#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """Symbolizes stack traces from logcat. See https://developer.android.com/ndk/guides/ndk-stack for more information. """ from __future__ import print_function import argparse import os import re import shutil import subprocess import sys import tempfile import zipfile EXE_SUFFIX = '.exe' if os.name == 'nt' else '' class TmpDir(object): """Manage temporary directory creation.""" def __init__(self): self._tmp_dir = None def delete(self): if self._tmp_dir: shutil.rmtree(self._tmp_dir) def get_directory(self): if not self._tmp_dir: self._tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() return self._tmp_dir def get_ndk_paths(): """Parse and find all of the paths of the ndk Returns: Three values: Full path to the root of the ndk install. Full path to the ndk bin directory where this executable lives. The platform name (eg linux-x86_64). """ # ndk-stack is installed to $NDK/prebuilt//bin, so from # `android-ndk-r18/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/ndk-stack`... # ...get `android-ndk-r18/`: ndk_bin = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) ndk_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ndk_bin, '../../..')) # ...get `linux-x86_64`: ndk_host_tag = os.path.basename( os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ndk_bin, '../'))) return (ndk_root, ndk_bin, ndk_host_tag) def find_llvm_symbolizer(ndk_root, ndk_bin, ndk_host_tag): """Finds the NDK llvm-symbolizer(1) binary. Returns: An absolute path to llvm-symbolizer(1). """ llvm_symbolizer = 'llvm-symbolizer' + EXE_SUFFIX path = os.path.join(ndk_root, 'toolchains', 'llvm', 'prebuilt', ndk_host_tag, 'bin', llvm_symbolizer) if os.path.exists(path): return path # Okay, maybe we're a standalone toolchain? (https://github.com/android-ndk/ndk/issues/931) # In that case, llvm-symbolizer and ndk-stack are conveniently in # the same directory... path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ndk_bin, llvm_symbolizer)) if os.path.exists(path): return path raise OSError('Unable to find llvm-symbolizer') def find_readelf(ndk_root, ndk_bin, ndk_host_tag): """Finds the NDK readelf(1) binary. Returns: An absolute path to readelf(1). """ readelf = 'readelf' + EXE_SUFFIX m = re.match('^[^-]+-(.*)', ndk_host_tag) if m: # Try as if this is not a standalone install. arch = m.group(1) if arch == 'arm': platform_dir = arch + '-linux-androideabi' else: platform_dir = arch + '-linux-android' path = os.path.join(ndk_root, 'toolchains', 'llvm', 'prebuilt', ndk_host_tag, platform_dir, 'bin', readelf) if os.path.exists(path): return path # Might be a standalone toolchain, find the first readelf available, # any should work. arches = [ 'aarch64-linux-android', 'arm-linux-androideabi', 'x86_64-linux-android', 'i686-linux-android' ] for arch in arches: path = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(ndk_bin, '..', arch, 'bin', readelf)) if os.path.exists(path): return path return None def get_build_id(readelf_path, elf_file): """Get the GNU build id note from an elf file. Returns: The build id found or None if there is no build id or the readelf path does not exist. """ try: output = subprocess.check_output([readelf_path, '-n', elf_file]) m = re.search(r'Build ID:\s+([0-9a-f]+)', output.decode()) if not m: return None return m.group(1) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return None def get_zip_info_from_offset(zip_file, offset): """Get the ZipInfo object from a zip file. Returns: A ZipInfo object found at the 'offset' into the zip file. Returns None if no file can be found at the given 'offset'. """ file_size = os.stat(zip_file.filename).st_size if offset >= file_size: return None infos = zip_file.infolist() if not infos or offset < infos[0].header_offset: return None for i in range(1, len(infos)): prev_info = infos[i - 1] cur_offset = infos[i].header_offset if offset >= prev_info.header_offset and offset < cur_offset: zip_info = prev_info return zip_info zip_info = infos[len(infos) - 1] if offset < zip_info.header_offset: return None return zip_info class FrameInfo(object): """A class to represent the data in a single backtrace frame. Attributes: num: The string representing the frame number (eg #01). pc: The relative program counter for the frame. elf_file: The file or map name in which the relative pc resides. container_file: The name of the file that contains the elf_file. For example, an entry like GoogleCamera.apk!libsome.so would set container_file to GoogleCamera.apk and set elf_file to libsome.so. Set to None if no ! found. offset: The offset into the file at which this library was mapped. Set to None if no offset found. build_id: The Gnu build id note parsed from the frame information. Set to None if no build id found. tail: The part of the line after the program counter. """ # See unwindstack::FormatFrame in libunwindstack. # We're deliberately very loose because NDK users are likely to be # looking at crashes on ancient OS releases. # TODO: support asan stacks too? _line_re = re.compile(r'.* +(#[0-9]+) +pc ([0-9a-f]+) +(([^ ]+).*)') _sanitizer_line_re = re.compile(r'.* +(#[0-9]+) +0x[0-9a-f]* +\(([^ ]+)\+0x([0-9a-f]+)\)') _lib_re = re.compile(r'([^\!]+)\!(.+)') _offset_re = re.compile(r'\(offset\s+(0x[0-9a-f]+)\)') _build_id_re = re.compile(r'\(BuildId:\s+([0-9a-f]+)\)') @classmethod def from_line(cls, line): m = FrameInfo._line_re.match(line) if m: return cls(*m.group(1, 2, 3, 4)) m = FrameInfo._sanitizer_line_re.match(line) if m: return cls(*m.group(1, 3, 2, 2), sanitizer=True) return None def __init__(self, num, pc, tail, elf_file, sanitizer=False): self.num = num self.pc = pc self.tail = tail self.elf_file = elf_file self.sanitizer = sanitizer m = FrameInfo._lib_re.match(self.elf_file) if m: self.container_file = m.group(1) self.elf_file = m.group(2) # Sometimes an entry like this will occur: # #01 pc 0000abcd /system/lib/lib/libc.so!libc.so (offset 0x1000) # In this case, no container file should be set. if os.path.basename(self.container_file) == os.path.basename( self.elf_file): self.elf_file = self.container_file self.container_file = None else: self.container_file = None m = FrameInfo._offset_re.search(self.tail) if m: self.offset = int(m.group(1), 16) else: self.offset = None m = FrameInfo._build_id_re.search(self.tail) if m: self.build_id = m.group(1) else: self.build_id = None def verify_elf_file(self, readelf_path, elf_file_path, display_elf_path): """Verify if the elf file is valid. Returns: True if the elf file exists and build id matches (if it exists). """ if not os.path.exists(elf_file_path): return False if readelf_path and self.build_id: build_id = get_build_id(readelf_path, elf_file_path) if self.build_id != build_id: print( 'WARNING: Mismatched build id for %s' % (display_elf_path)) print('WARNING: Expected %s' % (self.build_id)) print('WARNING: Found %s' % (build_id)) return False return True def get_elf_file(self, symbol_dir, readelf_path, tmp_dir): """Get the path to the elf file represented by this frame. Returns: The path to the elf file if it is valid, or None if no valid elf file can be found. If the file has to be extracted from an apk, the elf file will be placed in tmp_dir. """ elf_file = os.path.basename(self.elf_file) if self.container_file: # This matches a file format such as Base.apk!libsomething.so # so see if we can find libsomething.so in the symbol directory. elf_file_path = os.path.join(symbol_dir, elf_file) if self.verify_elf_file(readelf_path, elf_file_path, elf_file_path): return elf_file_path apk_file_path = os.path.join(symbol_dir, os.path.basename(self.container_file)) with zipfile.ZipFile(apk_file_path) as zip_file: zip_info = get_zip_info_from_offset(zip_file, self.offset) if not zip_info: return None elf_file_path = zip_file.extract(zip_info, tmp_dir.get_directory()) display_elf_file = '%s!%s' % (apk_file_path, elf_file) if not self.verify_elf_file(readelf_path, elf_file_path, display_elf_file): return None return elf_file_path elif elf_file[-4:] == '.apk': # This matches a stack line such as: # #08 pc 00cbed9c GoogleCamera.apk (offset 0x6e32000) apk_file_path = os.path.join(symbol_dir, elf_file) with zipfile.ZipFile(apk_file_path) as zip_file: zip_info = get_zip_info_from_offset(zip_file, self.offset) if not zip_info: return None # Rewrite the output tail so that it goes from: # GoogleCamera.apk ... # To: # GoogleCamera.apk!libsomething.so ... index = self.tail.find(elf_file) if index != -1: index += len(elf_file) self.tail = (self.tail[0:index] + '!' + os.path.basename( zip_info.filename) + self.tail[index:]) elf_file = os.path.basename(zip_info.filename) elf_file_path = os.path.join(symbol_dir, elf_file) if self.verify_elf_file(readelf_path, elf_file_path, elf_file_path): return elf_file_path elf_file_path = zip_file.extract(zip_info, tmp_dir.get_directory()) display_elf_path = '%s!%s' % (apk_file_path, elf_file) if not self.verify_elf_file(readelf_path, elf_file_path, display_elf_path): return None return elf_file_path elf_file_path = os.path.join(symbol_dir, elf_file) if self.verify_elf_file(readelf_path, elf_file_path, elf_file_path): return elf_file_path return None def main(argv): """"Program entry point.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Symbolizes Android crashes.', epilog='See .') parser.add_argument( '-sym', '--sym', dest='symbol_dir', required=True, # TODO: default to '.'? help='directory containing unstripped .so files') parser.add_argument( '-i', '-dump', '--dump', dest='input', default=sys.stdin, type=argparse.FileType('r'), help='input filename') args = parser.parse_args(argv) if not os.path.exists(args.symbol_dir): sys.exit('{} does not exist!\n'.format(args.symbol_dir)) ndk_paths = get_ndk_paths() symbolize_cmd = [ find_llvm_symbolizer(*ndk_paths), '--demangle', '--functions=linkage', '--inlining=true', '--use-symbol-table=true' ] readelf_path = find_readelf(*ndk_paths) symbolize_proc = None try: tmp_dir = TmpDir() symbolize_proc = subprocess.Popen( symbolize_cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) banner = '*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***' in_crash = False saw_frame = False for line in args.input: line = line.rstrip() if not in_crash: if banner in line: in_crash = True saw_frame = False print('********** Crash dump: **********') continue for tag in ['Build fingerprint:', 'Abort message:']: if tag in line: print(line[line.find(tag):]) continue frame_info = FrameInfo.from_line(line) if not frame_info: if saw_frame: in_crash = False print('Crash dump is completed\n') continue # There can be a gap between sanitizer frames in the abort message # and the actual backtrace. Do not end the crash dump until we've # seen the actual backtrace. if not frame_info.sanitizer: saw_frame = True try: elf_file = frame_info.get_elf_file(args.symbol_dir, readelf_path, tmp_dir) except IOError: elf_file = None # Print a slightly different version of the stack trace line. # The original format: # #00 pc 0007b350 /lib/bionic/libc.so (__strchr_chk+4) # becomes: # #00 0x0007b350 /lib/bionic/libc.so (__strchr_chk+4) out_line = '%s 0x%s %s' % (frame_info.num, frame_info.pc, frame_info.tail) print(out_line) indent = (out_line.find('(') + 1) * ' ' if not elf_file: continue value = '"%s" 0x%s\n' % (elf_file, frame_info.pc) symbolize_proc.stdin.write(value.encode()) symbolize_proc.stdin.flush() while True: symbolizer_output = symbolize_proc.stdout.readline().rstrip() if not symbolizer_output: break # TODO: rewrite file names base on a source path? print('%s%s' % (indent, symbolizer_output.decode())) finally: args.input.close() tmp_dir.delete() if symbolize_proc: symbolize_proc.stdin.close() symbolize_proc.stdout.close() symbolize_proc.kill() symbolize_proc.wait() if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv[1:])