# Rotary Playground: Test app for rotary controller ## Building ``` make RotaryPlayground ``` ## Installing ``` adb install out/target/product/[hardware]/system/app/RotaryPlayground/RotaryPlayground.apk ``` ## Once installed, launch Rotary Playground in the Launcher, or with this adb command: ``` adb shell am start -n com.android.car.rotaryplayground/com.android.car.rotaryplayground.RotaryActivity ``` ## Tools ### goRotary.sh This script helps you to build, install and run the app. * To build ``` cd $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP packages/apps/Car/tests/tools/goRotary.sh b ``` The apks and android.car.jar are in /tmp/rotary by default. * To install ``` packages/apps/Car/tests/tools/goRotary.sh i ``` * To run ``` packages/apps/Car/tests/tools/goRotary.sh r ```