/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.launcher3.anim; import android.graphics.Path; import android.view.animation.AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator; import android.view.animation.AccelerateInterpolator; import android.view.animation.DecelerateInterpolator; import android.view.animation.Interpolator; import android.view.animation.LinearInterpolator; import android.view.animation.OvershootInterpolator; import android.view.animation.PathInterpolator; import com.android.launcher3.Utilities; /** * Common interpolators used in Launcher */ public class Interpolators { public static final Interpolator LINEAR = new LinearInterpolator(); public static final Interpolator ACCEL = new AccelerateInterpolator(); public static final Interpolator ACCEL_0_5 = new AccelerateInterpolator(0.5f); public static final Interpolator ACCEL_0_75 = new AccelerateInterpolator(0.75f); public static final Interpolator ACCEL_1_5 = new AccelerateInterpolator(1.5f); public static final Interpolator ACCEL_2 = new AccelerateInterpolator(2); public static final Interpolator DEACCEL = new DecelerateInterpolator(); public static final Interpolator DEACCEL_1_5 = new DecelerateInterpolator(1.5f); public static final Interpolator DEACCEL_1_7 = new DecelerateInterpolator(1.7f); public static final Interpolator DEACCEL_2 = new DecelerateInterpolator(2); public static final Interpolator DEACCEL_2_5 = new DecelerateInterpolator(2.5f); public static final Interpolator DEACCEL_3 = new DecelerateInterpolator(3f); public static final Interpolator ACCEL_DEACCEL = new AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator(); public static final Interpolator FAST_OUT_SLOW_IN = new PathInterpolator(0.4f, 0f, 0.2f, 1f); public static final Interpolator AGGRESSIVE_EASE = new PathInterpolator(0.2f, 0f, 0f, 1f); public static final Interpolator AGGRESSIVE_EASE_IN_OUT = new PathInterpolator(0.6f,0, 0.4f, 1); public static final Interpolator DECELERATED_EASE = new PathInterpolator(0, 0, .2f, 1f); public static final Interpolator ACCELERATED_EASE = new PathInterpolator(0.4f, 0, 1f, 1f); public static final Interpolator PREDICTIVE_BACK_DECELERATED_EASE = new PathInterpolator(0, 0, 0, 1f); /** * The default emphasized interpolator. Used for hero / emphasized movement of content. */ public static final Interpolator EMPHASIZED = createEmphasizedInterpolator(); public static final Interpolator EMPHASIZED_ACCELERATE = new PathInterpolator( 0.3f, 0f, 0.8f, 0.15f); public static final Interpolator EMPHASIZED_DECELERATE = new PathInterpolator( 0.05f, 0.7f, 0.1f, 1f); public static final Interpolator EXAGGERATED_EASE; public static final Interpolator INSTANT = t -> 1; /** * All values of t map to 0 until t == 1. This is primarily useful for setting view visibility, * which should only happen at the very end of the animation (when it's already hidden). */ public static final Interpolator FINAL_FRAME = t -> t < 1 ? 0 : 1; static { Path exaggeratedEase = new Path(); exaggeratedEase.moveTo(0, 0); exaggeratedEase.cubicTo(0.05f, 0f, 0.133333f, 0.08f, 0.166666f, 0.4f); exaggeratedEase.cubicTo(0.225f, 0.94f, 0.5f, 1f, 1f, 1f); EXAGGERATED_EASE = new PathInterpolator(exaggeratedEase); } public static final Interpolator OVERSHOOT_0_75 = new OvershootInterpolator(0.75f); public static final Interpolator OVERSHOOT_1_2 = new OvershootInterpolator(1.2f); public static final Interpolator OVERSHOOT_1_7 = new OvershootInterpolator(1.7f); public static final Interpolator TOUCH_RESPONSE_INTERPOLATOR = new PathInterpolator(0.3f, 0f, 0.1f, 1f); public static final Interpolator TOUCH_RESPONSE_INTERPOLATOR_ACCEL_DEACCEL = v -> ACCEL_DEACCEL.getInterpolation(TOUCH_RESPONSE_INTERPOLATOR.getInterpolation(v)); /** * Inversion of ZOOM_OUT, compounded with an ease-out. */ public static final Interpolator ZOOM_IN = new Interpolator() { @Override public float getInterpolation(float v) { return DEACCEL_3.getInterpolation(1 - ZOOM_OUT.getInterpolation(1 - v)); } }; public static final Interpolator ZOOM_OUT = new Interpolator() { private static final float FOCAL_LENGTH = 0.35f; @Override public float getInterpolation(float v) { return zInterpolate(v); } /** * This interpolator emulates the rate at which the perceived scale of an object changes * as its distance from a camera increases. When this interpolator is applied to a scale * animation on a view, it evokes the sense that the object is shrinking due to moving away * from the camera. */ private float zInterpolate(float input) { return (1.0f - FOCAL_LENGTH / (FOCAL_LENGTH + input)) / (1.0f - FOCAL_LENGTH / (FOCAL_LENGTH + 1.0f)); } }; public static final Interpolator SCROLL = new Interpolator() { @Override public float getInterpolation(float t) { t -= 1.0f; return t*t*t*t*t + 1; } }; public static final Interpolator SCROLL_CUBIC = new Interpolator() { @Override public float getInterpolation(float t) { t -= 1.0f; return t*t*t + 1; } }; private static final float FAST_FLING_PX_MS = 10; public static Interpolator scrollInterpolatorForVelocity(float velocity) { return Math.abs(velocity) > FAST_FLING_PX_MS ? SCROLL : SCROLL_CUBIC; } /** * Create an OvershootInterpolator with tension directly related to the velocity (in px/ms). * @param velocity The start velocity of the animation we want to overshoot. */ public static Interpolator overshootInterpolatorForVelocity(float velocity) { return new OvershootInterpolator(Math.min(Math.abs(velocity), 3f)); } /** * Returns a function that runs the given interpolator such that the entire progress is set * between the given bounds. That is, we set the interpolation to 0 until lowerBound and reach * 1 by upperBound. */ public static Interpolator clampToProgress(Interpolator interpolator, float lowerBound, float upperBound) { if (upperBound < lowerBound) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("upperBound (%f) must be greater than lowerBound (%f)", upperBound, lowerBound)); } return t -> clampToProgress(interpolator, t, lowerBound, upperBound); } /** * Returns the progress value's progress between the lower and upper bounds. That is, the * progress will be 0f from 0f to lowerBound, and reach 1f by upperBound. * * Between lowerBound and upperBound, the progress value will be interpolated using the provided * interpolator. */ public static float clampToProgress( Interpolator interpolator, float progress, float lowerBound, float upperBound) { if (upperBound < lowerBound) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("upperBound (%f) must be greater than lowerBound (%f)", upperBound, lowerBound)); } if (progress == lowerBound && progress == upperBound) { return progress == 0f ? 0 : 1; } if (progress < lowerBound) { return 0; } if (progress > upperBound) { return 1; } return interpolator.getInterpolation((progress - lowerBound) / (upperBound - lowerBound)); } /** * Returns the progress value's progress between the lower and upper bounds. That is, the * progress will be 0f from 0f to lowerBound, and reach 1f by upperBound. */ public static float clampToProgress(float progress, float lowerBound, float upperBound) { return clampToProgress(Interpolators.LINEAR, progress, lowerBound, upperBound); } /** * Runs the given interpolator such that the interpolated value is mapped to the given range. * This is useful, for example, if we only use this interpolator for part of the animation, * such as to take over a user-controlled animation when they let go. */ public static Interpolator mapToProgress(Interpolator interpolator, float lowerBound, float upperBound) { return t -> Utilities.mapRange(interpolator.getInterpolation(t), lowerBound, upperBound); } /** * Returns the reverse of the provided interpolator, following the formula: g(x) = 1 - f(1 - x). * In practice, this means that if f is an interpolator used to model a value animating between * m and n, g is the interpolator to use to obtain the specular behavior when animating from n * to m. */ public static Interpolator reverse(Interpolator interpolator) { return t -> 1 - interpolator.getInterpolation(1 - t); } // Create the default emphasized interpolator private static PathInterpolator createEmphasizedInterpolator() { Path path = new Path(); // Doing the same as fast_out_extra_slow_in path.moveTo(0f, 0f); path.cubicTo(0.05f, 0f, 0.133333f, 0.06f, 0.166666f, 0.4f); path.cubicTo(0.208333f, 0.82f, 0.25f, 1f, 1f, 1f); return new PathInterpolator(path); } }