path: root/jni
diff options
authorJeff Sharkey <>2013-02-20 21:41:29 -0800
committerJeff Sharkey <>2013-02-20 22:34:42 -0800
commit9cae0a9616b1b71eac7e762d198fe1da47fea901 (patch)
tree8638176e3aa644eb7a274387b91cd9fc985e0d16 /jni
parentd439bacee510759728accb29ba93687a4e380eb6 (diff)
Add CellRun to speed up cell rendering.
Change to using CellRun class, and ask JNI to fill it until text style changes. Switch to drawPosText(), which paints an entire run at once. Together these changes improve screen rendering times from 170ms to only 7ms! Change-Id: I62f12ffbb746c0c54191a15f395bbb80229cc959
Diffstat (limited to 'jni')
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/jni/com_android_terminal_Terminal.cpp b/jni/com_android_terminal_Terminal.cpp
index 31589aa..4a3fecb 100644
--- a/jni/com_android_terminal_Terminal.cpp
+++ b/jni/com_android_terminal_Terminal.cpp
@@ -60,15 +60,15 @@ static jmethodID bellMethod;
static jmethodID resizeMethod;
- * Cell class
+ * CellRun class
-static jclass cellClass;
-static jfieldID cellCharsField;
+static jclass cellRunClass;
+static jfieldID cellRunDataField;
+static jfieldID cellRunDataSizeField;
+static jfieldID cellRunColSizeField;
* Terminal session
class Terminal {
Terminal(jobject callbacks, int rows, int cols);
@@ -344,6 +344,7 @@ int Terminal::readLoop() {
int Terminal::resize(short unsigned int rows, short unsigned int cols) {
ALOGD("resize(%d, %d)", rows, cols);
+ // TODO: wait for resize event to propegate back from shell?
mRows = rows;
mCols = cols;
struct winsize size = { rows, cols, 0, 0 };
@@ -395,29 +396,52 @@ static jint com_android_terminal_Terminal_nativeResize(JNIEnv* env,
return term->resize(rows, cols);
-static jint com_android_terminal_Terminal_nativeGetCell(JNIEnv* env,
- jclass clazz, jint ptr, jint row, jint col, jobject cell) {
+static jint com_android_terminal_Terminal_nativeGetCellRun(JNIEnv* env,
+ jclass clazz, jint ptr, jint row, jint col, jobject run) {
Terminal* term = reinterpret_cast<Terminal*>(ptr);
+ jcharArray dataArray = (jcharArray) env->GetObjectField(run, cellRunDataField);
+ jchar* data = env->GetCharArrayElements(dataArray, 0);
+ int dataLen = env->GetArrayLength(dataArray);
+ VTermScreenCell cell;
+ memset(&cell, 0, sizeof(VTermScreenCell));
VTermPos pos = {
.row = row,
.col = col,
- VTermScreenCell termCell;
- memset(&termCell, 0, sizeof(VTermScreenCell));
- int res = term->getCell(pos, &termCell);
+ int dataSize = 0;
+ int colSize = 0;
+ while (pos.col < term->getCols()) {
+ int res = term->getCell(pos, &cell);
- //ALOGD("getCell(%d, %d, %s)", row, col, termCell.chars);
+ // TODO: terminate this loop once text style changes
- // TODO: support full UTF-32 characters
- // for testing, 0x00020000 should become 0xD840 0xDC00
+ // TODO: remove this once terminal is resized
+ if (cell.width == 0) {
+ cell.width = 1;
+ }
+ // TODO: support full UTF-32 characters
+ // for testing, 0x00020000 should become 0xD840 0xDC00
+ int size = 1;
+ // Only include cell chars if they fit into run
+ if (dataSize + size <= dataLen) {
+ data[dataSize] = cell.chars[0];
+ dataSize += size;
+ colSize += cell.width;
+ pos.col += cell.width;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- jintArray charsArray = (jintArray)env->GetObjectField(cell, cellCharsField);
- jint *chars = env->GetIntArrayElements(charsArray, 0);
- chars[0] = termCell.chars[0];
- chars[1] = 0x00;
- env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(charsArray, chars, 0);
+ env->ReleaseCharArrayElements(dataArray, data, 0);
+ env->SetIntField(run, cellRunDataSizeField, dataSize);
+ env->SetIntField(run, cellRunColSizeField, colSize);
return 0;
@@ -436,7 +460,7 @@ static JNINativeMethod gMethods[] = {
{ "nativeInit", "(Lcom/android/terminal/TerminalCallbacks;II)I", (void*)com_android_terminal_Terminal_nativeInit },
{ "nativeReadLoop", "(I)I", (void*)com_android_terminal_Terminal_nativeReadLoop },
{ "nativeResize", "(III)I", (void*)com_android_terminal_Terminal_nativeResize },
- { "nativeGetCell", "(IIILcom/android/terminal/Terminal$Cell;)I", (void*)com_android_terminal_Terminal_nativeGetCell },
+ { "nativeGetCellRun", "(IIILcom/android/terminal/Terminal$CellRun;)I", (void*)com_android_terminal_Terminal_nativeGetCellRun },
{ "nativeGetRows", "(I)I", (void*)com_android_terminal_Terminal_nativeGetRows },
{ "nativeGetCols", "(I)I", (void*)com_android_terminal_Terminal_nativeGetCols },
@@ -463,10 +487,12 @@ int register_com_android_terminal_Terminal(JNIEnv* env) {
android::bellMethod = env->GetMethodID(terminalCallbacksClass, "bell", "()I");
android::resizeMethod = env->GetMethodID(terminalCallbacksClass, "resize", "(II)I");
- ScopedLocalRef<jclass> cellLocal(env,
- env->FindClass("com/android/terminal/Terminal$Cell"));
- cellClass = reinterpret_cast<jclass>(env->NewGlobalRef(cellLocal.get()));
- cellCharsField = env->GetFieldID(cellClass, "chars", "[C");
+ ScopedLocalRef<jclass> cellRunLocal(env,
+ env->FindClass("com/android/terminal/Terminal$CellRun"));
+ cellRunClass = reinterpret_cast<jclass>(env->NewGlobalRef(cellRunLocal.get()));
+ cellRunDataField = env->GetFieldID(cellRunClass, "data", "[C");
+ cellRunDataSizeField = env->GetFieldID(cellRunClass, "dataSize", "I");
+ cellRunColSizeField = env->GetFieldID(cellRunClass, "colSize", "I");