path: root/checkbuild.py
diff options
authorDan Albert <danalbert@google.com>2018-11-09 09:53:43 -0800
committerDan Albert <danalbert@google.com>2018-11-09 14:01:49 -0800
commitaa5bfe04d9a99a979c0cbd51206120b0e908c2f1 (patch)
treed7ed0cbf9cd709c2a3b4b0122a66062c367fb88d /checkbuild.py
parent5f9ce11749d0c67a255d2cdd6b179abaa71f0d75 (diff)
Move checkbuild.py into the ndk package.
In preparation for adding a bootstrap phase to build Python 3. Test: ./checkbuild.py Bug: None Change-Id: Ic752f1c30ff03c972de3d1f19709b07082867345
Diffstat (limited to 'checkbuild.py')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 2612 deletions
diff --git a/checkbuild.py b/checkbuild.py
index 7bbdfd56d..a718f6b9b 100755
--- a/checkbuild.py
+++ b/checkbuild.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
+# Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -14,2627 +14,26 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
-"""Verifies that the build is sane.
+"""Shortcut for ndk/checkbuild.py.
-Cleans old build artifacts, configures the required environment, determines
-build goals, and invokes the build scripts.
+Differs from do_checkbuild.py because it launches a new Python interpreter,
+allowing this script to bootstrap our build with a specific version of Python.
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-from __future__ import division
-from __future__ import print_function
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-import argparse
-import collections
-import contextlib
-import copy
-from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree
-import glob
-import inspect
-import json
-import logging
-import multiprocessing
-import ntpath
-import os
-import pipes
-import re
-import shutil
-import site
-import stat
import subprocess
import sys
-import tempfile
-import textwrap
-import traceback
-import build.lib.build_support as build_support
-import ndk.abis
-import ndk.ansi
-import ndk.builds
-import ndk.config
-import ndk.deps
-import ndk.ext.shutil
-import ndk.file
-import ndk.hosts
-import ndk.notify
import ndk.paths
-import ndk.test.builder
-import ndk.test.printers
-import ndk.test.spec
-import ndk.timer
-import ndk.ui
-import ndk.workqueue
-def _make_tar_package(package_path, base_dir, path):
- """Creates a tarball package for distribution.
- Args:
- package_path (string): Path (without extention) to the output archive.
- base_dir (string): Path to the directory from which to perform the
- packaging (identical to tar's -C).
- path (string): Path to the directory to package.
- """
- has_pbzip2 = ndk.ext.shutil.which('pbzip2') is not None
- if has_pbzip2:
- compress_arg = '--use-compress-prog=pbzip2'
- else:
- compress_arg = '-j'
- package_path = package_path + '.tar.bz2'
- cmd = ['tar', compress_arg, '-cf', package_path, '-C', base_dir, path]
- subprocess.check_call(cmd)
- return package_path
-def _make_zip_package(package_path, base_dir, path):
- """Creates a zip package for distribution.
- Args:
- package_path (string): Path (without extention) to the output archive.
- base_dir (string): Path to the directory from which to perform the
- packaging (identical to tar's -C).
- path (string): Path to the directory to package.
- """
- cwd = os.getcwd()
- package_path = os.path.realpath(package_path) + '.zip'
- os.chdir(base_dir)
- try:
- subprocess.check_call(['zip', '-9qr', package_path, path])
- return package_path
- finally:
- os.chdir(cwd)
-def package_ndk(ndk_dir, dist_dir, host_tag, build_number):
- """Packages the built NDK for distribution.
- Args:
- ndk_dir (string): Path to the built NDK.
- dist_dir (string): Path to place the built package in.
- host_tag (string): Host tag to use in the package name,
- build_number (printable): Build number to use in the package name. Will
- be 'dev' if the argument evaluates to False.
- """
- package_name = 'android-ndk-{}-{}'.format(build_number, host_tag)
- package_path = os.path.join(dist_dir, package_name)
- for path, _dirs, files in os.walk(ndk_dir):
- for file_name in files:
- if file_name.endswith('.pyc'):
- os.remove(os.path.join(path, file_name))
- base_dir = os.path.dirname(ndk_dir)
- files = os.path.basename(ndk_dir)
- if host_tag.startswith('windows'):
- return _make_zip_package(package_path, base_dir, files)
- else:
- return _make_tar_package(package_path, base_dir, files)
-def build_ndk_tests(out_dir, dist_dir, args):
- """Builds the NDK tests.
- Args:
- out_dir: Build output directory.
- dist_dir: Preserved artifact directory.
- args: Parsed command line arguments.
- Returns:
- True if all tests pass, else False.
- """
- # The packaging step extracts all the modules to a known directory for
- # packaging. This directory is not cleaned up after packaging, so we can
- # reuse that for testing.
- ndk_dir = ndk.paths.get_install_path(out_dir)
- test_src_dir = ndk.paths.ndk_path('tests')
- test_out_dir = os.path.join(out_dir, 'tests')
- site.addsitedir(os.path.join(ndk_dir, 'python-packages'))
- test_options = ndk.test.spec.TestOptions(
- test_src_dir, ndk_dir, test_out_dir, clean=True)
- printer = ndk.test.printers.StdoutPrinter()
- with open(os.path.realpath('qa_config.json')) as config_file:
- test_config = json.load(config_file)
- if args.arch is not None:
- test_config['abis'] = ndk.abis.arch_to_abis(args.arch)
- test_spec = ndk.test.builder.test_spec_from_config(test_config)
- builder = ndk.test.builder.TestBuilder(
- test_spec, test_options, printer)
- report = builder.build()
- printer.print_summary(report)
- if report.successful:
- print('Packaging tests...')
- package_path = os.path.join(dist_dir, 'ndk-tests')
- _make_tar_package(package_path, out_dir, 'tests/dist')
- else:
- # Write out the result to logs/build_error.log so we can find the
- # failure easily on the build server.
- log_path = os.path.join(dist_dir, 'logs/build_error.log')
- with open(log_path, 'a') as error_log:
- error_log_printer = ndk.test.printers.FilePrinter(error_log)
- error_log_printer.print_summary(report)
- return report.successful
-def install_file(file_name, src_dir, dst_dir):
- src_file = os.path.join(src_dir, file_name)
- dst_file = os.path.join(dst_dir, file_name)
- print('Copying {} to {}...'.format(src_file, dst_file))
- if os.path.isdir(src_file):
- _install_dir(src_file, dst_file)
- elif os.path.islink(src_file):
- _install_symlink(src_file, dst_file)
- else:
- _install_file(src_file, dst_file)
-def _install_dir(src_dir, dst_dir):
- parent_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(dst_dir, '..'))
- if not os.path.exists(parent_dir):
- os.makedirs(parent_dir)
- shutil.copytree(src_dir, dst_dir, symlinks=True)
-def _install_symlink(src_file, dst_file):
- dirname = os.path.dirname(dst_file)
- if not os.path.exists(dirname):
- os.makedirs(dirname)
- link_target = os.readlink(src_file)
- os.symlink(link_target, dst_file)
-def _install_file(src_file, dst_file):
- dirname = os.path.dirname(dst_file)
- if not os.path.exists(dirname):
- os.makedirs(dirname)
- # copy2 is just copy followed by copystat (preserves file metadata).
- shutil.copy2(src_file, dst_file)
-class Clang(ndk.builds.Module):
- name = 'clang'
- path = 'toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/{host}'
- version = 'clang-r339409b'
- notice_group = ndk.builds.NoticeGroup.TOOLCHAIN
- @property
- def notices(self):
- # TODO: Why every host?
- return [
- os.path.join(self.get_prebuilt_path('darwin'), 'NOTICE'),
- os.path.join(self.get_prebuilt_path('linux'), 'NOTICE'),
- os.path.join(self.get_prebuilt_path('windows'), 'NOTICE'),
- os.path.join(self.get_prebuilt_path('windows64'), 'NOTICE'),
- ]
- def get_prebuilt_path(self, host=None):
- if host is None:
- host = self.host
- # The 32-bit Windows Clang is a part of the 64-bit Clang package in
- # prebuilts/clang.
- if host == 'windows':
- platform_host_tag = 'windows-x86_32'
- elif host == 'windows64':
- platform_host_tag = 'windows-x86'
- else:
- platform_host_tag = host + '-x86'
- rel_prebuilt_path = 'prebuilts/clang/host/{}'.format(platform_host_tag)
- prebuilt_path = ndk.paths.android_path(rel_prebuilt_path, self.version)
- if not os.path.isdir(prebuilt_path):
- raise RuntimeError(
- 'Could not find prebuilt LLVM at {}'.format(prebuilt_path))
- return prebuilt_path
- def build(self):
- pass
- def install(self):
- install_path = self.get_install_path()
- install_parent = os.path.dirname(install_path)
- if os.path.exists(install_path):
- shutil.rmtree(install_path)
- if not os.path.exists(install_parent):
- os.makedirs(install_parent)
- shutil.copytree(self.get_prebuilt_path(), install_path)
- # clang-4053586 was patched in the prebuilts directory to add the
- # libc++ includes. These are almost certainly a different revision than
- # the NDK libc++, and may contain local changes that the NDK's don't
- # and vice versa. Best to just remove them for the time being since
- # that returns to the previous behavior.
- # https://github.com/android-ndk/ndk/issues/564#issuecomment-342307128
- cxx_includes_path = os.path.join(install_path, 'include')
- shutil.rmtree(cxx_includes_path)
- if self.host in ('darwin', 'linux'):
- # The Linux and Darwin toolchains have Python compiler wrappers
- # that currently do nothing. We don't have these for Windows and we
- # want to make sure Windows behavior is consistent with the other
- # platforms, so just unwrap the compilers until they do something
- # useful and are available on Windows.
- os.rename(os.path.join(install_path, 'bin/clang.real'),
- os.path.join(install_path, 'bin/clang'))
- os.rename(os.path.join(install_path, 'bin/clang++.real'),
- os.path.join(install_path, 'bin/clang++'))
- # The prebuilts have symlinks pointing at a clang-MAJ.MIN binary,
- # but we replace symlinks with standalone copies, so remove this
- # copy to save space.
- bin_dir = os.path.join(install_path, 'bin')
- (clang_maj_min,) = glob.glob(os.path.join(bin_dir, 'clang-?'))
- os.remove(clang_maj_min)
- # Remove LLD duplicates. We only need ld.lld.
- # http://b/74250510
- #
- # Note that lld is experimental in the NDK. It is not the default for
- # any architecture and has received only minimal testing in the NDK.
- bin_ext = '.exe' if self.host.startswith('windows') else ''
- os.remove(os.path.join(install_path, 'bin/ld64.lld' + bin_ext))
- os.remove(os.path.join(install_path, 'bin/lld' + bin_ext))
- os.remove(os.path.join(install_path, 'bin/lld-link' + bin_ext))
- libdir_name = 'lib' if self.host == 'windows' else 'lib64'
- if self.host.startswith('windows'):
- # The toolchain prebuilts have LLVMgold.dll in the bin directory
- # rather than the lib directory that will actually be searched.
- bin_dir = os.path.join(install_path, 'bin')
- lib_dir = os.path.join(install_path, libdir_name)
- os.rename(os.path.join(bin_dir, 'LLVMgold.dll'),
- os.path.join(lib_dir, 'LLVMgold.dll'))
- # Windows doesn't support rpath, so we need to copy
- # libwinpthread-1.dll too.
- shutil.copy2(os.path.join(bin_dir, 'libwinpthread-1.dll'),
- os.path.join(lib_dir, 'libwinpthread-1.dll'))
- install_clanglib = os.path.join(install_path, libdir_name, 'clang')
- linux_prebuilt_path = self.get_prebuilt_path('linux')
- if self.host != 'linux':
- # We don't build target binaries as part of the Darwin or Windows
- # build. These toolchains need to get these from the Linux
- # prebuilts.
- #
- # The headers and libraries we care about are all in lib64/clang
- # for both toolchains, and those two are intended to be identical
- # between each host, so we can just replace them with the one from
- # the Linux toolchain.
- linux_clanglib = os.path.join(linux_prebuilt_path, 'lib64/clang')
- shutil.rmtree(install_clanglib)
- shutil.copytree(linux_clanglib, install_clanglib)
- # The Clang prebuilts have the platform toolchain libraries in
- # lib64/clang. The libraries we want are in runtimes_ndk_cxx.
- ndk_runtimes = os.path.join(linux_prebuilt_path, 'runtimes_ndk_cxx')
- runtime_arches = ['aarch64', 'arm', 'i386', 'x86_64']
- versions = os.listdir(install_clanglib)
- for version in versions:
- version_dir = os.path.join(install_clanglib, version)
- dst_lib_dir = os.path.join(version_dir, 'lib/linux')
- for arch in runtime_arches:
- src_arch_dir = os.path.join(ndk_runtimes, arch)
- dst_arch_dir = os.path.join(dst_lib_dir, arch)
- # The install directory currently contains the platform
- # libraries with the wrong arch name. We need to remove the
- # wrongly named wrong libraries before we fix the arch name.
- shutil.rmtree(dst_arch_dir)
- shutil.copytree(src_arch_dir, dst_arch_dir)
- # Also remove the other libraries that we installed, but they were only
- # installed on Linux.
- if self.host == 'linux':
- shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(install_path, 'runtimes_ndk_cxx'))
-def get_gcc_prebuilt_path(host, arch):
- host_tag = ndk.hosts.host_to_tag(host)
- toolchain = ndk.abis.arch_to_toolchain(arch) + '-4.9'
- rel_prebuilt_path = os.path.join(
- 'prebuilts/ndk/current/toolchains', host_tag, toolchain)
- prebuilt_path = ndk.paths.android_path(rel_prebuilt_path)
- if not os.path.isdir(prebuilt_path):
- raise RuntimeError(
- 'Could not find prebuilt GCC at {}'.format(prebuilt_path))
- return prebuilt_path
-def get_binutils_prebuilt_path(host, arch):
- if host == 'windows':
- host = 'win'
- elif host == 'windows64':
- host = 'win64'
- binutils_name = 'binutils-{}-{}'.format(arch, host)
- prebuilt_path = ndk.paths.android_path(
- 'prebuilts/ndk', 'binutils', host, binutils_name)
- if not os.path.isdir(prebuilt_path):
- raise RuntimeError(
- 'Could not find prebuilt binutils at {}'.format(prebuilt_path))
- return prebuilt_path
-def versioned_so(host, lib, version):
- if host == 'darwin':
- return '{}.{}.dylib'.format(lib, version)
- elif host == 'linux':
- return '{}.so.{}'.format(lib, version)
- else:
- raise ValueError('Unsupported host: {}'.format(host))
-def install_gcc_lib(install_path, host, arch, subarch, lib_subdir, libname):
- gcc_prebuilt = get_gcc_prebuilt_path(host, arch)
- lib_install_dir = os.path.join(install_path, lib_subdir, subarch)
- if not os.path.exists(lib_install_dir):
- os.makedirs(lib_install_dir)
- shutil.copy2(
- os.path.join(gcc_prebuilt, lib_subdir, subarch, libname),
- os.path.join(lib_install_dir, libname))
-def install_gcc_crtbegin(install_path, host, arch, subarch):
- triple = ndk.abis.arch_to_triple(arch)
- subdir = os.path.join('lib/gcc', triple, '4.9.x')
- install_gcc_lib(install_path, host, arch, subarch, subdir, 'crtbegin.o')
-def install_libgcc(install_path, host, arch, subarch, new_layout=False):
- triple = ndk.abis.arch_to_triple(arch)
- subdir = os.path.join('lib/gcc', triple, '4.9.x')
- install_gcc_lib(install_path, host, arch, subarch, subdir, 'libgcc.a')
- if new_layout:
- # For all architectures, we want to ensure that libcompiler_rt-extras
- # is linked when libgcc is linked. Some day this will be entirely
- # replaced by compiler-rt, but for now we are still dependent on libgcc
- # but still need some things from compiler_rt-extras.
- #
- # For ARM32 we need to use LLVM's libunwind rather than libgcc.
- # Unfortunately we still use libgcc for the compiler builtins, so we we
- # have to link both. To make sure that the LLVM unwinder gets used, add
- # a linker script for libgcc to make sure that libunwind is placed
- # first whenever libgcc is used. This also necessitates linking libdl
- # since libunwind makes use of dl_iterate_phdr.
- #
- # Historically we dealt with this in the libc++ linker script, but
- # since the new toolchain setup has the toolchain link the STL for us
- # the correct way to use the static libc++ is to use
- # `-static-libstdc++' which will expand to `-Bstatic -lc++ -Bshared`,
- # which results in the static libdl being used. The stub implementation
- # of libdl.a causes the unwind to fail, so we can't link libdl there.
- # If we don't link it at all, linking fails when building a static
- # executable since the driver does not link libdl when building a
- # static executable.
- #
- # We only do this for the new toolchain layout since build systems
- # using the legacy toolchain already needed to handle this, and
- # -lunwind may not be valid in those configurations (it could have been
- # linked by a full path instead).
- libgcc_base_path = os.path.join(install_path, subdir, subarch)
- libgcc_path = os.path.join(libgcc_base_path, 'libgcc.a')
- libgcc_real_path = os.path.join(libgcc_base_path, 'libgcc_real.a')
- shutil.move(libgcc_path, libgcc_real_path)
- if arch == 'arm':
- libs = '-lunwind -lcompiler_rt-extras -lgcc_real -ldl'
- else:
- libs = '-lcompiler_rt-extras -lgcc_real'
- with open(libgcc_path, 'w') as script:
- script.write('INPUT({})'.format(libs))
-def install_libatomic(install_path, host, arch, subarch):
- triple = ndk.abis.arch_to_triple(arch)
- subdir = os.path.join(triple, 'lib64' if arch.endswith('64') else 'lib')
- install_gcc_lib(install_path, host, arch, subarch, subdir, 'libatomic.a')
-def get_subarches(arch):
- if arch != 'arm':
- return ['']
- return [
- '',
- 'thumb',
- 'armv7-a',
- 'armv7-a/thumb'
- ]
-class Binutils(ndk.builds.Module):
- name = 'binutils'
- path = 'toolchains/{toolchain}-4.9/prebuilt/{host}'
- notice_group = ndk.builds.NoticeGroup.TOOLCHAIN
- # TODO: Move GCC wrapper generation to Clang?
- deps = {
- 'clang',
- }
- @property
- def notices(self):
- notices = []
- for host in ndk.hosts.ALL_HOSTS:
- for arch in ndk.abis.ALL_ARCHITECTURES:
- prebuilt_path = get_gcc_prebuilt_path(host, arch)
- notices.append(os.path.join(prebuilt_path, 'NOTICE'))
- return notices
- def build(self):
- pass
- def install(self):
- for arch in self.arches:
- self.install_arch(arch)
- def install_arch(self, arch):
- install_path = self.get_install_path(arch=arch)
- toolchain_path = get_binutils_prebuilt_path(self.host, arch)
- ndk.builds.install_directory(toolchain_path, install_path)
- self.install_mock_gcc(install_path, arch)
- # We still need libgcc/libatomic. Copy them from the old GCC prebuilts.
- for subarch in get_subarches(arch):
- install_libgcc(install_path, self.host, arch, subarch)
- install_libatomic(install_path, self.host, arch, subarch)
- # We don't actually want this, but Clang won't recognize a
- # -gcc-toolchain without it.
- install_gcc_crtbegin(install_path, self.host, arch, subarch)
- # Copy the LLVMgold plugin into the binutils plugin directory so ar can
- # use it.
- if self.host == 'linux':
- so = '.so'
- elif self.host == 'darwin':
- so = '.dylib'
- else:
- so = '.dll'
- is_win = self.host.startswith('windows')
- libdir_name = 'lib' if self.host == 'windows' else 'lib64'
- host_tag = ndk.hosts.host_to_tag(self.host)
- clang_prebuilts = ndk.paths.android_path(
- 'prebuilts/ndk/current/toolchains', host_tag, 'llvm')
- clang_bin = os.path.join(clang_prebuilts, 'bin')
- clang_libs = os.path.join(clang_prebuilts, libdir_name)
- if is_win:
- llvmgold = os.path.join(clang_bin, 'LLVMgold' + so)
- else:
- llvmgold = os.path.join(clang_libs, 'LLVMgold' + so)
- bfd_plugins = os.path.join(install_path, 'lib/bfd-plugins')
- os.makedirs(bfd_plugins)
- shutil.copy2(llvmgold, bfd_plugins)
- if not is_win:
- libcxx_1 = os.path.join(
- clang_libs, versioned_so(self.host, 'libc++', '1'))
- # The rpath on LLVMgold.so is ../lib64, so we have to install to
- # lib/lib64 to have it be in the right place :(
- lib_dir = os.path.join(install_path, 'lib/lib64')
- os.makedirs(lib_dir)
- shutil.copy2(libcxx_1, lib_dir)
- else:
- libwinpthread = os.path.join(clang_bin, 'libwinpthread-1.dll')
- shutil.copy2(libwinpthread, bfd_plugins)
- def install_mock_gcc(self, install_path, arch):
- """Installs gcc scripts that invoke clang.
- These are provided to ease porting to new NDKs for projects that are
- not actually sensitive to changes in compiler, just changes to compiler
- install path.
- """
- is_win = self.host.startswith('windows')
- exe = '.exe' if is_win else ''
- cmd = '.cmd' if is_win else ''
- clang_install_path = os.path.relpath(
- self.get_dep('clang').get_install_path(),
- os.path.join(install_path, 'bin'))
- shortcuts = {'gcc': 'clang', 'g++': 'clang++'}
- for src, dst in shortcuts.items():
- triple = ndk.abis.arch_to_triple(arch)
- gcc = os.path.join(install_path, 'bin', triple + '-' + src + cmd)
- clang = os.path.join(clang_install_path, 'bin', dst + exe)
- if is_win:
- self.install_cmd_clang_shortcut(gcc, clang, triple)
- else:
- self.install_sh_clang_shortcut(gcc, clang, triple)
- def install_cmd_clang_shortcut(self, gcc, clang, triple):
- clang = ntpath.normpath(clang)
- flags = [
- '-target',
- triple,
- '-gcc-toolchain',
- '%_BIN_DIR%..',
- ]
- with open(gcc, 'w') as gcc_script:
- gcc_script.write(
- textwrap.dedent("""\
- @echo off
- setlocal
- call :find_bin
- set "_BIN_DIR=" && %_BIN_DIR%{clang} {flags} %*
- if ERRORLEVEL 1 exit /b 1
- goto :done
- :find_bin
- rem Accommodate a quoted arg0, e.g.: "clang"
- rem https://github.com/android-ndk/ndk/issues/616
- set _BIN_DIR=%~dp0
- exit /b
- :done
- """.format(clang=clang, flags=' '.join(flags))))
- def install_sh_clang_shortcut(self, gcc, clang, triple):
- flags = [
- '-target',
- triple,
- '-gcc-toolchain',
- '`dirname $0`/..',
- ]
- with open(gcc, 'w') as gcc_script:
- gcc_script.write(
- textwrap.dedent("""\
- #!/bin/bash
- exec `dirname $0`/{clang} {flags} "$@"
- """.format(clang=clang, flags=' '.join(flags))))
- mode = os.stat(gcc).st_mode
- os.chmod(gcc, mode | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH)
-class ShaderTools(ndk.builds.InvokeBuildModule):
- name = 'shader-tools'
- path = 'shader-tools/{host}'
- script = 'build-shader-tools.py'
- notice_group = ndk.builds.NoticeGroup.TOOLCHAIN
- @property
- def notices(self):
- base = ndk.paths.android_path('external/shaderc')
- shaderc_dir = os.path.join(base, 'shaderc')
- spirv_dir = os.path.join(base, 'spirv-headers')
- return [
- os.path.join(shaderc_dir, 'LICENSE'),
- os.path.join(shaderc_dir, 'third_party', 'LICENSE.spirv-tools'),
- os.path.join(shaderc_dir, 'third_party', 'LICENSE.glslang'),
- os.path.join(spirv_dir, 'LICENSE')
- ]
-class HostTools(ndk.builds.Module):
- name = 'host-tools'
- path = 'prebuilt/{host}'
- notice_group = ndk.builds.NoticeGroup.TOOLCHAIN
- yasm_notices = [
- ndk.paths.android_path('toolchain/yasm/Artistic.txt'),
- ndk.paths.android_path('toolchain/yasm/BSD.txt'),
- ndk.paths.android_path('toolchain/yasm/COPYING'),
- ndk.paths.android_path('toolchain/yasm/GNU_GPL-2.0'),
- ndk.paths.android_path('toolchain/yasm/GNU_LGPL-2.0'),
- ]
- @property
- def notices(self):
- return [
- ndk.paths.android_path('toolchain/gdb/gdb-7.11/COPYING'),
- ndk.paths.android_path('toolchain/python/Python-2.7.5/LICENSE'),
- ndk.paths.ndk_path('sources/host-tools/make-3.81/COPYING'),
- ndk.paths.ndk_path('sources/host-tools/toolbox/NOTICE'),
- ] + self.yasm_notices
- def build(self):
- build_args = ndk.builds.common_build_args(self.out_dir, self.dist_dir,
- self.host)
- print('Building make...')
- ndk.builds.invoke_external_build(
- 'ndk/sources/host-tools/make-3.81/build.py', build_args)
- if self.host in ('windows', 'windows64'):
- print('Building toolbox...')
- ndk.builds.invoke_external_build(
- 'ndk/sources/host-tools/toolbox/build.py', build_args)
- print('Building Python...')
- ndk.builds.invoke_external_build(
- 'toolchain/python/build.py', build_args)
- print('Building GDB...')
- ndk.builds.invoke_external_build('toolchain/gdb/build.py', build_args)
- print('Building YASM...')
- ndk.builds.invoke_external_build('toolchain/yasm/build.py', build_args)
- def install(self):
- install_dir = self.get_install_path()
- ndk.ext.shutil.create_directory(install_dir)
- packages = [
- 'gdb-multiarch-7.11',
- 'ndk-make',
- 'ndk-python',
- 'ndk-yasm',
- ]
- files = [
- 'ndk-which',
- ]
- if self.host in ('windows', 'windows64'):
- packages.append('toolbox')
- host_tag = ndk.hosts.host_to_tag(self.host)
- package_names = [p + '-' + host_tag + '.tar.bz2' for p in packages]
- for package_name in package_names:
- package_path = os.path.join(self.out_dir, self.host, package_name)
- subprocess.check_call(
- ['tar', 'xf', package_path, '-C', install_dir,
- '--strip-components=1'])
- for f in files:
- shutil.copy2(f, os.path.join(install_dir, 'bin'))
- ndk.builds.make_repo_prop(install_dir)
-def install_exe(out_dir, install_dir, name, system):
- is_win = system.startswith('windows')
- ext = '.exe' if is_win else ''
- exe_name = name + ext
- src = os.path.join(out_dir, exe_name)
- dst = os.path.join(install_dir, exe_name)
- ndk.ext.shutil.create_directory(install_dir)
- shutil.copy2(src, dst)
-class GdbServer(ndk.builds.InvokeBuildModule):
- name = 'gdbserver'
- path = 'prebuilt/android-{arch}/gdbserver'
- script = 'build-gdbserver.py'
- notice = ndk.paths.android_path('toolchain/gdb/gdb-7.11/gdb/COPYING')
- notice_group = ndk.builds.NoticeGroup.TOOLCHAIN
- arch_specific = True
- split_build_by_arch = True
- def install(self):
- src_dir = os.path.join(self.out_dir, self.host, self.name,
- self.build_arch, 'install')
- install_path = self.get_install_path()
- if os.path.exists(install_path):
- shutil.rmtree(install_path)
- shutil.copytree(src_dir, install_path)
-def make_linker_script(path, libs):
- ndk.file.write_file(path, 'INPUT({})\n'.format(' '.join(libs)))
-def create_libcxx_linker_scripts(lib_dir, abi, api):
- static_libs = ['-lc++_static', '-lc++abi']
- is_arm = abi == 'armeabi-v7a'
- needs_android_support = api < 21
- if needs_android_support:
- static_libs.append('-landroid_support')
- if is_arm:
- static_libs.extend(['-lunwind', '-latomic'])
- make_linker_script(
- os.path.join(lib_dir, 'libc++.a.{}'.format(api)), static_libs)
- shared_libs = []
- if needs_android_support:
- shared_libs.append('-landroid_support')
- if is_arm:
- shared_libs.extend(['-lunwind', '-latomic'])
- shared_libs.append('-lc++_shared')
- make_linker_script(
- os.path.join(lib_dir, 'libc++.so.{}'.format(api)), shared_libs)
-class Libcxx(ndk.builds.Module):
- name = 'libc++'
- path = 'sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++'
- script = 'ndk/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/build.py'
- notice = ndk.paths.android_path('external/libcxx/NOTICE')
- notice_group = ndk.builds.NoticeGroup.TOOLCHAIN
- arch_specific = True
- deps = {
- 'base-toolchain',
- 'libandroid_support',
- 'ndk-build',
- 'ndk-build-shortcut',
- }
- libcxx_path = ndk.paths.android_path('external/libcxx')
- @property
- def obj_out(self):
- return os.path.join(self.out_dir, 'libcxx/obj')
- @property
- def lib_out(self):
- return os.path.join(self.out_dir, 'libcxx/libs')
- @property
- def abis(self):
- abis = []
- for arch in self.arches:
- abis.extend(ndk.abis.arch_to_abis(arch))
- return abis
- def build(self):
- ndk_build = os.path.join(
- self.get_dep('ndk-build').get_build_host_install(), 'ndk-build')
- bionic_path = ndk.paths.android_path('bionic')
- android_mk = os.path.join(self.libcxx_path, 'Android.mk')
- application_mk = os.path.join(self.libcxx_path, 'Application.mk')
- build_cmd = [
- 'bash', ndk_build, build_support.jobs_arg(), 'V=1',
- 'APP_ABI=' + ' '.join(self.abis),
- # Since nothing in this build depends on libc++_static, we need to
- # name it to force it to build.
- 'APP_MODULES=c++_shared c++_static',
- 'BIONIC_PATH=' + bionic_path,
- # Tell ndk-build where all of our makefiles are and where outputs
- # should go. The defaults in ndk-build are only valid if we have a
- # typical ndk-build layout with a jni/{Android,Application}.mk.
- 'APP_BUILD_SCRIPT=' + android_mk,
- 'NDK_APPLICATION_MK=' + application_mk,
- 'NDK_OUT=' + self.obj_out,
- 'NDK_LIBS_OUT=' + self.lib_out,
- # Make sure we don't pick up a cached copy.
- ]
- print('Running: ' + ' '.join([pipes.quote(arg) for arg in build_cmd]))
- subprocess.check_call(build_cmd)
- def install(self):
- install_root = self.get_install_path()
- if os.path.exists(install_root):
- shutil.rmtree(install_root)
- os.makedirs(install_root)
- shutil.copy2(
- os.path.join(self.libcxx_path, 'Android.mk'), install_root)
- shutil.copy2(
- os.path.join(self.libcxx_path, 'NOTICE'), install_root)
- shutil.copytree(
- os.path.join(self.libcxx_path, 'include'),
- os.path.join(install_root, 'include'))
- shutil.copytree(self.lib_out, os.path.join(install_root, 'libs'))
- # TODO(danalbert): Fix the test runner to work with a separated test
- # source and build output tree. The test runner itself works with this,
- # but we need to do some work to separate the two when we invoke it.
- shutil.copytree(
- os.path.join(self.libcxx_path, 'test'),
- os.path.join(install_root, 'test'),
- symlinks=True)
- shutil.copytree(
- os.path.join(self.libcxx_path, 'utils'),
- os.path.join(install_root, 'utils'))
- for abi in self.abis:
- lib_dir = os.path.join(install_root, 'libs', abi)
- # The static libraries installed to the obj dir, not the lib dir.
- self.install_static_libs(lib_dir, abi)
- # Create linker scripts for the libraries we use so that we link
- # things properly even when we're not using ndk-build. The linker
- # will read the script in place of the library so that we link the
- # unwinder and other support libraries appropriately.
- platforms_meta = json.loads(
- ndk.file.read_file(ndk.paths.ndk_path('meta/platforms.json')))
- for api in range(platforms_meta['min'], platforms_meta['max'] + 1):
- if api < ndk.abis.min_api_for_abi(abi):
- continue
- create_libcxx_linker_scripts(lib_dir, abi, api)
- def install_static_libs(self, lib_dir, abi):
- static_lib_dir = os.path.join(self.obj_out, 'local', abi)
- shutil.copy2(os.path.join(static_lib_dir, 'libc++abi.a'), lib_dir)
- shutil.copy2(os.path.join(static_lib_dir, 'libc++_static.a'), lib_dir)
- if abi == 'armeabi-v7a':
- shutil.copy2(os.path.join(static_lib_dir, 'libunwind.a'), lib_dir)
- if abi in ndk.abis.LP32_ABIS:
- shutil.copy2(
- os.path.join(static_lib_dir, 'libandroid_support.a'), lib_dir)
-class Platforms(ndk.builds.Module):
- name = 'platforms'
- path = 'platforms'
- deps = {
- 'clang',
- 'binutils',
- }
- min_supported_api = 16
- # These API levels had no new native APIs. The contents of these platforms
- # directories would be identical to the previous extant API level, so they
- # are not included in the NDK to save space.
- skip_apis = (20, 25)
- # We still need a numeric API level for codenamed API levels because
- # ABI_ANDROID_API in crtbrand is an integer. We start counting the
- # codenamed releases from 9000 and increment for each additional release.
- # This is filled by get_apis.
- codename_api_map = {}
- # Shared with the sysroot, though the sysroot NOTICE actually includes a
- # lot more licenses. Platforms and Sysroot are essentially a single
- # component that is split into two directories only temporarily, so this
- # will be the end state when we merge the two anyway.
- notice = ndk.paths.android_path('prebuilts/ndk/platform/sysroot/NOTICE')
- def prebuilt_path(self, *args): # pylint: disable=no-self-use
- return ndk.paths.android_path('prebuilts/ndk/platform', *args)
- def src_path(self, *args): # pylint: disable=no-self-use
- return ndk.paths.android_path('development/ndk/platforms', *args)
- def binutils_tool(self, tool, arch):
- triple = build_support.arch_to_triple(arch)
- binutils = self.get_dep('binutils').get_build_host_install(arch)
- return os.path.join(binutils, 'bin', triple + '-' + tool)
- def libdir_name(self, arch): # pylint: disable=no-self-use
- if arch == 'x86_64':
- return 'lib64'
- else:
- return 'lib'
- def get_apis(self):
- codenamed_apis = []
- apis = []
- for name in os.listdir(self.prebuilt_path('platforms')):
- if not name.startswith('android-'):
- continue
- _, api_str = name.split('-')
- try:
- api = int(api_str)
- if api >= self.min_supported_api:
- apis.append(api)
- except ValueError:
- # Codenamed release like android-O, android-O-MR1, etc.
- apis.append(api_str)
- codenamed_apis.append(api_str)
- for api_num, api_str in enumerate(sorted(codenamed_apis), start=9000):
- self.codename_api_map[api_str] = api_num
- return sorted(apis)
- def get_arches(self, api): # pylint: disable=no-self-use
- arches = ['arm', 'x86']
- if api >= 21:
- arches.extend(['arm64', 'x86_64'])
- return arches
- def get_build_cmd(self, dst, srcs, api, arch, build_number):
- bionic_includes = ndk.paths.android_path(
- 'bionic/libc/arch-common/bionic')
- cc = os.path.join(
- self.get_dep('clang').get_build_host_install(), 'bin/clang')
- binutils = self.get_dep('binutils').get_build_host_install(arch)
- args = [
- cc,
- '-target',
- build_support.arch_to_triple(arch),
- '--sysroot',
- self.prebuilt_path('sysroot'),
- '-gcc-toolchain',
- binutils,
- '-I',
- bionic_includes,
- '-D__ANDROID_API__={}'.format(api),
- '-DPLATFORM_SDK_VERSION={}'.format(api),
- '-DABI_NDK_VERSION="{}"'.format(ndk.config.release),
- '-DABI_NDK_BUILD_NUMBER="{}"'.format(build_number),
- '-O2',
- '-fpic',
- '-Wl,-r',
- '-no-pie',
- '-nostdlib',
- '-Wa,--noexecstack',
- '-Wl,-z,noexecstack',
- '-o',
- dst,
- ] + srcs
- return args
- def check_elf_note(self, obj_file):
- # readelf is a cross platform tool, so arch doesn't matter.
- readelf = self.binutils_tool('readelf', 'arm')
- out = subprocess.check_output([readelf, '--notes', obj_file])
- if 'Android' not in out.decode('utf-8'):
- raise RuntimeError(
- '{} does not contain NDK ELF note'.format(obj_file))
- def build_crt_object(self, dst, srcs, api, arch, build_number, defines):
- try:
- # No-op for stable releases.
- api_num = int(api)
- except ValueError:
- # ValueError means this was a codenamed release. We need the
- # integer matching this release for ABI_ANDROID_API in crtbrand.
- api_num = self.codename_api_map[api]
- cc_args = self.get_build_cmd(dst, srcs, api_num, arch, build_number)
- cc_args.extend(defines)
- print('Running: ' + ' '.join([pipes.quote(arg) for arg in cc_args]))
- subprocess.check_call(cc_args)
- def build_crt_objects(self, dst_dir, api, arch, build_number):
- src_dir = ndk.paths.android_path('bionic/libc/arch-common/bionic')
- crt_brand = ndk.paths.ndk_path('sources/crt/crtbrand.S')
- objects = {
- 'crtbegin_dynamic.o': [
- os.path.join(src_dir, 'crtbegin.c'),
- crt_brand,
- ],
- 'crtbegin_so.o': [
- os.path.join(src_dir, 'crtbegin_so.c'),
- crt_brand,
- ],
- 'crtbegin_static.o': [
- os.path.join(src_dir, 'crtbegin.c'),
- crt_brand,
- ],
- 'crtend_android.o': [
- os.path.join(src_dir, 'crtend.S'),
- ],
- 'crtend_so.o': [
- os.path.join(src_dir, 'crtend_so.S'),
- ],
- }
- for name, srcs in objects.items():
- dst_path = os.path.join(dst_dir, name)
- defs = []
- if name == 'crtbegin_static.o':
- # libc.a is always the latest version, so ignore the API level
- # setting for crtbegin_static.
- defs.append('-D_FORCE_CRT_ATFORK')
- self.build_crt_object(
- dst_path, srcs, api, arch, build_number, defs)
- if name.startswith('crtbegin'):
- self.check_elf_note(dst_path)
- def build(self):
- build_dir = os.path.join(self.out_dir, self.path)
- if os.path.exists(build_dir):
- shutil.rmtree(build_dir)
- for api in self.get_apis():
- if api in self.skip_apis:
- continue
- platform = 'android-{}'.format(api)
- for arch in self.get_arches(api):
- arch_name = 'arch-{}'.format(arch)
- dst_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, platform, arch_name)
- os.makedirs(dst_dir)
- self.build_crt_objects(dst_dir, api, arch,
- self.context.build_number)
- def install(self):
- build_dir = os.path.join(self.out_dir, self.path)
- install_dir = self.get_install_path()
- if os.path.exists(install_dir):
- shutil.rmtree(install_dir)
- os.makedirs(install_dir)
- for api in self.get_apis():
- if api in self.skip_apis:
- continue
- # Copy shared libraries from prebuilts/ndk/platform/platforms.
- platform = 'android-{}'.format(api)
- platform_src = self.prebuilt_path('platforms', platform)
- platform_dst = os.path.join(install_dir, 'android-{}'.format(api))
- shutil.copytree(platform_src, platform_dst)
- for arch in self.get_arches(api):
- arch_name = 'arch-{}'.format(arch)
- triple = ndk.abis.arch_to_triple(arch)
- # Install static libraries from prebuilts/ndk/platform/sysroot.
- # TODO: Determine if we can change the build system to use the
- # libraries directly from the sysroot directory rather than
- # duplicating all the libraries in platforms.
- lib_dir = self.prebuilt_path('sysroot/usr/lib', triple)
- libdir_name = self.libdir_name(arch)
- lib_dir_dst = os.path.join(
- install_dir, platform, arch_name, 'usr', libdir_name)
- for name in os.listdir(lib_dir):
- lib_src = os.path.join(lib_dir, name)
- lib_dst = os.path.join(lib_dir_dst, name)
- shutil.copy2(lib_src, lib_dst)
- if libdir_name == 'lib64':
- # The Clang driver won't accept a sysroot that contains
- # only a lib64. An empty lib dir is enough to convince it.
- os.makedirs(os.path.join(
- install_dir, platform, arch_name, 'usr/lib'))
- # Install the CRT objects that we just built.
- obj_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, platform, arch_name)
- for name in os.listdir(obj_dir):
- obj_src = os.path.join(obj_dir, name)
- obj_dst = os.path.join(lib_dir_dst, name)
- shutil.copy2(obj_src, obj_dst)
- # https://github.com/android-ndk/ndk/issues/372
- for root, dirs, files in os.walk(install_dir):
- if not files and not dirs:
- with open(os.path.join(root, '.keep_dir'), 'w') as keep_file:
- keep_file.write(
- 'This file forces git to keep the directory.')
-class LibShaderc(ndk.builds.Module):
- name = 'libshaderc'
- path = 'sources/third_party/shaderc'
- src = ndk.paths.android_path('external/shaderc')
- notice_group = ndk.builds.NoticeGroup.TOOLCHAIN
- @property
- def notices(self):
- shaderc_dir = os.path.join(self.src, 'shaderc')
- return [
- os.path.join(shaderc_dir, 'LICENSE'),
- os.path.join(shaderc_dir, 'third_party', 'LICENSE.glslang'),
- os.path.join(shaderc_dir, 'third_party', 'LICENSE.spirv-tools'),
- ]
- def build(self):
- copies = [
- {
- 'source_dir': os.path.join(self.src, 'shaderc'),
- 'dest_dir': 'shaderc',
- 'files': [
- 'Android.mk', 'libshaderc/Android.mk',
- 'libshaderc_util/Android.mk',
- 'third_party/Android.mk',
- 'utils/update_build_version.py',
- ],
- 'dirs': [
- 'libshaderc/include', 'libshaderc/src',
- 'libshaderc_util/include', 'libshaderc_util/src',
- ],
- },
- {
- 'source_dir': os.path.join(self.src, 'spirv-tools'),
- 'dest_dir': 'shaderc/third_party/spirv-tools',
- 'files': [
- 'utils/generate_grammar_tables.py',
- 'utils/generate_language_headers.py',
- 'utils/generate_registry_tables.py',
- 'utils/update_build_version.py',
- 'Android.mk',
- ],
- 'dirs': ['include', 'source'],
- },
- {
- 'source_dir': os.path.join(self.src, 'spirv-headers'),
- 'dest_dir':
- 'shaderc/third_party/spirv-tools/external/spirv-headers',
- 'dirs': ['include'],
- 'files': [
- 'include/spirv/1.0/spirv.py',
- 'include/spirv/1.1/spirv.py',
- 'include/spirv/1.2/spirv.py'
- ],
- },
- {
- 'source_dir': os.path.join(self.src, 'glslang'),
- 'dest_dir': 'shaderc/third_party/glslang',
- 'files': ['glslang/OSDependent/osinclude.h'],
- 'dirs': [
- 'SPIRV',
- 'OGLCompilersDLL',
- 'glslang/GenericCodeGen',
- 'hlsl',
- 'glslang/Include',
- 'glslang/MachineIndependent',
- 'glslang/OSDependent/Unix',
- 'glslang/Public',
- ],
- },
- ]
- default_ignore_patterns = shutil.ignore_patterns(
- "*CMakeLists.txt",
- "*.py",
- "*test.h",
- "*test.cc")
- temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- shaderc_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'shaderc')
- try:
- for properties in copies:
- source_dir = properties['source_dir']
- dest_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, properties['dest_dir'])
- for d in properties['dirs']:
- src = os.path.join(source_dir, d)
- dst = os.path.join(dest_dir, d)
- print(src, " -> ", dst)
- shutil.copytree(src, dst,
- ignore=default_ignore_patterns)
- for f in properties['files']:
- print(source_dir, ':', dest_dir, ":", f)
- # Only copy if the source file exists. That way
- # we can update this script in anticipation of
- # source files yet-to-come.
- if os.path.exists(os.path.join(source_dir, f)):
- install_file(f, source_dir, dest_dir)
- else:
- print(source_dir, ':', dest_dir, ":", f, "SKIPPED")
- build_support.make_package('libshaderc', shaderc_path,
- self.dist_dir)
- finally:
- shutil.rmtree(temp_dir)
-class CpuFeatures(ndk.builds.PackageModule):
- name = 'cpufeatures'
- path = 'sources/android/cpufeatures'
- src = ndk.paths.ndk_path('sources/android/cpufeatures')
-class NativeAppGlue(ndk.builds.PackageModule):
- name = 'native_app_glue'
- path = 'sources/android/native_app_glue'
- src = ndk.paths.ndk_path('sources/android/native_app_glue')
-class NdkHelper(ndk.builds.PackageModule):
- name = 'ndk_helper'
- path = 'sources/android/ndk_helper'
- src = ndk.paths.ndk_path('sources/android/ndk_helper')
-class Gtest(ndk.builds.PackageModule):
- name = 'gtest'
- path = 'sources/third_party/googletest'
- src = ndk.paths.android_path('external/googletest/googletest')
-class Sysroot(ndk.builds.Module):
- name = 'sysroot'
- path = 'sysroot'
- notice = ndk.paths.android_path('prebuilts/ndk/platform/sysroot/NOTICE')
- def build(self):
- temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- try:
- path = ndk.paths.android_path('prebuilts/ndk/platform/sysroot')
- install_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'sysroot')
- shutil.copytree(path, install_path)
- if self.host != 'linux':
- # linux/netfilter has some headers with names that differ only
- # by case, which can't be extracted to a case-insensitive
- # filesystem, which are the defaults for Darwin and Windows :(
- #
- # There isn't really a good way to decide which of these to
- # keep and which to remove. The capitalized versions expose
- # different APIs, but we can't keep both. So far no one has
- # filed bugs about needing either API, so let's just dedup them
- # consistently and we can change that if we hear otherwise.
- remove_paths = [
- 'usr/include/linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_ECN.h',
- 'usr/include/linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_TTL.h',
- 'usr/include/linux/netfilter_ipv6/ip6t_HL.h',
- 'usr/include/linux/netfilter/xt_CONNMARK.h',
- 'usr/include/linux/netfilter/xt_DSCP.h',
- 'usr/include/linux/netfilter/xt_MARK.h',
- 'usr/include/linux/netfilter/xt_RATEEST.h',
- 'usr/include/linux/netfilter/xt_TCPMSS.h',
- ]
- for remove_path in remove_paths:
- os.remove(os.path.join(install_path, remove_path))
- ndk_version_h_path = os.path.join(
- install_path, 'usr/include/android/ndk-version.h')
- with open(ndk_version_h_path, 'w') as ndk_version_h:
- major = ndk.config.major
- minor = ndk.config.hotfix
- beta = ndk.config.beta
- canary = '1' if ndk.config.canary else '0'
- build = self.context.build_number
- if build == 'dev':
- build = '0'
- ndk_version_h.write(textwrap.dedent("""\
- /**
- * Major version of this NDK.
- *
- * For example: 16 for r16.
- */
- #define __NDK_MAJOR__ {major}
- /**
- * Minor version of this NDK.
- *
- * For example: 0 for r16 and 1 for r16b.
- */
- #define __NDK_MINOR__ {minor}
- /**
- * Set to 0 if this is a release build, or 1 for beta 1,
- * 2 for beta 2, and so on.
- */
- #define __NDK_BETA__ {beta}
- /**
- * Build number for this NDK.
- *
- * For a local development build of the NDK, this is -1.
- */
- #define __NDK_BUILD__ {build}
- /**
- * Set to 1 if this is a canary build, 0 if not.
- */
- #define __NDK_CANARY__ {canary}
- #endif /* ANDROID_NDK_VERSION_H */
- """.format(
- major=major,
- minor=minor,
- beta=beta,
- build=build,
- canary=canary)))
- build_support.make_package('sysroot', install_path, self.dist_dir)
- finally:
- shutil.rmtree(temp_dir)
-def write_clang_shell_script(wrapper_path, clang_name, flags):
- with open(wrapper_path, 'w') as wrapper:
- wrapper.write(textwrap.dedent("""\
- #!/bin/bash
- if [ "$1" != "-cc1" ]; then
- `dirname $0`/{clang} {flags} "$@"
- else
- # Target is already an argument.
- `dirname $0`/{clang} "$@"
- fi
- """.format(clang=clang_name, flags=' '.join(flags))))
- mode = os.stat(wrapper_path).st_mode
- os.chmod(wrapper_path, mode | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH)
-def write_clang_batch_script(wrapper_path, clang_name, flags):
- with open(wrapper_path, 'w') as wrapper:
- wrapper.write(textwrap.dedent("""\
- @echo off
- setlocal
- call :find_bin
- if "%1" == "-cc1" goto :L
- set "_BIN_DIR=" && %_BIN_DIR%{clang} {flags} %*
- if ERRORLEVEL 1 exit /b 1
- goto :done
- :L
- rem Target is already an argument.
- set "_BIN_DIR=" && %_BIN_DIR%{clang} %*
- if ERRORLEVEL 1 exit /b 1
- goto :done
- :find_bin
- rem Accommodate a quoted arg0, e.g.: "clang"
- rem https://github.com/android-ndk/ndk/issues/616
- set _BIN_DIR=%~dp0
- exit /b
- :done
- """.format(clang=clang_name, flags=' '.join(flags))))
-def write_clang_wrapper(install_dir, api, triple, is_windows):
- """Writes a target-specific Clang wrapper.
- This wrapper can be used to target the given architecture/API combination
- without needing to specify -target. These obviate the need for standalone
- toolchains.
- Ideally these would be symlinks rather than wrapper scripts to avoid the
- unnecessary indirection (Clang will infer its default target based on
- argv[0]), but the SDK manager can't install symlinks and Windows only
- allows administrators to create them.
- """
- exe_suffix = '.exe' if is_windows else ''
- if triple.startswith('arm-linux'):
- triple = 'armv7a-linux-androideabi'
- wrapper_path = os.path.join(install_dir, '{}{}-clang'.format(triple, api))
- wrapperxx_path = wrapper_path + '++'
- flags = ['--target={}{}'.format(triple, api)]
- # TODO: Hoist into the driver.
- if triple.startswith('i686') and api < 24:
- flags.append('-mstackrealign')
- # TODO: Fix driver default.
- cxx_flags = flags + ['-stdlib=libc++']
- # Write shell scripts even for Windows to support WSL and Cygwin.
- write_clang_shell_script(wrapper_path, 'clang' + exe_suffix, flags)
- write_clang_shell_script(wrapperxx_path, 'clang++' + exe_suffix, cxx_flags)
- if is_windows:
- write_clang_batch_script(wrapper_path + '.cmd', 'clang' + exe_suffix,
- flags)
- write_clang_batch_script(wrapper_path + '.cmd', 'clang++' + exe_suffix,
- cxx_flags)
-class BaseToolchain(ndk.builds.Module):
- """The subset of the toolchain needed to build other toolchain components.
- libc++ is built using this toolchain, and the full toolchain requires
- libc++. The toolchain is split into BaseToolchain and Toolchain to break
- the cyclic dependency.
- """
- name = 'base-toolchain'
- # This is installed to the Clang location to avoid migration pain.
- path = 'toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/{host}'
- notice_group = ndk.builds.NoticeGroup.TOOLCHAIN
- deps = {
- 'binutils',
- 'clang',
- 'host-tools',
- 'libandroid_support',
- 'platforms',
- 'sysroot',
- 'system-stl',
- }
- @property
- def notices(self):
- return (Binutils().notices + Clang().notices + HostTools().yasm_notices
- + LibAndroidSupport().notices + Platforms().notices +
- Sysroot().notices + SystemStl().notices)
- def build(self):
- pass
- def install(self):
- install_dir = self.get_install_path()
- host_tools_dir = self.get_dep('host-tools').get_install_path()
- libandroid_support_dir = self.get_dep(
- 'libandroid_support').get_install_path()
- platforms_dir = self.get_dep('platforms').get_install_path()
- sysroot_dir = self.get_dep('sysroot').get_install_path()
- system_stl_dir = self.get_dep('system-stl').get_install_path()
- copy_tree(sysroot_dir, os.path.join(install_dir, 'sysroot'))
- exe = '.exe' if self.host.startswith('windows') else ''
- shutil.copy2(
- os.path.join(host_tools_dir, 'bin', 'yasm' + exe),
- os.path.join(install_dir, 'bin'))
- for arch in self.arches:
- binutils_dir = self.get_dep('binutils').get_install_path(arch=arch)
- copy_tree(binutils_dir, install_dir)
- for api in self.get_dep('platforms').get_apis():
- if api in Platforms.skip_apis:
- continue
- platform = 'android-{}'.format(api)
- for arch in self.get_dep('platforms').get_arches(api):
- triple = ndk.abis.arch_to_triple(arch)
- arch_name = 'arch-{}'.format(arch)
- lib_dir = 'lib64' if arch == 'x86_64' else 'lib'
- src_dir = os.path.join(platforms_dir, platform, arch_name,
- 'usr', lib_dir)
- dst_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, 'sysroot/usr/lib', triple,
- str(api))
- shutil.copytree(src_dir, dst_dir)
- # TODO: Remove duplicate static libraries from this directory.
- # We already have them in the version-generic directory.
- write_clang_wrapper(
- os.path.join(install_dir, 'bin'), api, triple,
- self.host.startswith('windows'))
- # Clang searches for libstdc++ headers at $GCC_PATH/../include/c++. It
- # maybe be worth adding a search for the same path within the usual
- # sysroot location to centralize these, or possibly just remove them
- # from the NDK since they aren't particularly useful anyway.
- system_stl_hdr_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, 'include/c++')
- os.makedirs(system_stl_hdr_dir)
- system_stl_inc_src = os.path.join(system_stl_dir, 'include')
- system_stl_inc_dst = os.path.join(system_stl_hdr_dir, '4.9.x')
- shutil.copytree(system_stl_inc_src, system_stl_inc_dst)
- # $SYSROOT/usr/local/include comes before $SYSROOT/usr/include, so we
- # can use that for libandroid_support's headers. Puting them here
- # *does* mean that libandroid_support's headers get used even when
- # we're not using libandroid_support, but they should be a no-op for
- # android-21+ and in the case of pre-21 without libandroid_support
- # (libstdc++), we're only degrading the UX; the user will get a linker
- # error instead of a compiler error.
- support_hdr_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, 'sysroot/usr/local')
- os.makedirs(support_hdr_dir)
- support_inc_src = os.path.join(libandroid_support_dir, 'include')
- support_inc_dst = os.path.join(support_hdr_dir, 'include')
- shutil.copytree(support_inc_src, support_inc_dst)
-class Vulkan(ndk.builds.Module):
- name = 'vulkan'
- path = 'sources/third_party/vulkan'
- notice = ndk.paths.android_path(
- 'external/vulkan-validation-layers/LICENSE.txt')
- def build(self):
- print('Constructing Vulkan validation layer source...')
- vulkan_root_dir = ndk.paths.android_path(
- 'external/vulkan-validation-layers')
- vulkan_headers_root_dir = ndk.paths.android_path(
- 'external/vulkan-headers')
- copies = [
- {
- 'source_dir': vulkan_root_dir,
- 'dest_dir': 'vulkan/src',
- 'files': [
- ],
- 'dirs': [
- 'layers', 'tests', 'scripts'
- ],
- },
- {
- 'source_dir': vulkan_headers_root_dir,
- 'dest_dir': 'vulkan/src',
- 'files': [
- ],
- 'dirs': [
- 'include', 'registry'
- ],
- }
- ]
- default_ignore_patterns = shutil.ignore_patterns(
- "*CMakeLists.txt",
- "*test.cc",
- "linux",
- "windows")
- base_vulkan_path = os.path.join(self.out_dir, 'vulkan')
- vulkan_path = os.path.join(base_vulkan_path, 'src')
- for properties in copies:
- source_dir = properties['source_dir']
- dest_dir = os.path.join(self.out_dir, properties['dest_dir'])
- for d in properties['dirs']:
- src = os.path.join(source_dir, d)
- dst = os.path.join(dest_dir, d)
- shutil.rmtree(dst, True)
- shutil.copytree(src, dst,
- ignore=default_ignore_patterns)
- for f in properties['files']:
- install_file(f, source_dir, dest_dir)
- # Copy Android build components
- print('Copying Vulkan build components...')
- src = os.path.join(vulkan_root_dir, 'build-android')
- dst = os.path.join(vulkan_path, 'build-android')
- shutil.rmtree(dst, True)
- shutil.copytree(src, dst, ignore=default_ignore_patterns)
- print('Copying finished')
- # Copy binary validation layer libraries
- print('Copying Vulkan binary validation layers...')
- src = ndk.paths.android_path('prebuilts/ndk/vulkan-validation-layers')
- dst = os.path.join(vulkan_path, 'build-android/jniLibs')
- shutil.rmtree(dst, True)
- shutil.copytree(src, dst, ignore=default_ignore_patterns)
- print('Copying finished')
- build_cmd = [
- 'bash',
- vulkan_path + '/build-android/android-generate.sh',
- vulkan_path + '/registry',
- ]
- print('Generating generated layers...')
- subprocess.check_call(build_cmd)
- print('Generation finished')
- # TODO: Verify source packaged properly
- print('Packaging Vulkan source...')
- src = os.path.join(self.out_dir, 'vulkan')
- build_support.make_package('vulkan', src, self.dist_dir)
- print('Packaging Vulkan source finished')
-class Toolchain(ndk.builds.Module):
- """The complete toolchain.
- BaseToolchain installs the core of the toolchain. This module installs the
- STL to that toolchain.
- """
- name = 'toolchain'
- # This is installed to the Clang location to avoid migration pain.
- path = 'toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/{host}'
- notice_group = ndk.builds.NoticeGroup.TOOLCHAIN
- deps = {
- 'base-toolchain',
- 'libc++',
- 'libc++abi',
- 'platforms',
- }
- @property
- def notices(self):
- return Libcxx().notices + Libcxxabi().notices
- def build(self):
- pass
- def install(self):
- install_dir = self.get_install_path()
- libcxx_dir = self.get_dep('libc++').get_install_path()
- libcxxabi_dir = self.get_dep('libc++abi').get_install_path()
- libcxx_hdr_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, 'sysroot/usr/include/c++')
- os.makedirs(libcxx_hdr_dir)
- libcxx_inc_src = os.path.join(libcxx_dir, 'include')
- libcxx_inc_dst = os.path.join(libcxx_hdr_dir, 'v1')
- shutil.copytree(libcxx_inc_src, libcxx_inc_dst)
- libcxxabi_inc_src = os.path.join(libcxxabi_dir, 'include')
- copy_tree(libcxxabi_inc_src, libcxx_inc_dst)
- for arch in self.arches:
- # We need to replace libgcc with linker scripts that also use
- # libunwind on arm32. We already get libgcc from copying binutils,
- # but re-install it so we get the linker scripts.
- #
- # This needs to be done here rather than in BaseToolchain because
- # libunwind isn't available until libc++ has been built.
- for subarch in get_subarches(arch):
- install_libgcc(
- install_dir, self.host, arch, subarch, new_layout=True)
- triple = ndk.abis.arch_to_triple(arch)
- abi, = ndk.abis.arch_to_abis(arch)
- libcxx_lib_dir = os.path.join(libcxx_dir, 'libs', abi)
- sysroot_dst = os.path.join(install_dir, 'sysroot/usr/lib', triple)
- libs = [
- 'libc++_shared.so',
- 'libc++_static.a',
- 'libc++abi.a',
- ]
- if arch == 'arm':
- libs.append('libunwind.a')
- if abi in ndk.abis.LP32_ABIS:
- libs.append('libandroid_support.a')
- for lib in libs:
- shutil.copy2(os.path.join(libcxx_lib_dir, lib), sysroot_dst)
- for api in self.get_dep('platforms').get_apis():
- if api in Platforms.skip_apis:
- continue
- for arch in self.get_dep('platforms').get_arches(api):
- triple = ndk.abis.arch_to_triple(arch)
- dst_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, 'sysroot/usr/lib', triple,
- str(api))
- # Also install a libc++.so and libc++.a linker script per API
- # level. We need this to be done on a per-API level basis
- # because libandroid_support is only used on pre-21 API levels.
- static_script = ['-lc++_static', '-lc++abi']
- shared_script = ['-lc++_shared']
- if api < 21:
- static_script.append('-landroid_support')
- shared_script.insert(0, '-landroid_support')
- libcxx_so_path = os.path.join(dst_dir, 'libc++.so')
- with open(libcxx_so_path, 'w') as script:
- script.write('INPUT({})'.format(' '.join(shared_script)))
- libcxx_a_path = os.path.join(dst_dir, 'libc++.a')
- with open(libcxx_a_path, 'w') as script:
- script.write('INPUT({})'.format(' '.join(static_script)))
-def make_format_value(value):
- if isinstance(value, list):
- return ' '.join(value)
- return value
-def var_dict_to_make(var_dict):
- lines = []
- for name, value in var_dict.items():
- lines.append('{} := {}'.format(name, make_format_value(value)))
- return os.linesep.join(lines)
-def cmake_format_value(value):
- if isinstance(value, list):
- return ';'.join(value)
- return value
-def var_dict_to_cmake(var_dict):
- lines = []
- for name, value in var_dict.items():
- lines.append('set({} "{}")'.format(name, cmake_format_value(value)))
- return os.linesep.join(lines)
-def abis_meta_transform(metadata):
- default_abis = []
- deprecated_abis = []
- lp32_abis = []
- lp64_abis = []
- for abi, abi_data in metadata.items():
- bitness = abi_data['bitness']
- if bitness == 32:
- lp32_abis.append(abi)
- elif bitness == 64:
- lp64_abis.append(abi)
- else:
- raise ValueError('{} bitness is unsupported value: {}'.format(
- abi, bitness))
- if abi_data['default']:
- default_abis.append(abi)
- if abi_data['deprecated']:
- deprecated_abis.append(abi)
- meta_vars = {
- 'NDK_DEFAULT_ABIS': sorted(default_abis),
- 'NDK_DEPRECATED_ABIS': sorted(deprecated_abis),
- 'NDK_KNOWN_DEVICE_ABI32S': sorted(lp32_abis),
- 'NDK_KNOWN_DEVICE_ABI64S': sorted(lp64_abis),
- }
- return meta_vars
-def platforms_meta_transform(metadata):
- meta_vars = {
- 'NDK_MIN_PLATFORM_LEVEL': metadata['min'],
- 'NDK_MAX_PLATFORM_LEVEL': metadata['max'],
- }
- for src, dst in metadata['aliases'].items():
- name = 'NDK_PLATFORM_ALIAS_{}'.format(src)
- value = 'android-{}'.format(dst)
- meta_vars[name] = value
- return meta_vars
-def system_libs_meta_transform(metadata):
- # This file also contains information about the first supported API level
- # for each library. We could use this to provide better diagnostics in
- # ndk-build, but currently do not.
- return {'NDK_SYSTEM_LIBS': sorted(metadata.keys())}
-class NdkBuild(ndk.builds.PackageModule):
- name = 'ndk-build'
- path = 'build'
- src = ndk.paths.ndk_path('build')
- notice = ndk.paths.ndk_path('NOTICE')
- deps = {
- 'meta',
- }
- def install(self):
- super(NdkBuild, self).install()
- self.generate_language_specific_metadata('abis', abis_meta_transform)
- self.generate_language_specific_metadata('platforms',
- platforms_meta_transform)
- self.generate_language_specific_metadata('system_libs',
- system_libs_meta_transform)
- def generate_language_specific_metadata(self, name, func):
- install_path = self.get_install_path()
- json_path = os.path.join(
- self.get_dep('meta').get_install_path(), name + '.json')
- meta = json.loads(ndk.file.read_file(json_path))
- meta_vars = func(meta)
- ndk.file.write_file(
- os.path.join(install_path, 'core/{}.mk'.format(name)),
- var_dict_to_make(meta_vars))
- ndk.file.write_file(
- os.path.join(install_path, 'cmake/{}.cmake'.format(name)),
- var_dict_to_cmake(meta_vars))
-class PythonPackages(ndk.builds.PackageModule):
- name = 'python-packages'
- path = 'python-packages'
- src = ndk.paths.android_path('development/python-packages')
-class SystemStl(ndk.builds.PackageModule):
- name = 'system-stl'
- path = 'sources/cxx-stl/system'
- src = ndk.paths.ndk_path('sources/cxx-stl/system')
-class LibAndroidSupport(ndk.builds.PackageModule):
- name = 'libandroid_support'
- path = 'sources/android/support'
- src = ndk.paths.ndk_path('sources/android/support')
-class Libcxxabi(ndk.builds.PackageModule):
- name = 'libc++abi'
- path = 'sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++abi'
- src = ndk.paths.android_path('external/libcxxabi')
-class SimplePerf(ndk.builds.Module):
- name = 'simpleperf'
- path = 'simpleperf'
- notice = ndk.paths.android_path('prebuilts/simpleperf/NOTICE')
- def build(self):
- print('Building simpleperf...')
- install_dir = os.path.join(self.out_dir, 'simpleperf')
- if os.path.exists(install_dir):
- shutil.rmtree(install_dir)
- os.makedirs(install_dir)
- simpleperf_path = ndk.paths.android_path('prebuilts/simpleperf')
- dirs = ['doc', 'inferno', 'bin/android']
- is_win = self.host.startswith('windows')
- host_bin_dir = 'windows' if is_win else self.host
- dirs.append(os.path.join('bin/', host_bin_dir))
- for d in dirs:
- shutil.copytree(os.path.join(simpleperf_path, d),
- os.path.join(install_dir, d))
- for item in os.listdir(simpleperf_path):
- should_copy = False
- if item.endswith('.py') and item not in ['update.py', 'test.py']:
- should_copy = True
- elif item == 'report_html.js':
- should_copy = True
- elif item == 'inferno.sh' and not is_win:
- should_copy = True
- elif item == 'inferno.bat' and is_win:
- should_copy = True
- if should_copy:
- shutil.copy2(os.path.join(simpleperf_path, item), install_dir)
- shutil.copy2(os.path.join(simpleperf_path, 'ChangeLog'), install_dir)
- build_support.make_package('simpleperf', install_dir, self.dist_dir)
-class RenderscriptLibs(ndk.builds.PackageModule):
- name = 'renderscript-libs'
- path = 'sources/android/renderscript'
- src = ndk.paths.ndk_path('sources/android/renderscript')
-class RenderscriptToolchain(ndk.builds.InvokeBuildModule):
- name = 'renderscript-toolchain'
- path = 'toolchains/renderscript/prebuilt/{host}'
- script = 'build-renderscript.py'
- @property
- def notices(self):
- base = ndk.paths.android_path('prebuilts/renderscript/host')
- return [
- os.path.join(base, 'darwin-x86/current/NOTICE'),
- os.path.join(base, 'linux-x86/current/NOTICE'),
- os.path.join(base, 'windows-x86/current/NOTICE'),
- ]
-class Changelog(ndk.builds.FileModule):
- name = 'changelog'
- path = 'CHANGELOG.md'
- src = ndk.paths.ndk_path('docs/changelogs/Changelog-r{}.md'.format(
- ndk.config.major))
- no_notice = True
-class NdkGdb(ndk.builds.MultiFileModule):
- name = 'ndk-gdb'
- path = 'prebuilt/{host}/bin'
- notice = ndk.paths.ndk_path('NOTICE')
- @property
- def files(self):
- files = [
- ndk.paths.ndk_path('ndk-gdb'),
- ndk.paths.ndk_path('ndk-gdb.py'),
- ]
- if self.host.startswith('windows'):
- files.append(ndk.paths.ndk_path('ndk-gdb.cmd'))
- return files
-class NdkGdbShortcut(ndk.builds.ScriptShortcutModule):
- name = 'ndk-gdb-shortcut'
- path = 'ndk-gdb'
- script = 'prebuilt/{host}/bin/ndk-gdb'
- windows_ext = '.cmd'
-class NdkStack(ndk.builds.MultiFileModule):
- name = 'ndk-stack'
- path = 'prebuilt/{host}/bin'
- notice = ndk.paths.ndk_path('NOTICE')
- @property
- def files(self):
- files = [
- ndk.paths.ndk_path('ndk-stack'),
- ndk.paths.ndk_path('ndk-stack.py'),
- ]
- if self.host.startswith('windows'):
- files.append(ndk.paths.ndk_path('ndk-stack.cmd'))
- return files
-class NdkStackShortcut(ndk.builds.ScriptShortcutModule):
- name = 'ndk-stack-shortcut'
- path = 'ndk-stack'
- script = 'prebuilt/{host}/bin/ndk-stack'
- windows_ext = '.cmd'
-class NdkWhichShortcut(ndk.builds.ScriptShortcutModule):
- name = 'ndk-which-shortcut'
- path = 'ndk-which'
- script = 'prebuilt/{host}/bin/ndk-which'
- windows_ext = '' # There isn't really a Windows ndk-which.
-class NdkBuildShortcut(ndk.builds.ScriptShortcutModule):
- name = 'ndk-build-shortcut'
- path = 'ndk-build'
- script = 'build/ndk-build'
- windows_ext = '.cmd'
-class Readme(ndk.builds.FileModule):
- name = 'readme'
- path = 'README.md'
- src = ndk.paths.ndk_path('UserReadme.md')
-CANARY_TEXT = textwrap.dedent("""\
- This is a canary build of the Android NDK. It's updated almost every day.
- Canary builds are designed for early adopters and can be prone to breakage.
- Sometimes they can break completely. To aid development and testing, this
- distribution can be installed side-by-side with your existing, stable NDK
- release.
- """)
-class CanaryReadme(ndk.builds.Module):
- name = 'canary-readme'
- path = 'README.canary'
- no_notice = True
- def build(self):
- pass
- def install(self):
- if ndk.config.canary:
- canary_path = self.get_install_path()
- with open(canary_path, 'w') as canary_file:
- canary_file.write(CANARY_TEXT)
-class Meta(ndk.builds.PackageModule):
- name = 'meta'
- path = 'meta'
- src = ndk.paths.ndk_path('meta')
- no_notice = True
- deps = {
- 'base-toolchain',
- }
- def install(self):
- super(Meta, self).install()
- self.create_system_libs_meta()
- def create_system_libs_meta(self):
- # Build system_libs.json based on what we find in the toolchain. We
- # only need to scan a single 32-bit architecture since these libraries
- # do not vary in availability across architectures.
- sysroot_base = os.path.join(
- self.get_dep('base-toolchain').get_install_path(),
- 'sysroot/usr/lib/arm-linux-androideabi')
- system_libs = {}
- for api_name in sorted(os.listdir(sysroot_base)):
- path = os.path.join(sysroot_base, api_name)
- # There are also non-versioned libraries in this directory.
- if not os.path.isdir(path):
- continue
- for lib in os.listdir(path):
- # Don't include CRT objects in the list.
- if not lib.endswith('.so'):
- continue
- if not lib.startswith('lib'):
- raise RuntimeError(
- 'Found unexpected file in sysroot: {}'.format(lib))
- # libc++.so is a linker script, not a system library.
- if lib == 'libc++.so':
- continue
- # We're processing each version directory in sorted order, so
- # if we've already seen this library before it is an earlier
- # version of the library.
- if lib in system_libs:
- continue
- system_libs[lib] = api_name
- system_libs = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(system_libs.items()))
- json_path = os.path.join(self.get_install_path(), 'system_libs.json')
- with open(json_path, 'w') as json_file:
- json.dump(system_libs, json_file, indent=2, separators=(',', ': '))
-class WrapSh(ndk.builds.PackageModule):
- name = 'wrap.sh'
- path = 'wrap.sh'
- src = ndk.paths.ndk_path('wrap.sh')
- no_notice = True
-class SourceProperties(ndk.builds.Module):
- name = 'source.properties'
- path = 'source.properties'
- no_notice = True
- def build(self):
- pass
- def install(self):
- path = self.get_install_path()
- with open(path, 'w') as source_properties:
- build = self.context.build_number
- if build == 'dev':
- build = '0'
- version = '{}.{}.{}'.format(
- ndk.config.major, ndk.config.hotfix, build)
- if ndk.config.beta > 0:
- version += '-beta{}'.format(ndk.config.beta)
- source_properties.writelines([
- 'Pkg.Desc = Android NDK\n',
- 'Pkg.Revision = {}\n'.format(version)
- ])
-class AdbPy(ndk.builds.PythonPackage):
- name = 'adb.py'
- path = ndk.paths.android_path('development/python-packages/adb/setup.py')
- notice = ndk.paths.android_path('development/python-packages/NOTICE')
-class Lit(ndk.builds.PythonPackage):
- name = 'lit'
- path = ndk.paths.android_path('external/llvm/utils/lit/setup.py')
- notice = ndk.paths.android_path('external/llvm/NOTICE')
-class NdkPy(ndk.builds.PythonPackage):
- name = 'ndk.py'
- path = ndk.paths.ndk_path('setup.py')
-def create_notice_file(path, for_group):
- # Using sets here so we can perform some amount of duplicate reduction. In
- # a lot of cases there will be minor differences that cause lots of
- # "duplicates", but might as well catch what we can.
- notice_files = set()
- for module in ALL_MODULES:
- if module.notice_group == for_group:
- for notice in module.notices:
- notice_files.add(notice)
- licenses = set()
- for notice_path in notice_files:
- with open(notice_path) as notice_file:
- licenses.add(notice_file.read())
- with open(path, 'w') as output_file:
- # Sorting the contents here to try to make things deterministic.
- output_file.write(os.linesep.join(sorted(list(licenses))))
-def launch_build(worker, module, log_dir):
- result = do_build(worker, module, log_dir)
- if not result:
- return result, module
- do_install(worker, module)
- return True, module
-def do_build(worker, module, log_dir):
- with open(module.log_path(log_dir), 'w') as log_file:
- os.dup2(log_file.fileno(), sys.stdout.fileno())
- os.dup2(log_file.fileno(), sys.stderr.fileno())
- try:
- worker.status = 'Building {}...'.format(module)
- module.build()
- return True
- except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
- traceback.print_exc()
- return False
-def do_install(worker, module):
- worker.status = 'Installing {}...'.format(module)
- module.install()
-def split_module_by_arch(module, arches):
- if module.split_build_by_arch:
- for arch in arches:
- build_module = copy.deepcopy(module)
- build_module.build_arch = arch
- yield build_module
- else:
- yield module
-def _get_transitive_module_deps(module, deps, unknown_deps, seen):
- seen.add(module)
- for name in module.deps:
- if name not in NAMES_TO_MODULES:
- unknown_deps.add(name)
- continue
- dep = NAMES_TO_MODULES[name]
- if dep in seen:
- # Cycle detection is already handled by ndk.deps.DependencyManager.
- # Just avoid falling into an infinite loop here and let that do the
- # work.
- continue
- deps.add(dep)
- _get_transitive_module_deps(dep, deps, unknown_deps, seen)
-def get_transitive_module_deps(module):
- seen = set()
- deps = set()
- unknown_deps = set()
- _get_transitive_module_deps(module, deps, unknown_deps, seen)
- return deps, unknown_deps
-def get_modules_to_build(module_names, arches):
- """Returns a list of modules to be built given a list of module names.
- The module names are those given explicitly by the user or the full list.
- In the event that the user has passed a subset of modules, we need to also
- return the dependencies of that module.
- """
- unknown_modules = set()
- modules = set()
- deps_only = set()
- for name in module_names:
- if name not in NAMES_TO_MODULES:
- # Build a list of all the unknown modules rather than error out
- # immediately so we can provide a complete error message.
- unknown_modules.add(name)
- module = NAMES_TO_MODULES[name]
- modules.add(module)
- deps, unknown_deps = get_transitive_module_deps(module)
- modules.update(deps)
- # --skip-deps may be passed if the user wants to avoid rebuilding a
- # costly dependency. It's up to the user to guarantee that the
- # dependency has actually been built. Modules are skipped by
- # immediately completing them rather than sending them to the
- # workqueue. As such, we need to return a list of which modules are
- # *only* in the list because they are dependencies rather than being a
- # part of the requested set.
- for dep in deps:
- if dep.name not in module_names:
- deps_only.add(dep)
- unknown_modules.update(unknown_deps)
- if unknown_modules:
- sys.exit('Unknown modules: {}'.format(
- ', '.join(sorted(list(unknown_modules)))))
- build_modules = []
- for module in modules:
- for build_module in split_module_by_arch(module, arches):
- build_modules.append(build_module)
- return sorted(list(build_modules)), deps_only
- AdbPy(),
- BaseToolchain(),
- Binutils(),
- CanaryReadme(),
- Changelog(),
- Clang(),
- CpuFeatures(),
- GdbServer(),
- Gtest(),
- HostTools(),
- LibAndroidSupport(),
- LibShaderc(),
- Libcxx(),
- Libcxxabi(),
- Lit(),
- Meta(),
- NativeAppGlue(),
- NdkBuild(),
- NdkBuildShortcut(),
- NdkGdb(),
- NdkGdbShortcut(),
- NdkHelper(),
- NdkPy(),
- NdkStack(),
- NdkStackShortcut(),
- NdkWhichShortcut(),
- Platforms(),
- PythonPackages(),
- Readme(),
- RenderscriptLibs(),
- RenderscriptToolchain(),
- ShaderTools(),
- SimplePerf(),
- SourceProperties(),
- Sysroot(),
- SystemStl(),
- Toolchain(),
- Vulkan(),
- WrapSh(),
-NAMES_TO_MODULES = {m.name: m for m in ALL_MODULES}
-def get_all_module_names():
- return [m.name for m in ALL_MODULES if m.enabled]
-def build_number_arg(value):
- if value.startswith('P'):
- # Treehugger build. Treat as a local development build.
- return '0'
- return value
-def parse_args():
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
- description=inspect.getdoc(sys.modules[__name__]))
- parser.add_argument(
- '--arch',
- choices=('arm', 'arm64', 'x86', 'x86_64'),
- help='Build for the given architecture. Build all by default.')
- parser.add_argument(
- '-j', '--jobs', type=int, default=multiprocessing.cpu_count(),
- help=('Number of parallel builds to run. Note that this will not '
- 'affect the -j used for make; this just parallelizes '
- 'checkbuild.py. Defaults to the number of CPUs available.'))
- parser.add_argument(
- '--skip-deps', action='store_true',
- help=('Assume that dependencies have been built and only build '
- 'explicitly named modules.'))
- package_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
- package_group.add_argument(
- '--package', action='store_true', dest='package', default=True,
- help='Package the NDK when done building (default).')
- package_group.add_argument(
- '--no-package', action='store_false', dest='package',
- help='Do not package the NDK when done building.')
- package_group.add_argument(
- '--force-package', action='store_true', dest='force_package',
- help='Force a package even if only building a subset of modules.')
- test_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
- test_group.add_argument(
- '--build-tests', action='store_true', dest='build_tests', default=True,
- help=textwrap.dedent("""\
- Build tests when finished. --package is required. Not supported
- when targeting Windows.
- """))
- test_group.add_argument(
- '--no-build-tests', action='store_false', dest='build_tests',
- help='Skip building tests after building the NDK.')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--build-number', default='0', type=build_number_arg,
- help='Build number for use in version files.')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--release', help='Ignored. Temporarily compatibility.')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--system', choices=('darwin', 'linux', 'windows', 'windows64'),
- default=ndk.hosts.get_default_host(),
- help='Build for the given OS.')
- module_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
- module_group.add_argument(
- '--module', dest='modules', action='append', default=[],
- choices=get_all_module_names(), help='NDK modules to build.')
- return parser.parse_known_args()
-def log_build_failure(log_path, dist_dir):
- with open(log_path, 'r') as log_file:
- contents = log_file.read()
- print(contents)
- # The build server has a build_error.log file that is supposed to be
- # the short log of the failure that stopped the build. Append our
- # failing log to that.
- build_error_log = os.path.join(dist_dir, 'logs/build_error.log')
- with open(build_error_log, 'a') as error_log:
- error_log.write('\n')
- error_log.write(contents)
-def launch_buildable(deps, workqueue, log_dir, skip_deps, skip_modules):
- # If args.skip_deps is true, we could get into a case where we just
- # dequeued the only module that was still building and the only
- # items in get_buildable() are modules that will be skipped.
- # Without this outer while loop, we'd mark the skipped dependencies
- # as complete and then complete the outer loop. The workqueue
- # would be out of work and we'd exit.
- #
- # Avoid this by making sure that we queue all possible buildable
- # modules before we complete the loop.
- while deps.buildable_modules:
- for module in deps.get_buildable():
- if skip_deps and module in skip_modules:
- deps.complete(module)
- continue
- workqueue.add_task(launch_build, module, log_dir)
-def wait_for_build(deps, workqueue, dist_dir, log_dir, skip_deps,
- skip_modules):
- console = ndk.ansi.get_console()
- ui = ndk.ui.get_build_progress_ui(console, workqueue)
- with ndk.ansi.disable_terminal_echo(sys.stdin):
- with console.cursor_hide_context():
- while not workqueue.finished():
- result, module = workqueue.get_result()
- if not result:
- ui.clear()
- print('Build failed: {}'.format(module))
- log_build_failure(
- module.log_path(log_dir), dist_dir)
- sys.exit(1)
- elif not console.smart_console:
- ui.clear()
- print('Build succeeded: {}'.format(module))
- deps.complete(module)
- launch_buildable(deps, workqueue, log_dir, skip_deps,
- skip_modules)
- ui.draw()
- ui.clear()
- print('Build finished')
-def build_ndk(modules, deps_only, out_dir, dist_dir, args):
- arches = ndk.abis.ALL_ARCHITECTURES
- if args.arch is not None:
- arches = [args.arch]
- build_context = ndk.builds.BuildContext(
- out_dir, dist_dir, ALL_MODULES, args.system, arches, args.build_number)
- for module in modules:
- module.context = build_context
- log_dir = os.path.join(dist_dir, 'logs')
- if not os.path.exists(log_dir):
- os.makedirs(log_dir)
- ndk_dir = ndk.paths.get_install_path(out_dir, args.system)
- if not os.path.exists(ndk_dir):
- os.makedirs(ndk_dir)
- deps = ndk.deps.DependencyManager(modules)
- workqueue = ndk.workqueue.WorkQueue(args.jobs)
- try:
- launch_buildable(deps, workqueue, log_dir, args.skip_deps, deps_only)
- wait_for_build(
- deps, workqueue, dist_dir, log_dir, args.skip_deps, deps_only)
- if deps.get_buildable():
- raise RuntimeError(
- 'Builder stopped early. Modules are still '
- 'buildable: {}'.format(', '.join(deps.get_buildable())))
- create_notice_file(
- os.path.join(ndk_dir, 'NOTICE'),
- ndk.builds.NoticeGroup.BASE)
- create_notice_file(
- os.path.join(ndk_dir, 'NOTICE.toolchain'),
- ndk.builds.NoticeGroup.TOOLCHAIN)
- return ndk_dir
- finally:
- workqueue.terminate()
- workqueue.join()
-def build_ndk_for_cross_compile(out_dir, arches, args):
- args = copy.deepcopy(args)
- args.system = ndk.hosts.get_default_host()
- if args.system != 'linux':
- raise NotImplementedError
- module_names = NAMES_TO_MODULES.keys()
- modules, deps_only = get_modules_to_build(module_names, arches)
- print('Building Linux modules: {}'.format(' '.join(
- [str(m) for m in modules])))
- build_ndk(modules, deps_only, out_dir, out_dir, args)
-def create_ndk_symlink(out_dir):
- this_host_ndk = ndk.paths.get_install_path()
- ndk_symlink = os.path.join(out_dir, os.path.basename(this_host_ndk))
- if not os.path.exists(ndk_symlink):
- os.symlink(this_host_ndk, ndk_symlink)
-def get_directory_size(path):
- du_str = subprocess.check_output(['du', '-sm', path])
- match = re.match(r'^(\d+)', du_str.decode('utf-8'))
- size_str = match.group(1)
- return int(size_str)
def main():
- logging.basicConfig()
- total_timer = ndk.timer.Timer()
- total_timer.start()
- args, module_names = parse_args()
- module_names.extend(args.modules)
- if not module_names:
- module_names = get_all_module_names()
- required_package_modules = set(get_all_module_names())
- have_required_modules = required_package_modules <= set(module_names)
- do_package = have_required_modules if args.package else False
- if args.force_package:
- do_package = True
- # TODO(danalbert): wine?
- # We're building the Windows packages from Linux, so we can't actually run
- # any of the tests from here.
- if args.system.startswith('windows') or not do_package:
- args.build_tests = False
- os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
- if 'ANDROID_BUILD_TOP' in os.environ:
- sys.exit(textwrap.dedent("""\
- Error: ANDROID_BUILD_TOP is already set in your environment.
- This typically means you are running in a shell that has lunched a
- target in a platform build. The platform environment interferes
- with the NDK build environment, so the build cannot continue.
- Launch a new shell before building the NDK."""))
- os.environ['ANDROID_BUILD_TOP'] = os.path.realpath('..')
- arches = ndk.abis.ALL_ARCHITECTURES
- if args.arch is not None:
- arches = [args.arch]
- out_dir = ndk.paths.get_out_dir()
- dist_dir = ndk.paths.get_dist_dir(out_dir)
- print('Machine has {} CPUs'.format(multiprocessing.cpu_count()))
+ """Program entry point.
- if args.system.startswith('windows') and not args.skip_deps:
- # Since the Windows NDK is cross compiled, we need to build a Linux NDK
- # first so we can build components like libc++.
- build_ndk_for_cross_compile(out_dir, arches, args)
- modules, deps_only = get_modules_to_build(module_names, arches)
- print('Building modules: {}'.format(' '.join(
- [str(m) for m in modules
- if not args.skip_deps or m not in deps_only])))
- build_timer = ndk.timer.Timer()
- with build_timer:
- ndk_dir = build_ndk(modules, deps_only, out_dir, dist_dir, args)
- installed_size = get_directory_size(ndk_dir)
- # Create a symlink to the NDK usable by this host in the root of the out
- # directory for convenience.
- create_ndk_symlink(out_dir)
- package_timer = ndk.timer.Timer()
- with package_timer:
- if do_package:
- print('Packaging NDK...')
- host_tag = ndk.hosts.host_to_tag(args.system)
- package_path = package_ndk(
- ndk_dir, dist_dir, host_tag, args.build_number)
- packaged_size_bytes = os.path.getsize(package_path)
- packaged_size = packaged_size_bytes // (2 ** 20)
- good = True
- test_timer = ndk.timer.Timer()
- with test_timer:
- if args.build_tests:
- good = build_ndk_tests(out_dir, dist_dir, args)
- print() # Blank line between test results and timing data.
- total_timer.finish()
- print('')
- print('Installed size: {} MiB'.format(installed_size))
- if do_package:
- print('Package size: {} MiB'.format(packaged_size))
- print('Finished {}'.format('successfully' if good else 'unsuccessfully'))
- print('Build: {}'.format(build_timer.duration))
- print('Packaging: {}'.format(package_timer.duration))
- print('Testing: {}'.format(test_timer.duration))
- print('Total: {}'.format(total_timer.duration))
- subject = 'NDK Build {}!'.format('Passed' if good else 'Failed')
- body = 'Build finished in {}'.format(total_timer.duration)
- ndk.notify.toast(subject, body)
- sys.exit(not good)
-def _assign_self_to_new_process_group(fd):
- # It seems the build servers run us in our own session, in which case we
- # get EPERM from `setpgrp`. No need to call this in that case because we
- # will already be the process group leader.
- if os.getpid() == os.getsid(os.getpid()):
- yield
- return
- if ndk.ansi.is_self_in_tty_foreground_group(fd):
- old_pgrp = os.tcgetpgrp(fd.fileno())
- os.tcsetpgrp(fd.fileno(), os.getpid())
- os.setpgrp()
- try:
- yield
- finally:
- os.tcsetpgrp(fd.fileno(), old_pgrp)
- else:
- os.setpgrp()
- yield
-def _run_main_in_new_process_group():
- with _assign_self_to_new_process_group(sys.stdin):
- main()
+ Bootstraps the real checkbuild wrapper, do_checkbuild.py.
+ """
+ subprocess.check_call(
+ ['/usr/bin/env', 'python',
+ ndk.paths.ndk_path('do_checkbuild.py')] + sys.argv[1:])
if __name__ == '__main__':
- _run_main_in_new_process_group()
+ main()