/* * Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted * provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its contributors may be used to * endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NON-INFRINGEMENT ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "resource_default.h" #define __CLASS__ "ResourceDefault" namespace sdm { DisplayError ResourceDefault::CreateResourceDefault(const HWResourceInfo &hw_resource_info, ResourceInterface **resource_intf) { DisplayError error = kErrorNone; ResourceDefault *resource_default = new ResourceDefault(hw_resource_info); if (!resource_default) { return kErrorNone; } error = resource_default->Init(); if (error != kErrorNone) { delete resource_default; } *resource_intf = resource_default; return kErrorNone; } DisplayError ResourceDefault::DestroyResourceDefault(ResourceInterface *resource_intf) { ResourceDefault *resource_default = static_cast(resource_intf); resource_default->Deinit(); delete resource_default; return kErrorNone; } ResourceDefault::ResourceDefault(const HWResourceInfo &hw_res_info) : hw_res_info_(hw_res_info) { } DisplayError ResourceDefault::Init() { DisplayError error = kErrorNone; num_pipe_ = hw_res_info_.num_vig_pipe + hw_res_info_.num_rgb_pipe + hw_res_info_.num_dma_pipe; if (!num_pipe_) { DLOGE("Number of H/W pipes is Zero!"); return kErrorParameters; } src_pipes_.resize(num_pipe_); // Priority order of pipes: VIG, RGB, DMA uint32_t vig_index = 0; uint32_t rgb_index = hw_res_info_.num_vig_pipe; uint32_t dma_index = rgb_index + hw_res_info_.num_rgb_pipe; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_pipe_; i++) { const HWPipeCaps &pipe_caps = hw_res_info_.hw_pipes.at(i); if (pipe_caps.type == kPipeTypeVIG) { src_pipes_[vig_index].type = kPipeTypeVIG; src_pipes_[vig_index].index = i; src_pipes_[vig_index].mdss_pipe_id = pipe_caps.id; vig_index++; } else if (pipe_caps.type == kPipeTypeRGB) { src_pipes_[rgb_index].type = kPipeTypeRGB; src_pipes_[rgb_index].index = i; src_pipes_[rgb_index].mdss_pipe_id = pipe_caps.id; rgb_index++; } else if (pipe_caps.type == kPipeTypeDMA) { src_pipes_[dma_index].type = kPipeTypeDMA; src_pipes_[dma_index].index = i; src_pipes_[dma_index].mdss_pipe_id = pipe_caps.id; dma_index++; } } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_pipe_; i++) { src_pipes_[i].priority = INT(i); } DLOGI("hw_rev=%x, DMA=%d RGB=%d VIG=%d", hw_res_info_.hw_revision, hw_res_info_.num_dma_pipe, hw_res_info_.num_rgb_pipe, hw_res_info_.num_vig_pipe); if (hw_res_info_.max_scale_down < 1 || hw_res_info_.max_scale_up < 1) { DLOGE("Max scaling setting is invalid! max_scale_down = %d, max_scale_up = %d", hw_res_info_.max_scale_down, hw_res_info_.max_scale_up); hw_res_info_.max_scale_down = 1; hw_res_info_.max_scale_up = 1; } // TODO(user): clean it up, query from driver for initial pipe status. #ifndef SDM_VIRTUAL_DRIVER rgb_index = hw_res_info_.num_vig_pipe; src_pipes_[rgb_index].owner = kPipeOwnerKernelMode; src_pipes_[rgb_index + 1].owner = kPipeOwnerKernelMode; #endif return error; } DisplayError ResourceDefault::Deinit() { return kErrorNone; } DisplayError ResourceDefault::RegisterDisplay(DisplayType type, const HWDisplayAttributes &display_attributes, const HWPanelInfo &hw_panel_info, const HWMixerAttributes &mixer_attributes, Handle *display_ctx) { DisplayError error = kErrorNone; HWBlockType hw_block_id = kHWBlockMax; switch (type) { case kPrimary: if (!hw_block_ctx_[kHWPrimary].is_in_use) { hw_block_id = kHWPrimary; } break; case kHDMI: if (!hw_block_ctx_[kHWHDMI].is_in_use) { hw_block_id = kHWHDMI; } break; default: DLOGW("RegisterDisplay, invalid type %d", type); return kErrorParameters; } if (hw_block_id == kHWBlockMax) { return kErrorResources; } DisplayResourceContext *display_resource_ctx = new DisplayResourceContext(); if (!display_resource_ctx) { return kErrorMemory; } hw_block_ctx_[hw_block_id].is_in_use = true; display_resource_ctx->display_attributes = display_attributes; display_resource_ctx->hw_block_id = hw_block_id; display_resource_ctx->mixer_attributes = mixer_attributes; *display_ctx = display_resource_ctx; return error; } DisplayError ResourceDefault::UnregisterDisplay(Handle display_ctx) { DisplayResourceContext *display_resource_ctx = reinterpret_cast(display_ctx); Purge(display_ctx); hw_block_ctx_[display_resource_ctx->hw_block_id].is_in_use = false; delete display_resource_ctx; return kErrorNone; } DisplayError ResourceDefault::ReconfigureDisplay(Handle display_ctx, const HWDisplayAttributes &display_attributes, const HWPanelInfo &hw_panel_info, const HWMixerAttributes &mixer_attributes) { SCOPE_LOCK(locker_); DisplayResourceContext *display_resource_ctx = reinterpret_cast(display_ctx); display_resource_ctx->display_attributes = display_attributes; display_resource_ctx->mixer_attributes = mixer_attributes; return kErrorNone; } DisplayError ResourceDefault::Start(Handle display_ctx) { locker_.Lock(); return kErrorNone; } DisplayError ResourceDefault::Stop(Handle display_ctx, HWLayers *hw_layers) { locker_.Unlock(); return kErrorNone; } DisplayError ResourceDefault::Prepare(Handle display_ctx, HWLayers *hw_layers) { DisplayResourceContext *display_resource_ctx = reinterpret_cast(display_ctx); DisplayError error = kErrorNone; const struct HWLayersInfo &layer_info = hw_layers->info; HWBlockType hw_block_id = display_resource_ctx->hw_block_id; DLOGV_IF(kTagResources, "==== Resource reserving start: hw_block = %d ====", hw_block_id); if (layer_info.hw_layers.size() > 1) { DLOGV_IF(kTagResources, "More than one FB layers"); return kErrorResources; } const Layer &layer = layer_info.hw_layers.at(0); if (layer.composition != kCompositionGPUTarget) { DLOGV_IF(kTagResources, "Not an FB layer"); return kErrorParameters; } error = Config(display_resource_ctx, hw_layers); if (error != kErrorNone) { DLOGV_IF(kTagResources, "Resource config failed"); return error; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_pipe_; i++) { if (src_pipes_[i].hw_block_id == hw_block_id && src_pipes_[i].owner == kPipeOwnerUserMode) { src_pipes_[i].ResetState(); } } uint32_t left_index = num_pipe_; uint32_t right_index = num_pipe_; bool need_scale = false; struct HWLayerConfig &layer_config = hw_layers->config[0]; HWPipeInfo *left_pipe = &layer_config.left_pipe; HWPipeInfo *right_pipe = &layer_config.right_pipe; // left pipe is needed if (left_pipe->valid) { need_scale = IsScalingNeeded(left_pipe); left_index = GetPipe(hw_block_id, need_scale); if (left_index >= num_pipe_) { DLOGV_IF(kTagResources, "Get left pipe failed: hw_block_id = %d, need_scale = %d", hw_block_id, need_scale); ResourceStateLog(); goto CleanupOnError; } } error = SetDecimationFactor(left_pipe); if (error != kErrorNone) { goto CleanupOnError; } if (!right_pipe->valid) { // assign single pipe if (left_index < num_pipe_) { left_pipe->pipe_id = src_pipes_[left_index].mdss_pipe_id; } DLOGV_IF(kTagResources, "1 pipe acquired for FB layer, left_pipe = %x", left_pipe->pipe_id); return kErrorNone; } need_scale = IsScalingNeeded(right_pipe); right_index = GetPipe(hw_block_id, need_scale); if (right_index >= num_pipe_) { DLOGV_IF(kTagResources, "Get right pipe failed: hw_block_id = %d, need_scale = %d", hw_block_id, need_scale); ResourceStateLog(); goto CleanupOnError; } if (src_pipes_[right_index].priority < src_pipes_[left_index].priority) { // Swap pipe based on priority std::swap(left_index, right_index); } // assign dual pipes left_pipe->pipe_id = src_pipes_[left_index].mdss_pipe_id; right_pipe->pipe_id = src_pipes_[right_index].mdss_pipe_id; error = SetDecimationFactor(right_pipe); if (error != kErrorNone) { goto CleanupOnError; } DLOGV_IF(kTagResources, "2 pipes acquired for FB layer, left_pipe = %x, right_pipe = %x", left_pipe->pipe_id, right_pipe->pipe_id); return kErrorNone; CleanupOnError: DLOGV_IF(kTagResources, "Resource reserving failed! hw_block = %d", hw_block_id); return kErrorResources; } DisplayError ResourceDefault::PostPrepare(Handle display_ctx, HWLayers *hw_layers) { SCOPE_LOCK(locker_); return kErrorNone; } DisplayError ResourceDefault::Commit(Handle display_ctx, HWLayers *hw_layers) { SCOPE_LOCK(locker_); return kErrorNone; } DisplayError ResourceDefault::PostCommit(Handle display_ctx, HWLayers *hw_layers) { SCOPE_LOCK(locker_); DisplayResourceContext *display_resource_ctx = reinterpret_cast(display_ctx); HWBlockType hw_block_id = display_resource_ctx->hw_block_id; uint64_t frame_count = display_resource_ctx->frame_count; DLOGV_IF(kTagResources, "Resource for hw_block = %d, frame_count = %d", hw_block_id, frame_count); // handoff pipes which are used by splash screen if ((frame_count == 0) && (hw_block_id == kHWPrimary)) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_pipe_; i++) { if (src_pipes_[i].hw_block_id == hw_block_id && src_pipes_[i].owner == kPipeOwnerKernelMode) { src_pipes_[i].owner = kPipeOwnerUserMode; } } } if (hw_layers->info.sync_handle >= 0) Sys::close_(hw_layers->info.sync_handle); display_resource_ctx->frame_count++; return kErrorNone; } void ResourceDefault::Purge(Handle display_ctx) { SCOPE_LOCK(locker_); DisplayResourceContext *display_resource_ctx = reinterpret_cast(display_ctx); HWBlockType hw_block_id = display_resource_ctx->hw_block_id; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_pipe_; i++) { if (src_pipes_[i].hw_block_id == hw_block_id && src_pipes_[i].owner == kPipeOwnerUserMode) { src_pipes_[i].ResetState(); } } DLOGV_IF(kTagResources, "display id = %d", display_resource_ctx->hw_block_id); } DisplayError ResourceDefault::SetMaxMixerStages(Handle display_ctx, uint32_t max_mixer_stages) { SCOPE_LOCK(locker_); return kErrorNone; } uint32_t ResourceDefault::SearchPipe(HWBlockType hw_block_id, SourcePipe *src_pipes, uint32_t num_pipe) { uint32_t index = num_pipe_; SourcePipe *src_pipe; // search the pipe being used for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_pipe; i++) { src_pipe = &src_pipes[i]; if (src_pipe->owner == kPipeOwnerUserMode && src_pipe->hw_block_id == kHWBlockMax) { index = src_pipe->index; src_pipe->hw_block_id = hw_block_id; break; } } return index; } uint32_t ResourceDefault::NextPipe(PipeType type, HWBlockType hw_block_id) { uint32_t num_pipe = 0; SourcePipe *src_pipes = NULL; switch (type) { case kPipeTypeVIG: src_pipes = &src_pipes_[0]; num_pipe = hw_res_info_.num_vig_pipe; break; case kPipeTypeRGB: src_pipes = &src_pipes_[hw_res_info_.num_vig_pipe]; num_pipe = hw_res_info_.num_rgb_pipe; break; case kPipeTypeDMA: default: src_pipes = &src_pipes_[hw_res_info_.num_vig_pipe + hw_res_info_.num_rgb_pipe]; num_pipe = hw_res_info_.num_dma_pipe; break; } return SearchPipe(hw_block_id, src_pipes, num_pipe); } uint32_t ResourceDefault::GetPipe(HWBlockType hw_block_id, bool need_scale) { uint32_t index = num_pipe_; // The default behavior is to assume RGB and VG pipes have scalars if (!need_scale) { index = NextPipe(kPipeTypeDMA, hw_block_id); } if ((index >= num_pipe_) && (!need_scale || !hw_res_info_.has_non_scalar_rgb)) { index = NextPipe(kPipeTypeRGB, hw_block_id); } if (index >= num_pipe_) { index = NextPipe(kPipeTypeVIG, hw_block_id); } return index; } bool ResourceDefault::IsScalingNeeded(const HWPipeInfo *pipe_info) { const LayerRect &src_roi = pipe_info->src_roi; const LayerRect &dst_roi = pipe_info->dst_roi; return ((dst_roi.right - dst_roi.left) != (src_roi.right - src_roi.left)) || ((dst_roi.bottom - dst_roi.top) != (src_roi.bottom - src_roi.top)); } void ResourceDefault::ResourceStateLog() { DLOGV_IF(kTagResources, "==== resource manager pipe state ===="); uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < num_pipe_; i++) { SourcePipe *src_pipe = &src_pipes_[i]; DLOGV_IF(kTagResources, "index = %d, id = %x, hw_block = %d, owner = %s", src_pipe->index, src_pipe->mdss_pipe_id, src_pipe->hw_block_id, (src_pipe->owner == kPipeOwnerUserMode) ? "user mode" : "kernel mode"); } } DisplayError ResourceDefault::SrcSplitConfig(DisplayResourceContext *display_resource_ctx, const LayerRect &src_rect, const LayerRect &dst_rect, HWLayerConfig *layer_config) { HWPipeInfo *left_pipe = &layer_config->left_pipe; HWPipeInfo *right_pipe = &layer_config->right_pipe; float src_width = src_rect.right - src_rect.left; float dst_width = dst_rect.right - dst_rect.left; // Layer cannot qualify for SrcSplit if source or destination width exceeds max pipe width. if ((src_width > hw_res_info_.max_pipe_width) || (dst_width > hw_res_info_.max_pipe_width)) { SplitRect(src_rect, dst_rect, &left_pipe->src_roi, &left_pipe->dst_roi, &right_pipe->src_roi, &right_pipe->dst_roi); left_pipe->valid = true; right_pipe->valid = true; } else { left_pipe->src_roi = src_rect; left_pipe->dst_roi = dst_rect; left_pipe->valid = true; *right_pipe = {}; } return kErrorNone; } DisplayError ResourceDefault::DisplaySplitConfig(DisplayResourceContext *display_resource_ctx, const LayerRect &src_rect, const LayerRect &dst_rect, HWLayerConfig *layer_config) { HWMixerAttributes &mixer_attributes = display_resource_ctx->mixer_attributes; // for display split case HWPipeInfo *left_pipe = &layer_config->left_pipe; HWPipeInfo *right_pipe = &layer_config->right_pipe; LayerRect scissor_left, scissor_right, dst_left, crop_left, crop_right, dst_right; scissor_left.right = FLOAT(mixer_attributes.split_left); scissor_left.bottom = FLOAT(mixer_attributes.height); scissor_right.left = FLOAT(mixer_attributes.split_left); scissor_right.top = 0.0f; scissor_right.right = FLOAT(mixer_attributes.width); scissor_right.bottom = FLOAT(mixer_attributes.height); crop_left = src_rect; dst_left = dst_rect; crop_right = crop_left; dst_right = dst_left; bool crop_left_valid = CalculateCropRects(scissor_left, &crop_left, &dst_left); bool crop_right_valid = false; if (IsValid(scissor_right)) { crop_right_valid = CalculateCropRects(scissor_right, &crop_right, &dst_right); } // Reset left_pipe and right_pipe to invalid by default *left_pipe = {}; *right_pipe = {}; if (crop_left_valid) { // assign left pipe left_pipe->src_roi = crop_left; left_pipe->dst_roi = dst_left; left_pipe->valid = true; } // assign right pipe if needed if (crop_right_valid) { right_pipe->src_roi = crop_right; right_pipe->dst_roi = dst_right; right_pipe->valid = true; } return kErrorNone; } DisplayError ResourceDefault::Config(DisplayResourceContext *display_resource_ctx, HWLayers *hw_layers) { HWLayersInfo &layer_info = hw_layers->info; DisplayError error = kErrorNone; const Layer &layer = layer_info.hw_layers.at(0); error = ValidateLayerParams(&layer); if (error != kErrorNone) { return error; } struct HWLayerConfig *layer_config = &hw_layers->config[0]; HWPipeInfo &left_pipe = layer_config->left_pipe; HWPipeInfo &right_pipe = layer_config->right_pipe; LayerRect src_rect = layer.src_rect; LayerRect dst_rect = layer.dst_rect; error = ValidateDimensions(src_rect, dst_rect); if (error != kErrorNone) { return error; } BufferLayout layout = GetBufferLayout(layer.input_buffer.format); error = ValidateScaling(src_rect, dst_rect, false /*rotated90 */, layout, false /* use_rotator_downscale */); if (error != kErrorNone) { return error; } if (hw_res_info_.is_src_split) { error = SrcSplitConfig(display_resource_ctx, src_rect, dst_rect, layer_config); } else { error = DisplaySplitConfig(display_resource_ctx, src_rect, dst_rect, layer_config); } if (error != kErrorNone) { return error; } error = AlignPipeConfig(&layer, &left_pipe, &right_pipe); if (error != kErrorNone) { return error; } // set z_order, left_pipe should always be valid left_pipe.z_order = 0; DLOGV_IF(kTagResources, "==== FB layer Config ===="); Log(kTagResources, "input layer src_rect", layer.src_rect); Log(kTagResources, "input layer dst_rect", layer.dst_rect); Log(kTagResources, "cropped src_rect", src_rect); Log(kTagResources, "cropped dst_rect", dst_rect); Log(kTagResources, "left pipe src", layer_config->left_pipe.src_roi); Log(kTagResources, "left pipe dst", layer_config->left_pipe.dst_roi); if (right_pipe.valid) { right_pipe.z_order = 0; Log(kTagResources, "right pipe src", layer_config->right_pipe.src_roi); Log(kTagResources, "right pipe dst", layer_config->right_pipe.dst_roi); } return error; } bool ResourceDefault::CalculateCropRects(const LayerRect &scissor, LayerRect *crop, LayerRect *dst) { float &crop_left = crop->left; float &crop_top = crop->top; float &crop_right = crop->right; float &crop_bottom = crop->bottom; float crop_width = crop->right - crop->left; float crop_height = crop->bottom - crop->top; float &dst_left = dst->left; float &dst_top = dst->top; float &dst_right = dst->right; float &dst_bottom = dst->bottom; float dst_width = dst->right - dst->left; float dst_height = dst->bottom - dst->top; const float &sci_left = scissor.left; const float &sci_top = scissor.top; const float &sci_right = scissor.right; const float &sci_bottom = scissor.bottom; float left_cut_ratio = 0.0, right_cut_ratio = 0.0, top_cut_ratio = 0.0, bottom_cut_ratio = 0.0; bool need_cut = false; if (dst_left < sci_left) { left_cut_ratio = (sci_left - dst_left) / dst_width; dst_left = sci_left; need_cut = true; } if (dst_right > sci_right) { right_cut_ratio = (dst_right - sci_right) / dst_width; dst_right = sci_right; need_cut = true; } if (dst_top < sci_top) { top_cut_ratio = (sci_top - dst_top) / (dst_height); dst_top = sci_top; need_cut = true; } if (dst_bottom > sci_bottom) { bottom_cut_ratio = (dst_bottom - sci_bottom) / (dst_height); dst_bottom = sci_bottom; need_cut = true; } if (!need_cut) return true; crop_left += crop_width * left_cut_ratio; crop_top += crop_height * top_cut_ratio; crop_right -= crop_width * right_cut_ratio; crop_bottom -= crop_height * bottom_cut_ratio; Normalize(1, 1, crop); Normalize(1, 1, dst); if (IsValid(*crop) && IsValid(*dst)) return true; else return false; } DisplayError ResourceDefault::ValidateLayerParams(const Layer *layer) { const LayerRect &src = layer->src_rect; const LayerRect &dst = layer->dst_rect; const LayerBuffer &input_buffer = layer->input_buffer; if (input_buffer.format == kFormatInvalid) { DLOGV_IF(kTagResources, "Invalid input buffer format %d", input_buffer.format); return kErrorNotSupported; } if (!IsValid(src) || !IsValid(dst)) { Log(kTagResources, "input layer src_rect", src); Log(kTagResources, "input layer dst_rect", dst); return kErrorNotSupported; } // Make sure source in integral only if it is a non secure layer. if (!input_buffer.flags.secure && ((src.left - roundf(src.left) != 0.0f) || (src.top - roundf(src.top) != 0.0f) || (src.right - roundf(src.right) != 0.0f) || (src.bottom - roundf(src.bottom) != 0.0f))) { DLOGV_IF(kTagResources, "Input ROI is not integral"); return kErrorNotSupported; } return kErrorNone; } DisplayError ResourceDefault::ValidateDimensions(const LayerRect &crop, const LayerRect &dst) { if (!IsValid(crop)) { Log(kTagResources, "Invalid crop rect", crop); return kErrorNotSupported; } if (!IsValid(dst)) { Log(kTagResources, "Invalid dst rect", dst); return kErrorNotSupported; } float crop_width = crop.right - crop.left; float crop_height = crop.bottom - crop.top; float dst_width = dst.right - dst.left; float dst_height = dst.bottom - dst.top; if ((UINT32(crop_width - dst_width) == 1) || (UINT32(crop_height - dst_height) == 1)) { DLOGV_IF(kTagResources, "One pixel downscaling detected crop_w = %.0f, dst_w = %.0f, " \ "crop_h = %.0f, dst_h = %.0f", crop_width, dst_width, crop_height, dst_height); return kErrorNotSupported; } return kErrorNone; } DisplayError ResourceDefault::ValidatePipeParams(HWPipeInfo *pipe_info, LayerBufferFormat format) { DisplayError error = kErrorNone; const LayerRect &src_rect = pipe_info->src_roi; const LayerRect &dst_rect = pipe_info->dst_roi; error = ValidateDimensions(src_rect, dst_rect); if (error != kErrorNone) { return error; } BufferLayout layout = GetBufferLayout(format); error = ValidateScaling(src_rect, dst_rect, false /* rotated90 */, layout, false /* use_rotator_downscale */); if (error != kErrorNone) { return error; } return kErrorNone; } DisplayError ResourceDefault::ValidateScaling(const LayerRect &crop, const LayerRect &dst, bool rotate90, BufferLayout layout, bool use_rotator_downscale) { DisplayError error = kErrorNone; float scale_x = 1.0f; float scale_y = 1.0f; error = GetScaleFactor(crop, dst, &scale_x, &scale_y); if (error != kErrorNone) { return error; } error = ValidateDownScaling(scale_x, scale_y, (layout != kLinear)); if (error != kErrorNone) { return error; } error = ValidateUpScaling(scale_x, scale_y); if (error != kErrorNone) { return error; } return kErrorNone; } DisplayError ResourceDefault::ValidateDownScaling(float scale_x, float scale_y, bool ubwc_tiled) { if ((UINT32(scale_x) > 1) || (UINT32(scale_y) > 1)) { float max_scale_down = FLOAT(hw_res_info_.max_scale_down); // MDP H/W cannot apply decimation on UBWC tiled framebuffer if (!ubwc_tiled && hw_res_info_.has_decimation) { max_scale_down *= FLOAT(kMaxDecimationDownScaleRatio); } if (scale_x > max_scale_down || scale_y > max_scale_down) { DLOGV_IF(kTagResources, "Scaling down is over the limit: scale_x = %.0f, scale_y = %.0f, " \ "has_deci = %d", scale_x, scale_y, hw_res_info_.has_decimation); return kErrorNotSupported; } } DLOGV_IF(kTagResources, "scale_x = %.4f, scale_y = %.4f", scale_x, scale_y); return kErrorNone; } DisplayError ResourceDefault::ValidateUpScaling(float scale_x, float scale_y) { float max_scale_up = FLOAT(hw_res_info_.max_scale_up); if (UINT32(scale_x) < 1 && scale_x > 0.0f) { if ((1.0f / scale_x) > max_scale_up) { DLOGV_IF(kTagResources, "Scaling up is over limit scale_x = %f", 1.0f / scale_x); return kErrorNotSupported; } } if (UINT32(scale_y) < 1 && scale_y > 0.0f) { if ((1.0f / scale_y) > max_scale_up) { DLOGV_IF(kTagResources, "Scaling up is over limit scale_y = %f", 1.0f / scale_y); return kErrorNotSupported; } } DLOGV_IF(kTagResources, "scale_x = %.4f, scale_y = %.4f", scale_x, scale_y); return kErrorNone; } DisplayError ResourceDefault::GetScaleFactor(const LayerRect &crop, const LayerRect &dst, float *scale_x, float *scale_y) { float crop_width = crop.right - crop.left; float crop_height = crop.bottom - crop.top; float dst_width = dst.right - dst.left; float dst_height = dst.bottom - dst.top; *scale_x = crop_width / dst_width; *scale_y = crop_height / dst_height; return kErrorNone; } DisplayError ResourceDefault::SetDecimationFactor(HWPipeInfo *pipe) { float src_h = pipe->src_roi.bottom - pipe->src_roi.top; float dst_h = pipe->dst_roi.bottom - pipe->dst_roi.top; float down_scale_h = src_h / dst_h; float src_w = pipe->src_roi.right - pipe->src_roi.left; float dst_w = pipe->dst_roi.right - pipe->dst_roi.left; float down_scale_w = src_w / dst_w; pipe->horizontal_decimation = 0; pipe->vertical_decimation = 0; if (CalculateDecimation(down_scale_w, &pipe->horizontal_decimation) != kErrorNone) { return kErrorNotSupported; } if (CalculateDecimation(down_scale_h, &pipe->vertical_decimation) != kErrorNone) { return kErrorNotSupported; } DLOGI_IF(kTagResources, "horizontal_decimation %d, vertical_decimation %d", pipe->horizontal_decimation, pipe->vertical_decimation); return kErrorNone; } void ResourceDefault::SplitRect(const LayerRect &src_rect, const LayerRect &dst_rect, LayerRect *src_left, LayerRect *dst_left, LayerRect *src_right, LayerRect *dst_right) { // Split rectangle horizontally and evenly into two. float src_width = src_rect.right - src_rect.left; float dst_width = dst_rect.right - dst_rect.left; float src_width_ori = src_width; src_width = ROUND_UP_ALIGN_DOWN(src_width / 2, 1); dst_width = ROUND_UP_ALIGN_DOWN(dst_width * src_width / src_width_ori, 1); src_left->left = src_rect.left; src_left->right = src_rect.left + src_width; src_right->left = src_left->right; src_right->right = src_rect.right; src_left->top = src_rect.top; src_left->bottom = src_rect.bottom; src_right->top = src_rect.top; src_right->bottom = src_rect.bottom; dst_left->top = dst_rect.top; dst_left->bottom = dst_rect.bottom; dst_right->top = dst_rect.top; dst_right->bottom = dst_rect.bottom; dst_left->left = dst_rect.left; dst_left->right = dst_rect.left + dst_width; dst_right->left = dst_left->right; dst_right->right = dst_rect.right; } DisplayError ResourceDefault::AlignPipeConfig(const Layer *layer, HWPipeInfo *left_pipe, HWPipeInfo *right_pipe) { DisplayError error = kErrorNone; if (!left_pipe->valid) { DLOGE_IF(kTagResources, "left_pipe should not be invalid"); return kErrorNotSupported; } error = ValidatePipeParams(left_pipe, layer->input_buffer.format); if (error != kErrorNone) { goto PipeConfigExit; } if (right_pipe->valid) { // Make sure the left and right ROI are conjunct right_pipe->src_roi.left = left_pipe->src_roi.right; right_pipe->dst_roi.left = left_pipe->dst_roi.right; error = ValidatePipeParams(right_pipe, layer->input_buffer.format); } PipeConfigExit: if (error != kErrorNone) { DLOGV_IF(kTagResources, "AlignPipeConfig failed"); } return error; } DisplayError ResourceDefault::CalculateDecimation(float downscale, uint8_t *decimation) { float max_down_scale = FLOAT(hw_res_info_.max_scale_down); if (downscale <= max_down_scale) { *decimation = 0; return kErrorNone; } else if (!hw_res_info_.has_decimation) { DLOGE("Downscaling exceeds the maximum MDP downscale limit but decimation not enabled"); return kErrorNotSupported; } // Decimation is the remaining downscale factor after doing max SDE downscale. // In SDE, decimation is supported in powers of 2. // For ex: If a pipe needs downscale of 8 but max_down_scale is 4 // So decimation = powf(2.0, ceilf(log2f(8 / 4))) = powf(2.0, 1.0) = 2 *decimation = UINT8(ceilf(log2f(downscale / max_down_scale))); return kErrorNone; } DisplayError ResourceDefault::ValidateAndSetCursorPosition(Handle display_ctx, HWLayers *hw_layers, int x, int y, DisplayConfigVariableInfo *fb_config) { return kErrorNotSupported; } DisplayError ResourceDefault::SetMaxBandwidthMode(HWBwModes mode) { return kErrorNotSupported; } DisplayError ResourceDefault::GetScaleLutConfig(HWScaleLutInfo *lut_info) { return kErrorNone; } DisplayError ResourceDefault::SetDetailEnhancerData(Handle display_ctx, const DisplayDetailEnhancerData &de_data) { return kErrorNotSupported; } } // namespace sdm