/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.launcher3; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.provider.BaseColumns; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import com.android.launcher3.model.data.ItemInfo; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.stream.Collectors; /** * Settings related utilities. */ public class LauncherSettings { /** * Types of animations. */ public static final class Animation { /** * The default animation for a given view/item info type. */ public static final int DEFAULT = 0; /** * An animation using the view's background. */ public static final int VIEW_BACKGROUND = 1; /** * The default animation for a given view/item info type, but without the splash icon. */ public static final int DEFAULT_NO_ICON = 2; } /** * Favorites. */ public static final class Favorites implements BaseColumns { /** * The time of the last update to this row. *


*/ public static final String MODIFIED = "modified"; /** * Descriptive name of the gesture that can be displayed to the user. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String TITLE = "title"; /** * The Intent URL of the gesture, describing what it points to. This * value is given to {@link android.content.Intent#parseUri(String, int)} to create * an Intent that can be launched. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String INTENT = "intent"; /** * The type of the gesture * *


*/ public static final String ITEM_TYPE = "itemType"; /** * The gesture is a package */ public static final int ITEM_TYPE_NON_ACTIONABLE = -1; /** * The gesture is an application */ public static final int ITEM_TYPE_APPLICATION = 0; /** * The gesture is an application created shortcut * @deprecated This is no longer supported. Use {@link #ITEM_TYPE_DEEP_SHORTCUT} instead */ @Deprecated public static final int ITEM_TYPE_SHORTCUT = 1; /** * The favorite is a user created folder */ public static final int ITEM_TYPE_FOLDER = 2; /** * The favorite is a widget */ public static final int ITEM_TYPE_APPWIDGET = 4; /** * The favorite is a custom widget provided by the launcher */ public static final int ITEM_TYPE_CUSTOM_APPWIDGET = 5; /** * The gesture is an application created deep shortcut */ public static final int ITEM_TYPE_DEEP_SHORTCUT = 6; /** * The favorite is an app pair for launching split screen */ public static final int ITEM_TYPE_APP_PAIR = 10; // *** Below enum values are used for metrics purpose but not used in Favorites DB *** /** * Type of the item is recents task. */ public static final int ITEM_TYPE_TASK = 7; /** * The item is QSB */ public static final int ITEM_TYPE_QSB = 8; /** * The favorite is a search action */ public static final int ITEM_TYPE_SEARCH_ACTION = 9; /** * The custom icon bitmap. *

Type: BLOB

*/ public static final String ICON = "icon"; public static final String TABLE_NAME = "favorites"; /** * Backup table created when user hotseat is moved to workspace for hybrid hotseat */ public static final String HYBRID_HOTSEAT_BACKUP_TABLE = "hotseat_restore_backup"; /** * Temporary table used specifically for multi-db grid migrations */ public static final String TMP_TABLE = "favorites_tmp"; /** * The container holding the favorite *


*/ public static final String CONTAINER = "container"; /** * The icon is a resource identified by a package name and an integer id. */ public static final int CONTAINER_DESKTOP = -100; public static final int CONTAINER_HOTSEAT = -101; public static final int CONTAINER_PREDICTION = -102; public static final int CONTAINER_WIDGETS_PREDICTION = -111; public static final int CONTAINER_HOTSEAT_PREDICTION = -103; public static final int CONTAINER_ALL_APPS = -104; public static final int CONTAINER_WIDGETS_TRAY = -105; public static final int CONTAINER_BOTTOM_WIDGETS_TRAY = -112; public static final int CONTAINER_PIN_WIDGETS = -113; public static final int CONTAINER_WALLPAPERS = -114; public static final int CONTAINER_SHORTCUTS = -107; public static final int CONTAINER_SETTINGS = -108; public static final int CONTAINER_TASKSWITCHER = -109; // Represents any of the extended containers implemented in non-AOSP variants. public static final int EXTENDED_CONTAINERS = -200; public static final int CONTAINER_UNKNOWN = -1; public static final String containerToString(int container) { switch (container) { case CONTAINER_DESKTOP: return "desktop"; case CONTAINER_HOTSEAT: return "hotseat"; case CONTAINER_PREDICTION: return "prediction"; case CONTAINER_ALL_APPS: return "all_apps"; case CONTAINER_WIDGETS_TRAY: return "widgets_tray"; case CONTAINER_SHORTCUTS: return "shortcuts"; default: return String.valueOf(container); } } public static final String itemTypeToString(int type) { switch(type) { case ITEM_TYPE_APPLICATION: return "APP"; case ITEM_TYPE_FOLDER: return "FOLDER"; case ITEM_TYPE_APPWIDGET: return "WIDGET"; case ITEM_TYPE_CUSTOM_APPWIDGET: return "CUSTOMWIDGET"; case ITEM_TYPE_DEEP_SHORTCUT: return "DEEPSHORTCUT"; case ITEM_TYPE_TASK: return "TASK"; case ITEM_TYPE_QSB: return "QSB"; case ITEM_TYPE_APP_PAIR: return "APP_PAIR"; default: return String.valueOf(type); } } /** * The screen holding the favorite (if container is CONTAINER_DESKTOP) *


*/ public static final String SCREEN = "screen"; /** * The X coordinate of the cell holding the favorite * (if container is CONTAINER_HOTSEAT or CONTAINER_HOTSEAT) *


*/ public static final String CELLX = "cellX"; /** * The Y coordinate of the cell holding the favorite * (if container is CONTAINER_DESKTOP) *


*/ public static final String CELLY = "cellY"; /** * The X span of the cell holding the favorite *


*/ public static final String SPANX = "spanX"; /** * The Y span of the cell holding the favorite *


*/ public static final String SPANY = "spanY"; /** * The profile id of the item in the cell. *

* Type: INTEGER *

*/ public static final String PROFILE_ID = "profileId"; /** * The appWidgetId of the widget * *


*/ public static final String APPWIDGET_ID = "appWidgetId"; /** * The ComponentName of the widget provider * *


*/ public static final String APPWIDGET_PROVIDER = "appWidgetProvider"; /** * Boolean indicating that his item was restored and not yet successfully bound. *


*/ public static final String RESTORED = "restored"; /** * Indicates the position of the item inside an auto-arranged view like folder or hotseat. *


*/ public static final String RANK = "rank"; /** * Stores general flag based options for {@link ItemInfo}s. *


*/ public static final String OPTIONS = "options"; /** * Stores the source container that the widget was added from. *


*/ public static final String APPWIDGET_SOURCE = "appWidgetSource"; public static void addTableToDb(SQLiteDatabase db, long myProfileId, boolean optional) { addTableToDb(db, myProfileId, optional, TABLE_NAME); } public static void addTableToDb(SQLiteDatabase db, long myProfileId, boolean optional, String tableName) { db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE " + (optional ? " IF NOT EXISTS " : "") + tableName + " (" + getJoinedColumnsToTypes(myProfileId) + ");"); } // LinkedHashMap maintains Order of Insertion @NonNull private static LinkedHashMap getColumnsToTypes(long profileId) { final LinkedHashMap columnsToTypes = new LinkedHashMap<>(); columnsToTypes.put(_ID, "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY"); columnsToTypes.put(TITLE, "TEXT"); columnsToTypes.put(INTENT, "TEXT"); columnsToTypes.put(CONTAINER, "INTEGER"); columnsToTypes.put(SCREEN, "INTEGER"); columnsToTypes.put(CELLX, "INTEGER"); columnsToTypes.put(CELLY, "INTEGER"); columnsToTypes.put(SPANX, "INTEGER"); columnsToTypes.put(SPANY, "INTEGER"); columnsToTypes.put(ITEM_TYPE, "INTEGER"); columnsToTypes.put(APPWIDGET_ID, "INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT -1"); columnsToTypes.put(ICON, "BLOB"); columnsToTypes.put(APPWIDGET_PROVIDER, "TEXT"); columnsToTypes.put(MODIFIED, "INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"); columnsToTypes.put(RESTORED, "INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"); columnsToTypes.put(PROFILE_ID, "INTEGER DEFAULT " + profileId); columnsToTypes.put(RANK, "INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"); columnsToTypes.put(OPTIONS, "INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"); columnsToTypes.put(APPWIDGET_SOURCE, "INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT -1"); return columnsToTypes; } private static String getJoinedColumnsToTypes(long profileId) { return getColumnsToTypes(profileId) .entrySet() .stream() .map(it -> it.getKey() + " " + it.getValue()) .collect(Collectors.joining(", ")); } /** * Returns an ordered list of columns in the Favorites table as one string, ready to use in * an SQL statement. */ @NonNull public static String getColumns(long profileId) { return String.join(", ", getColumnsToTypes(profileId).keySet()); } } /** * Launcher settings */ public static final class Settings { public static final String LAYOUT_DIGEST_KEY = "launcher3.layout.provider.blob"; public static final String LAYOUT_DIGEST_LABEL = "launcher-layout"; public static final String LAYOUT_DIGEST_TAG = "ignore"; } }