path: root/common/netd/aidl_api/netd_aidl_interface/10/android/net/INetd.aidl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'common/netd/aidl_api/netd_aidl_interface/10/android/net/INetd.aidl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 222 deletions
diff --git a/common/netd/aidl_api/netd_aidl_interface/10/android/net/INetd.aidl b/common/netd/aidl_api/netd_aidl_interface/10/android/net/INetd.aidl
deleted file mode 100644
index e671fdb7..00000000
--- a/common/netd/aidl_api/netd_aidl_interface/10/android/net/INetd.aidl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2016, The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-// This file is a snapshot of an AIDL file. Do not edit it manually. There are
-// two cases:
-// 1). this is a frozen version file - do not edit this in any case.
-// 2). this is a 'current' file. If you make a backwards compatible change to
-// the interface (from the latest frozen version), the build system will
-// prompt you to update this file with `m <name>-update-api`.
-// You must not make a backward incompatible change to any AIDL file built
-// with the aidl_interface module type with versions property set. The module
-// type is used to build AIDL files in a way that they can be used across
-// independently updatable components of the system. If a device is shipped
-// with such a backward incompatible change, it has a high risk of breaking
-// later when a module using the interface is updated, e.g., Mainline modules.
-/* @hide */
-interface INetd {
- boolean isAlive();
- boolean firewallReplaceUidChain(in @utf8InCpp String chainName, boolean isAllowlist, in int[] uids);
- boolean bandwidthEnableDataSaver(boolean enable);
- /**
- * @deprecated use networkCreate() instead.
- */
- void networkCreatePhysical(int netId, int permission);
- /**
- * @deprecated use networkCreate() instead.
- */
- void networkCreateVpn(int netId, boolean secure);
- void networkDestroy(int netId);
- void networkAddInterface(int netId, in @utf8InCpp String iface);
- void networkRemoveInterface(int netId, in @utf8InCpp String iface);
- void networkAddUidRanges(int netId, in[] uidRanges);
- void networkRemoveUidRanges(int netId, in[] uidRanges);
- void networkRejectNonSecureVpn(boolean add, in[] uidRanges);
- void socketDestroy(in[] uidRanges, in int[] exemptUids);
- boolean tetherApplyDnsInterfaces();
-[] tetherGetStats();
- void interfaceAddAddress(in @utf8InCpp String ifName, in @utf8InCpp String addrString, int prefixLength);
- void interfaceDelAddress(in @utf8InCpp String ifName, in @utf8InCpp String addrString, int prefixLength);
- @utf8InCpp String getProcSysNet(int ipversion, int which, in @utf8InCpp String ifname, in @utf8InCpp String parameter);
- void setProcSysNet(int ipversion, int which, in @utf8InCpp String ifname, in @utf8InCpp String parameter, in @utf8InCpp String value);
- void ipSecSetEncapSocketOwner(in ParcelFileDescriptor socket, int newUid);
- int ipSecAllocateSpi(int transformId, in @utf8InCpp String sourceAddress, in @utf8InCpp String destinationAddress, int spi);
- void ipSecAddSecurityAssociation(int transformId, int mode, in @utf8InCpp String sourceAddress, in @utf8InCpp String destinationAddress, int underlyingNetId, int spi, int markValue, int markMask, in @utf8InCpp String authAlgo, in byte[] authKey, in int authTruncBits, in @utf8InCpp String cryptAlgo, in byte[] cryptKey, in int cryptTruncBits, in @utf8InCpp String aeadAlgo, in byte[] aeadKey, in int aeadIcvBits, int encapType, int encapLocalPort, int encapRemotePort, int interfaceId);
- void ipSecDeleteSecurityAssociation(int transformId, in @utf8InCpp String sourceAddress, in @utf8InCpp String destinationAddress, int spi, int markValue, int markMask, int interfaceId);
- void ipSecApplyTransportModeTransform(in ParcelFileDescriptor socket, int transformId, int direction, in @utf8InCpp String sourceAddress, in @utf8InCpp String destinationAddress, int spi);
- void ipSecRemoveTransportModeTransform(in ParcelFileDescriptor socket);
- void ipSecAddSecurityPolicy(int transformId, int selAddrFamily, int direction, in @utf8InCpp String tmplSrcAddress, in @utf8InCpp String tmplDstAddress, int spi, int markValue, int markMask, int interfaceId);
- void ipSecUpdateSecurityPolicy(int transformId, int selAddrFamily, int direction, in @utf8InCpp String tmplSrcAddress, in @utf8InCpp String tmplDstAddress, int spi, int markValue, int markMask, int interfaceId);
- void ipSecDeleteSecurityPolicy(int transformId, int selAddrFamily, int direction, int markValue, int markMask, int interfaceId);
- void ipSecAddTunnelInterface(in @utf8InCpp String deviceName, in @utf8InCpp String localAddress, in @utf8InCpp String remoteAddress, int iKey, int oKey, int interfaceId);
- void ipSecUpdateTunnelInterface(in @utf8InCpp String deviceName, in @utf8InCpp String localAddress, in @utf8InCpp String remoteAddress, int iKey, int oKey, int interfaceId);
- void ipSecRemoveTunnelInterface(in @utf8InCpp String deviceName);
- void wakeupAddInterface(in @utf8InCpp String ifName, in @utf8InCpp String prefix, int mark, int mask);
- void wakeupDelInterface(in @utf8InCpp String ifName, in @utf8InCpp String prefix, int mark, int mask);
- void setIPv6AddrGenMode(in @utf8InCpp String ifName, int mode);
- void idletimerAddInterface(in @utf8InCpp String ifName, int timeout, in @utf8InCpp String classLabel);
- void idletimerRemoveInterface(in @utf8InCpp String ifName, int timeout, in @utf8InCpp String classLabel);
- void strictUidCleartextPenalty(int uid, int policyPenalty);
- /**
- * @deprecated This method has no effect and throws UnsupportedOperationException. The clatd control plane moved to the mainline module starting in T. See ClatCoordinator.
- */
- @utf8InCpp String clatdStart(in @utf8InCpp String ifName, in @utf8InCpp String nat64Prefix);
- /**
- * @deprecated This method has no effect and throws UnsupportedOperationException. The clatd control plane moved to the mainline module starting in T. See ClatCoordinator.
- */
- void clatdStop(in @utf8InCpp String ifName);
- boolean ipfwdEnabled();
- @utf8InCpp String[] ipfwdGetRequesterList();
- void ipfwdEnableForwarding(in @utf8InCpp String requester);
- void ipfwdDisableForwarding(in @utf8InCpp String requester);
- void ipfwdAddInterfaceForward(in @utf8InCpp String fromIface, in @utf8InCpp String toIface);
- void ipfwdRemoveInterfaceForward(in @utf8InCpp String fromIface, in @utf8InCpp String toIface);
- void bandwidthSetInterfaceQuota(in @utf8InCpp String ifName, long bytes);
- void bandwidthRemoveInterfaceQuota(in @utf8InCpp String ifName);
- void bandwidthSetInterfaceAlert(in @utf8InCpp String ifName, long bytes);
- void bandwidthRemoveInterfaceAlert(in @utf8InCpp String ifName);
- void bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(long bytes);
- void bandwidthAddNaughtyApp(int uid);
- void bandwidthRemoveNaughtyApp(int uid);
- void bandwidthAddNiceApp(int uid);
- void bandwidthRemoveNiceApp(int uid);
- void tetherStart(in @utf8InCpp String[] dhcpRanges);
- void tetherStop();
- boolean tetherIsEnabled();
- void tetherInterfaceAdd(in @utf8InCpp String ifName);
- void tetherInterfaceRemove(in @utf8InCpp String ifName);
- @utf8InCpp String[] tetherInterfaceList();
- void tetherDnsSet(int netId, in @utf8InCpp String[] dnsAddrs);
- @utf8InCpp String[] tetherDnsList();
- void networkAddRoute(int netId, in @utf8InCpp String ifName, in @utf8InCpp String destination, in @utf8InCpp String nextHop);
- void networkRemoveRoute(int netId, in @utf8InCpp String ifName, in @utf8InCpp String destination, in @utf8InCpp String nextHop);
- void networkAddLegacyRoute(int netId, in @utf8InCpp String ifName, in @utf8InCpp String destination, in @utf8InCpp String nextHop, int uid);
- void networkRemoveLegacyRoute(int netId, in @utf8InCpp String ifName, in @utf8InCpp String destination, in @utf8InCpp String nextHop, int uid);
- int networkGetDefault();
- void networkSetDefault(int netId);
- void networkClearDefault();
- void networkSetPermissionForNetwork(int netId, int permission);
- void networkSetPermissionForUser(int permission, in int[] uids);
- void networkClearPermissionForUser(in int[] uids);
- void trafficSetNetPermForUids(int permission, in int[] uids);
- void networkSetProtectAllow(int uid);
- void networkSetProtectDeny(int uid);
- boolean networkCanProtect(int uid);
- void firewallSetFirewallType(int firewalltype);
- void firewallSetInterfaceRule(in @utf8InCpp String ifName, int firewallRule);
- void firewallSetUidRule(int childChain, int uid, int firewallRule);
- void firewallEnableChildChain(int childChain, boolean enable);
- @utf8InCpp String[] interfaceGetList();
- interfaceGetCfg(in @utf8InCpp String ifName);
- void interfaceSetCfg(in cfg);
- void interfaceSetIPv6PrivacyExtensions(in @utf8InCpp String ifName, boolean enable);
- void interfaceClearAddrs(in @utf8InCpp String ifName);
- void interfaceSetEnableIPv6(in @utf8InCpp String ifName, boolean enable);
- void interfaceSetMtu(in @utf8InCpp String ifName, int mtu);
- void tetherAddForward(in @utf8InCpp String intIface, in @utf8InCpp String extIface);
- void tetherRemoveForward(in @utf8InCpp String intIface, in @utf8InCpp String extIface);
- void setTcpRWmemorySize(in @utf8InCpp String rmemValues, in @utf8InCpp String wmemValues);
- void registerUnsolicitedEventListener( listener);
- void firewallAddUidInterfaceRules(in @utf8InCpp String ifName, in int[] uids);
- void firewallRemoveUidInterfaceRules(in int[] uids);
- void trafficSwapActiveStatsMap();
- IBinder getOemNetd();
- void tetherStartWithConfiguration(in config);
- getFwmarkForNetwork(int netId);
- void networkAddRouteParcel(int netId, in routeInfo);
- void networkUpdateRouteParcel(int netId, in routeInfo);
- void networkRemoveRouteParcel(int netId, in routeInfo);
- /**
- * @deprecated This method has no effect and throws UnsupportedOperationException. The mainline module accesses the BPF map directly starting in S. See BpfCoordinator.
- */
- void tetherOffloadRuleAdd(in rule);
- /**
- * @deprecated This method has no effect and throws UnsupportedOperationException. The mainline module accesses the BPF map directly starting in S. See BpfCoordinator.
- */
- void tetherOffloadRuleRemove(in rule);
- /**
- * @deprecated This method has no effect and throws UnsupportedOperationException. The mainline module accesses the BPF map directly starting in S. See BpfCoordinator.
- */
-[] tetherOffloadGetStats();
- /**
- * @deprecated This method has no effect and throws UnsupportedOperationException. The mainline module accesses the BPF map directly starting in S. See BpfCoordinator.
- */
- void tetherOffloadSetInterfaceQuota(int ifIndex, long quotaBytes);
- /**
- * @deprecated This method has no effect and throws UnsupportedOperationException. The mainline module accesses the BPF map directly starting in S. See BpfCoordinator.
- */
- tetherOffloadGetAndClearStats(int ifIndex);
- void networkCreate(in config);
- void networkAddUidRangesParcel(in uidRangesConfig);
- void networkRemoveUidRangesParcel(in uidRangesConfig);
- const int IPV4 = 4;
- const int IPV6 = 6;
- const int CONF = 1;
- const int NEIGH = 2;
- const String IPSEC_INTERFACE_PREFIX = "ipsec";
- const int IPV6_ADDR_GEN_MODE_EUI64 = 0;
- const int IPV6_ADDR_GEN_MODE_NONE = 1;
- const int IPV6_ADDR_GEN_MODE_RANDOM = 3;
- const int IPV6_ADDR_GEN_MODE_DEFAULT = 0;
- const int PENALTY_POLICY_ACCEPT = 1;
- const int PENALTY_POLICY_LOG = 2;
- const int PENALTY_POLICY_REJECT = 3;
- const int CLAT_MARK = -559038041;
- const int LOCAL_NET_ID = 99;
- const int DUMMY_NET_ID = 51;
- const int UNREACHABLE_NET_ID = 52;
- const String NEXTHOP_NONE = "";
- const String NEXTHOP_UNREACHABLE = "unreachable";
- const String NEXTHOP_THROW = "throw";
- const int PERMISSION_NONE = 0;
- const int PERMISSION_NETWORK = 1;
- const int PERMISSION_SYSTEM = 2;
- const int NO_PERMISSIONS = 0;
- const int PERMISSION_INTERNET = 4;
- /**
- * @deprecated use FIREWALL_ALLOWLIST.
- */
- const int FIREWALL_WHITELIST = 0;
- const int FIREWALL_ALLOWLIST = 0;
- /**
- * @deprecated use FIREWALL_DENYLIST.
- */
- const int FIREWALL_BLACKLIST = 1;
- const int FIREWALL_DENYLIST = 1;
- const int FIREWALL_RULE_ALLOW = 1;
- const int FIREWALL_RULE_DENY = 2;
- const int FIREWALL_CHAIN_NONE = 0;
- const String IF_STATE_UP = "up";
- const String IF_STATE_DOWN = "down";
- const String IF_FLAG_BROADCAST = "broadcast";
- const String IF_FLAG_LOOPBACK = "loopback";
- const String IF_FLAG_POINTOPOINT = "point-to-point";
- const String IF_FLAG_RUNNING = "running";
- const String IF_FLAG_MULTICAST = "multicast";