/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.databinding; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.android.databinding.expr.Dependency; import com.android.databinding.expr.Expr; import com.android.databinding.expr.ExprModel; import com.android.databinding.expr.IdentifierExpr; import com.android.databinding.store.ResourceBundle; import com.android.databinding.util.ParserHelper; import com.android.databinding.writer.LayoutBinderWriter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Keeps all information about the bindings per layout file */ public class LayoutBinder { /* * val pkg: String, val projectPackage: String, val baseClassName: String, val layoutName:String, val lb: LayoutExprBinding*/ private final ExprModel mExprModel; private final ExpressionParser mExpressionParser; private final List mBindingTargets; private String mPackage; private String mProjectPackage; private String mBaseClassName; private final HashMap mUserDefinedVariables = new HashMap(); private LayoutBinderWriter mWriter; private ResourceBundle.LayoutFileBundle mBundle; public LayoutBinder(ResourceBundle resourceBundle, ResourceBundle.LayoutFileBundle layoutBundle) { mExprModel = new ExprModel(); mExpressionParser = new ExpressionParser(mExprModel); mBindingTargets = new ArrayList(); mBundle = layoutBundle; mProjectPackage = resourceBundle.getAppPackage(); mPackage = mProjectPackage + ".generated"; mBaseClassName = ParserHelper.INSTANCE$.toClassName(layoutBundle.getFileName()) + "Binding"; // copy over data. for (Map.Entry variable : mBundle.getVariables().entrySet()) { addVariable(variable.getKey(), variable.getValue()); } for (Map.Entry userImport : mBundle.getImports().entrySet()) { mExprModel.addImport(userImport.getKey(), userImport.getValue()); } for (ResourceBundle.BindingTargetBundle targetBundle : mBundle.getBindingTargetBundles()) { final BindingTarget bindingTarget = createBindingTarget(targetBundle); for (ResourceBundle.BindingTargetBundle.BindingBundle bindingBundle : targetBundle .getBindingBundleList()) { bindingTarget.addBinding(bindingBundle.getName(), parse(bindingBundle.getExpr())); } } } public void resolveWhichExpressionsAreUsed() { List used = new ArrayList(); for (BindingTarget target : mBindingTargets) { for (Binding binding : target.getBindings()) { binding.getExpr().setIsUsed(true); used.add(binding.getExpr()); } } while (!used.isEmpty()) { Expr e = used.remove(used.size() - 1); for (Dependency dep : e.getDependencies()) { if (!dep.getOther().isUsed()) { used.add(dep.getOther()); dep.getOther().setIsUsed(true); } } } } public IdentifierExpr addVariable(String name, String type) { Preconditions.checkState(!mUserDefinedVariables.containsKey(name), "%s has already been defined as %s", name, type); final IdentifierExpr id = mExprModel.identifier(name); id.setUserDefinedType(type); id.enableDirectInvalidation(); mUserDefinedVariables.put(name, type); return id; } public HashMap getUserDefinedVariables() { return mUserDefinedVariables; } public BindingTarget createBindingTarget(ResourceBundle.BindingTargetBundle targetBundle) { final BindingTarget target = new BindingTarget(targetBundle); mBindingTargets.add(target); target.setModel(mExprModel); return target; } public Expr parse(String input) { final Expr parsed = mExpressionParser.parse(input); parsed.setBindingExpression(true); return parsed; } public List getBindingTargets() { return mBindingTargets; } public boolean isEmpty() { return mExprModel.size() == 0; } public ExprModel getModel() { return mExprModel; } private void ensureWriter() { if (mWriter == null) { mWriter = new LayoutBinderWriter(this); } } public String writeViewBinderInterface() { ensureWriter(); return mWriter.writeBaseClass(); } public String writeViewBinder() { mExprModel.seal(); ensureWriter(); Preconditions.checkNotNull(mPackage, "package cannot be null"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(mProjectPackage, "project package cannot be null"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(mBaseClassName, "base class name cannot be null"); return mWriter.write(); } public String getPackage() { return mPackage; } public void setPackage(String aPackage) { mPackage = aPackage; } public String getProjectPackage() { return mProjectPackage; } public String getLayoutname() { return mBundle.getFileName(); } public String getClassName() { final String suffix; if (hasVariations()) { suffix = mBundle.getConfigName(); } else { suffix = ""; } return mBaseClassName + suffix + "Impl"; } public String getInterfaceName() { return mBaseClassName; } public int getId() { return mBundle.getLayoutId(); } public boolean hasVariations() { return mBundle.hasVariations(); } }