path: root/chromium/tools/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/tools/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 581 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/tools/ b/chromium/tools/
deleted file mode 100755
index 3145387..0000000
--- a/chromium/tools/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,581 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Merge Chromium into the Android tree."""
-import logging
-import optparse
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-import merge_common
-# We need to import this *after* merging from upstream to get the latest
-# version. Set it to none here to catch uses before it's imported.
-webview_licenses = None
-AUTOGEN_MESSAGE = 'This commit was generated by'
-SRC_GIT_BRANCH = 'refs/remotes/history/upstream-master'
-def _ReadGitFile(sha1, path, git_url=None, git_branch=None):
- """Reads a file from a (possibly remote) git project at a specific revision.
- Args:
- sha1: The SHA1 at which to read.
- path: The relative path of the file to read.
- git_url: The URL of the git server, if reading a remote project.
- git_branch: The branch to fetch, if reading a remote project.
- Returns:
- The contents of the specified file.
- """
- if git_url:
- merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['git', 'fetch', '-f', git_url, git_branch])
- return merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['git', 'show', '%s:%s' % (sha1, path)])
-def _ParseDEPS(deps_content):
- """Parses the DEPS file from Chromium and returns its contents.
- Args:
- deps_content: The contents of the DEPS file as text.
- Returns:
- A dictionary of the contents of DEPS at the specified revision
- """
- class FromImpl(object):
- """Used to implement the From syntax."""
- def __init__(self, module_name):
- self.module_name = module_name
- def __str__(self):
- return 'From("%s")' % self.module_name
- class _VarImpl(object):
- def __init__(self, custom_vars, local_scope):
- self._custom_vars = custom_vars
- self._local_scope = local_scope
- def Lookup(self, var_name):
- """Implements the Var syntax."""
- if var_name in self._custom_vars:
- return self._custom_vars[var_name]
- elif var_name in self._local_scope.get('vars', {}):
- return self._local_scope['vars'][var_name]
- raise Exception('Var is not defined: %s' % var_name)
- tmp_locals = {}
- var = _VarImpl({}, tmp_locals)
- tmp_globals = {'From': FromImpl, 'Var': var.Lookup, 'deps_os': {}}
- exec(deps_content) in tmp_globals, tmp_locals # pylint: disable=W0122
- return tmp_locals
-def _GetProjectMergeInfo(projects, deps_vars):
- """Gets the git URL and SHA1 for each project based on DEPS.
- Args:
- projects: The list of projects to consider.
- deps_vars: The dictionary of dependencies from DEPS.
- Returns:
- A dictionary from project to git URL and SHA1 - 'path: (url, sha1)'
- Raises:
- TemporaryMergeError: if a project to be merged is not found in DEPS.
- """
- deps_fallback_order = [
- deps_vars['deps'],
- deps_vars['deps_os']['unix'],
- deps_vars['deps_os']['android'],
- ]
- result = {}
- for path in projects:
- for deps in deps_fallback_order:
- if path:
- upstream_path = os.path.join('src', path)
- else:
- upstream_path = 'src'
- url_plus_sha1 = deps.get(upstream_path)
- if url_plus_sha1:
- break
- else:
- raise merge_common.TemporaryMergeError(
- 'Could not find DEPS entry for project %s. This probably '
- 'means that the project list in needs to be '
- 'updated.' % path)
- match = re.match('(.*?)@(.*)', url_plus_sha1)
- url =
- sha1 =
- logging.debug(' Got URL %s and SHA1 %s for project %s', url, sha1, path)
- result[path] = {'url': url, 'sha1': sha1}
- return result
-def _MergeProjects(version, root_sha1, target, unattended, buildspec_url):
- """Merges each required Chromium project into the Android repository.
- DEPS is consulted to determine which revision each project must be merged
- at. Only a whitelist of required projects are merged.
- Args:
- version: The version to mention in generated commit messages.
- root_sha1: The git hash to merge in the root repository.
- target: The target branch to merge to.
- unattended: Run in unattended mode.
- buildspec_url: URL for buildspec repository, when merging a branch.
- Returns:
- The abbrev sha1 merged. It will be either |root_sha1| itself (when merging
- chromium trunk) or the upstream sha1 of the release.
- Raises:
- TemporaryMergeError: If incompatibly licensed code is left after pruning.
- """
- # The logic for this step lives here, in the Android tree, as it makes no
- # sense for a Chromium tree to know about this merge.
- if unattended:
- branch_create_flag = '-B'
- else:
- branch_create_flag = '-b'
- branch_name = 'merge-from-chromium-%s' % version
- logging.debug('Parsing DEPS ...')
- if root_sha1:
- deps_content = _ReadGitFile(root_sha1, 'DEPS')
- else:
- # TODO(primiano): At some point the release branches will use DEPS as well,
- # instead of .DEPS.git. Rename below when that day will come.
- deps_content = _ReadGitFile('FETCH_HEAD',
- 'releases/' + version + '/.DEPS.git',
- buildspec_url,
- 'master')
- deps_vars = _ParseDEPS(deps_content)
- merge_info = _GetProjectMergeInfo(merge_common.THIRD_PARTY_PROJECTS,
- deps_vars)
- for path in merge_info:
- # webkit needs special handling as we have a local mirror
- local_mirrored = path == 'third_party/WebKit'
- url = merge_info[path]['url']
- sha1 = merge_info[path]['sha1']
- dest_dir = os.path.join(merge_common.REPOSITORY_ROOT, path)
- if local_mirrored:
- remote = 'history'
- else:
- remote = 'goog'
- merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['git', 'checkout',
- branch_create_flag, branch_name,
- '-t', remote + '/' + target],
- cwd=dest_dir)
- if not local_mirrored or not root_sha1:
- logging.debug('Fetching project %s at %s ...', path, sha1)
- fetch_args = ['git', 'fetch', url, sha1]
- merge_common.GetCommandStdout(fetch_args, cwd=dest_dir)
- if merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['git', 'rev-list', '-1', 'HEAD..' + sha1],
- cwd=dest_dir):
- logging.debug('Merging project %s at %s ...', path, sha1)
- # Merge conflicts make git merge return 1, so ignore errors
- merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['git', 'merge', '--no-commit', sha1],
- cwd=dest_dir, ignore_errors=True)
- merge_common.CheckNoConflictsAndCommitMerge(
- 'Merge %s from %s at %s\n\n%s' % (path, url, sha1, AUTOGEN_MESSAGE),
- cwd=dest_dir, unattended=unattended)
- else:
- logging.debug('No new commits to merge in project %s', path)
- # Handle root repository separately.
- merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['git', 'checkout',
- branch_create_flag, branch_name,
- '-t', 'history/' + target])
- if not root_sha1:
- merge_info = _GetProjectMergeInfo([''], deps_vars)
- url = merge_info['']['url']
- merged_sha1 = merge_info['']['sha1']
- merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['git', 'fetch', url, merged_sha1])
- merged_sha1 = merge_common.Abbrev(merged_sha1)
- merge_msg_version = '%s (%s)' % (version, merged_sha1)
- else:
- merge_msg_version = root_sha1
- merged_sha1 = root_sha1
- logging.debug('Merging Chromium at %s ...', merged_sha1)
- # Merge conflicts make git merge return 1, so ignore errors
- merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['git', 'merge', '--no-commit', merged_sha1],
- ignore_errors=True)
- merge_common.CheckNoConflictsAndCommitMerge(
- 'Merge Chromium at %s\n\n%s'
- % (merge_msg_version, AUTOGEN_MESSAGE), unattended=unattended)
- logging.debug('Getting directories to exclude ...')
- # We import this now that we have merged the latest version.
- # It imports to a global in order that it can be used to generate NOTICE
- # later. We also disable writing bytecode to keep the source tree clean.
- sys.path.append(os.path.join(merge_common.REPOSITORY_ROOT, 'android_webview',
- 'tools'))
- sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
- global webview_licenses # pylint: disable=W0602
- import webview_licenses # pylint: disable=W0621,W0612,C6204
- import known_issues # pylint: disable=C6204
- for path, exclude_list in known_issues.KNOWN_INCOMPATIBLE.iteritems():
- logging.debug(' %s', '\n '.join(os.path.join(path, x) for x in
- exclude_list))
- dest_dir = os.path.join(merge_common.REPOSITORY_ROOT, path)
- merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['git', 'rm', '-rf', '--ignore-unmatch'] +
- exclude_list, cwd=dest_dir)
- if _ModifiedFilesInIndex(dest_dir):
- merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['git', 'commit', '-m',
- 'Exclude unwanted directories'],
- cwd=dest_dir)
- assert(root_sha1 is None or root_sha1 == merged_sha1)
- return merged_sha1
-def _CheckLicenses():
- """Check that no incompatibly licensed directories exist."""
- directories_left_over = webview_licenses.GetIncompatibleDirectories()
- if directories_left_over:
- raise merge_common.TemporaryMergeError(
- 'Incompatibly licensed directories remain: ' +
- '\n'.join(directories_left_over))
-def _GenerateMakefiles(version, unattended):
- """Run gyp to generate the Android build system makefiles.
- Args:
- version: The version to mention in generated commit messages.
- unattended: Run in unattended mode.
- """
- logging.debug('Generating makefiles ...')
- # TODO(torne): come up with a way to deal with hooks from DEPS properly
- # TODO(torne): The .tmp files are generated by
- # third_party/WebKit/Source/WebCore/WebCore.gyp/WebCore.gyp into the source
- # tree. We should avoid this, or at least use a more specific name to avoid
- # accidentally removing or adding other files.
- for path in merge_common.ALL_PROJECTS:
- dest_dir = os.path.join(merge_common.REPOSITORY_ROOT, path)
- merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['git', 'rm', '--ignore-unmatch',
- 'GypAndroid.*.mk', '*.target.*.mk',
- '*.host.*.mk', '*.tmp'], cwd=dest_dir)
- try:
- merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['android_webview/tools/gyp_webview', 'all'])
- except merge_common.MergeError as e:
- if not unattended:
- raise
- else:
- for path in merge_common.ALL_PROJECTS:
- merge_common.GetCommandStdout(
- ['git', 'reset', '--hard'],
- cwd=os.path.join(merge_common.REPOSITORY_ROOT, path))
- raise merge_common.TemporaryMergeError('Makefile generation failed: ' +
- str(e))
- for path in merge_common.ALL_PROJECTS:
- dest_dir = os.path.join(merge_common.REPOSITORY_ROOT, path)
- # git add doesn't have an --ignore-unmatch so we have to do this instead:
- merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['git', 'add', '-f', 'GypAndroid.*.mk'],
- ignore_errors=True, cwd=dest_dir)
- merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['git', 'add', '-f', '*.target.*.mk'],
- ignore_errors=True, cwd=dest_dir)
- merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['git', 'add', '-f', '*.host.*.mk'],
- ignore_errors=True, cwd=dest_dir)
- merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['git', 'add', '-f', '*.tmp'],
- ignore_errors=True, cwd=dest_dir)
- # Only try to commit the makefiles if something has actually changed.
- if _ModifiedFilesInIndex(dest_dir):
- merge_common.GetCommandStdout(
- ['git', 'commit', '-m',
- 'Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at %s\n\n%s' %
- (version, AUTOGEN_MESSAGE)], cwd=dest_dir)
-def _ModifiedFilesInIndex(cwd=merge_common.REPOSITORY_ROOT):
- """Returns true if git's index contains any changes."""
- status = merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['git', 'status', '--porcelain'],
- cwd=cwd)
- return'^[MADRC]', status, flags=re.MULTILINE) is not None
-def _GenerateNoticeFile(version):
- """Generates and commits a NOTICE file containing code licenses.
- This covers all third-party code (from Android's perspective) that lives in
- the Chromium tree.
- Args:
- version: The version to mention in generated commit messages.
- """
- logging.debug('Regenerating NOTICE file ...')
- contents = webview_licenses.GenerateNoticeFile()
- with open(os.path.join(merge_common.REPOSITORY_ROOT, 'NOTICE'), 'w') as f:
- f.write(contents)
- merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['git', 'add', 'NOTICE'])
- # Only try to commit the NOTICE update if the file has actually changed.
- if _ModifiedFilesInIndex():
- merge_common.GetCommandStdout([
- 'git', 'commit', '-m',
- 'Update NOTICE file after merge of Chromium at %s\n\n%s'
- % (version, AUTOGEN_MESSAGE)])
-def _GenerateLastChange(version, root_sha1):
- """Write a build/util/LASTCHANGE file containing the current revision.
- The revision number is compiled into the binary at build time from this file.
- Args:
- version: The version to mention in generated commit messages.
- root_sha1: The SHA1 of the main project (before the merge).
- """
- logging.debug('Updating LASTCHANGE ...')
- with open(os.path.join(merge_common.REPOSITORY_ROOT, 'build/util/LASTCHANGE'),
- 'w') as f:
- f.write('LASTCHANGE=%s\n' % merge_common.Abbrev(root_sha1))
- merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['git', 'add', '-f', 'build/util/LASTCHANGE'])
- logging.debug('Updating LASTCHANGE.blink ...')
- with open(os.path.join(merge_common.REPOSITORY_ROOT,
- 'build/util/LASTCHANGE.blink'), 'w') as f:
- f.write('LASTCHANGE=%s\n' % _GetBlinkRevision())
- merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['git', 'add', '-f',
- 'build/util/LASTCHANGE.blink'])
- if _ModifiedFilesInIndex():
- merge_common.GetCommandStdout([
- 'git', 'commit', '-m',
- 'Update LASTCHANGE file after merge of Chromium at %s\n\n%s'
- % (version, AUTOGEN_MESSAGE)])
-def GetHEAD():
- """Fetch the latest HEAD revision from the Chromium Git mirror.
- Returns:
- The latest HEAD revision (A Git abbrev SHA1).
- """
- return _GetGitAbbrevSHA1(SRC_GIT_BRANCH, 'HEAD')
-def _ParseSvnRevisionFromGitCommitMessage(commit_message):
- return'^git-svn-id: .*@([0-9]+)', commit_message,
- flags=re.MULTILINE).group(1)
-def _GetGitAbbrevSHA1(git_branch, revision):
- """Returns an abbrev. SHA for the given revision (or branch, if HEAD)."""
- assert revision
- logging.debug('Getting Git revision for %s ...', revision)
- upstream = git_branch if revision == 'HEAD' else revision
- # Make sure the remote and the branch exist locally.
- try:
- merge_common.GetCommandStdout([
- 'git', 'show-ref', '--verify', '--quiet', git_branch])
- except merge_common.CommandError:
- raise merge_common.TemporaryMergeError(
- 'Cannot find the branch %s. Have you sync\'d master-chromium in this '
- 'checkout?' % git_branch)
- # Make sure the |upstream| Git object has been mirrored.
- try:
- merge_common.GetCommandStdout([
- 'git', 'merge-base', '--is-ancestor', upstream, git_branch])
- except merge_common.CommandError:
- raise merge_common.TemporaryMergeError(
- 'Upstream object (%s) not reachable from %s' % (upstream, git_branch))
- abbrev_sha = merge_common.Abbrev(merge_common.GetCommandStdout(
- ['git', 'rev-list', '--max-count=1', upstream]).split()[0])
- return abbrev_sha
-def _GetBlinkRevision():
- # TODO(primiano): Switch to Git as soon as Blink gets migrated as well.
- commit = merge_common.GetCommandStdout(
- ['git', 'log', '-n1', '--grep=git-svn-id:', '--format=%H%n%b'],
- cwd=os.path.join(merge_common.REPOSITORY_ROOT, 'third_party', 'WebKit'))
- return _ParseSvnRevisionFromGitCommitMessage(commit)
-def Snapshot(root_sha1, release, target, unattended, buildspec_url):
- """Takes a snapshot of the Chromium tree and merges it into Android.
- Android makefiles and a top-level NOTICE file are generated and committed
- after the merge.
- Args:
- root_sha1: The abbrev sha1 in the Chromium git mirror to merge from.
- release: The Chromium release version to merge from (e.g. "30.0.1599.20").
- Only one of root_sha1 and release should be specified.
- target: The target branch to merge to.
- unattended: Run in unattended mode.
- buildspec_url: URL for buildspec repository, used when merging a release.
- Returns:
- True if new commits were merged; False if no new commits were present.
- """
- if release:
- root_sha1 = None
- version = release
- else:
- root_sha1 = _GetGitAbbrevSHA1(SRC_GIT_BRANCH, root_sha1)
- version = root_sha1
- assert (root_sha1 is not None and len(root_sha1) > 6) or version == release
- if root_sha1 and not merge_common.GetCommandStdout(
- ['git', 'rev-list', '-1', 'HEAD..' + root_sha1]):
-'No new commits to merge at %s (%s)', version, root_sha1)
- return False
-'Snapshotting Chromium at %s (%s)', version, root_sha1)
- # 1. Merge, accounting for excluded directories
- merged_sha1 = _MergeProjects(version, root_sha1, target, unattended,
- buildspec_url)
- # 2. Generate Android makefiles
- _GenerateMakefiles(version, unattended)
- # 3. Check for incompatible licenses
- _CheckLicenses()
- # 4. Generate Android NOTICE file
- _GenerateNoticeFile(version)
- # 5. Generate LASTCHANGE file
- _GenerateLastChange(version, merged_sha1)
- return True
-def Push(version, target):
- """Push the finished snapshot to the Android repository."""
- src = 'merge-from-chromium-%s' % version
- # Use forced pushes ('+' prefix) for the temporary and archive branches in
- # case they already got updated by a previous (possibly failed?) merge, but
- # do not force push to the real master-chromium branch as this could erase
- # downstream changes.
- refspecs = ['%s:%s' % (src, target),
- '+%s:refs/archive/chromium-%s' % (src, version)]
- if target == 'master-chromium':
- refspecs.insert(0, '+%s:master-chromium-merge' % src)
- for refspec in refspecs:
- logging.debug('Pushing to server (%s) ...', refspec)
- for path in merge_common.ALL_PROJECTS:
- if path in merge_common.PROJECTS_WITH_FLAT_HISTORY:
- remote = 'history'
- else:
- remote = 'goog'
- logging.debug('Pushing %s', path)
- dest_dir = os.path.join(merge_common.REPOSITORY_ROOT, path)
- merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['git', 'push', remote, refspec],
- cwd=dest_dir)
-def main():
- parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='%prog [options]')
- parser.epilog = ('Takes a snapshot of the Chromium tree at the specified '
- 'Chromium Git revision and merges it into this repository. '
- 'Paths marked as excluded for license reasons are removed '
- 'as part of the merge. Also generates Android makefiles and '
- 'generates a top-level NOTICE file suitable for use in the '
- 'Android build.')
- parser.add_option(
- '', '--sha1',
- default='HEAD',
- help=('Merge to the specified chromium sha1 revision from ' +
- SRC_GIT_BRANCH + ' branch. Default is HEAD, to merge from ToT.'))
- parser.add_option(
- '', '--release',
- default=None,
- help=('Merge to the specified chromium release buildspec (e.g., "30.0.'
- '1599.20"). Only one of --sha1 and --release should be specified'))
- parser.add_option(
- '', '--buildspec_url',
- default=None,
- help=('Git URL for buildspec repository.'))
- parser.add_option(
- '', '--target',
- default='master-chromium', metavar='BRANCH',
- help=('Target branch to push to. Defaults to master-chromium.'))
- parser.add_option(
- '', '--push',
- default=False, action='store_true',
- help=('Push the result of a previous merge to the server. Note '
- '--sha1 must be given.'))
- parser.add_option(
- '', '--get_head',
- default=False, action='store_true',
- help=('Just print the current HEAD revision on stdout and exit.'))
- parser.add_option(
- '', '--unattended',
- default=False, action='store_true',
- help=('Run in unattended mode.'))
- parser.add_option(
- '', '--no_changes_exit',
- default=0, type='int',
- help=('Exit code to use if there are no changes to merge, for scripts.'))
- (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
- if args:
- parser.print_help()
- return 1
- if 'ANDROID_BUILD_TOP' not in os.environ:
- print >>sys.stderr, 'You need to run the Android and lunch.'
- return 1
- if os.environ.get('GYP_DEFINES'):
- print >>sys.stderr, (
- 'The environment is defining GYP_DEFINES (=%s). It will affect the '
- ' generated makefiles.' % os.environ['GYP_DEFINES'])
- if not options.unattended and raw_input('Continue? [y/N]') != 'y':
- return 1
- logging.basicConfig(format='%(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG,
- stream=sys.stdout)
- if options.get_head:
- logging.disable(logging.CRITICAL) # Prevent log messages
- print GetHEAD()
- elif options.push:
- if options.release:
- Push(options.release,
- elif options.sha1:
- Push(options.sha1,
- else:
- print >>sys.stderr, 'You need to pass the version to push.'
- return 1
- else:
- if not Snapshot(options.sha1, options.release,,
- options.unattended, options.buildspec_url):
- return options.no_changes_exit
- return 0
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- sys.exit(main())