# # Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Test for QUANTIZED_LSTM op. import copy model = Model() batch_size = 2 input_size = 5 num_units = 4 output_size = 3 InputType = ("TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM_SIGNED", [batch_size, input_size], 0.0078125, 0) input = Input("input", InputType) InputWeightsType = ("TENSOR_QUANT8_SYMM", [num_units, input_size], 0.00784314, 0) input_to_input_weights = Input("input_to_input_weights", InputWeightsType) input_to_forget_weights = Input("input_to_forget_weights", InputWeightsType) input_to_cell_weights = Input("input_to_cell_weights", InputWeightsType) input_to_output_weights = Input("input_to_output_weights", InputWeightsType) RecurrentWeightsType = ("TENSOR_QUANT8_SYMM", [num_units, output_size], 0.00784314, 0) recurrent_to_input_weights = Input("recurrent_to_input_weights", RecurrentWeightsType) recurrent_to_forget_weights = Input("recurrent_to_forget_weights", RecurrentWeightsType) recurrent_to_cell_weights = Input("recurrent_to_cell_weights", RecurrentWeightsType) recurrent_to_output_weights = Input("recurrent_to_output_weights", RecurrentWeightsType) CellWeightsType = ("TENSOR_QUANT16_SYMM", [num_units], 1.0, 0) cell_to_input_weights = Input("cell_to_input_weights", CellWeightsType) cell_to_forget_weights = Input("cell_to_forget_weights", CellWeightsType) cell_to_output_weights = Input("cell_to_output_weights", CellWeightsType) # The bias scale value here is not used. BiasType = ("TENSOR_INT32", [num_units], 0.0, 0) input_gate_bias = Input("input_gate_bias", BiasType) forget_gate_bias = Input("forget_gate_bias", BiasType) cell_gate_bias = Input("cell_gate_bias", BiasType) output_gate_bias = Input("output_gate_bias", BiasType) projection_weights = Input("projection_weights", ("TENSOR_QUANT8_SYMM", [output_size, num_units], 0.00392157, 0)) projection_bias = Input("projection_bias", ("TENSOR_INT32", [output_size])) OutputStateType = ("TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM_SIGNED", [batch_size, output_size], 3.05176e-05, 0) CellStateType = ("TENSOR_QUANT16_SYMM", [batch_size, num_units], 3.05176e-05, 0) output_state_in = Input("output_state_in", OutputStateType) cell_state_in = Input("cell_state_in", CellStateType) LayerNormType = ("TENSOR_QUANT16_SYMM", [num_units], 3.05182e-05, 0) input_layer_norm_weights = Input("input_layer_norm_weights", LayerNormType) forget_layer_norm_weights = Input("forget_layer_norm_weights", LayerNormType) cell_layer_norm_weights = Input("cell_layer_norm_weights", LayerNormType) output_layer_norm_weights = Input("output_layer_norm_weights", LayerNormType) cell_clip = Float32Scalar("cell_clip", 0.) projection_clip = Float32Scalar("projection_clip", 0.) input_intermediate_scale = Float32Scalar("input_intermediate_scale", 0.007059) forget_intermediate_scale = Float32Scalar("forget_intermediate_scale", 0.007812) cell_intermediate_scale = Float32Scalar("cell_intermediate_scale", 0.007059) output_intermediate_scale = Float32Scalar("output_intermediate_scale", 0.007812) hidden_state_zero_point = Int32Scalar("hidden_state_zero_point", 0) hidden_state_scale = Float32Scalar("hidden_state_scale", 0.007) output_state_out = Output("output_state_out", OutputStateType) cell_state_out = Output("cell_state_out", CellStateType) output = Output("output", OutputStateType) model = model.Operation( "QUANTIZED_LSTM", input, input_to_input_weights, input_to_forget_weights, input_to_cell_weights, input_to_output_weights, recurrent_to_input_weights, recurrent_to_forget_weights, recurrent_to_cell_weights, recurrent_to_output_weights, cell_to_input_weights, cell_to_forget_weights, cell_to_output_weights, input_gate_bias, forget_gate_bias, cell_gate_bias, output_gate_bias, projection_weights, projection_bias, output_state_in, cell_state_in, input_layer_norm_weights, forget_layer_norm_weights, cell_layer_norm_weights, output_layer_norm_weights, cell_clip, projection_clip, input_intermediate_scale, forget_intermediate_scale, cell_intermediate_scale, output_intermediate_scale, hidden_state_zero_point, hidden_state_scale).To([output_state_out, cell_state_out, output]) # Example 1. Layer Norm, Projection. input0 = { input_to_input_weights: [ 64, 77, 89, -102, -115, 13, 25, 38, -51, 64, -102, 89, -77, 64, -51, -64, -51, -38, -25, -13 ], input_to_forget_weights: [ -77, -13, 38, 25, 115, -64, -25, -51, 38, -102, -51, 38, -64, -51, -77, 38, -51, -77, -64, -64 ], input_to_cell_weights: [ -51, -38, -25, -13, -64, 64, -25, -38, -25, -77, 77, -13, -51, -38, -89, 89, -115, -64, 102, 77 ], input_to_output_weights: [ -102, -51, -25, -115, -13, -89, 38, -38, -102, -25, 77, -25, 51, -89, -38, -64, 13, 64, -77, -51 ], input_gate_bias: [644245, 3221226, 4724464, 8160438], forget_gate_bias: [2147484, -6442451, -4294968, 2147484], cell_gate_bias: [-1073742, 15461883, 5368709, 1717987], output_gate_bias: [1073742, -214748, 4294968, 2147484], recurrent_to_input_weights: [ -25, -38, 51, 13, -64, 115, -25, -38, -89, 6, -25, -77 ], recurrent_to_forget_weights: [ -64, -38, -64, -25, 77, 51, 115, 38, -13, 25, 64, 25 ], recurrent_to_cell_weights: [ -38, 25, 13, -38, 102, -10, -25, 38, 102, -77, -13, 25 ], recurrent_to_output_weights: [ 38, -13, 13, -25, -64, -89, -25, -77, -13, -51, -89, -25 ], projection_weights: [ -25, 51, 3, -51, 25, 127, 77, 20, 18, 51, -102, 51 ], projection_bias: [ 0 for _ in range(output_size) ], input_layer_norm_weights: [3277, 6553, 9830, 16384], forget_layer_norm_weights: [6553, 6553, 13107, 9830], cell_layer_norm_weights: [22937, 6553, 9830, 26214], output_layer_norm_weights: [19660, 6553, 6553, 16384], output_state_in: [ 0 for _ in range(batch_size * output_size) ], cell_state_in: [ 0 for _ in range(batch_size * num_units) ], cell_to_input_weights: [], cell_to_forget_weights: [], cell_to_output_weights: [], } test_input = [90, 102, 13, 26, 38, 102, 13, 26, 51, 64] golden_output = [ 127, 127, -108, -67, 127, 127 ] output0 = { output_state_out: golden_output, cell_state_out: [-14650, 8939, 5771, 6715, -11843, 7847, 1508, 12939], output: golden_output, } input0[input] = test_input Example((input0, output0)) # Example 2. CIFG, Layer Norm, Projection. input0 = { input_to_input_weights: [], input_to_forget_weights: [ -77, -13, 38, 25, 115, -64, -25, -51, 38, -102, -51, 38, -64, -51, -77, 38, -51, -77, -64, -64 ], input_to_cell_weights: [ -51, -38, -25, -13, -64, 64, -25, -38, -25, -77, 77, -13, -51, -38, -89, 89, -115, -64, 102, 77 ], input_to_output_weights: [ -102, -51, -25, -115, -13, -89, 38, -38, -102, -25, 77, -25, 51, -89, -38, -64, 13, 64, -77, -51 ], input_gate_bias: [], forget_gate_bias: [2147484, -6442451, -4294968, 2147484], cell_gate_bias: [-1073742, 15461883, 5368709, 1717987], output_gate_bias: [1073742, -214748, 4294968, 2147484], recurrent_to_input_weights: [], recurrent_to_forget_weights: [ -64, -38, -64, -25, 77, 51, 115, 38, -13, 25, 64, 25 ], recurrent_to_cell_weights: [ -38, 25, 13, -38, 102, -10, -25, 38, 102, -77, -13, 25 ], recurrent_to_output_weights: [ 38, -13, 13, -25, -64, -89, -25, -77, -13, -51, -89, -25 ], projection_weights: [ -25, 51, 3, -51, 25, 127, 77, 20, 18, 51, -102, 51 ], projection_bias: [ 0 for _ in range(output_size) ], input_layer_norm_weights: [], forget_layer_norm_weights: [6553, 6553, 13107, 9830], cell_layer_norm_weights: [22937, 6553, 9830, 26214], output_layer_norm_weights: [19660, 6553, 6553, 16384], output_state_in: [ 0 for _ in range(batch_size * output_size) ], cell_state_in: [ 0 for _ in range(batch_size * num_units) ], cell_to_input_weights: [], cell_to_forget_weights: [], cell_to_output_weights: [], } test_input = [90, 102, 13, 26, 38, 102, 13, 26, 51, 64] golden_output = [ 127, 127, 127, -128, 127, 127 ] output0 = { output_state_out: golden_output, cell_state_out: [-11692, 9960, 5491, 8861, -9422, 7726, 2056, 13149], output: golden_output, } input0[input] = test_input Example((input0, output0))