# Copyright (C) 2009-2010 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Initialization of the NDK build system. This file is included by # several build scripts. # # Define NDK_LOG in your environment to display log traces when # using the build scripts. See also the definition of ndk_log below. # NDK_LOG := $(strip $(NDK_LOG)) # Check that we have at least GNU Make 3.81 # We do this by detecting whether 'lastword' is supported # MAKE_TEST := $(lastword a b c d e f) ifneq ($(MAKE_TEST),f) $(error Android NDK: GNU Make version $(MAKE_VERSION) is too low (should be >= 3.81) endif ifdef NDK_LOG $(info Android NDK: GNU Make version $(MAKE_VERSION) detected) endif # NDK_ROOT *must* be defined and point to the root of the NDK installation NDK_ROOT := $(strip $(NDK_ROOT)) ifndef NDK_ROOT $(error ERROR while including init.mk: NDK_ROOT must be defined !) endif ifneq ($(words $(NDK_ROOT)),1) $(info,The Android NDK installation path contains spaces: '$(NDK_ROOT)') $(error,Please fix the problem by reinstalling to a different location.) endif # ==================================================================== # # Define a few useful variables and functions. # More stuff will follow in definitions.mk. # # ==================================================================== # Used to output warnings and error from the library, it's possible to # disable any warnings or errors by overriding these definitions # manually or by setting NDK_NO_WARNINGS or NDK_NO_ERRORS __ndk_name := Android NDK __ndk_info = $(info $(__ndk_name): $1 $2 $3 $4 $5) __ndk_warning = $(warning $(__ndk_name): $1 $2 $3 $4 $5) __ndk_error = $(error $(__ndk_name): $1 $2 $3 $4 $5) ifdef NDK_NO_WARNINGS __ndk_warning := endif ifdef NDK_NO_ERRORS __ndk_error := endif # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Function : ndk_log # Arguments: 1: text to print when NDK_LOG is defined # Returns : None # Usage : $(call ndk_log,) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ifdef NDK_LOG ndk_log = $(info $(__ndk_name): $1) else ndk_log := endif # ==================================================================== # # Host system auto-detection. # # ==================================================================== # # Determine host system and architecture from the environment # HOST_OS := $(strip $(HOST_OS)) ifndef HOST_OS # On all modern variants of Windows (including Cygwin and Wine) # the OS environment variable is defined to 'Windows_NT' # # The value of PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE will be x86 or AMD64 # ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) HOST_OS := windows else # For other systems, use the `uname` output UNAME := $(shell uname -s) ifneq (,$(findstring Linux,$(UNAME))) HOST_OS := linux endif ifneq (,$(findstring Darwin,$(UNAME))) HOST_OS := darwin endif # We should not be there, but just in case ! ifneq (,$(findstring CYGWIN,$(UNAME))) HOST_OS := windows endif ifeq ($(HOST_OS),) $(call __ndk_info,Unable to determine HOST_OS from uname -s: $(UNAME)) $(call __ndk_info,Please define HOST_OS in your environment.) $(call __ndk_error,Aborting.) endif endif $(call ndk_log,Host OS was auto-detected: $(HOST_OS)) else $(call ndk_log,Host OS from environment: $(HOST_OS)) endif HOST_ARCH := $(strip $(HOST_ARCH)) ifndef HOST_ARCH ifeq ($(HOST_OS),windows) HOST_ARCH := $(PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE) ifeq ($(HOST_ARCH),AMD64) HOST_ARCH := x86 endif else # HOST_OS != windows UNAME := $(shell uname -m) ifneq (,$(findstring 86,$(UNAME))) HOST_ARCH := x86 endif # We should probably should not care at all ifneq (,$(findstring Power,$(UNAME))) HOST_ARCH := ppc endif ifeq ($(HOST_ARCH),) $(call __ndk_info,Unsupported host architecture: $(UNAME)) $(call __ndk_error,Aborting) endif endif # HOST_OS != windows $(call ndk_log,Host CPU was auto-detected: $(HOST_ARCH)) else $(call ndk_log,Host CPU from environment: $(HOST_ARCH)) endif HOST_TAG := $(HOST_OS)-$(HOST_ARCH) # If we are on Windows, we need to check that we are not running # Cygwin 1.5, which is deprecated and won't run our toolchain # binaries properly. # ifeq ($(HOST_TAG),windows-x86) # On cygwin, 'uname -r' returns something like 1.5.23(0.225/5/3) # We recognize 1.5. as the prefix to look for then. CYGWIN_VERSION := $(shell uname -r) ifneq ($(filter XX1.5.%,XX$(CYGWIN_VERSION)),) $(call __ndk_info,You seem to be running Cygwin 1.5, which is not supported.) $(call __ndk_info,Please upgrade to Cygwin 1.7 or higher.) $(call __ndk_error,Aborting.) endif # special-case the host-tag HOST_TAG := windows endif $(call ndk_log,HOST_TAG set to $(HOST_TAG)) # # Verify that the 'awk' tool has the features we need. # Both Nawk and Gawk do. # HOST_AWK := $(strip $(HOST_AWK)) ifndef HOST_AWK HOST_AWK := awk $(call ndk_log,Host awk tool was auto-detected: $(HOST_AWK)) else $(call ndk_log,Host awk tool from environment: $(HOST_AWK)) endif # Location of all awk scripts we use BUILD_AWK := $(NDK_ROOT)/build/awk AWK_TEST := $(shell $(HOST_AWK) -f $(BUILD_AWK)/check-awk.awk) $(call ndk_log,Host awk test returned: $(AWK_TEST)) ifneq ($(AWK_TEST),Pass) $(call __ndk_info,Host awk tool is outdated. Please define HOST_AWK to point to Gawk or Nawk !) $(call __ndk_error,Aborting.) endif # The location of the build system files BUILD_SYSTEM := $(NDK_ROOT)/build/core # Include common definitions include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/definitions.mk # Location where all prebuilt binaries for a given host architectures # will be stored. HOST_PREBUILT := $(NDK_ROOT)/build/prebuilt/$(HOST_TAG) # ==================================================================== # # Read all toolchain-specific configuration files. # # Each toolchain must have a corresponding config.mk file located # in build/toolchains// that will be included here. # # Each one of these files should define the following variables: # TOOLCHAIN_NAME toolchain name (e.g. arm-eabi-4.2.1) # TOOLCHAIN_ABIS list of target ABIs supported by the toolchain. # # Then, it should include $(ADD_TOOLCHAIN) which will perform # book-keeping for the build system. # # ==================================================================== # the build script to include in each toolchain config.mk ADD_TOOLCHAIN := $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/add-toolchain.mk # the list of all toolchains in this NDK NDK_ALL_TOOLCHAINS := NDK_ALL_ABIS := TOOLCHAIN_CONFIGS := $(wildcard $(NDK_ROOT)/build/toolchains/*/config.mk) $(foreach _config_mk,$(TOOLCHAIN_CONFIGS),\ $(eval include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/add-toolchain.mk)\ ) NDK_ALL_TOOLCHAINS := $(call uniq,$(NDK_ALL_TOOLCHAINS)) NDK_ALL_ABIS := $(call uniq,$(NDK_ALL_ABIS)) # The default toolchain is now arm-eabi-4.4.0, however its # C++ compiler is a tad bit more pedantic with certain # constructs (e.g. templates) so allow users to switch back # to the old 4.2.1 instead if they really want to. # # NOTE: you won't get armeabi-v7a support though ! # NDK_TOOLCHAIN := $(strip $(NDK_TOOLCHAIN)) ifdef NDK_TOOLCHAIN # check that the toolchain name is supported $(if $(filter-out $(NDK_ALL_TOOLCHAINS),$(NDK_TOOLCHAIN)),\ $(call __ndk_info,NDK_TOOLCHAIN is defined to the unsupported value $(NDK_TOOLCHAIN)) \ $(call __ndk_info,Please use one of the following values: $(NDK_ALL_TOOLCHAINS))\ $(call __ndk_error,Aborting)\ ,) $(call ndk_log, Using specific toolchain $(NDK_TOOLCHAIN)) endif $(call ndk_log, This NDK supports the following toolchains and target ABIs:) $(foreach tc,$(NDK_ALL_TOOLCHAINS),\ $(call ndk_log, $(space)$(space)$(tc): $(NDK_TOOLCHAIN.$(tc).abis))\ ) # ==================================================================== # # Read all platform-specific configuration files. # # Each platform must be located in build/platforms/android- # where corresponds to an API level number, with: # 3 -> Android 1.5 # 4 -> next platform release # # ==================================================================== NDK_PLATFORMS_ROOT := $(NDK_ROOT)/build/platforms NDK_ALL_PLATFORMS := $(strip $(notdir $(wildcard $(NDK_PLATFORMS_ROOT)/android-*))) $(call ndk_log,Found supported platforms: $(NDK_ALL_PLATFORMS)) $(foreach _platform,$(NDK_ALL_PLATFORMS),\ $(eval include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/add-platform.mk)\ ) # we're going to find the maximum platform number of the form android- # ignore others, which could correspond to special and experimental cases NDK_ALL_PLATFORM_LEVELS := $(filter android-%,$(NDK_ALL_PLATFORMS)) NDK_ALL_PLATFORM_LEVELS := $(patsubst android-%,%,$(NDK_ALL_PLATFORM_LEVELS)) $(call ndk_log,Found stable platform levels: $(NDK_ALL_PLATFORM_LEVELS)) NDK_MAX_PLATFORM_LEVEL := 3 $(foreach level,$(NDK_ALL_PLATFORM_LEVELS),\ $(eval NDK_MAX_PLATFORM_LEVEL := $$(call max,$$(NDK_MAX_PLATFORM_LEVEL),$$(level)))\ ) $(call ndk_log,Found max platform level: $(NDK_MAX_PLATFORM_LEVEL))