AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-06-22Change mLastTimeStamp in flush to fix testVP9Adaptive test in gts am: 7c95319...Xin Wang
2016-06-22Change mLastTimeStamp in flush to fix testVP9Adaptive test in gts am: 7c95319679Xin Wang
2016-06-22Change mLastTimeStamp in flush to fix testVP9Adaptive test in gts am: 7c95319679Xin Wang
2016-06-22Change mLastTimeStamp in flush to fix testVP9Adaptive test in gtsXin Wang
2016-06-22Change mLastTimeStamp in flush to fix testVP9Adaptive test in gtsXin Wang
2016-06-22Change mLastTimeStamp in flush to fix testVP9Adaptive test in gtsnougat-devXin Wang
2016-06-22Change width and crop usage to match VideoDecoderAVC am: ef2fa3c2d1 am: ec1f6...Xin Wang
2016-06-22Change width and crop usage to match VideoDecoderAVC am: ef2fa3c2d1 am: 4014d...Xin Wang
2016-06-22Change width and crop usage to match VideoDecoderAVC am: ef2fa3c2d1Xin Wang
2016-06-22Change width and crop usage to match VideoDecoderAVC am: ef2fa3c2d1Xin Wang
2016-06-22Change width and crop usage to match VideoDecoderAVCXin Wang
2016-06-22Change width and crop usage to match VideoDecoderAVCXin Wang
2016-06-21Change width and crop usage to match VideoDecoderAVCXin Wang
2016-06-16Remove bad LDLIBS am: c73f5bb534 am: 5183b8a209 am: 6e3d52657eDan Willemsen
2016-06-16Remove bad LDLIBS am: c73f5bb534 am: 5183b8a209Dan Willemsen
2016-06-16Remove bad LDLIBS am: c73f5bb534Dan Willemsen
2016-06-16Remove bad LDLIBSDan Willemsen
2016-06-16Remove bad LDLIBSandroid-wear-n-preview-2android-wear-7.1.1_r1android-n-preview-5android-n-iot-preview-2nougat-mr1-wear-releasen-iot-preview-2Dan Willemsen
2016-06-09To fix the VP9 timestamp mismatching issue. am: e8e99de020 am: 72157dd11bXin Wang
2016-06-09To fix the VP9 timestamp mismatching issue. am: e8e99de020 am: b30f24d1b8Xin Wang
2016-06-09To fix the VP9 timestamp mismatching issue. am: e8e99de020Xin Wang
2016-06-09To fix the VP9 timestamp mismatching issue. am: e8e99de020Xin Wang
2016-06-09To fix the VP9 timestamp mismatching issue.Xin Wang
2016-06-09To fix the VP9 timestamp mismatching issue.Xin Wang
2016-06-09To fix the VP9 timestamp mismatching issue.Xin Wang
2016-06-02Fixed the CTS DecodeAccuracyTest LargerWidth/Height issue. am: 6b2c35f759 am:...Xin Wang
2016-06-02Insert an empty buffer when format change to avoid frame dropping am: 74ffefb...Lang Dai
2016-06-02Fixed the frameworks crashing issue when running testOtherVP9ImageReader. am:...Xin Wang
2016-06-02Make VP9 decoder render into gralloc buffer with HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_INTEL_YV12 ...Austin Hu
2016-06-02Keep return HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YV12 format, keep bufferHeight without 32 align....Austin Hu
2016-06-02Fixed the CTS DecodeAccuracyTest LargerWidth/Height issue. am: 6b2c35f759Xin Wang
2016-06-02Insert an empty buffer when format change to avoid frame dropping am: 74ffefbf1dLang Dai
2016-06-02Fixed the frameworks crashing issue when running testOtherVP9ImageReader. am:...Xin Wang
2016-06-02Make VP9 decoder render into gralloc buffer with HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_INTEL_YV12 ...Austin Hu
2016-06-02Keep return HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YV12 format, keep bufferHeight without 32 align....Austin Hu
2016-06-02Fixed the CTS DecodeAccuracyTest LargerWidth/Height issue. am: 6b2c35f759 am:...Xin Wang
2016-06-02Insert an empty buffer when format change to avoid frame dropping am: 74ffefb...Lang Dai
2016-06-02Fixed the frameworks crashing issue when running testOtherVP9ImageReader. am:...Xin Wang
2016-06-02Make VP9 decoder render into gralloc buffer with HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_INTEL_YV12 ...Austin Hu
2016-06-02Keep return HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YV12 format, keep bufferHeight without 32 align....Austin Hu
2016-06-02Fixed the CTS DecodeAccuracyTest LargerWidth/Height issue.Xin Wang
2016-06-02Insert an empty buffer when format change to avoid frame droppingLang Dai
2016-06-02Fixed the frameworks crashing issue when running testOtherVP9ImageReader.Xin Wang
2016-06-02Fixed the CTS DecodeAccuracyTest LargerWidth/Height issue. am: 6b2c35f759Xin Wang
2016-06-02Insert an empty buffer when format change to avoid frame dropping am: 74ffefbf1dLang Dai
2016-06-02Make VP9 decoder render into gralloc buffer with HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_INTEL_YV12 ...Austin Hu
2016-06-02Fixed the frameworks crashing issue when running testOtherVP9ImageReader. am:...Xin Wang
2016-06-02Make VP9 decoder render into gralloc buffer with HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_INTEL_YV12 ...Austin Hu
2016-06-02Keep return HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YV12 format, keep bufferHeight without 32 align....Austin Hu
2016-06-02Keep return HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YV12 format, keep bufferHeight without 32 align.Austin Hu