/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * Copyright (c) 2012-2013, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Not a Contribution, Apache license notifications and license are retained * for attribution purposes only. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef ANDROID_COPYBIT_INTERFACE_H #define ANDROID_COPYBIT_INTERFACE_H #include #include #include #include __BEGIN_DECLS /** * The id of this module */ #define COPYBIT_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID "copybit" /** * Name of the graphics device to open */ #define COPYBIT_HARDWARE_COPYBIT0 "copybit0" /* supported pixel-formats. these must be compatible with * graphics/PixelFormat.java, ui/PixelFormat.h, pixelflinger/format.h */ enum { COPYBIT_FORMAT_RGBA_8888 = HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888, COPYBIT_FORMAT_RGBX_8888 = HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBX_8888, COPYBIT_FORMAT_RGB_888 = HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_888, COPYBIT_FORMAT_RGB_565 = HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_565, COPYBIT_FORMAT_BGRA_8888 = HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRA_8888, COPYBIT_FORMAT_YCbCr_422_SP = 0x10, COPYBIT_FORMAT_YCrCb_420_SP = 0x11, }; /* name for copybit_set_parameter */ enum { /* Default blit destination is offline buffer */ /* clients to set this to '1', if blitting to framebuffer */ /* and reset to '0', after calling blit/stretch */ COPYBIT_BLIT_TO_FRAMEBUFFER = 0, /* rotation of the source image in degrees (0 to 359) */ COPYBIT_ROTATION_DEG = 1, /* plane alpha value */ COPYBIT_PLANE_ALPHA = 2, /* enable or disable dithering */ COPYBIT_DITHER = 3, /* transformation applied (this is a superset of COPYBIT_ROTATION_DEG) */ COPYBIT_TRANSFORM = 4, /* blurs the copied bitmap. The amount of blurring cannot be changed * at this time. */ COPYBIT_BLUR = 5, /* Blend mode */ COPYBIT_BLEND_MODE = 6, /* FB width */ COPYBIT_FRAMEBUFFER_WIDTH = 7, /* FB height */ COPYBIT_FRAMEBUFFER_HEIGHT = 8, COPYBIT_FG_LAYER = 9, }; /* values for copybit_set_parameter(COPYBIT_TRANSFORM) */ enum { /* flip source image horizontally */ COPYBIT_TRANSFORM_FLIP_H = HAL_TRANSFORM_FLIP_H, /* flip source image vertically */ COPYBIT_TRANSFORM_FLIP_V = HAL_TRANSFORM_FLIP_V, /* rotate source image 90 degres */ COPYBIT_TRANSFORM_ROT_90 = HAL_TRANSFORM_ROT_90, /* rotate source image 180 degres */ COPYBIT_TRANSFORM_ROT_180 = HAL_TRANSFORM_ROT_180, /* rotate source image 270 degres */ COPYBIT_TRANSFORM_ROT_270 = HAL_TRANSFORM_ROT_270, }; /* enable/disable value copybit_set_parameter */ enum { COPYBIT_DISABLE = 0, COPYBIT_ENABLE = 1 }; /* * copybit blending values. same as HWC blending values */ enum { /* no blending */ COPYBIT_BLENDING_NONE = 0x0100, /* ONE / ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA */ COPYBIT_BLENDING_PREMULT = 0x0105, /* SRC_ALPHA / ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA */ COPYBIT_BLENDING_COVERAGE = 0x0405 }; /* use get_static_info() to query static informations about the hardware */ enum { /* Maximum amount of minification supported by the hardware*/ COPYBIT_MINIFICATION_LIMIT = 1, /* Maximum amount of magnification supported by the hardware */ COPYBIT_MAGNIFICATION_LIMIT = 2, /* Number of fractional bits support by the scaling engine */ COPYBIT_SCALING_FRAC_BITS = 3, /* Supported rotation step in degres. */ COPYBIT_ROTATION_STEP_DEG = 4, }; /* Image structure */ struct copybit_image_t { /* width */ uint32_t w; /* height */ uint32_t h; /* format COPYBIT_FORMAT_xxx */ int32_t format; /* base of buffer with image */ void *base; /* handle to the image */ native_handle_t* handle; /* number of pixels added for the stride */ uint32_t horiz_padding; /* number of pixels added for the vertical stride */ uint32_t vert_padding; }; /* Rectangle */ struct copybit_rect_t { /* left */ int l; /* top */ int t; /* right */ int r; /* bottom */ int b; }; /* Region */ struct copybit_region_t { int (*next)(struct copybit_region_t const *region, struct copybit_rect_t *rect); }; /** * Every hardware module must have a data structure named HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM * and the fields of this data structure must begin with hw_module_t * followed by module specific information. */ struct copybit_module_t { struct hw_module_t common; }; /** * Every device data structure must begin with hw_device_t * followed by module specific public methods and attributes. */ struct copybit_device_t { struct hw_device_t common; /** * Set a copybit parameter. * * @param dev from open * @param name one for the COPYBIT_NAME_xxx * @param value one of the COPYBIT_VALUE_xxx * * @return 0 if successful */ int (*set_parameter)(struct copybit_device_t *dev, int name, int value); /** * Get a static copybit information. * * @param dev from open * @param name one of the COPYBIT_STATIC_xxx * * @return value or -EINVAL if error */ int (*get)(struct copybit_device_t *dev, int name); /** * Execute the bit blit copy operation * * @param dev from open * @param dst is the destination image * @param src is the source image * @param region the clip region * * @return 0 if successful */ int (*blit)(struct copybit_device_t *dev, struct copybit_image_t const *dst, struct copybit_image_t const *src, struct copybit_region_t const *region); /** * Give acquire fence to copybit to be used in upcoming stretch * call * * @param dev from open * @param acquireFenceFd is the acquire fence * * @return 0 if successful */ int (*set_sync)(struct copybit_device_t *dev, int acquireFenceFd); /** * Execute the stretch bit blit copy operation * * @param dev from open * @param dst is the destination image * @param src is the source image * @param dst_rect is the destination rectangle * @param src_rect is the source rectangle * @param region the clip region * * @return 0 if successful */ int (*stretch)(struct copybit_device_t *dev, struct copybit_image_t const *dst, struct copybit_image_t const *src, struct copybit_rect_t const *dst_rect, struct copybit_rect_t const *src_rect, struct copybit_region_t const *region); /** * Execute the completion of the copybit draw operation. * * @param dev from open * * @return 0 if successful */ int (*finish)(struct copybit_device_t *dev); /** * Trigger the copybit draw operation(async). * * @param dev from open * * @param fd - gets the fencefd * * @return 0 if successful */ int (*flush_get_fence)(struct copybit_device_t *dev, int* fd); /* Clears the buffer */ int (*clear)(struct copybit_device_t *dev, struct copybit_image_t const *buf, struct copybit_rect_t *rect); }; /** convenience API for opening and closing a device */ static inline int copybit_open(const struct hw_module_t* module, struct copybit_device_t** device) { return module->methods->open(module, COPYBIT_HARDWARE_COPYBIT0, (struct hw_device_t**)device); } static inline int copybit_close(struct copybit_device_t* device) { return device->common.close(&device->common); } __END_DECLS #endif // ANDROID_COPYBIT_INTERFACE_H