// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "components/zucchini/disassembler_ztf.h" #include #include #include #include #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/macros.h" #include "base/numerics/checked_math.h" #include "components/zucchini/algorithm.h" #include "components/zucchini/buffer_source.h" #include "components/zucchini/buffer_view.h" #include "components/zucchini/io_utils.h" namespace zucchini { namespace { constexpr uint8_t kDelimiter = ','; constexpr int kHeaderMagicSize = 4; constexpr int kFooterMagicSize = 5; constexpr int kTotalMagicSize = kHeaderMagicSize + kFooterMagicSize; // Number of characters that aren't digits in each type of reference. constexpr int kNumConstCharInAbs = 3; constexpr int kNumConstCharInRel = 5; /******** ZtfConfig ********/ // For passing around metadata about the type of reference to match. // - |digits_per_dim| is the length of the offset in lines/cols of a // reference. // - |open_char| is an ASCII character representing the opening char. // - |close_char| is an ASCII character representing the closing char. struct ZtfConfig { uint8_t digits_per_dim; uint8_t open_char; uint8_t close_char; constexpr uint8_t abs_width() const { return digits_per_dim * 2 + kNumConstCharInAbs; } constexpr uint8_t rel_width() const { return digits_per_dim * 2 + kNumConstCharInRel; } uint8_t Width(ztf::LineCol /* lc */) const { return abs_width(); } uint8_t Width(ztf::DeltaLineCol /* dlc */) const { return rel_width(); } }; // Creates a ZtfConfig for parsing or writing based on the desired |digits| and // |pool|. template constexpr ZtfConfig MakeZtfConfig(uint8_t digits) { switch (pool) { case DisassemblerZtf::kAngles: return ZtfConfig{digits, '<', '>'}; case DisassemblerZtf::kBraces: return ZtfConfig{digits, '{', '}'}; case DisassemblerZtf::kBrackets: return ZtfConfig{digits, '[', ']'}; case DisassemblerZtf::kParentheses: break; // Handled below. } return ZtfConfig{digits, '(', ')'}; } /******** ZtfParser ********/ // ZtfParser is used to extract (absolute) LineCol and (relative) DeltaLineCol // from a ZTF file, and contains various helpers for character, digits, and sign // matching. class ZtfParser { public: ZtfParser(offset_t hi, ConstBufferView image, ZtfConfig config) : image_(image), hi_(hi), config_(config) { DCHECK_LE(static_cast(std::pow(10U, config_.digits_per_dim)), ztf::kMaxDimValue); } // Attempts to match an absolute reference at |offset|. If successful then // assigns the result to |abs_lc| and returns true. Otherwise returns false. // An absolute reference takes the form: // bool MatchAtOffset(offset_t offset, ztf::LineCol* abs_lc) { if (hi_ < config_.abs_width() || offset > hi_ - config_.abs_width()) return false; offset_ = offset; return MatchChar(config_.open_char) && MatchDigits(+1, &abs_lc->line) && MatchChar(kDelimiter) && MatchDigits(+1, &abs_lc->col) && MatchChar(config_.close_char); } // Attempts to match an absolute reference at |offset|. If successful then // assigns the result to |rel_lc| and returns true. Otherwise returns false. A // relative reference takes the form: // bool MatchAtOffset(offset_t offset, ztf::DeltaLineCol* rel_dlc) { if (hi_ < config_.rel_width() || offset > hi_ - config_.rel_width()) return false; offset_ = offset; ztf::dim_t line_sign; ztf::dim_t col_sign; return MatchChar(config_.open_char) && MatchSign(&line_sign) && MatchDigits(line_sign, &rel_dlc->line) && MatchChar(kDelimiter) && MatchSign(&col_sign) && MatchDigits(col_sign, &rel_dlc->col) && MatchChar(config_.close_char); } private: // The Match*() functions below can advance |offset_|, and return a bool to // indicate success to allow chaining using &&. // Returns true if |character| is at location |offset_| in |image_| and // increments |offset_|. bool MatchChar(uint8_t character) { return character == image_.read(offset_++); } // Looks for '+' or '-' at |offset_|. If found, stores +1 or -1 in |sign| and // returns true. Otherwise returns false. bool MatchSign(ztf::dim_t* sign) { uint8_t val = image_.read(offset_++); if (val == static_cast(ztf::SignChar::kMinus)) { *sign = -1; return true; } if (val == static_cast(ztf::SignChar::kPlus)) { *sign = 1; return true; } return false; } // Attempts to extract a number with the number of base 10 digits equal to // |config_.digits_per_dim| from |image_| starting from |offset_|. Returns // true and assigns the integer value to |value| if successful. bool MatchDigits(ztf::dim_t sign, ztf::dim_t* value) { ztf::dim_t output = 0; for (int i = 0; i < config_.digits_per_dim; ++i) { auto digit = image_.read(offset_++); if (digit >= '0' && digit < '0' + 10) output = output * 10 + digit - '0'; else return false; } if (!output && sign < 0) // Disallow "-0", "-00", etc. return false; *value = sign * output; return true; } ConstBufferView image_; const offset_t hi_; const ZtfConfig config_; offset_t offset_ = 0; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ZtfParser); }; /******** ZtfWriter ********/ // ZtfWriter is used to write references to an image. This includes writing // the enclosing characters around the reference. class ZtfWriter { public: ZtfWriter(MutableBufferView image, ZtfConfig config) : image_(image), config_(config), val_bound_( static_cast(std::pow(10, config_.digits_per_dim))) {} // Write an absolute reference |abs_ref| at |offset|. Note that references // that would overwrite a newline are skipped as this would invalidate all // the other reference line numbers. void Write(offset_t offset, ztf::LineCol abs_ref) { offset_ = offset; if (!SafeToWriteNumber(abs_ref.line) || !SafeToWriteNumber(abs_ref.col) || !SafeToWriteData(offset_, offset_ + config_.abs_width())) { return; } WriteChar(config_.open_char); WriteNumber(abs_ref.line); WriteChar(kDelimiter); WriteNumber(abs_ref.col); WriteChar(config_.close_char); } // Write a relative reference |rel_ref| at |offset|. Note that references // that would overwrite a newline are skipped as this would invalidate all // the other reference line numbers. void Write(offset_t offset, ztf::DeltaLineCol rel_ref) { offset_ = offset; if (!SafeToWriteNumber(rel_ref.line) || !SafeToWriteNumber(rel_ref.col) || !SafeToWriteData(offset_, offset_ + config_.rel_width())) { return; } WriteChar(config_.open_char); WriteSign(rel_ref.line); WriteNumber(rel_ref.line); WriteChar(kDelimiter); WriteSign(rel_ref.col); WriteNumber(rel_ref.col); WriteChar(config_.close_char); } private: // Returns whether it is safe to modify bytes in |[lo, hi)| in |image_| for // Reference correction. Failure cases are: // - Out-of-bound writes. // - Overwriting '\n'. This is a ZTF special case since '\n' dictates file // structure, and Reference correction should never mess with this. bool SafeToWriteData(offset_t lo, offset_t hi) const { DCHECK_LE(lo, hi); // Out of bounds. if (hi > image_.size()) return false; for (offset_t i = lo; i < hi; ++i) { if (image_.read(i) == '\n') return false; } return true; } // Checks whether it is safe to write a |val| based on // |config_.digits_per_dim|. bool SafeToWriteNumber(ztf::dim_t val) const { return std::abs(val) < val_bound_; } // The Write*() functions each advance |offset_| by a fixed distance. The // caller should ensure there's enough space to write data. // Write |character| at |offset_| and increment |offset_|. void WriteChar(uint8_t character) { image_.write(offset_++, character); } // Write the sign of |value| at |offset_| and increment |offset_|. void WriteSign(ztf::dim_t value) { image_.write(offset_++, value >= 0 ? ztf::SignChar::kPlus : ztf::SignChar::kMinus); } // Writes the absolute value of the number represented by |value| at |offset_| // using zero padding to fill |config_.digits_per_dim|. void WriteNumber(ztf::dim_t value) { size_t size = config_.digits_per_dim + 1; DCHECK_LE(size, kMaxDigitCount + 1); char digits[kMaxDigitCount + 1]; // + 1 for terminator. int len = snprintf(digits, size, "%0*u", config_.digits_per_dim, std::abs(value)); DCHECK_EQ(len, config_.digits_per_dim); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) image_.write(offset_++, digits[i]); } MutableBufferView image_; const ZtfConfig config_; // Bound on numeric values, as limited by |config_.digits_per_dim|. const ztf::dim_t val_bound_; offset_t offset_ = 0; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ZtfWriter); }; // Specialization of ReferenceReader for reading text references. template class ZtfReferenceReader : public ReferenceReader { public: ZtfReferenceReader(offset_t lo, offset_t hi, ConstBufferView image, const ZtfTranslator& translator, ZtfConfig config) : offset_(lo), hi_(hi), translator_(translator), config_(config), parser_(hi_, image, config_) { DCHECK_LE(hi_, image.size()); } // Walks |offset_| from |lo| to |hi_| running |parser_|. If any matches are // found they are returned. base::Optional GetNext() override { T line_col; for (; offset_ < hi_; ++offset_) { if (!parser_.MatchAtOffset(offset_, &line_col)) continue; auto target = ConvertToTargetOffset(offset_, line_col); // Ignore targets that point outside the file. if (target == kInvalidOffset) continue; offset_t location = offset_; offset_ += config_.Width(line_col); return Reference{location, target}; } return base::nullopt; } private: // Converts |lc| (an absolute reference) to an offset using |translator_|. offset_t ConvertToTargetOffset(offset_t /* location */, ztf::LineCol lc) const { return translator_.LineColToOffset(lc); } // Converts |dlc| (a relative reference) to an offset using |translator_|. // This requires converting the |dlc| to a ztf::LineCol to find the offset. offset_t ConvertToTargetOffset(offset_t location, ztf::DeltaLineCol dlc) const { auto lc = translator_.OffsetToLineCol(location); if (!lc.has_value()) return kInvalidOffset; return translator_.LineColToOffset(lc.value() + dlc); } offset_t offset_; const offset_t hi_; const ZtfTranslator& translator_; const ZtfConfig config_; ZtfParser parser_; }; // Specialization of ReferenceWriter for writing text references. template class ZtfReferenceWriter : public ReferenceWriter { public: ZtfReferenceWriter(MutableBufferView image, const ZtfTranslator& translator, ZtfConfig config) : translator_(translator), writer_(image, config) {} void PutNext(Reference reference) override { T line_col; if (!ConvertToTargetLineCol(reference, &line_col)) return; writer_.Write(reference.location, line_col); } private: // Converts |reference| to an absolute reference to be stored in |out_lc|. // Returns true on success. bool ConvertToTargetLineCol(Reference reference, ztf::LineCol* out_lc) { auto temp_lc = translator_.OffsetToLineCol(reference.target); if (!temp_lc.has_value() || !translator_.IsValid(temp_lc.value())) return false; *out_lc = temp_lc.value(); return true; } // Converts |reference| to a relative reference to be stored in |out_dlc|. // Will return true on success. bool ConvertToTargetLineCol(Reference reference, ztf::DeltaLineCol* out_dlc) { auto location_lc = translator_.OffsetToLineCol(reference.location); if (!location_lc.has_value()) return false; auto target_lc = translator_.OffsetToLineCol(reference.target); if (!target_lc.has_value()) return false; *out_dlc = target_lc.value() - location_lc.value(); return translator_.IsValid(reference.location, *out_dlc); } const ZtfTranslator& translator_; ZtfWriter writer_; }; // Reads a text header to check for the magic string "ZTxt" at the start // indicating the file should be treated as a Zucchini text file. bool ReadZtfHeader(ConstBufferView image) { BufferSource source(image); // Reject empty images and "ZTxtxTZ\n" (missing 't'). if (source.size() < kTotalMagicSize) return false; return source.CheckNextBytes({'Z', 'T', 'x', 't'}); } } // namespace /******** ZtfTranslator ********/ ZtfTranslator::ZtfTranslator() {} ZtfTranslator::~ZtfTranslator() = default; bool ZtfTranslator::Init(ConstBufferView image) { line_starts_.clear(); // Record the starting offset of every line in |image_| into |line_start_|. line_starts_.push_back(0); for (size_t i = 0; i < image.size(); ++i) { if (image.read(i) == '\n') { // Maximum number of entries is |ztf::kMaxDimValue|, including the end // sentinel. if (line_starts_.size() >= ztf::kMaxDimValue) return false; line_starts_.push_back(i + 1); // Check that the line length is reachable from an absolute reference. if (line_starts_.back() - *std::next(line_starts_.rbegin()) >= ztf::kMaxDimValue) { return false; } } } // Since the last character of ZTF file is always '\n', |line_starts_| will // always contain the file length as the last element, which serves as a // sentinel. CHECK_EQ(image.size(), static_cast(line_starts_.back())); return true; } bool ZtfTranslator::IsValid(ztf::LineCol lc) const { DCHECK(!line_starts_.empty()); return lc.line >= 1 && lc.col >= 1 && static_cast(lc.line) <= NumLines() && static_cast(lc.col) <= LineLength(lc.line); } bool ZtfTranslator::IsValid(offset_t offset, ztf::DeltaLineCol dlc) const { DCHECK(!line_starts_.empty()); auto abs_lc = OffsetToLineCol(offset); if (!abs_lc.has_value()) return false; if (!base::CheckAdd(abs_lc->line, dlc.line).IsValid() || !base::CheckAdd(abs_lc->col, dlc.col).IsValid()) { return false; } return IsValid(abs_lc.value() + dlc); } offset_t ZtfTranslator::LineColToOffset(ztf::LineCol lc) const { // Guard against out of bounds access to |line_starts_| and ensure the // |lc| falls within the file. DCHECK(!line_starts_.empty()); if (!IsValid(lc)) return kInvalidOffset; offset_t target = line_starts_[lc.line - 1] + lc.col - 1; DCHECK_LT(target, line_starts_.back()); return target; } base::Optional ZtfTranslator::OffsetToLineCol( offset_t offset) const { DCHECK(!line_starts_.empty()); // Don't place a target outside the image. if (offset >= line_starts_.back()) return base::nullopt; auto it = SearchForRange(offset); ztf::LineCol lc; lc.line = std::distance(line_starts_.cbegin(), it) + 1; lc.col = offset - line_starts_[lc.line - 1] + 1; DCHECK_LE(static_cast(lc.col), LineLength(lc.line)); return lc; } std::vector::const_iterator ZtfTranslator::SearchForRange( offset_t offset) const { DCHECK(!line_starts_.empty()); auto it = std::upper_bound(line_starts_.cbegin(), line_starts_.cend(), offset); DCHECK(it != line_starts_.cbegin()); return --it; } offset_t ZtfTranslator::LineLength(uint16_t line) const { DCHECK_GE(line, 1); DCHECK_LE(line, NumLines()); return line_starts_[line] - line_starts_[line - 1]; } /******** DisassemblerZtf ********/ // Use 2 even though reference "chaining" isn't present in ZTF as it is the // usual case for other Disassemblers and this is meant to mimic that as closely // as possible. DisassemblerZtf::DisassemblerZtf() : Disassembler(2) {} DisassemblerZtf::~DisassemblerZtf() = default; // static. bool DisassemblerZtf::QuickDetect(ConstBufferView image) { return ReadZtfHeader(image); } ExecutableType DisassemblerZtf::GetExeType() const { return kExeTypeZtf; } std::string DisassemblerZtf::GetExeTypeString() const { return "Zucchini Text Format"; } std::vector DisassemblerZtf::MakeReferenceGroups() const { return { {{5, TypeTag(kAnglesAbs1), PoolTag(kAngles)}, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadAbs<1, kAngles>, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteAbs<1, kAngles>}, {{7, TypeTag(kAnglesAbs2), PoolTag(kAngles)}, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadAbs<2, kAngles>, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteAbs<2, kAngles>}, {{9, TypeTag(kAnglesAbs3), PoolTag(kAngles)}, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadAbs<3, kAngles>, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteAbs<3, kAngles>}, {{7, TypeTag(kAnglesRel1), PoolTag(kAngles)}, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadRel<1, kAngles>, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteRel<1, kAngles>}, {{9, TypeTag(kAnglesRel2), PoolTag(kAngles)}, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadRel<2, kAngles>, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteRel<2, kAngles>}, {{11, TypeTag(kAnglesRel3), PoolTag(kAngles)}, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadRel<3, kAngles>, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteRel<3, kAngles>}, {{5, TypeTag(kBracesAbs1), PoolTag(kBraces)}, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadAbs<1, kBraces>, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteAbs<1, kBraces>}, {{7, TypeTag(kBracesAbs2), PoolTag(kBraces)}, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadAbs<2, kBraces>, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteAbs<2, kBraces>}, {{9, TypeTag(kBracesAbs3), PoolTag(kBraces)}, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadAbs<3, kBraces>, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteAbs<3, kBraces>}, {{7, TypeTag(kBracesRel1), PoolTag(kBraces)}, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadRel<1, kBraces>, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteRel<1, kBraces>}, {{9, TypeTag(kBracesRel2), PoolTag(kBraces)}, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadRel<2, kBraces>, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteRel<2, kBraces>}, {{11, TypeTag(kBracesRel3), PoolTag(kBraces)}, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadRel<3, kBraces>, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteRel<3, kBraces>}, {{5, TypeTag(kBracketsAbs1), PoolTag(kBrackets)}, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadAbs<1, kBrackets>, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteAbs<1, kBrackets>}, {{7, TypeTag(kBracketsAbs2), PoolTag(kBrackets)}, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadAbs<2, kBrackets>, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteAbs<2, kBrackets>}, {{9, TypeTag(kBracketsAbs3), PoolTag(kBrackets)}, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadAbs<3, kBrackets>, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteAbs<3, kBrackets>}, {{7, TypeTag(kBracketsRel1), PoolTag(kBrackets)}, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadRel<1, kBrackets>, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteRel<1, kBrackets>}, {{9, TypeTag(kBracketsRel2), PoolTag(kBrackets)}, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadRel<2, kBrackets>, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteRel<2, kBrackets>}, {{11, TypeTag(kBracketsRel3), PoolTag(kBrackets)}, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadRel<3, kBrackets>, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteRel<3, kBrackets>}, {{5, TypeTag(kParenthesesAbs1), PoolTag(kParentheses)}, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadAbs<1, kParentheses>, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteAbs<1, kParentheses>}, {{7, TypeTag(kParenthesesAbs2), PoolTag(kParentheses)}, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadAbs<2, kParentheses>, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteAbs<2, kParentheses>}, {{9, TypeTag(kParenthesesAbs3), PoolTag(kParentheses)}, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadAbs<3, kParentheses>, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteAbs<3, kParentheses>}, {{7, TypeTag(kParenthesesRel1), PoolTag(kParentheses)}, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadRel<1, kParentheses>, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteRel<1, kParentheses>}, {{9, TypeTag(kParenthesesRel2), PoolTag(kParentheses)}, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadRel<2, kParentheses>, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteRel<2, kParentheses>}, {{11, TypeTag(kParenthesesRel3), PoolTag(kParentheses)}, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadRel<3, kParentheses>, &DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteRel<3, kParentheses>}, }; } template std::unique_ptr DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadAbs(offset_t lo, offset_t hi) { static_assert(digits >= 1 && digits <= kMaxDigitCount, "|digits| must be in range [1, 3]"); return std::make_unique>( lo, hi, image_, translator_, MakeZtfConfig(digits)); } template std::unique_ptr DisassemblerZtf::MakeReadRel(offset_t lo, offset_t hi) { static_assert(digits >= 1 && digits <= kMaxDigitCount, "|digits| must be in range [1, 3]"); return std::make_unique>( lo, hi, image_, translator_, MakeZtfConfig(digits)); } template std::unique_ptr DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteAbs( MutableBufferView image) { static_assert(digits >= 1 && digits <= kMaxDigitCount, "|digits| must be in range [1, 3]"); return std::make_unique>( image, translator_, MakeZtfConfig(digits)); } template std::unique_ptr DisassemblerZtf::MakeWriteRel( MutableBufferView image) { static_assert(digits >= 1 && digits <= kMaxDigitCount, "|digits| must be in range [1, 3]"); return std::make_unique>( image, translator_, MakeZtfConfig(digits)); } bool DisassemblerZtf::Parse(ConstBufferView image) { image_ = image; if (!ReadZtfHeader(image_)) return false; CHECK_GE(image_.size(), static_cast(kTotalMagicSize)); // Needs header and footer. // Find the terminating footer "txTZ\n" that indicates the end of the image. offset_t offset = 0; for (; offset <= image_.size() - kFooterMagicSize; offset++) { if (image_.read(offset) == 't' && image_.read(offset + 1) == 'x' && image_.read(offset + 2) == 'T' && image_.read(offset + 3) == 'Z' && image_.read(offset + 4) == '\n') { break; } } // If no footer is found before the end of the image then the parsing failed. if (offset > image_.size() - kFooterMagicSize) return false; image_.shrink(offset + kFooterMagicSize); return translator_.Init(image_); } } // namespace zucchini