// Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. java_defaults { name: "mimemap-defaults", srcs: [ "java/android/content/type/DefaultMimeMapFactory.java", ], sdk_version: "core_platform", } java_library { name: "mimemap", defaults: ["mimemap-defaults"], static_libs: ["mimemap-res.jar"], visibility: [ "//frameworks/base:__subpackages__", ], } java_library { name: "mimemap-testing", defaults: ["mimemap-defaults"], static_libs: ["mimemap-testing-res.jar"], jarjar_rules: "jarjar-rules.txt", visibility: [ "//cts/tests/tests/mimemap:__subpackages__", "//frameworks/base:__subpackages__", ], } // The mimemap-res.jar and mimemap-testing-res.jar genrules produce a .jar that // has the resource file in a subdirectory res/ and testres/, respectively. // They need to be in different paths because one of them ends up in a // bootclasspath jar whereas the other one ends up in a test jar. Bootclasspath // resources hide test or application resources under the same path because // ClassLoader.getResource(String) consults the parent ClassLoader first. // // Further notes: // - the "cp" command will flatten any directory paths that occur in $(in), // but here they happen to already be in the root directory. If we needed // to preserve sub paths then we might want to zip the files first and then // unzip them below the new parent directory. // - the path names "res/" and "testres/" and duplicated in .java source files // (DefaultMimeMapFactory.java and MimeMapTest.java, as of October 2019). java_genrule { name: "mimemap-res.jar", tools: [ "soong_zip", ], srcs: [":mime.types.minimized"], out: ["mimemap-res.jar"], cmd: "mkdir $(genDir)/res/ && cp $(in) $(genDir)/res/ && $(location soong_zip) -C $(genDir) -o $(out) -D $(genDir)/res/", } // The same as mimemap-res.jar except that the resources are placed in a different directory. // They get bundled with CTS so that CTS can compare a device's MimeMap implementation vs. // the stock Android one from when CTS was built. java_genrule { name: "mimemap-testing-res.jar", tools: [ "soong_zip", ], srcs: [":mime.types.minimized"], out: ["mimemap-testing-res.jar"], cmd: "mkdir $(genDir)/testres/ && cp $(in) $(genDir)/testres/ && $(location soong_zip) -C $(genDir) -o $(out) -D $(genDir)/testres/", } // Combination of all *mime.types.minimized resources. filegroup { name: "mime.types.minimized", visibility: [ "//visibility:private", ], srcs: [ ":debian.mime.types.minimized", ":android.mime.types.minimized", ":vendor.mime.types.minimized", ], } java_genrule { name: "android.mime.types.minimized", visibility: [ "//visibility:private", ], out: ["android.mime.types"], srcs: [ "java-res/android.mime.types", ], // strip comments normalize whitepace drop empty lines cmd: "awk '{gsub(/#.*$$/,\"\"); $$1=$$1; print;}' $(in) | grep ' ' > $(out)", } // Unlike the other *mime.types files, vendor.mime.types gets '?' prepended to // every field so that its mappings will never overwrite earlier mappings by // the other resource files. http://b/141842825 java_genrule { name: "vendor.mime.types.minimized", visibility: [ "//visibility:private", ], out: ["vendor.mime.types"], srcs: [ "java-res/vendor.mime.types", ], // strip comments normalize whitepace drop empty lines prepend ? to fields that are missing it cmd: "awk '{gsub(/#.*$$/,\"\"); $$1=$$1; print;}' $(in) | grep ' ' | awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) { sub(/^\\??/, \"?\", $$i); }; print}' > $(out)", }