/* Copyright (c) 2011-2013, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation, nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #ifndef __LOC_ENG_AGPS_H__ #define __LOC_ENG_AGPS_H__ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // forward declaration class AgpsStateMachine; class Subscriber; // NIF resource events typedef enum { RSRC_SUBSCRIBE, RSRC_UNSUBSCRIBE, RSRC_GRANTED, RSRC_RELEASED, RSRC_DENIED, RSRC_STATUS_MAX } AgpsRsrcStatus; typedef enum { servicerTypeNoCbParam, servicerTypeAgps, servicerTypeExt }servicerType; //DS Callback struct typedef struct { LocEngAdapter *mAdapter; AGpsStatusValue action; }dsCbData; // information bundle for subscribers struct Notification { // goes to every subscriber static const int BROADCAST_ALL; // goes to every ACTIVE subscriber static const int BROADCAST_ACTIVE; // goes to every INACTIVE subscriber static const int BROADCAST_INACTIVE; // go to a specific subscriber const Subscriber* rcver; // broadcast const int groupID; // the new resource status event const AgpsRsrcStatus rsrcStatus; // should the subscriber be deleted after the notification const bool postNotifyDelete; // convenient constructor inline Notification(const int broadcast, const AgpsRsrcStatus status, const bool deleteAfterwards) : rcver(NULL), groupID(broadcast), rsrcStatus(status), postNotifyDelete(deleteAfterwards) {} // convenient constructor inline Notification(const Subscriber* subscriber, const AgpsRsrcStatus status, const bool deleteAfterwards) : rcver(subscriber), groupID(-1), rsrcStatus(status), postNotifyDelete(deleteAfterwards) {} // convenient constructor inline Notification(const int broadcast) : rcver(NULL), groupID(broadcast), rsrcStatus(RSRC_STATUS_MAX), postNotifyDelete(false) {} // convenient constructor inline Notification(const Subscriber* subscriber) : rcver(subscriber), groupID(-1), rsrcStatus(RSRC_STATUS_MAX), postNotifyDelete(false) {} }; class AgpsState { // allows AgpsStateMachine to access private data // no class members are public. We don't want // anyone but state machine to use state. friend class AgpsStateMachine; friend class DSStateMachine; // state transitions are done here. // Each state implements its own transitions (of course). inline virtual AgpsState* onRsrcEvent(AgpsRsrcStatus event, void* data) = 0; protected: // handle back to state machine const AgpsStateMachine* mStateMachine; // each state has pointers to all 3 states // one of which is to itself. AgpsState* mReleasedState; AgpsState* mAcquiredState; AgpsState* mPendingState; AgpsState* mReleasingState; inline AgpsState(const AgpsStateMachine *stateMachine) : mStateMachine(stateMachine), mReleasedState(NULL), mAcquiredState(NULL), mPendingState(NULL), mReleasingState(NULL) {} virtual ~AgpsState() {} public: // for logging purpose inline virtual char* whoami() = 0; }; class Servicer { void (*callback)(void); public: static Servicer* getServicer(servicerType type, void *cb_func); virtual int requestRsrc(void *cb_data); Servicer() {} Servicer(void *cb_func) { callback = (void(*)(void))(cb_func); } virtual ~Servicer(){} inline virtual char *whoami() {return (char*)"Servicer";} }; class ExtServicer : public Servicer { int (*callbackExt)(void *cb_data); public: int requestRsrc(void *cb_data); ExtServicer() {} ExtServicer(void *cb_func) { callbackExt = (int(*)(void *))(cb_func); } virtual ~ExtServicer(){} inline virtual char *whoami() {return (char*)"ExtServicer";} }; class AGpsServicer : public Servicer { void (*callbackAGps)(AGpsStatus* status); public: int requestRsrc(void *cb_data); AGpsServicer() {} AGpsServicer(void *cb_func) { callbackAGps = (void(*)(AGpsStatus *))(cb_func); } virtual ~AGpsServicer(){} inline virtual char *whoami() {return (char*)"AGpsServicer";} }; class AgpsStateMachine { protected: // a linked list of subscribers. void* mSubscribers; //handle to whoever provides the service Servicer *mServicer; // allows AgpsState to access private data // each state is really internal data to the // state machine, so it should be able to // access anything within the state machine. friend class AgpsState; // pointer to the current state. AgpsState* mStatePtr; private: // NIF type: AGNSS or INTERNET. const AGpsExtType mType; // apn to the NIF. Each state machine tracks // resource state of a particular NIF. For each // NIF, there is also an active APN. char* mAPN; // for convenience, we don't do strlen each time. unsigned int mAPNLen; // bear AGpsBearerType mBearer; // ipv4 address for routing bool mEnforceSingleSubscriber; public: AgpsStateMachine(servicerType servType, void *cb_func, AGpsExtType type, bool enforceSingleSubscriber); virtual ~AgpsStateMachine(); // self explanatory methods below void setAPN(const char* apn, unsigned int len); inline const char* getAPN() const { return (const char*)mAPN; } inline void setBearer(AGpsBearerType bearer) { mBearer = bearer; } inline AGpsBearerType getBearer() const { return mBearer; } inline AGpsExtType getType() const { return (AGpsExtType)mType; } // someone, a ATL client or BIT, is asking for NIF void subscribeRsrc(Subscriber *subscriber); // someone, a ATL client or BIT, is done with NIF bool unsubscribeRsrc(Subscriber *subscriber); // add a subscriber in the linked list, if not already there. void addSubscriber(Subscriber* subscriber) const; virtual void onRsrcEvent(AgpsRsrcStatus event); // put the data together and send the FW virtual int sendRsrcRequest(AGpsStatusValue action) const; //if list is empty, linked_list_empty returns 1 //else if list is not empty, returns 0 //so hasSubscribers() returns 1 if list is not empty //and returns 0 if list is empty inline bool hasSubscribers() const { return !linked_list_empty(mSubscribers); } bool hasActiveSubscribers() const; inline void dropAllSubscribers() const { linked_list_flush(mSubscribers); } // private. Only a state gets to call this. void notifySubscribers(Notification& notification) const; }; class DSStateMachine : public AgpsStateMachine { static const unsigned char MAX_START_DATA_CALL_RETRIES; static const unsigned int DATA_CALL_RETRY_DELAY_MSEC; LocEngAdapter* mLocAdapter; unsigned char mRetries; public: DSStateMachine(servicerType type, void *cb_func, LocEngAdapter* adapterHandle); int sendRsrcRequest(AGpsStatusValue action) const; void onRsrcEvent(AgpsRsrcStatus event); void retryCallback(); void informStatus(AgpsRsrcStatus status, int ID) const; inline void incRetries() {mRetries++;} inline virtual char *whoami() {return (char*)"DSStateMachine";} }; // each subscriber is a AGPS client. In the case of ATL, there could be // multiple clients from modem. In the case of BIT, there is only one // cilent from BIT daemon. struct Subscriber { const uint32_t ID; const AgpsStateMachine* mStateMachine; inline Subscriber(const int id, const AgpsStateMachine* stateMachine) : ID(id), mStateMachine(stateMachine) {} inline virtual ~Subscriber() {} virtual void setIPAddresses(uint32_t &v4, char* v6) = 0; virtual void setIPAddresses(struct sockaddr_storage& addr) = 0; inline virtual void setWifiInfo(char* ssid, char* password) { ssid[0] = 0; password[0] = 0; } inline virtual bool equals(const Subscriber *s) const { return ID == s->ID; } // notifies a subscriber a new NIF resource status, usually // either GRANTE, DENIED, or RELEASED virtual bool notifyRsrcStatus(Notification ¬ification) = 0; virtual bool waitForCloseComplete() { return false; } virtual void setInactive() {} virtual bool isInactive() { return false; } virtual Subscriber* clone() = 0; // checks if this notification is for me, i.e. // either has my id, or has a broadcast id. bool forMe(Notification ¬ification); }; // BITSubscriber, created with requests from BIT daemon struct BITSubscriber : public Subscriber { char mIPv6Addr[16]; inline BITSubscriber(const AgpsStateMachine* stateMachine, unsigned int ipv4, char* ipv6) : Subscriber(ipv4, stateMachine) { if (NULL == ipv6) { mIPv6Addr[0] = 0; } else { memcpy(mIPv6Addr, ipv6, sizeof(mIPv6Addr)); } } virtual bool notifyRsrcStatus(Notification ¬ification); inline virtual void setIPAddresses(uint32_t &v4, char* v6) { v4 = ID; memcpy(v6, mIPv6Addr, sizeof(mIPv6Addr)); } inline virtual void setIPAddresses(struct sockaddr_storage& addr) { addr.ss_family = AF_INET6;/*todo: convert mIPv6Addr into addr */ } virtual Subscriber* clone() { return new BITSubscriber(mStateMachine, ID, mIPv6Addr); } virtual bool equals(const Subscriber *s) const; inline virtual ~BITSubscriber(){} }; // ATLSubscriber, created with requests from ATL struct ATLSubscriber : public Subscriber { const LocEngAdapter* mLocAdapter; const bool mBackwardCompatibleMode; inline ATLSubscriber(const int id, const AgpsStateMachine* stateMachine, const LocEngAdapter* adapter, const bool compatibleMode) : Subscriber(id, stateMachine), mLocAdapter(adapter), mBackwardCompatibleMode(compatibleMode){} virtual bool notifyRsrcStatus(Notification ¬ification); inline virtual void setIPAddresses(uint32_t &v4, char* v6) { v4 = INADDR_NONE; v6[0] = 0; } inline virtual void setIPAddresses(struct sockaddr_storage& addr) { addr.ss_family = AF_INET6; } inline virtual Subscriber* clone() { return new ATLSubscriber(ID, mStateMachine, mLocAdapter, mBackwardCompatibleMode); } inline virtual ~ATLSubscriber(){} }; // WIFISubscriber, created with requests from MSAPM or QuIPC struct WIFISubscriber : public Subscriber { char * mSSID; char * mPassword; loc_if_req_sender_id_e_type senderId; bool mIsInactive; inline WIFISubscriber(const AgpsStateMachine* stateMachine, char * ssid, char * password, loc_if_req_sender_id_e_type sender_id) : Subscriber(sender_id, stateMachine), mSSID(NULL == ssid ? NULL : new char[SSID_BUF_SIZE]), mPassword(NULL == password ? NULL : new char[SSID_BUF_SIZE]), senderId(sender_id) { if (NULL != mSSID) strlcpy(mSSID, ssid, SSID_BUF_SIZE); if (NULL != mPassword) strlcpy(mPassword, password, SSID_BUF_SIZE); mIsInactive = false; } virtual bool notifyRsrcStatus(Notification ¬ification); inline virtual void setIPAddresses(uint32_t &v4, char* v6) {} inline virtual void setIPAddresses(struct sockaddr_storage& addr) { addr.ss_family = AF_INET6; } inline virtual void setWifiInfo(char* ssid, char* password) { if (NULL != mSSID) strlcpy(ssid, mSSID, SSID_BUF_SIZE); else ssid[0] = '\0'; if (NULL != mPassword) strlcpy(password, mPassword, SSID_BUF_SIZE); else password[0] = '\0'; } inline virtual bool waitForCloseComplete() { return true; } inline virtual void setInactive() { mIsInactive = true; } inline virtual bool isInactive() { return mIsInactive; } virtual Subscriber* clone() { return new WIFISubscriber(mStateMachine, mSSID, mPassword, senderId); } inline virtual ~WIFISubscriber(){} }; struct DSSubscriber : public Subscriber { bool mIsInactive; inline DSSubscriber(const AgpsStateMachine *stateMachine, const int id) : Subscriber(id, stateMachine) { mIsInactive = false; } inline virtual void setIPAddresses(uint32_t &v4, char* v6) {} inline virtual void setIPAddresses(struct sockaddr_storage& addr) { addr.ss_family = AF_INET6; } virtual Subscriber* clone() {return new DSSubscriber(mStateMachine, ID);} virtual bool notifyRsrcStatus(Notification ¬ification); inline virtual bool waitForCloseComplete() { return true; } virtual void setInactive(); inline virtual bool isInactive() { return mIsInactive; } inline virtual ~DSSubscriber(){} inline virtual char *whoami() {return (char*)"DSSubscriber";} }; #endif //__LOC_ENG_AGPS_H__