# # Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """Helper functions for NDK build and test paths.""" import os from pathlib import Path, PurePosixPath from typing import Callable, Iterator, Optional import ndk.config import ndk.hosts ANDROID_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parents[2] NDK_DIR = ANDROID_DIR / "ndk" DEVICE_TEST_BASE_DIR = PurePosixPath("/data/local/tmp/tests") def android_path(*args: str) -> Path: """Returns the absolute path rooted within the top level source tree.""" return ANDROID_DIR.joinpath(*args) def ndk_path(*args: str) -> Path: """Returns the absolute path rooted within the NDK source tree.""" return android_path("ndk", *args) def toolchain_path(*args: str) -> Path: """Returns a path within the toolchain subdirectory.""" return android_path("toolchain", *args) def expand_path(path: Path, host: ndk.hosts.Host) -> Path: """Expands package definition tuple into a package name. >>> expand_path('llvm-{host}', Host.Linux) 'llvm-linux-x86_64' >>> expand_path('platforms', Host.Linux) 'platforms' """ host_tag = ndk.hosts.host_to_tag(host) return Path(str(path).format(host=host_tag)) def _get_dir_from_env(default: Path, env_var: str) -> Path: """Returns the path to a directory specified by the environment. If the environment variable is not set, the default will be used. The directory is created if it does not exist. Args: default: The path used if the environment variable is not set. env_var: The environment variable that contains the path, if any. Returns: The absolute path to the directory. """ path = Path(os.getenv(env_var, default)) if not path.is_dir(): path.mkdir(parents=True) return path.resolve() def get_out_dir() -> Path: """Returns the out directory.""" return _get_dir_from_env(android_path("out"), "OUT_DIR") def get_dist_dir(out_dir: Optional[Path] = None) -> Path: """Returns the distribution directory. The contents of the distribution directory are archived on the build servers. Suitable for build logs and final artifacts. """ if out_dir is None: out_dir = get_out_dir() return _get_dir_from_env(out_dir / "dist", "DIST_DIR") def path_in_out(dirname: Path, out_dir: Optional[Path] = None) -> Path: """Returns a path within the out directory." Args: dirname: Name of the directory. out_dir: Optional base out directory. Inferred from $OUT_DIR if not supplied. If None and $OUT_DIR is not set, will use ../out relative to the NDK git project. Returns: Absolute path within the out directory. """ if out_dir is None: out_dir = get_out_dir() return out_dir / dirname def get_install_path( out_dir: Optional[Path] = None, host: Optional[ndk.hosts.Host] = None ) -> Path: """Returns the built NDK install path. Note that the path returned might not actually contain the NDK. The NDK may not actually be present if: * The NDK hasn't been built yet. * The name of the release has changed since the NDK was built. * out_dir is not consistent with the build. Args: out_dir: Optional base out directory. Inferred from $OUT_DIR if not supplied. host: Returns the install path for th given host. Returns: Directory that the built NDK should be installed to. """ if host is None: host = ndk.hosts.get_default_host() release_name = f"android-ndk-{ndk.config.release}" return path_in_out(Path(host.value) / release_name, out_dir) def walk( path: Path, top_down: bool = True, on_error: Optional[Callable[[OSError], None]] = None, follow_links: bool = False, directories: bool = True, ) -> Iterator[Path]: """Recursively iterates through files in a directory. This is a pathlib equivalent of os.walk, which Python inexplicably still does not have in the standard library. Args: path: Directory tree to walk. top_down: If True, walk the tree top-down. If False, walk the tree bottom-up. on_error: An error handling callback for any OSError raised by the walk. follow_links: If True, walk into symbolic links that resolve to directories. directories: If True, the walk will also yield directories. Yields: A Path for each file (and optionally each directory) in the same manner as os.walk. """ for root, dirs, files in os.walk( str(path), topdown=top_down, onerror=on_error, followlinks=follow_links ): root_path = Path(root) if directories: for dir_name in dirs: yield root_path / dir_name for file_name in files: yield root_path / file_name