path: root/nn/runtime/include/NeuralNetworks.h
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authorYang Ni <>2017-09-29 15:44:14 -0700
committerYang Ni <>2017-10-24 15:33:32 -0700
commitc308618ad6e6ae365e063bf431db7fa1036eee07 (patch)
treef2f86d00d1bd6a43b987046f0c36f638f452419e /nn/runtime/include/NeuralNetworks.h
parentf315e6afa7cff2b271a4c4c8f0643d43508f92db (diff)
Update LSTM documentation
Bug: 67184259 Bug: 67844091 Added the exact equations that are used in the current implementation. Minor clean-ups to activation function, scratch buffer size, and wording about building a model. Local rendering here. Test: None. Doc change only. Ran doxygen locally and visual inspects. Change-Id: I75548afb126a1c1b30121125fdbc3af9b356b300
Diffstat (limited to 'nn/runtime/include/NeuralNetworks.h')
1 files changed, 116 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/nn/runtime/include/NeuralNetworks.h b/nn/runtime/include/NeuralNetworks.h
index beaf6befc..0be52f2ec 100644
--- a/nn/runtime/include/NeuralNetworks.h
+++ b/nn/runtime/include/NeuralNetworks.h
@@ -686,104 +686,165 @@ typedef enum {
- * Long short-term memory unit (LSTM) recurrent network layer.
- *
- * The default non-peephole implementation is based on:
- *
+ * Performs a single time step in a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) layer
+ *
+ * The LSTM operation is described by the following equations.
+ *
+ * \f{eqnarray*}{
+ * i_t =& \sigma(W_{xi}x_t+W_{hi}h_{t-1}+W_{ci}C_{t-1}+b_i) & \\
+ * f_t =& \sigma(W_{xf}x_t+W_{hf}h_{t-1}+W_{cf}C_{t-1}+b_f) & \\
+ * C_t =& clip(f_t \odot C_{t-1} + i_t \odot g(W_{xc}x_t+W_{hc}h_{t-1}+b_c),\ t_{cell})& \\
+ * o_t =& \sigma(W_{xo}x_t+W_{ho}h_{t-1}+W_{co}C_t+b_o)& \\
+ * & clip(W_{proj}(o_t \odot g(C_t))+b_{proj},\ t_{proj}) & if\ there\ is\ a\ projection; \\
+ * h_t =& & \\
+ * & o_t \odot g(C_t) & otherwise. \\
+ * \f}
+ * Where:
+ * * \f$x_t\f$ is the input,
+ * * \f$i_t\f$ is the input gate,
+ * * \f$f_t\f$ is the forget gate,
+ * * \f$C_t\f$ is the cell state,
+ * * \f$o_t\f$ is the output,
+ * * \f$h_t\f$ is the output state,
+ * * \f$\sigma\f$ is the logistic sigmoid function,
+ * * \f$g\f$ is the cell input and cell output activation function, usually \f$tahn\f$,
+ * * \f$W_{xi}\f$ is the input-to-input weight matrix,
+ * * \f$W_{hi}\f$ is the recurrent to input weight matrix,
+ * * \f$W_{ci}\f$ is the cell-to-input weight matrix,
+ * * \f$b_i\f$ is the input gate bias,
+ * * \f$W_{xf}\f$ is the input-to-forget weight matrix,
+ * * \f$W_{hf}\f$ is the recurrent-to-forget weight matrix,
+ * * \f$W_{cf}\f$ is the cell-to-forget weight matrix,
+ * * \f$b_f\f$ is the forget gate bias,
+ * * \f$W_{xc}\f$ is the input-to-cell weight matrix,
+ * * \f$W_{hc}\f$ is the recurrent-to-cell weight matrix,
+ * * \f$b_c\f$ is the cell bias,
+ * * \f$W_{xo}\f$ is the input-to-output weight matrix,
+ * * \f$W_{ho}\f$ is the recurrent-to-output weight matrix,
+ * * \f$W_{co}\f$ is the cell-to-output weight matrix,
+ * * \f$b_o\f$ is the output gate bias,
+ * * \f$W_{proj}\f$ is the projection weight matrix,
+ * * \f$b_{proj}\f$ is the projection bias,
+ * * \f$t_{cell}\f$ is the threshold for clipping the cell state, and
+ * * \f$t_{proj}\f$ is the threshold for clipping the projected output.
+ * * \f$\odot\f$ is the <a href="">
+ * Hadamard product</a> that takes two matrices and produces another
+ * matrix, each element of which is the product of the corresponding
+ * elements of the input matrices.
+ *
+ * The operation has the following independently optional inputs:
+ * * The input-to-input weights (\f$W_{xi}\f$), recurrent-to-input weights (\f$W_{hi}\f$),
+ * cell-to-input (\f$W_{ci}\f$) weights, and input gate bias (\f$b_i\f$) either all have values,
+ * or none of them have values (i.e., all set to null). If they have no
+ * values, coupling of input and forget gates (CIFG) is used, in which case
+ * the input gate (\f$i_t\f$) is calculated using the following equation instead.
+ * \f{eqnarray*}{
+ * i_t = 1 - f_t
+ * \f}
+ * * The cell-to-input weights (\f$W_{ci}\f$), cell-to-forget weights (\f$W_{cf}\f$), and cell-to-output
+ * weights (\f$W_{co}\f$) either all have values or none of them have values.
+ * If they have values, the peephole optimization is used.
+ * * The projection weights (\f$W_{proj}\f$) is required only for the recurrent projection
+ * layer, and should otherwise have no value.
+ * * The projection bias (\f$b_{proj}\f$) may (but not required to) have a value if the
+ * recurrent projection layer exists, and should otherwise have no value.
+ *
+ * References:
+ *
+ * The default non-peephole non-CIFG implementation is based on:
+ *
* S. Hochreiter and J. Schmidhuber. "Long Short-Term Memory". Neural
* Computation, 9(8):1735-1780, 1997.
- * The peephole implementation is based on:
+ * The peephole implementation and projection layer is based on:
* Hasim Sak, Andrew Senior, and Francoise Beaufays. "Long short-term memory
* recurrent neural network architectures for large scale acoustic modeling."
+ * (However, the concept of peephole optimization was introduced in work
+ * prior to this paper.)
* The coupling of input and forget gate (CIFG) is based on:
* Greff et al. "LSTM: A Search Space Odyssey"
- * The class has the following independently optional inputs:
- * * If input gate (if CIFG): “input_to_forget_weights”,
- * “recurrent_to_input_weights”, “cell_to_input_weights”, “input_gate_bias”.
- * * If no peephole connections: “cell_to_input_weights”,
- * “cell_to_forget_weights”, “cell_to_output_weights”.
- * * If no projection layer: “projection_weights” and “projection_bias”.
- * * If no projection bias: “projection_bias”.
- *
* Supported tensor types (type T):
* Inputs:
- * * 0: Input.
+ * * 0: The input (\f$x_t\f$).
* A 2-D tensor of type T, of shape [batch_size, input_size], where
* “batch_size” corresponds to the batching dimension, and “input_size”
* is the size of the input.
- * * 1: input_to_input_weights.
+ * * 1: The input-to-input weights (\f$W_{xi}\f$). Optional.
* A 2-D tensor of type T, of shape [num_units, input_size], where
* “num_units” corresponds to the number of cell units.
- * * 2: input_to_forget_weights.
+ * * 2: The input-to-forget weights (\f$W_{xf}\f$).
* A 2-D tensor of type T, of shape [num_units, input_size].
- * * 3: input_to_cell_weights.
+ * * 3: The input-to-cell weights (\f$W_{xc}\f$).
* A 2-D tensor of type T, of shape [num_units, input_size].
- * * 4: input_to_output_weights.
+ * * 4: The input-to-output weights (\f$W_{xo}\f$).
* A 2-D tensor of type T, of shape [num_units, input_size].
- * * 5: recurrent_to_input_weights.
+ * * 5: The recurrent-to-input weights (\f$W_{hi}\f$). Optional.
* A 2-D tensor of type T, of shape [num_units, output_size], where
* “output_size” corresponds to either the number of cell units (i.e.,
* “num_units”), or the second dimension of the “projection_weights”, if
* defined.
- * * 6: recurrent_to_forget_weights.
+ * * 6: The recurrent-to-forget weights (\f$W_{hf}\f$).
* A 2-D tensor of type T, of shape [num_units, output_size].
- * * 7: recurrent_to_cell_weights.
+ * * 7: The recurrent-to-cell weights (\f$W_{hc}\f$).
* A 2-D tensor of type T, of shape [num_units, output_size].
- * * 8: recurrent_to_output_weights.
+ * * 8: The recurrent-to-output weights (\f$W_{ho}\f$).
* A 2-D tensor of type T, of shape [num_units, output_size].
- * * 9: cell_to_input_weights.
+ * * 9: The cell-to-input weights (\f$W_{ci}\f$). Optional.
* A 1-D tensor of type T, of shape [num_units].
- * * 10:cell_to_forget_weights.
+ * * 10:The cell-to-forget weights (\f$W_{cf}\f$). Optional.
* A 1-D tensor of type T, of shape [num_units].
- * * 11:cell_to_output_weights.
+ * * 11:The cell-to-output weights (\f$W_{co}\f$). Optional.
* A 1-D tensor of type T, of shape [num_units].
- * * 12:input_gate_bias.
+ * * 12:The input gate bias (\f$b_i\f$). Optional.
* A 1-D tensor of type T, of shape [num_units].
- * * 13:forget_gate_bias.
+ * * 13:The forget gate bias (\f$b_f\f$).
* A 1-D tensor of type T, of shape [num_units].
- * * 14:cell_bias.
+ * * 14:The cell bias (\f$b_c\f$).
* A 1-D tensor of type T, of shape [num_units].
- * * 15:output_gate_bias.
+ * * 15:The output gate bias (\f$b_o\f$).
* A 1-D tensor of type T, of shape [num_units].
- * * 16:projection_weights.
+ * * 16:The projection weights (\f$W_{proj}\f$). Optional.
* A 2-D tensor of type T, of shape [output_size, num_units].
- * * 17:projection_bias.
+ * * 17:The projection bias (\f$b_{proj}\f$). Optional.
* A 1-D tensor of type T, of shape [output_size].
- * * 18: output_state (in).
+ * * 18:The output state (in) (\f$h_{t-1}\f$).
* A 2-D tensor of type T, of shape [batch_size, output_size].
- * * 19: cell_state (in).
+ * * 19:The cell state (in) (\f$C_{t-1}\f$).
* A 2-D tensor of type T, of shape [batch_size, num_units].
- * * 20:fused_activation_function.
- * An optional {@link FuseCode} value indicating the activation
- * function.
- * If “NONE” is specified then it results in a linear activation.
- * * 21:cell_clip.
- * A clipping threshold for the cell state, such that values are bound
+ * * 20:The activation function (\f$g\f$).
+ * A value indicating the activation function:
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>0: None;
+ * <li>1: Relu;
+ * <li>3: Relu6;
+ * <li>4: Tanh;
+ * <li>6: Sigmoid.
+ * </ul>
+ * * 21:The clipping threshold (\f$t_{cell}\f$) for the cell state, such that values are bound
* within [-cell_clip, cell_clip]. If set to 0.0 then clipping is
* disabled.
- * * 22:proj_clip.
- * A clipping threshold for the output from the projection layer, such
+ * * 22:The clipping threshold (\f$t_{proj}\f$) for the output from the projection layer, such
* that values are bound within [-proj_clip, proj_clip]. If set to 0.0
* then clipping is disabled.
* Outputs:
- * * 0: scratch_buffer.
- * A 3-D tensor of type T, of shape [batch_size, num_cell, 4].
- * * 1: output_state (out).
+ * * 0: The scratch buffer.
+ * A 2-D tensor of type T, of shape [batch_size, num_units * 4] with
+ * CIFG, or [batch_size, num_units * 3] without CIFG.
+ * * 1: The output state (out) (\f$h_t\f$).
* A 2-D tensor of type T, of shape [batch_size, output_size].
- * * 2: cell_state (out).
+ * * 2: The cell state (out) (\f$C_t\f$).
* A 2-D tensor of type T, of shape [batch_size, num_units].
- * * 3: output.
+ * * 3: The output (\f$o_t\f$).
* A 2-D tensor of type T, of shape [batch_size, output_size]. This is
- * effectively the same as the current “output_state” value.
+ * effectively the same as the current “output state (out)” value.
@@ -1093,9 +1154,8 @@ typedef enum {
* Specifically, for rank 1, this layer implements the operation:
- * memory = push(conv1d(inputs, weights_feature, feature_dim,
- * outputs = activation(memory * weights_time + bias);
+ * memory = push(conv1d(inputs, weights_feature, feature_dim, "ANEURALNETWORKS_PADDING_VALID"));
+ * outputs = activation(memory * weights_time + bias);
* Where:
* * “weights_feature” is a weights matrix that processes the inputs (by
@@ -1279,10 +1339,10 @@ typedef struct ANeuralNetworksMemory ANeuralNetworksMemory;
* ANeuralNetworksModel is an opaque type that contains a description of the
* mathematical operations that constitute the model.
- * <p>The model will be built by calling<ul>
- * <li>{@link ANeuralNetworksModel_create},</li>
- * <li>{@link ANeuralNetworksModel_addOperation},</li>
- * <li>{@link ANeuralNetworksModel_addOperand},</li>
+ * <p>Build the model by calling<ul>
+ * <li>{@link ANeuralNetworksModel_create}</li>
+ * <li>{@link ANeuralNetworksModel_addOperation}</li>
+ * <li>{@link ANeuralNetworksModel_addOperand}</li>
* </ul>
* A model is completed by calling {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_finish}.
@@ -1779,7 +1839,7 @@ int ANeuralNetworksExecution_setInput(ANeuralNetworksExecution* execution, int32
* <p>The provided memory must outlive the execution.</p>
* If the input is optional, you can indicate that it is omitted by
- * using @{Link ANeuralNetworks_setInput} instead, passing nullptr for buffer
+ * using {@link ANeuralNetworks_setInput} instead, passing nullptr for buffer
* and 0 for length.
* See {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution} for information on multithreaded usage.
@@ -1843,7 +1903,7 @@ int ANeuralNetworksExecution_setOutput(ANeuralNetworksExecution* execution, int3
* {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution}.
* If the output is optional, you can indicate that it is omitted by
- * using @{Link ANeuralNetworks_setOutput} instead, passing nullptr for buffer
+ * using {@link ANeuralNetworks_setOutput} instead, passing nullptr for buffer
* and 0 for length.
* <p>The provided memory must outlive the execution.</p>