diff options
authorDavid 'Digit' Turner <digit@google.com>2011-10-03 08:07:50 +0200
committerDavid 'Digit' Turner <digit@google.com>2011-10-07 18:06:59 +0200
commitcd4b3969115380cf8bfb68ee980900b187c707e9 (patch)
parentc129556e61f8246a7e5fe0cec2cdefaa5afb8eb5 (diff)
Change-Id: I298c5b7d84b1cbe9929e0471d940fc69c31aa284
1 files changed, 593 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/build/tools/DEV-SCRIPTS-USAGE.TXT b/build/tools/DEV-SCRIPTS-USAGE.TXT
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..755e9326a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/tools/DEV-SCRIPTS-USAGE.TXT
@@ -0,0 +1,593 @@
+This directory contains a number of shell scripts, which we will
+call the "dev-scripts", that are only used to develop the NDK
+itself, i.e. they are un-needed when using ndk-build to build
+applicative native code.
+Their purpose is to handle various sophisticated issues:
+ - rebuilding host cross-toolchains for our supported CPU ABIs
+ - rebuilding other required host tools (e.g. ndk-stack) from sources
+ - rebuilding all target-specific prebuilt binaries from sources
+ (this requires working host cross-toolchains)
+ - packaging final NDK release tarballs, including adding samples
+ and documentation which normally live in $NDK/../development/ndk
+This document is here to explain how to use these dev-scripts and how
+everything is architected / designed, in case you want to maintain it.
+I. Organization:
+First, a small description of the NDK's overall directory structure:
+ $NDK/build/core
+ Contains the main NDK build system used when 'ndk-build'.
+ Relies heavily on GNU Make 3.81+ but isn't used by any of the
+ scripts described here.
+ $NDK/build/tools
+ Contains all the dev-scripts that are described in this document.
+ More on this later.
+ $NDK/sources/host-tools/
+ Contains sources of various libraries or programs that will be
+ compiled to generate useful host programs for the final NDK
+ installation. For example, $NDK/sources/host-tools/ndk-stack/
+ contains the sources of the 'ndk-stack' program.
+ $NDK/sources/cxx-stl/
+ Contains the sources of various C++ runtime and libraries that
+ can be used with 'ndk-build'. See docs/CPLUSPLUS-SUPPORT.html for
+ more details.
+ $NDK/sources/cxx-stl/gabi++/
+ Contains the sources of the GAbi++ C++ runtime library. Note that
+ the dev-script 'build-gabi++.sh' can be used to generate prebuilt
+ libraries from these sources, that will be copied under this
+ directory.
+ $NDK/sources/cxx-stl/stlport/
+ Contains the sources of a port of STLport that can be used with ndk-build.
+ The dev-script 'build-stlport.sh' can be used to generate prebuilt
+ libraries from these sources, that will be copied under this directory.
+ $NDK/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/
+ This directory doesn't contain sources at all, only an Android.mk.
+ The dev-script 'build-gnu-libstdc++.sh' is used to generate prebuilt
+ libraries from the sources that are located in the toolchain source
+ tree instead.
+ $NDK/sources/cxx-stl/system/
+ This directory contains a few headers used to use the native system
+ Android C++ runtime (with _very_ limited capabilites), a.k.a.
+ /system/lib/libstdc++.so. The prebuilt version of this library is
+ generated by the 'gen-platform.sh' dev-script described later, but
+ it never placed in this directory.
+ $NDK/sources/android/libthread_db/
+ This directory contains the sources of the libthread_db implementation
+ that is linked into the prebuilt target gdbserver binary. Note that two
+ versions are provided, corresponding to different versions of gdb.
+ The sources are customized versions of the ones found under
+ $ANDROID/bionic/libthread_db. They contain various changes used to
+ deal with platform bugs.
+ $NDK/sources/
+ The rest of $NDK/sources/ is used to store the sources of helper
+ libraries used with 'ndk-build'. For example, the 'cpu-features'
+ helper library is under $NDK/sources/android/cpu-features/
+ $DEVNDK a.k.a $NDK/../development/ndk
+ This directory contains platform-specific files. The reason why it
+ it is separate from $NDK is because it is not primarly developed in
+ the open.
+ More specifically:
+ - all $NDK development happens in the public AOSP repository ndk.git
+ - any $DEVNDK development that happens in the public AOSP development.git
+ repository is auto-merged to the internal tree maintained by Google
+ - $DEVNDK developments that are specific to an yet-unreleased version of
+ the system happen only in the internal tree. They get back-ported to
+ the public tree only when the corresponding system release is
+ open-sourced.
+ Having two distinct git repositories makes things easier. Also, you
+ generally don't want to see the churn that goes in the internal tree
+ during development. It's usually not very pretty :)
+ $DEVNDK/platforms/android-$PLATFORM, where $PLATFORM is a decimal number
+ Contains all files that are specific to a given API level $PLATFORM,
+ that were not already defined for the previous API level.
+ For example, android-3 corresponds to Android 1.5, and android-4
+ corresponds to Android 1.6. The platforms/android-4 directory only
+ contains files that are either new or modified, compared to android-3.
+ $DEVNDK/platforms/android-$PLATFORM/include/
+ Contains all system headers exposed by the NDK for a given platform.
+ All these headers are independent from the CPU architecture of target devices.
+ $DEVNDK/platforms/android-$PLATFORM/arch-$ARCH/
+ Contains all files that are specific to a given $PLATFORM level and a
+ specific CPU architecture. $ARCH is typically 'arm' or 'x86'
+ $DEVNDK/platforms/android-$PLATFORM/arch-$ARCH/include/
+ Contains all the architecture-specific headers for a given API level.
+ $DEVNDK/platforms/android-$PLATFORM/arch-$ARCH/lib/
+ Contains several CPU-specific object files and static libraries that
+ are required to build the host cross-toolchains properly.
+ Before NDK r7, this also contains prebuilt system shared libraries that
+ had been hand-picked from various platform builds. These have been
+ replaced by symbol list files instead (see below).
+ $DEVNDK/platforms/android-$PLATFORM/arch-$ARCH/symbols/
+ Contains, for each system shared library exposed by the NDK, two
+ files describing the dynamic symbols it exports, for example, for
+ the C library:
+ libc.so.functions.txt -> list of exported function names
+ libc.so.variables.txt -> list of exported variable names
+ These files were introduced in NDK r7 and are used to generate "shell"
+ shared libraries that can be used by ndk-build at link time. The shell
+ libraries only provide dynamic symbols to
+ These files can be generated from a given platform build using the
+ 'dev-platform-import.sh' dev-script, described later in this document.
+ This is handy to compare which symbols were added between platform
+ releases (and check that nothing disappeared).
+ $DEVNDK/platforms/android-$PLATFORM/samples/
+ Contains samples that are specific to a given API level. These are
+ usually copied into $INSTALLED_NDK/samples/ by the 'gen-platforms.sh'
+ script.
+ $NDK/platforms/
+ Note to be confused with $DEVNDK/platforms/, this directory is not
+ part of the NDK git directory (and is spefically listed in $NDK/.gitignore)
+ but of its final installation.
+ Its purpose is to hold the fully expanded platform-specific files.
+ This means that, unlike $DEVNDK/platforms/android-$PLATFORM, the
+ $NDK/platforms/android-$PLATFORM will contain _all_ the files that
+ are specific to API level $PLATFORM.
+ Moreover, the directory is organized slightly differently, i.e. as
+ toolchain sysroot, i.e. for each supported $PLATFORM and $ARCH values,
+ it provides two directories:
+ $NDK/platforms/android-$PLATFORM/arch-$ARCH/usr/include
+ $NDK/platforms/android-$PLATFORM/arch-$ARCH/usr/lib
+ Notice the 'usr' subdirectory here. It is required by GCC to be able
+ to use the directories with --with-sysroot. For example, to generate
+ binaries that target API level 5 for the arm architecture, one would
+ use:
+ $TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX-gcc --with-sysroot=$NDK/platforms/android-5/arch-arm
+ Where $TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX depends on the exact toolchain being used.
+ The dev-script 'gen-platforms.sh' is used to populate $NDK/platforms.
+ Note that by default, the script does more, see its detailed description
+ below.
+Generally, everything dev-script supports the --help option to display a
+description of the program and the list of all supported options. Also,
+debug traces can be activated by using the --verbose option. Use it several
+times to increase the level of verbosity.
+Note that all Windows host programs can be built on Linux if you have the
+'mingw32' cross-toolchain installed ('apt-get install mingw32' on Debian or
+Ubuntu). You will need to add the '--mingw' option when invoking the script.
+All dev-scripts rebuilding host programs on Linux and Darwin will only
+generate 32-bit programs by default. You can experiment with 64-bit binary
+generation by adding the '--try-64' option. Note that as of now, 64-bit
+binaries are never distributed as part of official NDK releases.
+When building 32-bit Linux host programs, the dev-scripts will look for
+$NDK/../prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/i686-linux-glibc2.7-4.4.3/, which is
+part of the Android platform source tree. It is a special toolchain that
+ensures that the generated programs can run on old systems like Ubuntu 8.04
+that only have GLibc 2.7. Otherwise, the corresponding binaries may not run
+due to ABI changes in mor recent versions of GLibc.
+This shall always be used to official NDK Linux releases.
+II. Host toolchains:
+The host toolchains are the compiler, linker, debugger and other crucial
+programs used to generate machine code for the target Android
+system supported by the NDK.
+II.1 Getting the toolchain sources:
+- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+The NDK toolchain sources are located under the toolchain/ directly
+from the top of the public AOSP repositories. There are actually several
+git repositories of interest here:
+ binutils/
+ build/
+ gcc/
+ gdb/
+ gold/
+ gmp/
+ mpfr/
+The AOSP toolchain/ repository contains sources corresponding to toolchains
+that are used to build the Android platform tree. For various reasons, they
+need to be slightly patched for use with the NDK.
+All patches are located under $NDK/build/tools/toolchain-patches/
+The script 'download-toolchain-sources.sh' can be used to download and patch
+the toolchain sources from the server. You simply need to give it the name of
+a destination directory, for example:
+ $NDK/build/tools/download-toolchain-sources.sh /tmp/ndk-$USER/src
+Note that this process can take several minutes. If you happen to already
+have a clone of the repo toolchain/ tree, you can speed this up considerably
+using the --git-reference or --git-base option. See --help for more options
+and details.
+Note, to create a local toolchain repo:
+ mkdir -p /tmp/ndk-$USER/toolchain
+ cd /tmp/ndk-$USER/toolchain
+ repo init git://android.git.kernel.org/toolchain/manifest.git
+ repo sync
+then use with:
+ $NDK/build/tools/download-toolchain-sources.sh \
+ --git-reference=/tmp/ndk-$USER/toolchain \
+ /tmp/ndk-$USER/src
+The script doesn't simply copy the current HEAD of the toolchain
+repositories. Instead, it will checkout the sources as they were
+at a given known date, defined as TOOLCHAIN_GIT_DATE in 'prebuilt-common.sh'.
+If you adjust TOOLCHAIN_GIT_DATE, verify that all patches still apply
+correctly, you might need to remove patches if they have been integrated
+into the toolchain/ repositories.
+Note: you can avoid the patching with the --no-patches option to
+'download-toolchain-patches.sh', and later use 'patch-sources.sh' manually
+to verify that the patches apply cleanly.
+The toolchains binaries are typically placed under the directory
+$NDK/toolchains/$NAME/prebuilt/$SYSTEM, where $NAME is the toolchain name's
+full name (e.g. arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3), and $SYSTEM is the name of the
+host system it is meant to run on (e.g. 'linux-x86', 'windows' or 'darwin-x86')
+I.2. Building the toolchains:
+- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+After downloading and patching the toolchain sources, you will need to build
+a proper "sysroot" directory before being able to configure/build them.
+A sysroot is a directory containing system headers and libraries that the
+compiler will use to build a few required target-specific binaries (e.g. libgcc.a)
+To do that, use:
+ $NDK/build/tools/gen-platforms.sh --minimal
+This will populate $NDK/platforms/ with just the files necessary to rebuild the
+toolchains. Note that without the --minimal option, the script will fail without
+prebuilt toolchain binaries.
+Once the sysroots are in place, use 'build-gcc.sh' by providing the path
+to the toolchain sources root directory, a destination NDK installation
+directory to build, and the full toolchain name.
+For example, to rebuild the arm and x86 prebuilt toolchain binaries in the
+current NDK directory (which can be handy if you want to later use them to
+rebuild other target prebuilts or run tests), do:
+ $NDK/build/tools/build-gcc.sh /tmp/ndk-$USER/src $NDK arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3
+ $NDK/build/tools/build-gcc.sh /tmp/ndk-$USER/src $NDK x86-4.4.3
+Here, we assume you downloaded the toolchain sources in /tmp/ndk-$USER/src
+as described in the previous section.
+This operation can take some time. The script automatically performs a parallel
+build to speed up the build on multi-core machine (use the -j<number> option to
+control this), but the GCC sources are very large, so expect to wait a few
+For the record, on a 2.4 GHz Xeon with 16 Hyper-threaded cores and 12GB of
+memory, rebuilding each toolchain takes between 2 and 4 minutes.
+You need to be on Linux to build the Windows binaries, using the "mingw32"
+cross-toolchain (install it with "apt-get install mingw32" on Ubuntu). To do so
+use the "--mingw" option, as in:
+ $NDK/build/tools/build-gcc.sh --mingw \
+ /tmp/ndk-$USER/src $NDK arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3
+ $NDK/build/tools/build-gcc.sh --mingw \
+ /tmp/ndk-$USER/src $NDK x86-4.4.3
+The corresponding binaries are installed under $NDK/toolchains/$NAME/prebuilt/windows
+Note that these are native Windows programs, not Cygwin ones.
+Building the Windows toolchains under MSys and Cygwin is completely unsupported
+and highly un-recommended: even if it works, it will probably take several
+hours, even on a powerful machine :-(
+The Darwin binaries must be generated on a Darwin machine. Note that the script
+will try to use the 10.5 XCode SDK if it is installed on your system. This
+ensures that the generated binaries run on Leopard, even if you're building
+on a more recent version of the system.
+Once you've completed your builds, you should be able to generate the other
+target-specific prebuilts.
+III. Target-specific prebuilt binaries:
+A final NDK installation comes with a lot of various target-specific prebuilt
+binaries that must be generated from sources once you have working host toolchains.
+III.1.: Preparation of platform sysroots:
+- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+Each target prebuilt is handled by a specific dev-script. HOWEVER, all these script
+require that you generate a fully populated $NDK/platforms/ directory first. To do
+that, simply run:
+ $NDK/gen-platforms.sh
+Note that we used this script with the --minimal option to generate the host
+toolchains. That's because without this flag, the script will also auto-generate
+tiny versions of the system shared libraries that will be used at link-time when
+building our target prebuilts.
+III.2.: Generation of gdbserver:
+- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+A target-specific 'gdbserver' binary is required. This is a small program
+that is run on the device through 'ndk-gdb' during debugging. For a variety
+of technical reasons, it must be copied into a debuggable project's output
+directory when 'ndk-build' is called.
+The prebuilt binary is placed under $NDK/toolchains/$NAME/prebuilt/gdbserver
+in the final NDK installation. You can generate with 'build-gdbserver.sh' and
+takes the same parameters than 'build-gcc.sh'. So one can do:
+ $NDK/build/tools/build-gcc.sh /tmp/ndk-$USER/src $NDK arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3
+ $NDK/build/tools/build-gcc.sh /tmp/ndk-$USER/src $NDK x86-4.4.3
+III.3. Generating C++ runtime prebuilt binaries:
+- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+Sources and support files for several C++ runtimes / standard libraries are
+provided under $NDK/sources/cxx-stl/. Several dev-scripts are provided to
+rebuild their binaries. The scripts place them to their respective location
+(e.g. the GAbi++ binaries will go to $NDK/sources/cxx-stl/gabi++/libs/)
+unless you use the --out-dir=<path> option.
+Note that:
+ - each script will generate the binaries for all the CPU ABIs supported by
+ the NDK, e.g. armeabi, armeabi-v7a and x86. You can restrict them using
+ the --abis=<list> option though.
+ - the GNU libstdc++ dev-script requires the path to the toolchain sources,
+ since this is where the library's sources are located.
+An example usage would be:
+ $NDK/build/tools/build-gabi++.sh
+ $NDK/build/tools/build-stlport.sh
+ $NDK/build/tools/build-gnu-libstdc++.sh /tmp/ndk-$USER/src
+Note that generating the STLport and GNU libstdc++ binaries can take a
+few minutes. You can follow the build by using the --verbose option to display
+what's going on.
+IV. Other host prebuilt binaries:
+There are a few other host prebuilt binaries that are needed for a full
+NDK installation. Their sources are typically installed under
+Note that the corresponding dev-script recognize the --mingw and --try-64
+options described at the end of section I above.
+IV.1.: Building 'ndk-stack':
+- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+The 'build-ndk-stack.sh' script can be used to rebuild the 'ndk-stack'
+helper host program. See docs/NDK-STACK.html for a usage description.
+To build it, just do:
+ $NDK/build/tools/build-ndk-stack.sh
+V. Packaging all prebuilts:
+Generating all the prebuilt binaries takes a lot of time and is no fun.
+To avoid doing it again and again, it is useful to place all the generated
+files aside in special tarballs.
+Most dev-scripts generating them typically support a --package-dir=<path>
+option to do this, where <path> points to a directory that will store
+compressed tarballs of the generated binaries.
+For example, to build and package the GAbi++ binaries, use:
+ $NDK/build/tools/build-gabi++.sh --package-dir=/tmp/ndk-$USER/prebuilt/
+In NDK r7, this will actually create three tarballs (one per supported ABI),
+under the directory /tmp/ndk-$USER/prebuilt/, i.e.:
+ gabi++-libs-armeabi.tar.bz2
+ gabi++-libs-armeabi-v7a.tar.bz2
+ gabi++-libs-x86.tar.bz2
+Note that these tarballs are built to be uncompressed from the top-level
+of an existing NDK install tree.
+Similarly, to rebuild the STLport binaries and package them:
+ $NDK/build/tools/build-stlport.sh --package-dir=/tmp/ndk-$USER/prebuilt
+A dev-script is provided to rebuild _and_ package all prebuilts. It is called
+'rebuild-all-prebuilt.sh'. Note that by default, it will automatically
+invoke 'download-toolchain-sources.sh', and place the prebuilt tarballs
+under /tmp/ndk-$USER/prebuilt-$DATE, where $DATE is the current date in
+ISO format (e.g. 20110915 for the 15th of September of 2011).
+If you have already downloaded the toolchain sources, use the
+--toolchain-src-dir=<path> option to save a few minutes to your rebuild,
+as in:
+ $NDK/build/tools/rebuild-all-prebuilt.sh \
+ --toolchain-src-dir=/tmp/ndk-$USER/src
+By default, this only rebuilds the host prebuilds for the current host
+system. You can use --mingw to force the generation of Windows binaries on
+Additionally, you can use the --darwin-ssh=<hostname> option to launch the
+build of the Darwin binaries from a Linux machine, by using ssh to access a
+remote Darwin machine. The script will package all required sources into a
+temporary tarball, copy it to the remote machine, launch the build there,
+then copy back all binaries to your own machine.
+This means that it is possible to generate the host binaries for all supported
+host systems from Linux (provided you have ssh access to a Darwin machine).
+Alternatively, you can run 'rebuild-all-prebuilt.sh' on a Darwin machine.
+Once you have used the script three times (once per supported host systems),
+you should have plenty of files under /tmp/ndk-$USER/prebuilt-$DATE.
+For the record, with NDK r7, the list was:
+VI. Packaging NDK releases:
+Use the 'package-release.sh' dev-script to generate full NDK release packages.
+These contain everything needed by a typical NDK user, including:
+ - all prebuilt binaries (host toolchains, host tools, target libs, etc...)
+ - all samples (including those collected from $DEVNDK/platforms/)
+ - all documentation
+You need to have a directory containing prebuilt tarballs, as described in
+the previous section. You can use it as:
+ $NDK/build/tools/package-release.sh \
+ --release=<name> \
+ --systems=<list> \
+ --arch=<list> \
+ --prebuilt-dir=<path>
+The --release option is optional and allows you to provide a name for your
+generated NDK archive. More specifically, the archive file name will be
+something like android-ndk-$RELEASE-$SYSTEM.tar.bz2, where $RELEASE is
+the release name, and $SYSTEM the supported host system (e.g. linux-x86).
+By default, i.e. without the option, $RELEASE will be set to the current $DATE.
+The --systems=<list> is optional, but can be used to limit the number of host
+systems you want to generate for. <list> must be a comma-separated list of
+system names (from 'linux-x86', 'windows' and 'darwin-x86'). This is useful
+if you're working on a experimental feature and don't have the time to
+regenerate the host toolchains for all systems. It allows you to generate
+an experimental package that you can distribute to third-party for
+By default, i.e. without the option, the scripts tries to build NDK archives
+for all supported host systems.
+The --arch=<list> is also optional, but can be used ot limit the number of
+target architectures you want to generate for. <list> must be a comma-separated
+list of CPU architectures (e.g. from 'arm' and 'x86'). Without the option,
+this will try to build packages that support all architectures.
+Finally, --prebuilt-dir=<path> must point to the directory that contains the
+prebuilt tarballs described in section V. Following our previous example, one
+could use --prebuilt-dir=/tmp/ndk-$USER/prebuilt here.
+VI. Testing:
+The $NDK/tests directory contains a number of NDK unit-tests that can be
+used to verify that the generated NDK packages or the working NDK tree still
+behave correctly.
+If you have an NDK package archive, you can run the following to run the
+test suite against it:
+ $NDK/tests/run-tests.sh --package=<ndk-archive>
+This will uncompress the NDK archive in a temporary directory, then run all
+the tests with it. When all tests have run, the temporary directory is removed
+You can also point to an existing NDK installation with --ndk=<path>, as in:
+ $NDK/tests/run-tests.sh --ndk=<path>
+Where <path> points to another NDK installation. The script will run the
+test suite present under $NDK/tests/, not the one in the remote NDK directory.
+If you don't use any option, the test suite will be run with the current NDK
+directory. This can only work if you have generated or unpacked all prebuilt
+archives into it before that.
+You can get more traces from the tests by using --verbose. Use it twice to see
+even more traces.
+There are several kinds of tests:
+ - 'build tests' are used to test the building capabilities of the NDK.
+ I.e. the tests will only use them to check that the NDK build system
+ didn't regress. The corresponding generated binaries are never used
+ otherwise.
+ - 'device tests' are used to test both the build and the behaviour of
+ the generated code. If the 'adb' program is in your path, and have
+ one device or emulator connected to your host machine, 'run-tests.sh'
+ will automatically upload, run and cleanup these tests for you.
+ If adb is not in your path, or no device is connected, run-tests.sh
+ will simply print a warning and carry on.
+Whenever you add a feature to the NDK, or fix a bug, it is recommended to
+add a unit test to check the feature or the fix. Use $NDK/tests/build for
+build tests, and $NDK/tests/device for device tests.