/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef RENDER_SCRIPT_DEFINES_H #define RENDER_SCRIPT_DEFINES_H #include #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // typedef void * RsAsyncVoidPtr; typedef void * RsAdapter1D; typedef void * RsAdapter2D; typedef void * RsAllocation; typedef void * RsAnimation; typedef void * RsClosure; typedef void * RsContext; typedef void * RsDevice; typedef void * RsElement; typedef void * RsFile; typedef void * RsFont; typedef void * RsSampler; typedef void * RsScript; typedef void * RsScriptKernelID; typedef void * RsScriptInvokeID; typedef void * RsScriptFieldID; typedef void * RsScriptMethodID; typedef void * RsScriptGroup; typedef void * RsScriptGroup2; typedef void * RsMesh; typedef void * RsPath; typedef void * RsType; typedef void * RsObjectBase; typedef void * RsProgram; typedef void * RsProgramVertex; typedef void * RsProgramFragment; typedef void * RsProgramStore; typedef void * RsProgramRaster; typedef void * RsNativeWindow; typedef void (* RsBitmapCallback_t)(void *); typedef struct { float m[16]; } rs_matrix4x4; typedef struct { float m[9]; } rs_matrix3x3; typedef struct { float m[4]; } rs_matrix2x2; enum RsDeviceParam { RS_DEVICE_PARAM_FORCE_SOFTWARE_GL, RS_DEVICE_PARAM_COUNT }; enum RsContextType { RS_CONTEXT_TYPE_NORMAL, RS_CONTEXT_TYPE_DEBUG, RS_CONTEXT_TYPE_PROFILE }; enum RsAllocationUsageType { RS_ALLOCATION_USAGE_SCRIPT = 0x0001, RS_ALLOCATION_USAGE_GRAPHICS_TEXTURE = 0x0002, RS_ALLOCATION_USAGE_GRAPHICS_VERTEX = 0x0004, RS_ALLOCATION_USAGE_GRAPHICS_CONSTANTS = 0x0008, RS_ALLOCATION_USAGE_GRAPHICS_RENDER_TARGET = 0x0010, RS_ALLOCATION_USAGE_IO_INPUT = 0x0020, RS_ALLOCATION_USAGE_IO_OUTPUT = 0x0040, RS_ALLOCATION_USAGE_SHARED = 0x0080, RS_ALLOCATION_USAGE_ALL = 0x00FF }; enum RsAllocationMipmapControl { RS_ALLOCATION_MIPMAP_NONE = 0, RS_ALLOCATION_MIPMAP_FULL = 1, RS_ALLOCATION_MIPMAP_ON_SYNC_TO_TEXTURE = 2 }; enum RsAllocationCubemapFace { RS_ALLOCATION_CUBEMAP_FACE_POSITIVE_X = 0, RS_ALLOCATION_CUBEMAP_FACE_NEGATIVE_X = 1, RS_ALLOCATION_CUBEMAP_FACE_POSITIVE_Y = 2, RS_ALLOCATION_CUBEMAP_FACE_NEGATIVE_Y = 3, RS_ALLOCATION_CUBEMAP_FACE_POSITIVE_Z = 4, RS_ALLOCATION_CUBEMAP_FACE_NEGATIVE_Z = 5 }; enum RsDataType { RS_TYPE_NONE, RS_TYPE_FLOAT_16, RS_TYPE_FLOAT_32, RS_TYPE_FLOAT_64, RS_TYPE_SIGNED_8, RS_TYPE_SIGNED_16, RS_TYPE_SIGNED_32, RS_TYPE_SIGNED_64, RS_TYPE_UNSIGNED_8, RS_TYPE_UNSIGNED_16, RS_TYPE_UNSIGNED_32, RS_TYPE_UNSIGNED_64, RS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, RS_TYPE_UNSIGNED_5_6_5, RS_TYPE_UNSIGNED_5_5_5_1, RS_TYPE_UNSIGNED_4_4_4_4, RS_TYPE_MATRIX_4X4, RS_TYPE_MATRIX_3X3, RS_TYPE_MATRIX_2X2, RS_TYPE_ELEMENT = 1000, RS_TYPE_TYPE, RS_TYPE_ALLOCATION, RS_TYPE_SAMPLER, RS_TYPE_SCRIPT, RS_TYPE_MESH, RS_TYPE_PROGRAM_FRAGMENT, RS_TYPE_PROGRAM_VERTEX, RS_TYPE_PROGRAM_RASTER, RS_TYPE_PROGRAM_STORE, RS_TYPE_FONT, RS_TYPE_INVALID = 10000, }; enum RsDataKind { RS_KIND_USER, RS_KIND_PIXEL_L = 7, RS_KIND_PIXEL_A, RS_KIND_PIXEL_LA, RS_KIND_PIXEL_RGB, RS_KIND_PIXEL_RGBA, RS_KIND_PIXEL_DEPTH, RS_KIND_PIXEL_YUV, RS_KIND_INVALID = 100, }; enum RsSamplerParam { RS_SAMPLER_MIN_FILTER, RS_SAMPLER_MAG_FILTER, RS_SAMPLER_WRAP_S, RS_SAMPLER_WRAP_T, RS_SAMPLER_WRAP_R, RS_SAMPLER_ANISO }; enum RsSamplerValue { RS_SAMPLER_NEAREST, RS_SAMPLER_LINEAR, RS_SAMPLER_LINEAR_MIP_LINEAR, RS_SAMPLER_WRAP, RS_SAMPLER_CLAMP, RS_SAMPLER_LINEAR_MIP_NEAREST, RS_SAMPLER_MIRRORED_REPEAT, RS_SAMPLER_INVALID = 100, }; enum RsDimension { RS_DIMENSION_X, RS_DIMENSION_Y, RS_DIMENSION_Z, RS_DIMENSION_LOD, RS_DIMENSION_FACE, RS_DIMENSION_ARRAY_0 = 100, RS_DIMENSION_ARRAY_1, RS_DIMENSION_ARRAY_2, RS_DIMENSION_ARRAY_3, RS_DIMENSION_MAX = RS_DIMENSION_ARRAY_3 }; enum RsError { RS_ERROR_NONE = 0, RS_ERROR_BAD_SHADER = 1, RS_ERROR_BAD_SCRIPT = 2, RS_ERROR_BAD_VALUE = 3, RS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY = 4, RS_ERROR_DRIVER = 5, // Errors that only occur in the debug context. RS_ERROR_FATAL_DEBUG = 0x0800, RS_ERROR_FATAL_UNKNOWN = 0x1000, RS_ERROR_FATAL_DRIVER = 0x1001, RS_ERROR_FATAL_PROGRAM_LINK = 0x1002 }; enum RsForEachStrategy { RS_FOR_EACH_STRATEGY_SERIAL = 0, RS_FOR_EACH_STRATEGY_DONT_CARE = 1, RS_FOR_EACH_STRATEGY_DST_LINEAR = 2, RS_FOR_EACH_STRATEGY_TILE_SMALL = 3, RS_FOR_EACH_STRATEGY_TILE_MEDIUM = 4, RS_FOR_EACH_STRATEGY_TILE_LARGE = 5 }; // Script to Script typedef struct { enum RsForEachStrategy strategy; uint32_t xStart; uint32_t xEnd; uint32_t yStart; uint32_t yEnd; uint32_t zStart; uint32_t zEnd; uint32_t arrayStart; uint32_t arrayEnd; uint32_t array2Start; uint32_t array2End; uint32_t array3Start; uint32_t array3End; uint32_t array4Start; uint32_t array4End; } RsScriptCall; enum RsContextFlags { RS_CONTEXT_SYNCHRONOUS = 0x0001, RS_CONTEXT_LOW_LATENCY = 0x0002, RS_CONTEXT_LOW_POWER = 0x0004 }; #ifdef __cplusplus }; #endif #endif // RENDER_SCRIPT_DEFINES_H