// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "components/zucchini/reloc_utils.h" #include #include #include #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h" #include "components/zucchini/algorithm.h" #include "components/zucchini/io_utils.h" #include "components/zucchini/type_win_pe.h" namespace zucchini { /******** RelocUnitWin32 ********/ RelocUnitWin32::RelocUnitWin32() = default; RelocUnitWin32::RelocUnitWin32(uint8_t type_in, offset_t location_in, rva_t target_rva_in) : type(type_in), location(location_in), target_rva(target_rva_in) {} bool operator==(const RelocUnitWin32& a, const RelocUnitWin32& b) { return std::tie(a.type, a.location, a.target_rva) == std::tie(b.type, b.location, b.target_rva); } /******** RelocRvaReaderWin32 ********/ // static bool RelocRvaReaderWin32::FindRelocBlocks( ConstBufferView image, BufferRegion reloc_region, std::vector* reloc_block_offsets) { CHECK_LT(reloc_region.size, kOffsetBound); ConstBufferView reloc_data = image[reloc_region]; reloc_block_offsets->clear(); while (reloc_data.size() >= sizeof(pe::RelocHeader)) { reloc_block_offsets->push_back(reloc_data.begin() - image.begin()); auto size = reloc_data.read(0).size; // |size| must be aligned to 4-bytes. if (size < sizeof(pe::RelocHeader) || size % 4 || size > reloc_data.size()) return false; reloc_data.remove_prefix(size); } return reloc_data.empty(); // Fail if trailing data exist. } RelocRvaReaderWin32::RelocRvaReaderWin32( ConstBufferView image, BufferRegion reloc_region, const std::vector& reloc_block_offsets, offset_t lo, offset_t hi) : image_(image) { CHECK_LE(lo, hi); lo = base::checked_cast(reloc_region.InclusiveClamp(lo)); hi = base::checked_cast(reloc_region.InclusiveClamp(hi)); end_it_ = image_.begin() + hi; // By default, get GetNext() to produce empty output. cur_reloc_units_ = BufferSource(end_it_, 0); if (reloc_block_offsets.empty()) return; // Find the block that contains |lo|. auto block_it = std::upper_bound(reloc_block_offsets.begin(), reloc_block_offsets.end(), lo); DCHECK(block_it != reloc_block_offsets.begin()); --block_it; // Initialize |cur_reloc_units_| and |rva_hi_bits_|. if (!LoadRelocBlock(image_.begin() + *block_it)) return; // Nothing left. // Skip |cur_reloc_units_| to |lo|, truncating up. offset_t cur_reloc_units_offset = cur_reloc_units_.begin() - image_.begin(); if (lo > cur_reloc_units_offset) { offset_t delta = AlignCeil(lo - cur_reloc_units_offset, kRelocUnitSize); cur_reloc_units_.Skip(delta); } } RelocRvaReaderWin32::RelocRvaReaderWin32(RelocRvaReaderWin32&&) = default; RelocRvaReaderWin32::~RelocRvaReaderWin32() = default; // Unrolls a nested loop: outer = reloc blocks and inner = reloc entries. base::Optional RelocRvaReaderWin32::GetNext() { // "Outer loop" to find non-empty reloc block. while (cur_reloc_units_.Remaining() < kRelocUnitSize) { if (!LoadRelocBlock(cur_reloc_units_.end())) return base::nullopt; } if (end_it_ - cur_reloc_units_.begin() < kRelocUnitSize) return base::nullopt; // "Inner loop" to extract single reloc unit. offset_t location = cur_reloc_units_.begin() - image_.begin(); uint16_t entry = cur_reloc_units_.read(0); uint8_t type = static_cast(entry >> 12); rva_t rva = rva_hi_bits_ + (entry & 0xFFF); cur_reloc_units_.Skip(kRelocUnitSize); return RelocUnitWin32{type, location, rva}; } bool RelocRvaReaderWin32::LoadRelocBlock( ConstBufferView::const_iterator block_begin) { ConstBufferView header_buf(block_begin, sizeof(pe::RelocHeader)); if (header_buf.end() >= end_it_ || end_it_ - header_buf.end() < kRelocUnitSize) { return false; } const auto& header = header_buf.read(0); rva_hi_bits_ = header.rva_hi; uint32_t block_size = header.size; if (block_size < sizeof(pe::RelocHeader)) return false; if ((block_size - sizeof(pe::RelocHeader)) % kRelocUnitSize != 0) return false; cur_reloc_units_ = BufferSource(block_begin, block_size); cur_reloc_units_.Skip(sizeof(pe::RelocHeader)); return true; } /******** RelocReaderWin32 ********/ RelocReaderWin32::RelocReaderWin32(RelocRvaReaderWin32&& reloc_rva_reader, uint16_t reloc_type, offset_t offset_bound, const AddressTranslator& translator) : reloc_rva_reader_(std::move(reloc_rva_reader)), reloc_type_(reloc_type), offset_bound_(offset_bound), entry_rva_to_offset_(translator) {} RelocReaderWin32::~RelocReaderWin32() = default; // ReferenceReader: base::Optional RelocReaderWin32::GetNext() { for (base::Optional unit = reloc_rva_reader_.GetNext(); unit.has_value(); unit = reloc_rva_reader_.GetNext()) { if (unit->type != reloc_type_) continue; offset_t target = entry_rva_to_offset_.Convert(unit->target_rva); if (target == kInvalidOffset) continue; // Ensures the target (abs32 reference) lies entirely within the image. if (target >= offset_bound_) continue; offset_t location = unit->location; return Reference{location, target}; } return base::nullopt; } /******** RelocWriterWin32 ********/ RelocWriterWin32::RelocWriterWin32( uint16_t reloc_type, MutableBufferView image, BufferRegion reloc_region, const std::vector& reloc_block_offsets, const AddressTranslator& translator) : reloc_type_(reloc_type), image_(image), reloc_region_(reloc_region), reloc_block_offsets_(reloc_block_offsets), target_offset_to_rva_(translator) {} RelocWriterWin32::~RelocWriterWin32() = default; void RelocWriterWin32::PutNext(Reference ref) { DCHECK_GE(ref.location, reloc_region_.lo()); DCHECK_LT(ref.location, reloc_region_.hi()); auto block_it = std::upper_bound(reloc_block_offsets_.begin(), reloc_block_offsets_.end(), ref.location); --block_it; rva_t rva_hi_bits = image_.read(*block_it).rva_hi; rva_t target_rva = target_offset_to_rva_.Convert(ref.target); rva_t rva_lo_bits = target_rva - rva_hi_bits; DCHECK_EQ(rva_lo_bits & 0xFFF, rva_lo_bits); image_.write(ref.location, (rva_lo_bits & 0xFFF) | (reloc_type_ << 12)); } } // namespace zucchini