the reference.
+class ZtfWriter {
+ public:
+ ZtfWriter(MutableBufferView image, ZtfConfig config)
+ : image_(image),
+ config_(config),
+ val_bound_(
+ static_cast<ztf::dim_t>(std::pow(10, config_.digits_per_dim))) {}
+ // Write an absolute reference |abs_ref| at |offset|. Note that references
+ // that would overwrite a newline are skipped as this would invalidate all
+ // the other reference line numbers.
+ void Write(offset_t offset, ztf::LineCol abs_ref) {
+ offset_ = offset;
+ if (!SafeToWriteNumber(abs_ref.line) || !SafeToWriteNumber(abs_ref.col) ||
+ !SafeToWriteData(offset_, offset_ + config_.abs_width())) {
+ return;
+ }
+ WriteChar(config_.open_char);
+ WriteNumber(abs_ref.line);
+ WriteChar(kDelimiter);
+ WriteNumber(abs_ref.col);
+ WriteChar(config_.close_char);
+ }
+ // Write a relative reference |rel_ref| at |offset|. Note that references
+ // that would overwrite a newline are skipped as this would invalidate all
+ // the other reference line numbers.
+ void Write(offset_t offset, ztf::DeltaLineCol rel_ref) {
+ offset_ = offset;
+ if (!SafeToWriteNumber(rel_ref.line) || !SafeToWriteNumber(rel_ref.col) ||
+ !SafeToWriteData(offset_, offset_ + config_.rel_width())) {
+ return;
+ }
+ WriteChar(config_.open_char);
+ WriteSign(rel_ref.line);
+ WriteNumber(rel_ref.line);
+ WriteChar(kDelimiter);
+ WriteSign(rel_ref.col);
+ WriteNumber(rel_ref.col);
+ WriteChar(config_.close_char);
+ }
+ private:
+ // Returns whether it is safe to modify bytes in |[lo, hi)| in |image_| for
+ // Reference correction. Failure cases are:
+ // - Out-of-bound writes.
+ // - Overwriting '\n'. This is a ZTF special case since '\n' dictates file
+ // structure, and Reference correction should never mess with this.
+ bool SafeToWriteData(offset_t lo, offset_t hi) const {
+ DCHECK_LE(lo, hi);
+ // Out of bounds.
+ if (hi > image_.size())
+ return false;
+ for (offset_t i = lo; i < hi; ++i) {
+ if (image_.read<uint8_t>(i) == '\n')
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Checks whether it is safe to write a |val| based on
+ // |config_.digits_per_dim|.
+ bool SafeToWriteNumber(ztf::dim_t val) const {
+ return std::abs(val) < val_bound_;
+ }
+ // The Write*() functions each advance |offset_| by a fixed distance. The
+ // caller should ensure there's enough space to write data.
+ // Write |character| at |offset_| and increment |offset_|.
+ void WriteChar(uint8_t character) { image_.write(offset_++, character); }
+ // Write the sign of |value| at |offset_| and increment |offset_|.
+ void WriteSign(ztf::dim_t value) {
+ image_.write(offset_++,
+ value >= 0 ? ztf::SignChar::kPlus : ztf::SignChar::kMinus);
+ }
+ // Writes the absolute value of the number represented by |value| at |offset_|
+ // using zero padding to fill |config_.digits_per_dim|.
+ void WriteNumber(ztf::dim_t value) {
+ size_t size = config_.digits_per_dim + 1;
+ DCHECK_LE(size, kMaxDigitCount + 1);
+ char digits[kMaxDigitCount + 1]; // + 1 for terminator.
+ int len =
+ snprintf(digits, size, "%0*u", config_.digits_per_dim, std::abs(value));
+ DCHECK_EQ(len, config_.digits_per_dim);
+ for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
+ image_.write(offset_++, digits[i]);
+ }
+ MutableBufferView image_;
+ const ZtfConfig config_;
+ // Bound on numeric values, as limited by |config_.digits_per_dim|.
+ const ztf::dim_t val_bound_;
+ offset_t offset_ = 0;
+// Specialization of ReferenceReader for reading text references.
+template <typename T>
+class ZtfReferenceReader : public ReferenceReader {
+ public:
+ ZtfReferenceReader(offset_t lo,
+ offset_t hi,
+ ConstBufferView image,
+ const ZtfTranslator& translator,
+ ZtfConfig config)
+ : offset_(lo),
+ hi_(hi),
+ translator_(translator),
+ config_(config),
+ parser_(hi_, image, config_) {
+ DCHECK_LE(hi_, image.size());
+ }
+ // Walks |offset_| from |lo| to |hi_| running |parser_|. If any matches are
+ // found they are returned.
+ base::Optional<Reference> GetNext() override {
+ T line_col;
+ for (; offset_ < hi_; ++offset_) {
+ if (!parser_.MatchAtOffset(offset_, &line_col))
+ continue;
+ auto target = ConvertToTargetOffset(offset_, line_col);
+ // Ignore targets that point outside the file.
+ if (target == kInvalidOffset)
+ continue;
+ offset_t location = offset_;
+ offset_ += config_.Width(line_col);
+ return Reference{location, target};
+ }
+ return base::nullopt;
+ }
+ private:
+ // Converts |lc| (an absolute reference) to an offset using |translator_|.
+ offset_t ConvertToTargetOffset(offset_t /* location */,
+ ztf::LineCol lc) const {
+ return translator_.LineColToOffset(lc);
+ }
+ // Converts |dlc| (a relative reference) to an offset using |translator_|.
+ // This requires converting the |dlc| to a ztf::LineCol to find the offset.
+ offset_t ConvertToTargetOffset(offset_t location,
+ ztf::DeltaLineCol dlc) const {
+ auto lc = translator_.OffsetToLineCol(location);
+ if (!lc.has_value())
+ return kInvalidOffset;
+ return translator_.LineColToOffset(lc.value() + dlc);
+ }
+ offset_t offset_;
+ const offset_t hi_;
+ const ZtfTranslator& translator_;
+ const ZtfConfig config_;
+ ZtfParser parser_;
+// Specialization of ReferenceWriter for writing text references.
+template <typename T>
+class ZtfReferenceWriter : public ReferenceWriter {
+ public:
+ ZtfReferenceWriter(MutableBufferView image,
+ const ZtfTranslator& translator,
+ ZtfConfig config)
+ : translator_(translator), writer_(image, config) {}
+ void PutNext(Reference reference) override {
+ T line_col;
+ if (!ConvertToTargetLineCol(reference, &line_col))
+ return;
+ writer_.Write(reference.location, line_col);
+ }
+ private:
+ // Converts |reference| to an absolute reference to be stored in |out_lc|.
+ // Returns true on success.
+ bool ConvertToTargetLineCol(Reference reference, ztf::LineCol* out_lc) {
+ auto temp_lc = translator_.OffsetToLineCol(reference.target);
+ if (!temp_lc.has_value() && translator_.IsValid(temp_lc.value()))
+ return false;
+ *out_lc = temp_lc.value();
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Converts |reference| to a relative reference to be stored in |out_dlc|.
+ // Will return true on success.
+ bool ConvertToTargetLineCol(Reference reference, ztf::DeltaLineCol* out_dlc) {
+ auto location_lc = translator_.OffsetToLineCol(reference.location);
+ if (!location_lc.has_value())
+ return false;
+ auto target_lc = translator_.OffsetToLineCol(reference.target);
+ if (!target_lc.has_value())
+ return false;
+ *out_dlc = target_lc.value() - location_lc.value();
+ return translator_.IsValid(reference.location, *out_dlc);
+ }
+ const ZtfTranslator& translator_;
+ ZtfWriter writer_;
+// Reads a text header to check for the magic string "ZTxt" at the start
+// indicating the file should be treated as a Zucchini text file.
+bool ReadZtfHeader(ConstBufferView image) {
+ BufferSource source(image);
+ // Reject empty images and "ZTxtxTZ\n" (missing 't').
+ if (source.size() < kTotalMagicSize)
+ return false;
+ return source.CheckNextBytes({'Z', 'T', 'x', 't'});
+} // namespace
+/******** ZtfTranslator ********/
+ZtfTranslator::ZtfTranslator() {}
+ZtfTranslator::~ZtfTranslator() = default;
+bool ZtfTranslator::Init(ConstBufferView image) {
+ line_starts_.clear();
+ // Record the starting offset of every line in |image_| into |line_start_|.
+ line_starts_.push_back(0);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < image.size(); ++i) {
+ if (image.read<uint8_t>(i) == '\n') {
+ // Maximum number of entries is |ztf::kMaxDimValue|, including the end
+ // sentinel.
+ if (line_starts_.size() >= ztf::kMaxDimValue)
+ return false;
+ line_starts_.push_back(i + 1);
+ // Check that the line length is reachable from an absolute reference.
+ if (line_starts_.back() - *std::next(line_starts_.rbegin()) >=
+ ztf::kMaxDimValue) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Since the last character of ZTF file is always '\n', |line_starts_| will
+ // always contain the file length as the last element, which serves as a
+ // sentinel.
+ CHECK_EQ(image.size(), static_cast<size_t>(line_starts_.back()));
+ return true;
+bool ZtfTranslator::IsValid(ztf::LineCol lc) const {
+ DCHECK(!line_starts_.empty());
+ return lc.line >= 1 && lc.col >= 1 &&
+ static_cast<offset_t>(lc.line) <= NumLines() &&
+ static_cast<offset_t>(lc.col) <= LineLength(lc.line);
+bool ZtfTranslator::IsValid(offset_t offset, ztf::DeltaLineCol dlc) const {
+ DCHECK(!line_starts_.empty());
+ auto abs_lc = OffsetToLineCol(offset);
+ if (!abs_lc.has_value())
+ return false;
+ if (!base::CheckAdd(abs_lc->line, dlc.line).IsValid() ||
+ !base::CheckAdd(abs_lc->col, dlc.col).IsValid()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return IsValid(abs_lc.value() + dlc);
+offset_t ZtfTranslator::LineColToOffset(ztf::LineCol lc) const {
+ // Guard against out of bounds access to |line_starts_| and ensure the
+ // |lc| falls within the file.
+ DCHECK(!line_starts_.empty());
+ if (!IsValid(lc))
+ return kInvalidOffset;
+ offset_t target = line_starts_[lc.line - 1] + lc.col - 1;
+ DCHECK_LT(target, line_starts_.back());
+ return target;
+base::Optional<ztf::LineCol> ZtfTranslator::OffsetToLineCol(
+ offset_t offset) const {
+ DCHECK(!line_starts_.empty());
+ // Don't place a target outside the image.
+ if (offset >= line_starts_.back())
+ return base::nullopt;
+ auto it = SearchForRange(offset);
+ ztf::LineCol lc;
+ lc.line = std::distance(line_starts_.cbegin(), it) + 1;
+ lc.col = offset - line_starts_[lc.line - 1] + 1;
+ DCHECK_LE(static_cast<offset_t>(lc.col), LineLength(lc.line));
+ return lc;
+std::vector<offset_t>::const_iterator ZtfTranslator::SearchForRange(
+ offset_t offset) const {
+ DCHECK(!line_starts_.empty());
+ auto it =
+ std::upper_bound(line_starts_.cbegin(), line_starts_.cend(), offset);
+ DCHECK(it != line_starts_.cbegin());
+ return --it;
+offset_t ZtfTranslator::LineLength(uint16_t line) const {
+ DCHECK_GE(line, 1);
+ DCHECK_LE(line, NumLines());
+ return line_starts_[line] - line_starts_[line - 1];
+/******** DisassemblerZtf ********/
+// Use 2 even though reference "chaining" isn't present in ZTF as it is the
+// usual case for other Disassemblers and this is meant to mimic that as closely
+// as possible.
+DisassemblerZtf::DisassemblerZtf() : Disassembler(2) {}
+DisassemblerZtf::~DisassemblerZtf() = default;
+// static.
+bool DisassemblerZtf::QuickDetect(ConstBufferView image) {
+ return ReadZtfHeader(image);
+ExecutableType DisassemblerZtf::GetExeType() const {
+ return kExeTypeZtf;
+std::string DisassemblerZtf::GetExeTypeString() const {
+ return "Zucchini Text Format";
+std::vector<ReferenceGroup> DisassemblerZtf::MakeReferenceGroups() const {
+ return {
+ {{5, TypeTag(kAnglesAbs1), PoolTag(kAngles)},
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadAbs<1, kAngles>,
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteAbs<1, kAngles>},
+ {{7, TypeTag(kAnglesAbs2), PoolTag(kAngles)},
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadAbs<2, kAngles>,
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteAbs<2, kAngles>},
+ {{9, TypeTag(kAnglesAbs3), PoolTag(kAngles)},
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadAbs<3, kAngles>,
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteAbs<3, kAngles>},
+ {{7, TypeTag(kAnglesRel1), PoolTag(kAngles)},
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadRel<1, kAngles>,
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteRel<1, kAngles>},
+ {{9, TypeTag(kAnglesRel2), PoolTag(kAngles)},
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadRel<2, kAngles>,
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteRel<2, kAngles>},
+ {{11, TypeTag(kAnglesRel3), PoolTag(kAngles)},
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadRel<3, kAngles>,
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteRel<3, kAngles>},
+ {{5, TypeTag(kBracesAbs1), PoolTag(kBraces)},
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadAbs<1, kBraces>,
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteAbs<1, kBraces>},
+ {{7, TypeTag(kBracesAbs2), PoolTag(kBraces)},
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadAbs<2, kBraces>,
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteAbs<2, kBraces>},
+ {{9, TypeTag(kBracesAbs3), PoolTag(kBraces)},
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadAbs<3, kBraces>,
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteAbs<3, kBraces>},
+ {{7, TypeTag(kBracesRel1), PoolTag(kBraces)},
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadRel<1, kBraces>,
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteRel<1, kBraces>},
+ {{9, TypeTag(kBracesRel2), PoolTag(kBraces)},
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadRel<2, kBraces>,
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteRel<2, kBraces>},
+ {{11, TypeTag(kBracesRel3), PoolTag(kBraces)},
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadRel<3, kBraces>,
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteRel<3, kBraces>},
+ {{5, TypeTag(kBracketsAbs1), PoolTag(kBrackets)},
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadAbs<1, kBrackets>,
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteAbs<1, kBrackets>},
+ {{7, TypeTag(kBracketsAbs2), PoolTag(kBrackets)},
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadAbs<2, kBrackets>,
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteAbs<2, kBrackets>},
+ {{9, TypeTag(kBracketsAbs3), PoolTag(kBrackets)},
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadAbs<3, kBrackets>,
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteAbs<3, kBrackets>},
+ {{7, TypeTag(kBracketsRel1), PoolTag(kBrackets)},
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadRel<1, kBrackets>,
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteRel<1, kBrackets>},
+ {{9, TypeTag(kBracketsRel2), PoolTag(kBrackets)},
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadRel<2, kBrackets>,
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteRel<2, kBrackets>},
+ {{11, TypeTag(kBracketsRel3), PoolTag(kBrackets)},
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadRel<3, kBrackets>,
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteRel<3, kBrackets>},
+ {{5, TypeTag(kParenthesesAbs1), PoolTag(kParentheses)},
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadAbs<1, kParentheses>,
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteAbs<1, kParentheses>},
+ {{7, TypeTag(kParenthesesAbs2), PoolTag(kParentheses)},
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadAbs<2, kParentheses>,
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteAbs<2, kParentheses>},
+ {{9, TypeTag(kParenthesesAbs3), PoolTag(kParentheses)},
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadAbs<3, kParentheses>,
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteAbs<3, kParentheses>},
+ {{7, TypeTag(kParenthesesRel1), PoolTag(kParentheses)},
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadRel<1, kParentheses>,
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteRel<1, kParentheses>},
+ {{9, TypeTag(kParenthesesRel2), PoolTag(kParentheses)},
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadRel<2, kParentheses>,
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteRel<2, kParentheses>},
+ {{11, TypeTag(kParenthesesRel3), PoolTag(kParentheses)},
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadRel<3, kParentheses>,
+ &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteRel<3, kParentheses>},
+ };
+template <uint8_t digits, DisassemblerZtf::ReferencePool pool>
+std::unique_ptr<ReferenceReader> DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadAbs(offset_t lo,
+ offset_t hi) {
+ static_assert(digits >= 1 && digits <= kMaxDigitCount,
+ "|digits| must be in range [1, 3]");
+ return std::make_unique<ZtfReferenceReader<ztf::LineCol>>(
+ lo, hi, image_, translator_, MakeZtfConfig<pool>(digits));
+template <uint8_t digits, DisassemblerZtf::ReferencePool pool>
+std::unique_ptr<ReferenceReader> DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadRel(offset_t lo,
+ offset_t hi) {
+ static_assert(digits >= 1 && digits <= kMaxDigitCount,
+ "|digits| must be in range [1, 3]");
+ return std::make_unique<ZtfReferenceReader<ztf::DeltaLineCol>>(
+ lo, hi, image_, translator_, MakeZtfConfig<pool>(digits));
+template <uint8_t digits, DisassemblerZtf::ReferencePool pool>
+std::unique_ptr<ReferenceWriter> DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteAbs(
+ MutableBufferView image) {
+ static_assert(digits >= 1 && digits <= kMaxDigitCount,
+ "|digits| must be in range [1, 3]");
+ return std::make_unique<ZtfReferenceWriter<ztf::LineCol>>(
+ image, translator_, MakeZtfConfig<pool>(digits));
+template <uint8_t digits, DisassemblerZtf::ReferencePool pool>
+std::unique_ptr<ReferenceWriter> DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteRel(
+ MutableBufferView image) {
+ static_assert(digits >= 1 && digits <= kMaxDigitCount,
+ "|digits| must be in range [1, 3]");
+ return std::make_unique<ZtfReferenceWriter<ztf::DeltaLineCol>>(
+ image, translator_, MakeZtfConfig<pool>(digits));
+bool DisassemblerZtf::Parse(ConstBufferView image) {
+ image_ = image;
+ if (!ReadZtfHeader(image_))
+ return false;
+ CHECK_GE(image_.size(),
+ static_cast<size_t>(kTotalMagicSize)); // Needs header and footer.
+ // Find the terminating footer "txTZ\n" that indicates the end of the image.
+ offset_t offset = 0;
+ for (; offset <= image_.size() - kFooterMagicSize; offset++) {
+ if (image_.read<uint8_t>(offset) == 't' &&
+ image_.read<uint8_t>(offset + 1) == 'x' &&
+ image_.read<uint8_t>(offset + 2) == 'T' &&
+ image_.read<uint8_t>(offset + 3) == 'Z' &&
+ image_.read<uint8_t>(offset + 4) == '\n') {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // If no footer is found before the end of the image then the parsing failed.
+ if (offset > image_.size() - kFooterMagicSize)
+ return false;
+ image_.shrink(offset + kFooterMagicSize);
+ return translator_.Init(image_);
+} // namespace zucchini
diff --git a/disassembler_ztf.h b/disassembler_ztf.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0719093
--- /dev/null
+++ b/disassembler_ztf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "base/macros.h"
+#include "base/optional.h"
+#include "components/zucchini/disassembler.h"
+#include "components/zucchini/image_utils.h"
+#include "components/zucchini/type_ztf.h"
+namespace zucchini {
+// Disassembler for text based files. This file format is supported for
+// debugging Zucchini and is not intended for production usage.
+// A valid Zucchini Text Format (ZTF) file is specified as follows:
+// Header:
+// The first four bytes must be - 'Z' 'T' 'x' 't'
+// Footer:
+// The last five bytes must be - 't' 'x' 'T' 'Z' '\n'
+// (note that terminating new line is required).
+// Content:
+// The content can be any sequence of printable ASCII characters and new line
+// (but not carriage return). This excludes the sequence that comprises the
+// Footer.
+// References:
+// A reference is either Absolute or Relative. All references must begin and
+// end with a pair of enclosing characters <open>, <close>. The options are:
+// - Angles: '<' and '>'
+// - Braces: '{' and '}'
+// - Brackets: '[' and ']'
+// - Parentheses: '(' and ')'
+// A reference contains three items:
+// - A line number <line>
+// - A delimiter ',' <delimiter>
+// - A column number <col>
+// <line> and <col> may contain 1-3 digits and both must contain the same
+// number of digits. If a number is too short then it can be left-padded
+// with '0'.
+// For Absolute references, <line> and <col> are 1-based (i.e. positive)
+// index of line and column numbers of a character in the ZTF. This follows
+// standard convention for text editors. Note that "\n" is considered to be
+// part of a preceding line.
+// <open><line><delimiter><col><close>
+// For Relative references, <line> and <col> are integer offsets deltas of the
+// target's (absolute) line and column relative to the line and column of the
+// reference's first byte (i.e. <open>). Relative references have <sign> ('+'
+// or '-') before <line> and <col>. For the special case of "0", "00", etc.,
+// <sign> must be "+".
+// <open><sign><line><delimiter><sign><col><close>
+// If a reference points outside the target either in writing or reading it is
+// considered invalid and ignored. Similarly if it overflows a line. i.e. if a
+// line is 10 characters long and a references targets character 11 of that
+// line it is rejected. Lines are delimited with '\n' which is counted toward
+// the line length.
+// If a reference is to be written that would overwrite a '\n' character it is
+// ignored as this would break all other line values.
+enum : size_t { kMaxDigitCount = 3 };
+// Helper class for translating among offset_t, ztf::LineCol and
+// ztf::DeltaLineCol.
+class ZtfTranslator {
+ public:
+ ZtfTranslator();
+ ~ZtfTranslator();
+ // Initializes |line_starts_| with the contents of |image|.
+ bool Init(ConstBufferView image);
+ // Checks if |lc| is a valid location in the file.
+ bool IsValid(ztf::LineCol lc) const;
+ // Checks if |dlc| relative to |offset| is a valid location in the file.
+ bool IsValid(offset_t offset, ztf::DeltaLineCol dlc) const;
+ // Returns the offset corresponding to |line_col| if it is valid. Otherwise
+ // returns |kInvalidOffset|.
+ offset_t LineColToOffset(ztf::LineCol line_col) const;
+ // Returns the ztf::LineCol for an |offset| if it is valid. Otherwise returns
+ // base::nullopt.
+ base::Optional<ztf::LineCol> OffsetToLineCol(offset_t offset) const;
+ private:
+ // Returns an iterator to the range containing |offset|. Which is represented
+ // by the starting offset. The next element will contain the upper bound of
+ // the range.
+ std::vector<offset_t>::const_iterator SearchForRange(offset_t offset) const;
+ // Returns the length of a 1-indexed line. The caller is expected to check
+ // that the requested line exists.
+ offset_t LineLength(uint16_t line) const;
+ offset_t NumLines() const {
+ return static_cast<offset_t>(line_starts_.size() - 1);
+ }
+ // |line_starts_| is a sorted list of each line's starting offset, along with
+ // the image size as the sentinel; it looks like {0, ..., image.size}.
+ std::vector<offset_t> line_starts_;
+// Disassembler for Zucchini Text Format (ZTF).
+class DisassemblerZtf : public Disassembler {
+ public:
+ // Target Pools
+ enum ReferencePool : uint8_t {
+ kAngles, // <>
+ kBraces, // {}
+ kBrackets, // []
+ kParentheses // ()
+ };
+ // Type breakdown. Should contain all permutations of ReferencePool, Abs|Rel
+ // and the possible number of digits (1-3).
+ enum ReferenceType : uint8_t {
+ kAnglesAbs1,
+ kAnglesAbs2,
+ kAnglesAbs3,
+ kAnglesRel1,
+ kAnglesRel2,
+ kAnglesRel3,
+ kBracesAbs1,
+ kBracesAbs2,
+ kBracesAbs3,
+ kBracesRel1,
+ kBracesRel2,
+ kBracesRel3,
+ kBracketsAbs1,
+ kBracketsAbs2,
+ kBracketsAbs3,
+ kBracketsRel1,
+ kBracketsRel2,
+ kBracketsRel3,
+ kParenthesesAbs1,
+ kParenthesesAbs2,
+ kParenthesesAbs3,
+ kParenthesesRel1,
+ kParenthesesRel2,
+ kParenthesesRel3,
+ kNumTypes
+ };
+ DisassemblerZtf();
+ ~DisassemblerZtf() override;
+ // Applies quick checks to determine if |image| *may* point to the start of a
+ // ZTF file. Returns true on success.
+ static bool QuickDetect(ConstBufferView image);
+ // Disassembler:
+ ExecutableType GetExeType() const override;
+ std::string GetExeTypeString() const override;
+ std::vector<ReferenceGroup> MakeReferenceGroups() const override;
+ // Reference Readers, templated to allow configurable digit count and pool.
+ template <uint8_t digits, ReferencePool pool>
+ std::unique_ptr<ReferenceReader> MakeReadAbs(offset_t lo, offset_t hi);
+ template <uint8_t digits, ReferencePool pool>
+ std::unique_ptr<ReferenceReader> MakeReadRel(offset_t lo, offset_t hi);
+ // Reference Writers, templated to allow configurable digit count and pool.
+ template <uint8_t digits, ReferencePool pool>
+ std::unique_ptr<ReferenceWriter> MakeWriteAbs(MutableBufferView image);
+ template <uint8_t digits, ReferencePool pool>
+ std::unique_ptr<ReferenceWriter> MakeWriteRel(MutableBufferView image);
+ private:
+ friend Disassembler;
+ // Disassembler:
+ bool Parse(ConstBufferView image) override;
+ ZtfTranslator translator_;
+} // namespace zucchini
diff --git a/disassembler_ztf_unittest.cc b/disassembler_ztf_unittest.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e71359
--- /dev/null
+++ b/disassembler_ztf_unittest.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "components/zucchini/disassembler_ztf.h"
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "base/stl_util.h"
+#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
+#include "components/zucchini/buffer_view.h"
+#include "components/zucchini/element_detection.h"
+#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+namespace zucchini {
+namespace {
+constexpr char kNormalText[] = R"(ZTxt
+Hello World!
+This is an example of an absolute reference <<1,1>>
+And {-01,+05} is an example of a relative ref
+// -1 to exclude null byte.
+constexpr size_t kNormalTextExtraBytes = base::size("TRAILING DATA") - 1;
+constexpr char kOutOfBoundsText[] = R"(ZTxt<1,1>
+Hello World!
+This is an example of an OOB absolute reference <890,605>
+And {-050,+100} is an example of an OOB relative ref.
+but [+00,+10] is valid at least. As is (1,5).
+<1, 6> and { ,1} aren't nor is {4,5]
+// Converts a raw string into data.
+std::vector<uint8_t> StrToData(base::StringPiece s) {
+ return std::vector<uint8_t>(s.begin(), s.end());
+// Compare if |a.location < b.location| as references have unique locations.
+struct ReferenceCompare {
+ bool operator()(const Reference& a, const Reference& b) const {
+ return a.location < b.location;
+ }
+using ReferenceKey =
+ std::pair<DisassemblerZtf::ReferencePool, DisassemblerZtf::ReferenceType>;
+using ReferenceSets =
+ std::map<ReferenceKey, std::set<Reference, ReferenceCompare>>;
+// Write references in |refs_to_write| to |image|. Also validate the
+// disassembler parses |image| such that it is of |expected_size|.
+void WriteReferences(MutableBufferView image,
+ size_t expected_size,
+ const ReferenceSets& refs_to_write) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(DisassemblerZtf::QuickDetect(image));
+ std::unique_ptr<DisassemblerZtf> dis =
+ Disassembler::Make<DisassemblerZtf>(image);
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_size, dis->size());
+ image.shrink(dis->size());
+ auto reference_groups = dis->MakeReferenceGroups();
+ for (const auto& group : reference_groups) {
+ auto writer = group.GetWriter(image, dis.get());
+ ReferenceKey key = {
+ static_cast<DisassemblerZtf::ReferencePool>(group.pool_tag().value()),
+ static_cast<DisassemblerZtf::ReferenceType>(group.type_tag().value())};
+ if (!refs_to_write.count(key))
+ continue;
+ for (const auto& ref : refs_to_write.at(key))
+ writer->PutNext(ref);
+ }
+// Read references in |refs_to_read| from |image|. Once found
+// the elements are removed from |refs_to_read|. Also validate the
+// disassembler parses |image| such that it is of |expected_size|.
+void ReadReferences(ConstBufferView image,
+ size_t expected_size,
+ ReferenceSets* refs_to_read) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(DisassemblerZtf::QuickDetect(image));
+ std::unique_ptr<DisassemblerZtf> dis =
+ Disassembler::Make<DisassemblerZtf>(image);
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_size, dis->size());
+ auto reference_groups = dis->MakeReferenceGroups();
+ for (const auto& group : reference_groups) {
+ auto reader = group.GetReader(dis.get());
+ ReferenceKey key = {
+ static_cast<DisassemblerZtf::ReferencePool>(group.pool_tag().value()),
+ static_cast<DisassemblerZtf::ReferenceType>(group.type_tag().value())};
+ if (!refs_to_read->count(key)) {
+ // No elements of this pool/type pair are expected so assert that none are
+ // found.
+ auto ref = reader->GetNext();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ref.has_value());
+ continue;
+ }
+ // For each reference remove it from the set if it exists, error if
+ // unexpected references are found.
+ for (auto ref = reader->GetNext(); ref.has_value();
+ ref = reader->GetNext()) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(1UL, refs_to_read->at(key).erase(ref.value()));
+ }
+ EXPECT_EQ(0U, refs_to_read->at(key).size());
+ }
+void TestTranslation(const ZtfTranslator& translator,
+ offset_t expected_location,
+ ztf::LineCol lc) {
+ // Check the lc is translated to the expected location.
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_location, translator.LineColToOffset(lc));
+ auto new_lc = translator.OffsetToLineCol(expected_location);
+ if (expected_location == kInvalidOffset) {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(translator.IsValid(lc));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(new_lc.has_value());
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(translator.IsValid(lc));
+ // Check that the reverse is true. |ztf::LineCol{0, 0}| is a sentinel and
+ // should never be valid.
+ EXPECT_EQ(lc.line, new_lc->line);
+ EXPECT_EQ(lc.col, new_lc->col);
+ }
+template <typename T>
+size_t CountDistinct(const std::vector<T>& v) {
+ return std::set<T>(v.begin(), v.end()).size();
+} // namespace
+TEST(ZtfTranslatorTest, Translate) {
+ ztf::dim_t kMaxVal = INT16_MAX;
+ ztf::dim_t kMinVal = INT16_MIN;
+ const std::vector<uint8_t> text(StrToData(kOutOfBoundsText));
+ ConstBufferView image(text.data(), text.size());
+ ZtfTranslator translator;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(translator.Init(image));
+ // Absolute Translations:
+ // Check a bunch of invalid locations.
+ TestTranslation(translator, kInvalidOffset, ztf::LineCol{50, 60});
+ TestTranslation(translator, kInvalidOffset, ztf::LineCol{0, 0});
+ TestTranslation(translator, kInvalidOffset, ztf::LineCol{1, 0});
+ TestTranslation(translator, kInvalidOffset, ztf::LineCol{0, 1});
+ TestTranslation(translator, kInvalidOffset, ztf::LineCol{0, 1});
+ TestTranslation(translator, kInvalidOffset, ztf::LineCol{1, -1});
+ TestTranslation(translator, kInvalidOffset, ztf::LineCol{-1, 1});
+ TestTranslation(translator, kInvalidOffset, ztf::LineCol{-1, -1});
+ TestTranslation(translator, kInvalidOffset, ztf::LineCol{1, kMaxVal});
+ TestTranslation(translator, kInvalidOffset, ztf::LineCol{kMaxVal, 1});
+ TestTranslation(translator, kInvalidOffset, ztf::LineCol{1, kMinVal});
+ TestTranslation(translator, kInvalidOffset, ztf::LineCol{kMinVal, 1});
+ // Check the start of the file.
+ TestTranslation(translator, 0, ztf::LineCol{1, 1});
+ TestTranslation(translator, 1, ztf::LineCol{1, 2});
+ // Check the boundary around a newline.
+ TestTranslation(translator, 9, ztf::LineCol{1, 10});
+ TestTranslation(translator, kInvalidOffset, ztf::LineCol{1, 11});
+ TestTranslation(translator, 10, ztf::LineCol{2, 1});
+ TestTranslation(translator, kInvalidOffset, ztf::LineCol{2, 0});
+ // Check the end of the file.
+ TestTranslation(translator, kInvalidOffset, ztf::LineCol{8, 1});
+ TestTranslation(translator, kInvalidOffset, ztf::LineCol{7, 79});
+ // Need to subtract to account for the newline.
+ TestTranslation(translator, text.size() - 1, ztf::LineCol{7, 78});
+ TestTranslation(translator, text.size() - 2, ztf::LineCol{7, 77});
+ // Delta Validity
+ // - Reminder! 0 -> 1:1
+ // Common possible edge cases.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(translator.IsValid(0, ztf::DeltaLineCol{0, 0}));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(translator.IsValid(0, ztf::DeltaLineCol{0, 1}));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(translator.IsValid(0, ztf::DeltaLineCol{1, 0}));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(translator.IsValid(0, ztf::DeltaLineCol{-1, -1}));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(translator.IsValid(0, ztf::DeltaLineCol{-1, 0}));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(translator.IsValid(0, ztf::DeltaLineCol{0, -1}));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(translator.IsValid(0, ztf::DeltaLineCol{0, -1}));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(translator.IsValid(0, ztf::DeltaLineCol{0, kMaxVal}));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(translator.IsValid(0, ztf::DeltaLineCol{kMaxVal, 0}));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(translator.IsValid(0, ztf::DeltaLineCol{0, kMinVal}));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(translator.IsValid(0, ztf::DeltaLineCol{kMinVal, 0}));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(translator.IsValid(233, ztf::DeltaLineCol{0, kMaxVal}));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(translator.IsValid(233, ztf::DeltaLineCol{kMaxVal, 0}));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(translator.IsValid(233, ztf::DeltaLineCol{kMaxVal, kMaxVal}));
+ // Newline area.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(translator.IsValid(0, ztf::DeltaLineCol{0, 9}));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(translator.IsValid(0, ztf::DeltaLineCol{0, 10}));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(translator.IsValid(9, ztf::DeltaLineCol{0, 1}));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(translator.IsValid(9, ztf::DeltaLineCol{-1, 0}));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(translator.IsValid(9, ztf::DeltaLineCol{1, -10}));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(translator.IsValid(9, ztf::DeltaLineCol{1, -9}));
+ // End of file.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(translator.IsValid(0, ztf::DeltaLineCol{7, 78}));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(translator.IsValid(0, ztf::DeltaLineCol{7, 77}));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(translator.IsValid(0, ztf::DeltaLineCol{6, 78}));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(translator.IsValid(0, ztf::DeltaLineCol{6, 77}));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(translator.IsValid(text.size() - 1, ztf::DeltaLineCol{0, 1}));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(translator.IsValid(text.size() - 1, ztf::DeltaLineCol{1, 0}));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(translator.IsValid(text.size() - 2, ztf::DeltaLineCol{0, 1}));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(translator.IsValid(text.size() - 2, ztf::DeltaLineCol{1, 0}));
+// Ensures that ReferenceGroups from DisassemblerZtf::MakeReferenceGroups()
+// cover each non-sentinel element in ReferenceType in order, exactly once. Also
+// ensures that the ReferenceType elements are grouped by ReferencePool, and
+// listed in increasing order.
+TEST(DisassemblerZtfTest, ReferenceGroups) {
+ std::vector<uint32_t> pool_list;
+ std::vector<uint32_t> type_list;
+ DisassemblerZtf dis;
+ for (ReferenceGroup group : dis.MakeReferenceGroups()) {
+ pool_list.push_back(static_cast<uint32_t>(group.pool_tag().value()));
+ type_list.push_back(static_cast<uint32_t>(group.type_tag().value()));
+ }
+ // Check ReferenceByte coverage.
+ constexpr size_t kNumTypes = DisassemblerZtf::kNumTypes;
+ EXPECT_EQ(kNumTypes, type_list.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(kNumTypes, CountDistinct(type_list));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(std::is_sorted(type_list.begin(), type_list.end()));
+ // Check that ReferenceType elements are grouped by ReferencePool. Note that
+ // repeats can occur, and pools can be skipped.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(std::is_sorted(pool_list.begin(), pool_list.end()));
+TEST(DisassemblerZtfTest, BadMagic) {
+ // Test a case where there is no header so a disassembler cannot be created.
+ {
+ const std::vector<uint8_t> text(StrToData("foobarbaz bazbarfoo"));
+ ConstBufferView image(text.data(), text.size());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(DisassemblerZtf::QuickDetect(image));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Disassembler::Make<DisassemblerZtf>(image));
+ }
+ // Test a case where there is no footer so a disassembler cannot be created.
+ {
+ const std::vector<uint8_t> text(StrToData("ZTxtfoobarbaz bazbarfootxTZ"));
+ ConstBufferView image(text.data(), text.size());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(DisassemblerZtf::QuickDetect(image));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Disassembler::Make<DisassemblerZtf>(image));
+ }
+ // Test when the header is too short
+ {
+ const std::vector<uint8_t> text(StrToData("ZTxtxTZ\n"));
+ ConstBufferView image(text.data(), text.size());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(DisassemblerZtf::QuickDetect(image));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Disassembler::Make<DisassemblerZtf>(image));
+ }
+TEST(DisassemblerZtfTest, ZtfSizeBound) {
+ {
+ std::vector<uint8_t> text(StrToData("ZTxt"));
+ std::fill_n(std::back_inserter(text), ztf::kMaxDimValue - 2, '\n');
+ text.insert(text.end(), {'t', 'x', 'T', 'Z', '\n'});
+ ConstBufferView image(text.data(), text.size());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(DisassemblerZtf::QuickDetect(image));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Disassembler::Make<DisassemblerZtf>(image));
+ }
+ {
+ std::vector<uint8_t> text(StrToData("ZTxt"));
+ std::fill_n(std::back_inserter(text), ztf::kMaxDimValue - 1, '\n');
+ text.insert(text.end(), {'t', 'x', 'T', 'Z', '\n'});
+ ConstBufferView image(text.data(), text.size());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(DisassemblerZtf::QuickDetect(image));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Disassembler::Make<DisassemblerZtf>(image));
+ }
+// Try reading from a well formed source.
+TEST(DisassemblerZtfTest, NormalRead) {
+ const std::vector<uint8_t> text(StrToData(kNormalText));
+ ConstBufferView image(text.data(), text.size());
+ ReferenceSets expected_map = {
+ {{DisassemblerZtf::kAngles, DisassemblerZtf::kAnglesAbs1},
+ {Reference({63, 0})}},
+ {{DisassemblerZtf::kBraces, DisassemblerZtf::kBracesRel2},
+ {Reference({74, 27})}},
+ };
+ ReadReferences(image, text.size() - kNormalTextExtraBytes, &expected_map);
+// Try writing to a well formed source and ensure that what is read back
+// reflects what was written.
+TEST(DisassemblerZtfTest, NormalWrite) {
+ std::vector<uint8_t> mutable_text(StrToData(kNormalText));
+ MutableBufferView image(mutable_text.data(), mutable_text.size());
+ ReferenceSets change_map = {
+ {{DisassemblerZtf::kParentheses, DisassemblerZtf::kParenthesesAbs1},
+ {Reference({63, 71})}},
+ {{DisassemblerZtf::kBrackets, DisassemblerZtf::kBracketsRel3},
+ {Reference({74, 4})}},
+ };
+ WriteReferences(image, mutable_text.size() - kNormalTextExtraBytes,
+ change_map);
+ // As a sanity check see if a disassembler can identify the same references.
+ ConstBufferView const_image(image);
+ ReadReferences(const_image, mutable_text.size() - kNormalTextExtraBytes,
+ &change_map);
+// Try reading from a source rife with errors.
+TEST(DisassemblerZtfTest, ReadOutOfBoundsRefs) {
+ const std::vector<uint8_t> text(StrToData(kOutOfBoundsText));
+ ConstBufferView image(text.data(), text.size());
+ ReferenceSets expected_map = {
+ {{DisassemblerZtf::kAngles, DisassemblerZtf::kAnglesAbs1},
+ {Reference({4, 0}), Reference({223, 0}), Reference({228, 12})}},
+ {{DisassemblerZtf::kBrackets, DisassemblerZtf::kBracketsRel2},
+ {Reference({139, 149})}},
+ {{DisassemblerZtf::kBraces, DisassemblerZtf::kBracesAbs1},
+ {Reference({218, 223})}},
+ {{DisassemblerZtf::kBraces, DisassemblerZtf::kBracesRel2},
+ {Reference({233, 233})}},
+ {{DisassemblerZtf::kParentheses, DisassemblerZtf::kParenthesesAbs1},
+ {Reference({174, 4})}},
+ };
+ ReadReferences(image, text.size(), &expected_map);
+// Try writing to a source rife with errors (malformed references or ones that
+// reference non-existent locations. Some of the values written are also bad. To
+// validate check if the expected set of references are read back.
+TEST(DisassemblerZtfTest, WriteOutOfBoundsRefs) {
+ // Replace |old_val| (provided for checking) with |new_val| in |set|.
+ auto update_set = [](Reference old_ref, Reference new_ref,
+ std::set<Reference, ReferenceCompare>* set) {
+ auto it = set->find(old_ref);
+ EXPECT_NE(it, set->cend());
+ EXPECT_EQ(*it, old_ref);
+ set->erase(it);
+ set->insert(new_ref);
+ };
+ // Replace |old_val| (provided for checking) with |new_val| in the set which
+ // is the value corresponding to |key| in |map|.
+ auto update_map =
+ [update_set](
+ ReferenceKey key, Reference old_ref, Reference new_ref,
+ std::map<ReferenceKey, std::set<Reference, ReferenceCompare>>* map) {
+ auto it = map->find(key);
+ EXPECT_NE(it, map->cend());
+ update_set(old_ref, new_ref, &(it->second));
+ };
+ std::vector<uint8_t> mutable_text(StrToData(kOutOfBoundsText));
+ MutableBufferView image(mutable_text.data(), mutable_text.size());
+ ReferenceSets change_map = {
+ {{DisassemblerZtf::kAngles, DisassemblerZtf::kAnglesAbs1},
+ {Reference({223, 15}), Reference({228, 13})}},
+ {{DisassemblerZtf::kAngles, DisassemblerZtf::kAnglesAbs3},
+ {Reference({4, 50})}}, // This should fail to write.
+ {{DisassemblerZtf::kBrackets, DisassemblerZtf::kBracketsRel2},
+ {Reference({139, mutable_text.size()})}}, // This should fail.
+ {{DisassemblerZtf::kParentheses, DisassemblerZtf::kParenthesesAbs1},
+ {Reference({174, 21})}}, // This should fail.
+ {{DisassemblerZtf::kBraces, DisassemblerZtf::kBracesAbs1},
+ {Reference({218, 219})}},
+ {{DisassemblerZtf::kBraces, DisassemblerZtf::kBracesRel2},
+ {Reference({233, 174})}},
+ };
+ WriteReferences(image, mutable_text.size(), change_map);
+ // As a sanity check see if a disassembler can identify the same references
+ // (excluding the invalid ones).
+ change_map.erase(change_map.find(
+ {DisassemblerZtf::kAngles, DisassemblerZtf::kAnglesAbs3}));
+ change_map.at({DisassemblerZtf::kAngles, DisassemblerZtf::kAnglesAbs1})
+ .emplace(Reference{4, 0});
+ update_map({DisassemblerZtf::kBrackets, DisassemblerZtf::kBracketsRel2},
+ Reference({139, mutable_text.size()}), Reference({139, 149}),
+ &change_map);
+ update_map({DisassemblerZtf::kParentheses, DisassemblerZtf::kParenthesesAbs1},
+ Reference({174, 21}), Reference({174, 4}), &change_map);
+ ConstBufferView const_image(image);
+ ReadReferences(const_image, mutable_text.size(), &change_map);
+} // namespace zucchini
diff --git a/element_detection.cc b/element_detection.cc
index a826f54..6b31f61 100644
--- a/element_detection.cc
+++ b/element_detection.cc
@@ -9,9 +9,19 @@
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "components/zucchini/buildflags.h"
#include "components/zucchini/disassembler.h"
-#include "components/zucchini/disassembler_dex.h"
#include "components/zucchini/disassembler_no_op.h"
+#include "components/zucchini/disassembler_dex.h"
#include "components/zucchini/disassembler_win32.h"
+#include "components/zucchini/disassembler_ztf.h"
namespace zucchini {
@@ -48,6 +58,15 @@ std::unique_ptr<Disassembler> MakeDisassemblerWithoutFallback(
+ if (DisassemblerZtf::QuickDetect(image)) {
+ // This disallows very short examples like "ZTxtxtZ\n" in ensemble patching.
+ auto disasm = Disassembler::Make<DisassemblerZtf>(image);
+ if (disasm && disasm->size() >= kMinProgramSize)
+ return disasm;
+ }
return nullptr;
@@ -64,6 +83,10 @@ std::unique_ptr<Disassembler> MakeDisassemblerOfType(ConstBufferView image,
case kExeTypeDex:
return Disassembler::Make<DisassemblerDex>(image);
+ case kExeTypeZtf:
+ return Disassembler::Make<DisassemblerZtf>(image);
case kExeTypeNoOp:
return Disassembler::Make<DisassemblerNoOp>(image);
diff --git a/image_utils.h b/image_utils.h
index 9f561ba..9aba0a6 100644
--- a/image_utils.h
+++ b/image_utils.h
@@ -162,6 +162,7 @@ enum ExecutableType : uint32_t {
kExeTypeElfArm32 = ExeTypeToUint32("EA32"),
kExeTypeElfAArch64 = ExeTypeToUint32("EA64"),
kExeTypeDex = ExeTypeToUint32("DEX "),
+ kExeTypeZtf = ExeTypeToUint32("ZTF "),
constexpr ExecutableType CastToExecutableType(uint32_t possible_exe_type) {
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@ constexpr ExecutableType CastToExecutableType(uint32_t possible_exe_type) {
case kExeTypeElfArm32: // Falls through.
case kExeTypeElfAArch64: // Falls through.
case kExeTypeDex: // Falls through.
+ case kExeTypeZtf: // Falls through.
case kExeTypeUnknown:
return static_cast<ExecutableType>(possible_exe_type);
diff --git a/type_ztf.h b/type_ztf.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42798b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/type_ztf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+namespace zucchini {
+namespace ztf {
+typedef int16_t dim_t;
+// A exclusive upper bound on number of lines and/or columns. Throughout the ZTF
+// code a dimension (dim) refers to a block of 1-3 digits which contain a line
+// or column number.
+enum : size_t { kMaxDimValue = 1000 };
+enum SignChar : uint8_t {
+ kMinus = '-',
+ kPlus = '+',
+// Lines and columns are 1-based to follow the convention of most modern text
+// editing software. |line| and |col| should be positive, but int16_t is used to
+// limit ranges such that it matches DeltaLineCol.
+struct LineCol {
+ dim_t line;
+ dim_t col;
+struct DeltaLineCol {
+ dim_t line;
+ dim_t col;
+constexpr DeltaLineCol operator-(const LineCol& lhs, const LineCol& rhs) {
+ return DeltaLineCol{lhs.line - rhs.line, lhs.col - rhs.col};
+constexpr LineCol operator+(const LineCol& lhs, const DeltaLineCol& rhs) {
+ return LineCol{lhs.line + rhs.line, lhs.col + rhs.col};
+} // namespace ztf
+} // namespace zucchini