AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-08-23update manifest for linaro-oreo buildsYongqin Liu
2016-10-19Merge "Include TI x15 target" into linaro-nougatVishal Bhoj
2016-10-19Include TI x15 targetLinaro CI
2016-10-13Revert "Disable piglit tests for now."Vishal Bhoj
2016-10-12Disable piglit tests for now.Vishal Bhoj
2016-09-29linaro.xml: enable linaro-android-userspace-testYongqin Liu
2016-09-24linaro.xml: enabled piglit test projectYongqin Liu
2016-09-23linaro.xml: enable stringbenchYongqin Liu
2016-09-23linaro.xml: update to use linaro-nougat branch for linaro-android-kernel-test...Yongqin Liu
2016-09-14update git remotesVishal Bhoj
2016-08-25update manifest to Android NVishal Bhoj
2016-08-04linaro-toolchains.xml: remove sync of linaro toolchainsYongqin Liu
2016-07-27linaro.xml: add hikey prebuilt kernel projectYongqin Liu
2016-06-01linaro.xml: add entries for hikeyYongqin Liu
2016-02-04Revert "Add files for Pixel C support"linaro-marshmallow-hikey-opteeYongqin Liu
2016-01-22Add files for Pixel C supportBernhard Rosenkränzer
2015-12-07Add toolchains based on gcc 5.2 and 5.3Bernhard Rosenkränzer
2015-11-04linaro.xml: update to use linaro-marshmallow version for linaro-android-users...Yongqin Liu
2015-10-29linaro.xml: add busybox for marshmallow buildYongqin Liu
2015-10-12add test repositoryVishal Bhoj
2015-10-06initial marshmallow manifestVishal Bhoj
2015-09-24Add gator repolinaro-lollipopJon Medhurst
2015-09-04juno: update to 3.18 kernelVishal Bhoj
2015-06-09Use LT kernel for TC2 and update groups accordinglyVishal Bhoj
2015-05-27Add juno_prebuilt_kernel targetlinaro_android_5.0.0_toolchainsVishal Bhoj
2015-05-27Use lsk-v3.10 head for TC2Vishal Bhoj
2015-04-23Add gcc 5.1 preview buildsBernhard Rosenkränzer
2015-04-23Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/linaro_android_5.0.0' into linaro_androi...Bernhard Rosenkränzer
2015-04-14manifest branch 5.0.0: add .gitview for submitting changeYongqin Liu
2015-03-19Merge branch 'linaro_android_5.0.0' into linaro_android_5.0.0_toolchainsVishal Bhoj
2015-03-19Add android-patchsets to the local manifestVishal Bhoj
2015-03-19Switch to ARM LT kernel for Juno buildsVishal Bhoj
2015-03-16Add Linaro toolchainsBernhard Rosenkränzer
2015-03-09add libc-bench repositoryYongqin Liu
2015-03-08Add juno32 supportBernhard Rosenkränzer
2015-03-07Add stringbenchBernhard Rosenkränzer
2015-02-21Add remote attribute for entries of pmwg toolsYongqin Liu
2015-02-19Add pmwg toolsVishal Bhoj
2015-02-17Add kernel for jacinto6Vishal Bhoj
2015-02-13Add dra7xx platform form TI member buildVishal Bhoj
2014-11-20Add Juno firmware repositoryVishal Bhoj
2014-11-19Fix FVP group namingVishal Bhoj
2014-11-18linaro.xml: add projects for fvp productYongqin Liu
2014-11-16linaro.xml: add test projectsYongqin Liu
2014-11-12Add Juno projects in manifest overlayAmit Pundir
2014-11-10Adding base manifest overlayVishal Bhoj
2014-10-31Add platform/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/host/x86_64-linux-glibc2.15-4.8Bill Yi
2014-10-20Remove unused projectsConley Owens
2014-09-29Remove obsolete libffiBrian Carlstrom
2014-09-19Remove packages/inputmethods/PinyinIMEBill Yi