path: root/security/tf_sdk/include/OEMCrypto.h
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1 files changed, 388 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/security/tf_sdk/include/OEMCrypto.h b/security/tf_sdk/include/OEMCrypto.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..daefdc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/tf_sdk/include/OEMCrypto.h
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+ *
+ * Reference APIs needed to support Widevine's crypto algorithms.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+typedef unsigned char OEMCrypto_UINT8;
+typedef char OEMCrypto_INT8;
+typedef unsigned int OEMCrypto_UINT32;
+typedef unsigned int OEMCrypto_SECURE_BUFFER;
+typedef enum OEMCryptoResult {
+ OEMCrypto_SUCCESS = 0,
+} OEMCryptoResult;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#define OEMCrypto_Initialize _oec01
+#define OEMCrypto_Terminate _oec02
+#define OEMCrypto_SetEntitlementKey _oec03
+#define OEMCrypto_DeriveControlWord _oec04
+#define OEMCrypto_DecryptVideo _oec05
+#define OEMCrypto_DecryptAudio _oec06
+#define OEMCrypto_InstallKeybox _oec07
+#define OEMCrypto_GetKeyData _oec08
+#define OEMCrypto_IsKeyboxValid _oec09
+#define OEMCrypto_GetRandom _oec10
+#define OEMCrypto_GetDeviceID _oec11
+#define OEMCrypto_EnterSecurePlayback _oec12
+#define OEMCrypto_ExitSecurePlayback _oec13
+#define OEMCrypto_WrapKeybox _oec14
+ * OEMCrypto_Initialize
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Initializes the crypto hardware
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * N/A
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * OEMCrypto_SUCCESS success
+ * OEMCrypto_ERROR_INIT_FAILED failed to initialize crypto hardware
+ */
+OEMCryptoResult OEMCrypto_Initialize(void);
+ * OEMCrypto_Terminate
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * The API closes the crypto operation and releases all resources used.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * N/A
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * OEMCrypto_SUCCESS success
+ * OEMCrypto_ERROR_TERMINATE_FAILED failed to de-initialize crypto hardware
+ */
+OEMCryptoResult OEMCrypto_Terminate(void);
+ * OEMCrypto_EnterSecurePlayback
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Configures the security processor for secure decryption. This may involve
+ * setting up firewall regions. It is called when the decrypt session for an
+ * asset is established.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * N/A
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * OEMCrypto_SUCCESS success
+ */
+OEMCryptoResult OEMCrypto_EnterSecurePlayback(void);
+ * OEMCrypto_ExitSecurePlayback
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Exit the secure playback mode. This may involve releasing the firewall regions. It is
+ * called when the decrypt session for an asset is closed.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * N/A
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * OEMCrypto_SUCCESS success
+ */
+OEMCryptoResult OEMCrypto_ExitSecurePlayback(void);
+ * OEMCrypto_SetEntitlementKey
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Decrypt the entitlement (EMM) key, also known as the asset key,
+ * using the encrypted device key (Device Key field) in the Widevine Keybox.
+ *
+ * As shown in Figure 1 on the next page, Step 1 uses an OEM root key to decrypt
+ * (AES-128-ECB) the Device Key in the Keybox; the result is “latched” in hardware
+ * key ladder.
+ *
+ * Step 2 uses the “latched” clear device key to decrypt (AES-128-ECB) the
+ * entitlement key passed in as the *emmKey parameter and “latched” the clear
+ * entitlement key in hardware for the next operation.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * emmKey (in) - pointer to the encrypted entitlement key
+ * emmKeyLength (in) – length of entitlement key in bytes
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * OEMCrypto_SUCCESS success
+ * OEMCrypto_ERROR_NO_DEVICE_KEY failed to decrypt device key
+ * OEMCrypto_ERROR_NO_ASSET_KEY failed to decrypt asset key
+ * OEMCrypto_ERROR_KEYBOX_INVALID cannot decrypt and read from Keybox
+ */
+OEMCryptoResult OEMCrypto_SetEntitlementKey(const OEMCrypto_UINT8* emmKey,
+ const OEMCrypto_UINT32 emmKeyLength);
+ * OEMCrypto_DeriveControlWord
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Using the active key ladder key from OEMCrypto_SetEntitlementKey(), decrypts
+ * (AES-128-CBC, iv=0) the 32-byte ECM referenced by the *ecm parameter; returns in
+ * *flags the first clear 4 bytes data. “Latched” the clear bytes [4..20] as the
+ * clear control word for subsequent payload decryption operation.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * ecm (in) - points to encrypted ECM data
+ * length (in) – length of encrypted ECM data in bytes
+ * flags (out) - points to buffer to receive 4 byte clear flag value
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * OEMCrypto_SUCCESS success
+ * OEMCrypto_ERROR_NO_CW cannot decrypt control word
+OEMCryptoResult OEMCrypto_DeriveControlWord(const OEMCrypto_UINT8* ecm,
+ const OEMCrypto_UINT32 length,
+ OEMCrypto_UINT32* flags);
+ * OEMCrypto_DecryptVideo
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *
+ * The API decrypts (AES-128-CBC) the video payload in the buffer referenced by
+ * the *input parameter into the secure buffer referenced by the output
+ * parameter, using the control word “latched” in the active hardware key
+ * ladder. If inputLength is not a multiple of the crypto block size (16 bytes),
+ * the API handles the residual bytes using CipherText Stealing (CTS).
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * iv (in/out) - If iv is NULL, then no decryption is required, i.e. the packets are
+ * already clear. Otherwise, iv references the AES initialization
+ * vector. Note that the updated IV after processing the final crypto
+ * block must be passed back out in *iv.
+ * input (in) - buffer containing the encrypted data
+ * inputLength (in) - number of bytes in the input payload, which may not be a multiple of 16 bytes
+ * output (in) – reference to the secure buffer which will receive the decrypted data
+ * outputLength (out) - number of bytes written into the secure buffer
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * OEMCrypto_SUCCESS success
+ * OEMCrypto_ERROR_DECRYPT_FAILED failed decryption
+OEMCrypto_DecryptVideo(const OEMCrypto_UINT8* iv,
+ const OEMCrypto_UINT8* input, const OEMCrypto_UINT32 inputLength,
+ OEMCrypto_UINT32 output_handle, OEMCrypto_UINT32 output_offset, OEMCrypto_UINT32 *outputLength);
+ * OEMCrypto_DecryptAudio
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * The API decrypts (AES-128-CBC) the audio payload in the buffer referenced by
+ * the *input parameter into the non-secure buffer referenced by the output
+ * parameter, using the control word “latched” in the active hardware key
+ * ladder. If inputLength is not a multiple of the crypto block size (16 bytes),
+ * the API handles the residual bytes using CipherText Stealing (CTS).
+ *
+ * OEMCrypto_DecryptAudio must make sure that it cannot be used to decrypt a video
+ * stream into non-firewalled buffers, by verifying that no video packets are
+ * processed.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * iv (in/out) - If iv is NULL, then no decryption is required, i.e. the packets are
+ * already clear. Otherwise, iv references the AES initialization
+ * vector. Note that the updated IV after processing the final crypto
+ * block must be passed back out in *iv.
+ * input (in) - buffer containing the encrypted data
+ * inputLength (in) - number of bytes in the input payload, which may not be a multiple of 16 bytes
+ * output (in) – reference to the non-secure buffer which will receive the decrypted data
+ * outputLength (out) - number of bytes written into the non-secure buffer
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * OEMCrypto_SUCCESS success
+ * OEMCrypto_ERROR_DECRYPT_FAILED failed decryption
+OEMCrypto_DecryptAudio(const OEMCrypto_UINT8* iv,
+ const OEMCrypto_UINT8* input, const OEMCrypto_UINT32 inputLength,
+ OEMCrypto_UINT8 *output, OEMCrypto_UINT32 *outputLength);
+ * OEMCrypto_InstallKeybox
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Unwrap and store the keybox to persistent memory. The device key must be stored
+ * securely. The device key will be decrypted and
+ * “latched” into hardware key ladder by OEMCrypto_SetEntitlementKey.
+ *
+ * This function is used once to load the keybox onto the device at provisioning time.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * keybox (in) - Pointer to clear keybox data. Must have been wrapped with OEMCrypto_WrapKeybox
+ * keyboxLength (in) - Length of the keybox data in bytes
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * OEMCrypto_SUCCESS success
+ * OEMCrypto_ERROR_WRITE_KEYBOX failed to handle and store Keybox
+ */
+OEMCryptoResult OEMCrypto_InstallKeybox(OEMCrypto_UINT8 *keybox,
+ OEMCrypto_UINT32 keyBoxLength);
+ * OEMCrypto_IsKeyboxValid
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Validate the Widevine Keybox stored on the device.
+ *
+ * The API performs two verification steps on the Keybox. It first verifies the MAGIC
+ * field contains a valid signature (i.e. ‘k’’b’’o’’x’). The API then computes the
+ * CRC using CRC-32-IEEE 802.3 standard and compares the checksum to the CRC stored
+ * in the Keybox. The CRC is computed over the entire Keybox excluding the 4 bytes
+ * CRC (i.e. Keybox[0..123].
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ */
+OEMCryptoResult OEMCrypto_IsKeyboxValid(void);
+ * OEMCrypto_GetDeviceID
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Retrieve the device's unique identifier from the Keybox.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * deviceId (out) - pointer to the buffer that receives the Device ID
+ * idLength (in/out) - on input, size of the caller's device ID buffer.
+ * On output, the number of bytes written into the buffer.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * OEMCrypto_SUCCESS success
+ * OEMCrypto_ERROR_SHORT_BUFFER if the buffer is too small to return the device ID
+ * OEMCrypto_ERROR_NO_DEVICEID failed to return Device Id
+ */
+OEMCryptoResult OEMCrypto_GetDeviceID(OEMCrypto_UINT8* deviceID,
+ OEMCrypto_UINT32 *idLength);
+ * OEMCrypto_GetKeyData
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Returns the Key Data field from the Keybox. The Key Data field does not need to be
+ * encrypted by an OEM root key, but may be if desired.
+ *
+ * If the Key Data field was encrypted with an OEM root key when the Keybox was stored
+ * on the device, then this function should decrypt it and return the clear Key Data.
+ * If the Key Data was not encrypted, then this function should just access and return
+ * the clear Key data.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * keyData (out) - pointer to the buffer to hold the Key Data field from the Keybox
+ * dataLength (in/out) - on input, the allocated buffer size. On output, the number
+ * of bytes in KeyData.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * OEMCrypto_SUCCESS success
+ * OEMCrypto_ERROR_SHORT_BUFFER if the buffer is too small to return the KeyData
+ * OEMCrypto_ERROR_NO_KEYDATA failed to return KeyData
+ */
+OEMCryptoResult OEMCrypto_GetKeyData(OEMCrypto_UINT8* keyData,
+ OEMCrypto_UINT32 *keyDataLength);
+ * OEMCrypto_GetRandom
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Returns a buffer filled with hardware-generated random bytes, if supported by the hardware.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * randomData (out) - Points to the buffer that should recieve the random data.
+ * dataLength (in) - Length of the random data buffer in bytes.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * OEMCrypto_SUCCESS success
+ * OEMCrypto_ERROR_RNG_FAILED failed to generate random number
+ * OEMCrypto_ERROR_RNG_NOT_SUPPORTED function not supported
+ */
+OEMCryptoResult OEMCrypto_GetRandom(OEMCrypto_UINT8* randomData,
+ OEMCrypto_UINT32 dataLength);
+ * OEMCrypto_WrapKeybox
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Wrap the Keybox with a key derived for the device key.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * keybox (in) - Pointer to keybox data.
+ * keyboxLength - Length of the Keybox data in bytes
+ * wrappedKeybox (out) - Pointer to wrapped keybox
+ * wrappedKeyboxLength (out) - Pointer to the length of the wrapped keybox in bytes
+ * transportKey (in) - An optional AES transport key. If provided, the parameter
+ * keybox is passed encrypted with this transport key with AES-CBC
+ * and a null IV
+ * transportKeyLength - number of bytes in the transportKey
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * OEMCrypto_SUCCESS success
+ * OEMCrypto_ERROR_WRAP_KEYBOX failed to wrap Keybox
+ */
+OEMCryptoResult OEMCrypto_WrapKeybox(OEMCrypto_UINT8 *keybox,
+ OEMCrypto_UINT32 keyBoxLength,
+ OEMCrypto_UINT8 *wrappedKeybox,
+ OEMCrypto_UINT32 *wrappedKeyBoxLength,
+ OEMCrypto_UINT8 *transportKey,
+ OEMCrypto_UINT32 transportKeyLength);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+/***************************** End of File *****************************/