#!/bin/bash set -e # This is a wrapper script that runs the specific version of Android Studio that is recommended for developing in this repository. # (This serves a similar purpose to gradlew) function getStudioUrl() { version="" ideaMajorVersion="182" buildNumber="5138683" osName="$1" studioUrl="https://dl.google.com/dl/android/studio/ide-zips/${version}/android-studio-ide-${ideaMajorVersion}.${buildNumber}-${osName}.zip" echo "${studioUrl}" } acceptsLicenseAgreement="$1" scriptDir="$(cd $(dirname $0) && pwd)" projectDir=$scriptDir tempDir="${scriptDir}/studio" function getOsName() { unameOutput="$(uname)" osName="" if [ "${unameOutput}" == "Linux" ]; then osName="linux" else osName="mac" fi echo "${osName}" } osName="$(getOsName)" studioUrl="$(getStudioUrl $osName)" studioDestName="$(basename ${studioUrl})" studioZipPath="${tempDir}/${studioDestName}" studioUnzippedPath="$(echo ${studioZipPath} | sed 's/\.zip$//')" function downloadFile() { fromUrl="$1" destPath="$2" tempPath="${destPath}.tmp" echo "Downloading ${fromUrl} to ${destPath}" curl "${fromUrl}" > "${tempPath}" mv "${tempPath}" "${destPath}" } function checkLicenseAgreement() { # TODO: Is there a more official way to check that the user accepts the license? if [ "${acceptsLicenseAgreement}" != "-y" ]; then echo "Do you accept the license agreement at ${studioUnzippedPath}/android-studio/LICENSE.txt ?" echo "If you do, then rerun this script with a '-y' argument" exit 1 fi } function updateStudio() { # skip if already up-to-date if stat "${studioZipPath}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then # already up-to-date return fi mkdir -p "${tempDir}" downloadFile "${studioUrl}" "${studioZipPath}" echo echo "Removing previous installations" ls "${tempDir}" | grep -v "^${studioDestName}\$" | sed "s|^|${tempDir}/|" | xargs rm -rf echo "Unzipping" unzip "${studioZipPath}" -d "${studioUnzippedPath}" } function runStudioLinux() { studioPath="${studioUnzippedPath}/android-studio/bin/studio.sh" echo "$studioPath &" env STUDIO_PROPERTIES="${projectDir}/development/studio/idea.properties" \ STUDIO_VM_OPTIONS="${projectDir}/development/studio/studio.vmoptions" \ "${studioPath}" "${projectDir}" & } function runStudioMac() { studioPath="${studioUnzippedPath}/Android Studio.app" echo "open ${studioPath}" env STUDIO_PROPERTIES="${projectDir}/development/studio/idea.properties" \ STUDIO_VM_OPTIONS="${projectDir}/development/studio/studio.vmoptions" \ open "${studioPath}" "${projectDir}" } function runStudio() { if [ "${osName}" == "mac" ]; then runStudioMac else runStudioLinux fi } function main() { updateStudio checkLicenseAgreement runStudio } main