diff options
authorMaurice Lam <>2016-08-30 13:08:14 -0700
committerMaurice Lam <>2016-08-30 22:30:57 +0000
commit04eecdd42f0bc9751825f9f21131a59852256278 (patch)
parentd22c08482372118a58133947f5c8511b49242d0d (diff)
[SuwLib] Fix RTL LinkAccessibilityHelper
Adjust the bounds returned by LinkAccessibilityHelper for RTL. Test: ./gradlew connectedAndroidTest Bug: 31161044 Bug: 31077012 Change-Id: I63c896c89c0215b9d13b6128bbd06238ed0bf48e
2 files changed, 46 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/library/eclair-mr1/src/com/android/setupwizardlib/util/ b/library/eclair-mr1/src/com/android/setupwizardlib/util/
index 3e4b7e2..e6fa497 100644
--- a/library/eclair-mr1/src/com/android/setupwizardlib/util/
+++ b/library/eclair-mr1/src/com/android/setupwizardlib/util/
@@ -179,10 +179,22 @@ public class LinkAccessibilityHelper extends ExploreByTouchHelper {
final int lineStart = layout.getLineForOffset(spanStart);
final int lineEnd = layout.getLineForOffset(spanEnd);
layout.getLineBounds(lineStart, outRect);
- outRect.left = (int) xStart;
if (lineEnd == lineStart) {
- outRect.right = (int) xEnd;
- } // otherwise just leave it at the end of the start line
+ // If the span is on a single line, adjust both the left and right bounds
+ // so outrect is exactly bounding the span.
+ outRect.left = (int) Math.min(xStart, xEnd);
+ outRect.right = (int) Math.max(xStart, xEnd);
+ } else {
+ // If the span wraps across multiple lines, only use the first line (as returned
+ // by layout.getLineBounds above), and adjust the "start" of outrect to where
+ // the span starts, leaving the "end" of outrect at the end of the line.
+ // ("start" being left for LTR, and right for RTL)
+ if (layout.getParagraphDirection(lineStart) == Layout.DIR_RIGHT_TO_LEFT) {
+ outRect.right = (int) xStart;
+ } else {
+ outRect.left = (int) xStart;
+ }
+ }
// Offset for padding
outRect.offset(mView.getTotalPaddingLeft(), mView.getTotalPaddingTop());
diff --git a/library/eclair-mr1/test/src/com/android/setupwizardlib/test/ b/library/eclair-mr1/test/src/com/android/setupwizardlib/test/
index a129f65..76885b9 100644
--- a/library/eclair-mr1/test/src/com/android/setupwizardlib/test/
+++ b/library/eclair-mr1/test/src/com/android/setupwizardlib/test/
@@ -137,6 +137,37 @@ public class LinkAccessibilityHelperTest extends AndroidTestCase {
+ @SmallTest
+ public void testRtlLayout() {
+ // Redo setUp with a Hebrew (RTL) string.
+ mSpan = new LinkSpan("foobar");
+ SpannableStringBuilder ssb = new SpannableStringBuilder("מכונה בתרגום");
+ ssb.setSpan(mSpan, 1, 2, 0 /* flags */);
+ mTextView = new TextView(getContext());
+ mTextView.setText(ssb);
+ mTextView.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 15);
+ mHelper = new TestLinkAccessibilityHelper(mTextView);
+ mTextView.measure(dp2Px(500), dp2Px(500));
+ mTextView.layout(dp2Px(0), dp2Px(0), dp2Px(500), dp2Px(500));
+ // End redo setup
+ AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat info = AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.obtain();
+ mHelper.onPopulateNodeForVirtualView(1, info);
+ assertEquals("LinkSpan description should be \"כ\"",
+ "כ", info.getContentDescription().toString());
+ assertTrue("LinkSpan should be focusable", info.isFocusable());
+ assertTrue("LinkSpan should be clickable", info.isClickable());
+ Rect bounds = new Rect();
+ info.getBoundsInParent(bounds);
+ assertEquals("LinkSpan bounds should be (70.5dp, 0dp, 78.5dp, 20.5dp)",
+ new Rect(dp2Px(70.5f), dp2Px(0f), dp2Px(78.5f), dp2Px(20.5f)), bounds);
+ info.recycle();
+ }
private int dp2Px(float dp) {
if (mDisplayMetrics == null) {
mDisplayMetrics = getContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics();