/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "rsAllocation.h" #include "rsContext.h" #include "rsGrallocConsumer.h" #include "rs_hal.h" namespace android { namespace renderscript { GrallocConsumer::GrallocConsumer (const Context *rsc, Allocation *a, uint32_t numAlloc) { mCtx = rsc; mAlloc = new Allocation *[numAlloc]; mAcquiredBuffer = new AcquiredBuffer[numAlloc]; isIdxUsed = new bool[numAlloc]; mAlloc[0] = a; isIdxUsed[0] = true; mNumAlloc = numAlloc; uint32_t width = a->mHal.drvState.lod[0].dimX; uint32_t height = a->mHal.drvState.lod[0].dimY; if (height < 1) height = 1; int32_t format = AIMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA_8888; if (a->mHal.state.yuv) { format = AIMAGE_FORMAT_YUV_420_888; } media_status_t ret = AImageReader_new( width, height, format, mNumAlloc, &mImgReader); if (ret != AMEDIA_OK || mImgReader == nullptr) { ALOGE("Error creating image reader. ret %d", ret); } ret = AImageReader_getWindow(mImgReader, &mNativeWindow); if (ret != AMEDIA_OK || mNativeWindow == nullptr) { ALOGE("Error creating native window. ret %d", ret); } mReaderCb = {this, GrallocConsumer::onFrameAvailable}; ret = AImageReader_setImageListener(mImgReader, &mReaderCb); for (uint32_t i = 1; i < numAlloc; i++) { isIdxUsed[i] = false; } } GrallocConsumer::~GrallocConsumer() { AImageReader_delete(mImgReader); delete[] mAlloc; delete[] mAcquiredBuffer; delete[] isIdxUsed; } void GrallocConsumer::onFrameAvailable(void* obj, AImageReader* reader) { GrallocConsumer* consumer = (GrallocConsumer *) obj; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < consumer->mNumAlloc; i++) { if (consumer->mAlloc[i] != nullptr) { intptr_t ip = (intptr_t)(consumer->mAlloc[i]); consumer->mCtx->sendMessageToClient(&ip, RS_MESSAGE_TO_CLIENT_NEW_BUFFER, 0, sizeof(ip), true); } } } ANativeWindow* GrallocConsumer::getNativeWindow() { return mNativeWindow; } media_status_t GrallocConsumer::lockNextBuffer(uint32_t idx) { media_status_t ret; if (idx >= mNumAlloc) { ALOGE("Invalid buffer index: %d", idx); return AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (mAcquiredBuffer[idx].mImg != nullptr) { ret = unlockBuffer(idx); if (ret != AMEDIA_OK) { return ret; } } ret = AImageReader_acquireNextImage(mImgReader, &(mAcquiredBuffer[idx].mImg)); if (ret != AMEDIA_OK || mAcquiredBuffer[idx].mImg == nullptr) { ALOGE("%s: acquire image from reader %p failed! ret: %d, img %p", __FUNCTION__, mImgReader, ret, mAcquiredBuffer[idx].mImg); return ret; } AImage *img = mAcquiredBuffer[idx].mImg; int32_t format = -1; ret = AImage_getFormat(img, &format); if (ret != AMEDIA_OK || format == -1) { ALOGE("%s: get format for image %p failed! ret: %d, format %d", __FUNCTION__, img, ret, format); return ret; } if (format != AIMAGE_FORMAT_YUV_420_888 && format != AIMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA_8888) { ALOGE("Format %d not supported", format); return AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_OBJECT; } uint8_t *data = nullptr; int dataLength = 0; ret = AImage_getPlaneData(img, 0, &data, &dataLength); if (ret != AMEDIA_OK || data == nullptr || dataLength <= 0) { ALOGE("%s: get data for image %p failed! ret: %d, data %p, len %d", __FUNCTION__, img, ret, data, dataLength); return ret; } int64_t timestamp = -1; ret = AImage_getTimestamp(img, ×tamp); if (ret != AMEDIA_OK || timestamp == -1) { ALOGE("%s: get timestamp for image %p failed! ret: %d", __FUNCTION__, img, ret); return ret; } int32_t rowstride = -1; ret = AImage_getPlaneRowStride(img, 0, &rowstride); if (ret != AMEDIA_OK || rowstride == -1) { ALOGE("%s: get row stride for image %p failed! ret: %d, rowstride %d", __FUNCTION__, img, ret, rowstride); return ret; } mAcquiredBuffer[idx].mBufferPointer = data; mAlloc[idx]->mHal.drvState.lod[0].mallocPtr = data; mAlloc[idx]->mHal.drvState.lod[0].stride = rowstride; mAlloc[idx]->mHal.state.timestamp = timestamp; if (format == AIMAGE_FORMAT_YUV_420_888) { const int yWidth = mAlloc[idx]->mHal.drvState.lod[0].dimX; const int yHeight = mAlloc[idx]->mHal.drvState.lod[0].dimY; const int cWidth = yWidth / 2; const int cHeight = yHeight / 2; uint8_t *uData = nullptr; int uDataLength = 0; ret = AImage_getPlaneData(img, 1, &uData, &uDataLength); if (ret != AMEDIA_OK || uData == nullptr || uDataLength <= 0) { ALOGE("%s: get U data for image %p failed! ret: %d, data %p, len %d", __FUNCTION__, img, ret, uData, uDataLength); return ret; } uint8_t *vData = nullptr; int vDataLength = 0; ret = AImage_getPlaneData(img, 2, &vData, &vDataLength); if (ret != AMEDIA_OK || vData == nullptr || vDataLength <= 0) { ALOGE("%s: get V data for image %p failed! ret: %d, data %p, len %d", __FUNCTION__, img, ret, vData, vDataLength); return ret; } int32_t uRowStride = -1; ret = AImage_getPlaneRowStride(img, 1, &uRowStride); if (ret != AMEDIA_OK || uRowStride == -1) { ALOGE("%s: get U row stride for image %p failed! ret: %d, uRowStride %d", __FUNCTION__, img, ret, uRowStride); return ret; } int32_t vRowStride = -1; ret = AImage_getPlaneRowStride(img, 2, &vRowStride); if (ret != AMEDIA_OK || vRowStride == -1) { ALOGE("%s: get V row stride for image %p failed! ret: %d, vRowStride %d", __FUNCTION__, img, ret, vRowStride); return ret; } int32_t uPixStride = -1; ret = AImage_getPlanePixelStride(img, 1, &uPixStride); if (ret != AMEDIA_OK || uPixStride == -1) { ALOGE("%s: get U pixel stride for image %p failed! ret: %d, uPixStride %d", __FUNCTION__, img, ret, uPixStride); return ret; } mAlloc[idx]->mHal.drvState.lod[1].dimX = cWidth; mAlloc[idx]->mHal.drvState.lod[1].dimY = cHeight; mAlloc[idx]->mHal.drvState.lod[2].dimX = cWidth; mAlloc[idx]->mHal.drvState.lod[2].dimY = cHeight; mAlloc[idx]->mHal.drvState.lod[1].mallocPtr = uData; mAlloc[idx]->mHal.drvState.lod[2].mallocPtr = vData; mAlloc[idx]->mHal.drvState.lod[1].stride = uRowStride; mAlloc[idx]->mHal.drvState.lod[2].stride = vRowStride; mAlloc[idx]->mHal.drvState.yuv.shift = 1; mAlloc[idx]->mHal.drvState.yuv.step = uPixStride; mAlloc[idx]->mHal.drvState.lodCount = 3; } return AMEDIA_OK; } media_status_t GrallocConsumer::unlockBuffer(uint32_t idx) { media_status_t ret; if (idx >= mNumAlloc) { ALOGE("Invalid buffer index: %d", idx); return AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (mAcquiredBuffer[idx].mImg == nullptr) { return AMEDIA_OK; } AImage_delete(mAcquiredBuffer[idx].mImg); mAcquiredBuffer[idx].mImg = nullptr; return AMEDIA_OK; } uint32_t GrallocConsumer::getNextAvailableIdx(Allocation *a) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mNumAlloc; i++) { if (isIdxUsed[i] == false) { mAlloc[i] = a; isIdxUsed[i] = true; return i; } } return mNumAlloc; } bool GrallocConsumer::releaseIdx(uint32_t idx) { if (idx >= mNumAlloc) { ALOGE("Invalid buffer index: %d", idx); return false; } if (isIdxUsed[idx] == false) { ALOGV("Buffer index already released: %d", idx); return true; } media_status_t ret; ret = unlockBuffer(idx); if (ret != OK) { ALOGE("Unable to unlock graphic buffer"); return false; } mAlloc[idx] = nullptr; isIdxUsed[idx] = false; return true; } bool GrallocConsumer::isActive() { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mNumAlloc; i++) { if (isIdxUsed[i]) { return true; } } return false; } } // namespace renderscript } // namespace android