var expect = require('expect.js'); var m = require('../index'); var LightBulb = require('./lightbulb'); describe('LightBulb', function() { /** Model the internal data of LightBulb as a buffer */ var bufferFullBrightness = new Buffer( [ 'N', // Four bytes allocated for name 'a', 'm', 'e', 95 // One byte allocated for brightness. Stuff in '95' value! ]); it('getBrightness() function should return 95', function() { // Create a fake I2c bus based on the 'full brightness' data model var testI2cBus = new m.I2c(0); testI2cBus._setRegisterMapInternal(bufferFullBrightness); // Create a new LightBulb that opens the testI2cBus, instead of a real // mraa I2c bus. var lightBulbI2c = new LightBulb(testI2cBus); // presumably getBrightness will gather data from I2C and get '95' var brightness = lightBulbI2c.getBrightness(); expect(brightness); }) });