// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "components/zucchini/disassembler_win32.h" #include #include #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h" #include "components/zucchini/abs32_utils.h" #include "components/zucchini/algorithm.h" #include "components/zucchini/buffer_source.h" #include "components/zucchini/rel32_finder.h" #include "components/zucchini/rel32_utils.h" #include "components/zucchini/reloc_win32.h" namespace zucchini { namespace { // Decides whether |image| points to a Win32 PE file. If this is a possibility, // assigns |source| to enable further parsing, and returns true. Otherwise // leaves |source| at an undefined state and returns false. template bool ReadWin32Header(ConstBufferView image, BufferSource* source) { *source = BufferSource(image); // Check "MZ" magic of DOS header. if (!source->CheckNextBytes({'M', 'Z'})) return false; const auto* dos_header = source->GetPointer(); // For |e_lfanew|, reject on misalignment or overlap with DOS header. if (!dos_header || (dos_header->e_lfanew & 7) != 0 || dos_header->e_lfanew < 0U + sizeof(pe::ImageDOSHeader)) { return false; } // Offset to PE header is in DOS header. *source = std::move(BufferSource(image).Skip(dos_header->e_lfanew)); // Check 'PE\0\0' magic from PE header. if (!source->ConsumeBytes({'P', 'E', 0, 0})) return false; return true; } template const pe::ImageDataDirectory* ReadDataDirectory( const typename Traits::ImageOptionalHeader* optional_header, size_t index) { if (index >= optional_header->number_of_rva_and_sizes) return nullptr; return &optional_header->data_directory[index]; } // Decides whether |section| (assumed value) is a section that contains code. template bool IsWin32CodeSection(const pe::ImageSectionHeader& section) { return (section.characteristics & kCodeCharacteristics) == kCodeCharacteristics; } } // namespace /******** Win32X86Traits ********/ // static constexpr Bitness Win32X86Traits::kBitness; constexpr ExecutableType Win32X86Traits::kExeType; const char Win32X86Traits::kExeTypeString[] = "Windows PE x86"; /******** Win32X64Traits ********/ // static constexpr Bitness Win32X64Traits::kBitness; constexpr ExecutableType Win32X64Traits::kExeType; const char Win32X64Traits::kExeTypeString[] = "Windows PE x64"; /******** DisassemblerWin32 ********/ // static. template bool DisassemblerWin32::QuickDetect(ConstBufferView image) { BufferSource source; return ReadWin32Header(image, &source); } // |num_equivalence_iterations_| = 2 for reloc -> abs32. template DisassemblerWin32::DisassemblerWin32() : Disassembler(2) {} template DisassemblerWin32::~DisassemblerWin32() = default; template ExecutableType DisassemblerWin32::GetExeType() const { return Traits::kExeType; } template std::string DisassemblerWin32::GetExeTypeString() const { return Traits::kExeTypeString; } template std::vector DisassemblerWin32::MakeReferenceGroups() const { return { {ReferenceTypeTraits{2, TypeTag(kReloc), PoolTag(kReloc)}, &DisassemblerWin32::MakeReadRelocs, &DisassemblerWin32::MakeWriteRelocs}, {ReferenceTypeTraits{Traits::kVAWidth, TypeTag(kAbs32), PoolTag(kAbs32)}, &DisassemblerWin32::MakeReadAbs32, &DisassemblerWin32::MakeWriteAbs32}, {ReferenceTypeTraits{4, TypeTag(kRel32), PoolTag(kRel32)}, &DisassemblerWin32::MakeReadRel32, &DisassemblerWin32::MakeWriteRel32}, }; } template std::unique_ptr DisassemblerWin32::MakeReadRelocs( offset_t lo, offset_t hi) { if (!ParseAndStoreRelocBlocks()) return std::make_unique(); RelocRvaReaderWin32 reloc_rva_reader(image_, reloc_region_, reloc_block_offsets_, lo, hi); CHECK_GE(image_.size(), Traits::kVAWidth); offset_t offset_bound = base::checked_cast(image_.size() - Traits::kVAWidth + 1); return std::make_unique(std::move(reloc_rva_reader), Traits::kRelocType, offset_bound, translator_); } template std::unique_ptr DisassemblerWin32::MakeReadAbs32( offset_t lo, offset_t hi) { ParseAndStoreAbs32(); Abs32RvaExtractorWin32 abs_rva_extractor( image_, {Traits::kBitness, image_base_}, abs32_locations_, lo, hi); return std::make_unique(std::move(abs_rva_extractor), translator_); } template std::unique_ptr DisassemblerWin32::MakeReadRel32( offset_t lo, offset_t hi) { ParseAndStoreRel32(); return std::make_unique(image_, lo, hi, &rel32_locations_, translator_); } template std::unique_ptr DisassemblerWin32::MakeWriteRelocs( MutableBufferView image) { if (!ParseAndStoreRelocBlocks()) return std::make_unique(); return std::make_unique(Traits::kRelocType, image, reloc_region_, reloc_block_offsets_, translator_); } template std::unique_ptr DisassemblerWin32::MakeWriteAbs32( MutableBufferView image) { return std::make_unique( image, AbsoluteAddress(Traits::kBitness, image_base_), translator_); } template std::unique_ptr DisassemblerWin32::MakeWriteRel32( MutableBufferView image) { return std::make_unique(image, translator_); } template bool DisassemblerWin32::Parse(ConstBufferView image) { image_ = image; return ParseHeader(); } template bool DisassemblerWin32::ParseHeader() { BufferSource source; if (!ReadWin32Header(image_, &source)) return false; constexpr size_t kDataDirBase = offsetof(typename Traits::ImageOptionalHeader, data_directory); auto* coff_header = source.GetPointer(); if (!coff_header || coff_header->size_of_optional_header < kDataDirBase) return false; // |number_of_rva_and_sizes < kImageNumberOfDirectoryEntries| is possible. So // in theory, GetPointer() on ImageOptionalHeader can reach EOF for a tiny PE // file, causing false rejection. However, this should not occur for practical // cases; and rejection is okay for corner cases (e.g., from a fuzzer). auto* optional_header = source.GetPointer(); if (!optional_header || optional_header->magic != Traits::kMagic) return false; // Check |optional_header->number_of_rva_and_sizes|. const size_t data_dir_size = coff_header->size_of_optional_header - kDataDirBase; const size_t num_data_dir = data_dir_size / sizeof(pe::ImageDataDirectory); if (num_data_dir != optional_header->number_of_rva_and_sizes || num_data_dir * sizeof(pe::ImageDataDirectory) != data_dir_size || num_data_dir > pe::kImageNumberOfDirectoryEntries) { return false; } base_relocation_table_ = ReadDataDirectory( optional_header, pe::kIndexOfBaseRelocationTable); if (!base_relocation_table_) return false; image_base_ = optional_header->image_base; // |optional_header->size_of_image| is the size of the image when loaded into // memory, and not the actual size on disk. rva_t rva_bound = optional_header->size_of_image; if (rva_bound >= kRvaBound) return false; // An exclusive upper bound of all offsets used in the image. This gets // updated as sections get visited. offset_t offset_bound = base::checked_cast(source.begin() - image_.begin()); // Extract |sections_|. size_t sections_count = coff_header->number_of_sections; auto* sections_array = source.GetArray(sections_count); if (!sections_array) return false; sections_.assign(sections_array, sections_array + sections_count); // Prepare |units| for offset-RVA translation. std::vector units; units.reserve(sections_count); // Visit each section, validate, and add address translation data to |units|. bool has_text_section = false; decltype(pe::ImageSectionHeader::virtual_address) prev_virtual_address = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < sections_count; ++i) { const pe::ImageSectionHeader& section = sections_[i]; // Apply strict checks on section bounds. if (!image_.covers( {section.file_offset_of_raw_data, section.size_of_raw_data})) { return false; } if (!RangeIsBounded(section.virtual_address, section.virtual_size, rva_bound)) { return false; } // PE sections should be sorted by RVAs. For robustness, we don't rely on // this, so even if unsorted we don't care. Output warning though. if (prev_virtual_address > section.virtual_address) LOG(WARNING) << "RVA anomaly found for Section " << i; prev_virtual_address = section.virtual_address; // Add |section| data for offset-RVA translation. units.push_back({section.file_offset_of_raw_data, section.size_of_raw_data, section.virtual_address, section.virtual_size}); offset_t end_offset = section.file_offset_of_raw_data + section.size_of_raw_data; offset_bound = std::max(end_offset, offset_bound); if (IsWin32CodeSection(section)) has_text_section = true; } if (offset_bound > image_.size()) return false; if (!has_text_section) return false; // Initialize |translator_| for offset-RVA translations. Any inconsistency // (e.g., 2 offsets correspond to the same RVA) would invalidate the PE file. if (translator_.Initialize(std::move(units)) != AddressTranslator::kSuccess) return false; // Resize |image_| to include only contents claimed by sections. Note that // this may miss digital signatures at end of PE files, but for patching this // is of minor concern. image_.shrink(offset_bound); return true; } template bool DisassemblerWin32::ParseAndStoreRelocBlocks() { if (has_parsed_relocs_) return reloc_region_.lo() != kInvalidOffset; has_parsed_relocs_ = true; DCHECK(reloc_block_offsets_.empty()); offset_t relocs_offset = translator_.RvaToOffset(base_relocation_table_->virtual_address); size_t relocs_size = base_relocation_table_->size; const BufferRegion temp_reloc_region = {relocs_offset, relocs_size}; // Reject bogus relocs. It's possible to have no reloc, so this is non-fatal! if (relocs_offset == kInvalidOffset || !image_.covers(temp_reloc_region)) return false; // Precompute offsets of all reloc blocks. if (!RelocRvaReaderWin32::FindRelocBlocks(image_, temp_reloc_region, &reloc_block_offsets_)) { return false; } // Reassign |reloc_region_| only on success. reloc_region_ = temp_reloc_region; return true; } template bool DisassemblerWin32::ParseAndStoreAbs32() { if (has_parsed_abs32_) return true; has_parsed_abs32_ = true; // Read reloc targets as preliminary abs32 locations. std::unique_ptr relocs = MakeReadRelocs(0, offset_t(size())); for (auto ref = relocs->GetNext(); ref.has_value(); ref = relocs->GetNext()) abs32_locations_.push_back(ref->target); std::sort(abs32_locations_.begin(), abs32_locations_.end()); // Abs32 references must have targets translatable to offsets. Remove those // that are unable to do so. size_t num_untranslatable = RemoveUntranslatableAbs32( image_, {Traits::kBitness, image_base_}, translator_, &abs32_locations_); LOG_IF(WARNING, num_untranslatable) << "Removed " << num_untranslatable << " untranslatable abs32 references."; // Abs32 reference bodies must not overlap. If found, simply remove them. size_t num_overlapping = RemoveOverlappingAbs32Locations(Traits::kVAWidth, &abs32_locations_); LOG_IF(WARNING, num_overlapping) << "Removed " << num_overlapping << " abs32 references with overlapping bodies."; abs32_locations_.shrink_to_fit(); return true; } template bool DisassemblerWin32::ParseAndStoreRel32() { if (has_parsed_rel32_) return true; has_parsed_rel32_ = true; ParseAndStoreAbs32(); AddressTranslator::OffsetToRvaCache location_offset_to_rva(translator_); AddressTranslator::RvaToOffsetCache target_rva_checker(translator_); for (const pe::ImageSectionHeader& section : sections_) { if (!IsWin32CodeSection(section)) continue; rva_t start_rva = section.virtual_address; rva_t end_rva = start_rva + section.virtual_size; // |virtual_size < size_of_raw_data| is possible. In this case, disassembly // should not proceed beyond |virtual_size|, so rel32 location RVAs remain // translatable to file offsets. uint32_t size_to_use = std::min(section.virtual_size, section.size_of_raw_data); ConstBufferView region = image_[{section.file_offset_of_raw_data, size_to_use}]; Abs32GapFinder gap_finder(image_, region, abs32_locations_, Traits::kVAWidth); typename Traits::RelFinder finder; // Iterate over gaps between abs32 references, to avoid collision. for (auto gap = gap_finder.GetNext(); gap.has_value(); gap = gap_finder.GetNext()) { finder.SetRegion(gap.value()); // Iterate over heuristically detected rel32 references, validate, and add // to |rel32_locations_|. for (auto rel32 = finder.GetNext(); rel32.has_value(); rel32 = finder.GetNext()) { offset_t rel32_offset = offset_t(rel32->location - image_.begin()); rva_t rel32_rva = location_offset_to_rva.Convert(rel32_offset); DCHECK_NE(rel32_rva, kInvalidRva); rva_t target_rva = rel32_rva + 4 + image_.read(rel32_offset); if (target_rva_checker.IsValid(target_rva) && (rel32->can_point_outside_section || (start_rva <= target_rva && target_rva < end_rva))) { finder.Accept(); rel32_locations_.push_back(rel32_offset); } } } } rel32_locations_.shrink_to_fit(); // |sections_| entries are usually sorted by offset, but there's no guarantee. // So sort explicitly, to be sure. std::sort(rel32_locations_.begin(), rel32_locations_.end()); return true; } // Explicit instantiation for supported classes. template class DisassemblerWin32; template class DisassemblerWin32; } // namespace zucchini