/* * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.internal.telephony.uicc; import android.compat.annotation.UnsupportedAppUsage; import android.os.AsyncResult; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.Message; import com.android.telephony.Rlog; import java.util.ArrayList; public class AdnRecordLoader extends Handler { final static String LOG_TAG = "AdnRecordLoader"; final static boolean VDBG = false; //***** Instance Variables @UnsupportedAppUsage(maxTargetSdk = Build.VERSION_CODES.R, trackingBug = 170729553) private IccFileHandler mFh; int mEf; int mExtensionEF; int mPendingExtLoads; Message mUserResponse; String mPin2; // For "load one" int mRecordNumber; // for "load all" ArrayList mAdns; // only valid after EVENT_ADN_LOAD_ALL_DONE // Either an AdnRecord or a reference to adns depending // if this is a load one or load all operation Object mResult; //***** Event Constants static final int EVENT_ADN_LOAD_DONE = 1; static final int EVENT_EXT_RECORD_LOAD_DONE = 2; static final int EVENT_ADN_LOAD_ALL_DONE = 3; static final int EVENT_EF_LINEAR_RECORD_SIZE_DONE = 4; static final int EVENT_UPDATE_RECORD_DONE = 5; static final int VOICEMAIL_ALPHATAG_ARG = 1; //***** Constructor @UnsupportedAppUsage(maxTargetSdk = Build.VERSION_CODES.R, trackingBug = 170729553) AdnRecordLoader(IccFileHandler fh) { // The telephony unit-test cases may create AdnRecords // in secondary threads super(Looper.getMainLooper()); mFh = fh; } @UnsupportedAppUsage(maxTargetSdk = Build.VERSION_CODES.R, trackingBug = 170729553) private String getEFPath(int efid) { if (efid == IccConstants.EF_ADN) { return IccConstants.MF_SIM + IccConstants.DF_TELECOM; } return null; } /** * Resulting AdnRecord is placed in response.obj.result * or response.obj.exception is set */ @UnsupportedAppUsage(maxTargetSdk = Build.VERSION_CODES.R, trackingBug = 170729553) public void loadFromEF(int ef, int extensionEF, int recordNumber, Message response) { mEf = ef; mExtensionEF = extensionEF; mRecordNumber = recordNumber; mUserResponse = response; mFh.loadEFLinearFixed( ef, getEFPath(ef), recordNumber, obtainMessage(EVENT_ADN_LOAD_DONE)); } /** * Resulting ArrayList<adnRecord> is placed in response.obj.result * or response.obj.exception is set */ public void loadAllFromEF(int ef, int extensionEF, Message response) { mEf = ef; mExtensionEF = extensionEF; mUserResponse = response; /* If we are loading from EF_ADN, specifically * specify the path as well, since, on some cards, * the fileid is not unique. */ mFh.loadEFLinearFixedAll( ef, getEFPath(ef), obtainMessage(EVENT_ADN_LOAD_ALL_DONE)); } /** * Write adn to a EF SIM record * It will get the record size of EF record and compose hex adn array * then write the hex array to EF record * * @param adn is set with alphaTag and phone number * @param ef EF fileid * @param extensionEF extension EF fileid * @param recordNumber 1-based record index * @param pin2 for CHV2 operations, must be null if pin2 is not needed * @param response will be sent to its handler when completed */ @UnsupportedAppUsage(maxTargetSdk = Build.VERSION_CODES.R, trackingBug = 170729553) public void updateEF(AdnRecord adn, int ef, int extensionEF, int recordNumber, String pin2, Message response) { mEf = ef; mExtensionEF = extensionEF; mRecordNumber = recordNumber; mUserResponse = response; mPin2 = pin2; mFh.getEFLinearRecordSize( ef, getEFPath(ef), obtainMessage(EVENT_EF_LINEAR_RECORD_SIZE_DONE, adn)); } //***** Overridden from Handler @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { AsyncResult ar; byte data[]; AdnRecord adn; try { switch (msg.what) { case EVENT_EF_LINEAR_RECORD_SIZE_DONE: ar = (AsyncResult)(msg.obj); adn = (AdnRecord)(ar.userObj); if (ar.exception != null) { throw new RuntimeException("get EF record size failed", ar.exception); } int[] recordSize = (int[])ar.result; // recordSize is int[3] array // int[0] is the record length // int[1] is the total length of the EF file // int[2] is the number of records in the EF file // So int[0] * int[2] = int[1] if (recordSize.length != 3 || mRecordNumber > recordSize[2]) { throw new RuntimeException("get wrong EF record size format", ar.exception); } data = adn.buildAdnString(recordSize[0]); if(data == null) { /** * The voicemail number saving to the SIM is in name(alphaTag) and number * format. {@link recordSize[0]} indicates the SIM EF memory size that the * sim can have to save both voicemail name and number. 14 byte of memory * is reserved to save the voicemail number and remaining memory is reserved * for the alphaTag. In case if we receive the alphaTag which is more than * the reserved memory size then SIM will throw the exception and it don't * save both the voicemail number and alphaTag. To avoid this problem, in * case alphaTag length is more we nullify the alphaTag and save the same. */ if (mUserResponse.arg1 == VOICEMAIL_ALPHATAG_ARG) { adn.mAlphaTag = null; data = adn.buildAdnString(recordSize[0]); } if (data == null) { throw new RuntimeException("wrong ADN format", ar.exception); } } // Send adn record to caller to track the changes made to alphaTag if (mUserResponse.arg1 == VOICEMAIL_ALPHATAG_ARG) { mFh.updateEFLinearFixed(mEf, getEFPath(mEf), mRecordNumber, data, mPin2, obtainMessage(EVENT_UPDATE_RECORD_DONE, adn)); } else { mFh.updateEFLinearFixed(mEf, getEFPath(mEf), mRecordNumber, data, mPin2, obtainMessage(EVENT_UPDATE_RECORD_DONE)); } mPendingExtLoads = 1; break; case EVENT_UPDATE_RECORD_DONE: ar = (AsyncResult)(msg.obj); if (ar.exception != null) { throw new RuntimeException("update EF adn record failed", ar.exception); } mPendingExtLoads = 0; // send the adn record back to caller through the result of AsyncResult if (mUserResponse.arg1 == VOICEMAIL_ALPHATAG_ARG) { mResult = ar.userObj; } else { mResult = null; } break; case EVENT_ADN_LOAD_DONE: ar = (AsyncResult)(msg.obj); data = (byte[])(ar.result); if (ar.exception != null) { throw new RuntimeException("load failed", ar.exception); } if (VDBG) { Rlog.d(LOG_TAG,"ADN EF: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(mEf) + ":" + mRecordNumber + "\n" + IccUtils.bytesToHexString(data)); } adn = new AdnRecord(mEf, mRecordNumber, data); mResult = adn; if (adn.hasExtendedRecord()) { // If we have a valid value in the ext record field, // we're not done yet: we need to read the corresponding // ext record and append it mPendingExtLoads = 1; mFh.loadEFLinearFixed( mExtensionEF, adn.mExtRecord, obtainMessage(EVENT_EXT_RECORD_LOAD_DONE, adn)); } break; case EVENT_EXT_RECORD_LOAD_DONE: ar = (AsyncResult)(msg.obj); data = (byte[])(ar.result); adn = (AdnRecord)(ar.userObj); if (ar.exception == null) { Rlog.d(LOG_TAG,"ADN extension EF: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(mExtensionEF) + ":" + adn.mExtRecord + "\n" + IccUtils.bytesToHexString(data)); adn.appendExtRecord(data); } else { // If we can't get the rest of the number from EF_EXT1, rather than // providing the partial number, we clear the number since it's not // dialable anyway. Do not throw exception here otherwise the rest // of the good records will be dropped. Rlog.e(LOG_TAG, "Failed to read ext record. Clear the number now."); adn.setNumber(""); } mPendingExtLoads--; // result should have been set in // EVENT_ADN_LOAD_DONE or EVENT_ADN_LOAD_ALL_DONE break; case EVENT_ADN_LOAD_ALL_DONE: ar = (AsyncResult)(msg.obj); ArrayList datas = (ArrayList)(ar.result); if (ar.exception != null) { throw new RuntimeException("load failed", ar.exception); } mAdns = new ArrayList(datas.size()); mResult = mAdns; mPendingExtLoads = 0; for(int i = 0, s = datas.size() ; i < s ; i++) { adn = new AdnRecord(mEf, 1 + i, datas.get(i)); mAdns.add(adn); if (adn.hasExtendedRecord()) { // If we have a valid value in the ext record field, // we're not done yet: we need to read the corresponding // ext record and append it mPendingExtLoads++; mFh.loadEFLinearFixed( mExtensionEF, adn.mExtRecord, obtainMessage(EVENT_EXT_RECORD_LOAD_DONE, adn)); } } break; } } catch (RuntimeException exc) { if (mUserResponse != null) { AsyncResult.forMessage(mUserResponse) .exception = exc; mUserResponse.sendToTarget(); // Loading is all or nothing--either every load succeeds // or we fail the whole thing. mUserResponse = null; } return; } if (mUserResponse != null && mPendingExtLoads == 0) { AsyncResult.forMessage(mUserResponse).result = mResult; mUserResponse.sendToTarget(); mUserResponse = null; } } }