################################################################################ # Automatically-generated file. Do not edit! ################################################################################ -include ../makefile.init RM := rm -rf # All of the sources participating in the build are defined here -include sources.mk -include subdir.mk -include vendor/common/subdir.mk -include vendor/827x_ble_remote/subdir.mk -include vendor/827x_ble_remote/pke_common/subdir.mk -include drivers/8278/subdir.mk -include drivers/8278/flash/subdir.mk -include common/subdir.mk -include boot/8271/subdir.mk -include application/usbstd/subdir.mk -include application/print/subdir.mk -include application/keyboard/subdir.mk -include application/audio/subdir.mk -include application/app/subdir.mk -include objects.mk -include ../makefile.defs # Add inputs and outputs from these tool invocations to the build variables LST += \ 8271_ble_remote.lst \ FLASH_IMAGE += \ SIZEDUMMY += \ sizedummy \ # All Target all: GoogleRCU_8271_v2p06.elf secondary-outputs # Tool invocations GoogleRCU_8271_v2p06.elf: $(OBJS) $(USER_OBJS) @echo 'Building target: $@' @echo 'Invoking: TC32 C Linker' tc32-elf-ld --gc-sections -L"../proj_lib" -L"../application\audio" -T ../boot.link -o"GoogleRCU_8271_v2p06.elf" $(OBJS) $(USER_OBJS) $(LIBS) @echo 'Finished building target: $@' @echo ' ' $(MAKE) --no-print-directory post-build 8271_ble_remote.lst: GoogleRCU_8271_v2p06.elf @echo 'Invoking: TC32 Create Extended Listing' tc32-elf-objdump -x -D -l -S GoogleRCU_8271_v2p06.elf >"8271_ble_remote.lst" @echo 'Finished building: $@' @echo ' ' : GoogleRCU_8271_v2p06.elf @echo 'Create Flash image (binary format)' tc32-elf-objcopy -O binary GoogleRCU_8271_v2p06.elf @echo 'Finished building: $@' @echo ' ' sizedummy: GoogleRCU_8271_v2p06.elf @echo 'Invoking: Print Size' tc32-elf-size -t GoogleRCU_8271_v2p06.elf @echo 'Finished building: $@' @echo ' ' # Other Targets clean: -$(RM) $(FLASH_IMAGE)$(ELFS)$(OBJS)$(LST)$(SIZEDUMMY) GoogleRCU_8271_v2p06.elf -@echo ' ' post-build: -"../tl_check_fw.sh" 8271_ble_remote GoogleRCU_8271_v2p06 -@echo ' ' secondary-outputs: $(LST) $(FLASH_IMAGE) $(SIZEDUMMY) .PHONY: all clean dependents .SECONDARY: post-build -include ../makefile.targets