#!/bin/bash echo This script downloads prebuilt Android SDK and NDK from AOSP. echo It assumes that the root repo of Game SDK was initialized. echo cd .. set -e # Exit on error #Fetch NDKs available ndks=`grep -oP 'prebuilts/ndk[^\"]+' .repo/manifests/default.xml | sort -u` #Let user choose one echo NDKs available: oldIFS=$IFS IFS=$'\n' options=($ndks) IFS=$oldIFS PS3='Please enter your choice: ' COLUMNS=12 select opt in "${options[@]}" "Exit"; do case "$REPLY" in $(( ${#options[@]}+1 )) ) echo "Done."; break; esac echo Downloading $opt ... repo sync -c -j8 $opt > /dev/null 2>&1 echo Finished downloading $opt done #Fetch SDKs available ndks=`grep -oP 'prebuilts/sdk[^\"]+' .repo/manifests/default.xml | sort -u` #Let user choose one echo SDKs available: oldIFS=$IFS IFS=$'\n' options=($ndks) IFS=$oldIFS PS3='Please enter your choice: ' COLUMNS=12 select opt in "${options[@]}" "Exit"; do case "$REPLY" in $(( ${#options[@]}+1 )) ) echo "Done."; break;; esac echo Downloading $opt ... repo sync -c -j8 $opt > /dev/null 2>&1 echo Finished downloading $opt done