// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "components/zucchini/targets_affinity.h" #include #include "base/check_op.h" #include "components/zucchini/equivalence_map.h" namespace zucchini { namespace { constexpr uint32_t kNoLabel = 0; } TargetsAffinity::TargetsAffinity() = default; TargetsAffinity::~TargetsAffinity() = default; void TargetsAffinity::InferFromSimilarities( const EquivalenceMap& equivalences, const std::vector& old_targets, const std::vector& new_targets) { forward_association_.assign(old_targets.size(), {}); backward_association_.assign(new_targets.size(), {}); if (old_targets.empty() || new_targets.empty()) return; key_t new_key = 0; for (auto candidate : equivalences) { // Sorted by |dst_offset|. DCHECK_GT(candidate.similarity, 0.0); while (new_key < new_targets.size() && new_targets[new_key] < candidate.eq.dst_offset) { ++new_key; } // Visit each new target covered by |candidate.eq| and find / update its // associated old target. for (; new_key < new_targets.size() && new_targets[new_key] < candidate.eq.dst_end(); ++new_key) { if (backward_association_[new_key].affinity >= candidate.similarity) continue; DCHECK_GE(new_targets[new_key], candidate.eq.dst_offset); offset_t old_target = new_targets[new_key] - candidate.eq.dst_offset + candidate.eq.src_offset; auto old_it = std::lower_bound(old_targets.begin(), old_targets.end(), old_target); // If new target can be mapped via |candidate.eq| to an old target, then // attempt to associate them. Multiple new targets can compete for the // same old target. The heuristic here makes selections to maximize // |candidate.similarity|, and if a tie occurs, minimize new target offset // (by first-come, first-served). if (old_it != old_targets.end() && *old_it == old_target) { key_t old_key = static_cast(old_it - old_targets.begin()); if (candidate.similarity > forward_association_[old_key].affinity) { // Reset other associations. if (forward_association_[old_key].affinity > 0.0) backward_association_[forward_association_[old_key].other] = {}; if (backward_association_[new_key].affinity > 0.0) forward_association_[backward_association_[new_key].other] = {}; // Assign new association. forward_association_[old_key] = {new_key, candidate.similarity}; backward_association_[new_key] = {old_key, candidate.similarity}; } } } } } uint32_t TargetsAffinity::AssignLabels(double min_affinity, std::vector* old_labels, std::vector* new_labels) { old_labels->assign(forward_association_.size(), kNoLabel); new_labels->assign(backward_association_.size(), kNoLabel); uint32_t label = kNoLabel + 1; for (key_t old_key = 0; old_key < forward_association_.size(); ++old_key) { Association association = forward_association_[old_key]; if (association.affinity >= min_affinity) { (*old_labels)[old_key] = label; DCHECK_EQ(0U, (*new_labels)[association.other]); (*new_labels)[association.other] = label; ++label; } } return label; } double TargetsAffinity::AffinityBetween(key_t old_key, key_t new_key) const { DCHECK_LT(old_key, forward_association_.size()); DCHECK_LT(new_key, backward_association_.size()); if (forward_association_[old_key].affinity > 0.0 && forward_association_[old_key].other == new_key) { DCHECK_EQ(backward_association_[new_key].other, old_key); DCHECK_EQ(forward_association_[old_key].affinity, backward_association_[new_key].affinity); return forward_association_[old_key].affinity; } return -std::max(forward_association_[old_key].affinity, backward_association_[new_key].affinity); } } // namespace zucchini